Grayscale GSOL Solana Financials [NeoButane]This script shows Grayscale's GSOL financials based on the information from their website. Investors and traders like to use financials when making the decision to buy, sell, or hold.
This script is specific to GSOL. Investors and traders use financials when making the decision to buy, sell, or hold. How one interprets financials is up to the individual. For example, investors who believe a Solana ETF is coming soon can view the "% Discount / Premium to NAV", which is currently over 600%, and decide not to buy because the premium would collapse if an ETF began trading.
Data select the data you'd like to display.
Show Highest label show the highest value of the entire data set.
Line Color an expression of self.
Extrapolate Data Using Average or Last Known Value Shows a line beyond the dataset, using the average of all past data or the last data point to predict newer data. % Discount / Premium to NAV, Share Premium, and SOL Per Share are supported.
→Data retrieved from Grayscale
AUM assets under management.
NAV net asset value.
Market Price market price of GSOL.
Shares Outstanding number of shares held in the open market.
→Data retrieved from Grayscale, modified by me
% Discount / Premium to NAV the % away NAV is from the market price of GSOL.
Formula: (GSOL - NAV) / NAV
Share Premium the actual $ premium of GSOL to its NAV.
Formula: GSOL - NAV
SOL Per Share the amount of SOL 1 share of GSOL can redeem. This is derived using Kraken's SOLUSD daily close prices.
Formula: Kraken's SOLUSD / NAV
SOL Price Using Market Price Premium the price of SOL if GSOL's market price was "correct" and the SOL Per Share ratio remained the same.
Formula: GSOL / SOL Per Share
►How this works
Grayscale has a spreadsheet of historical data available on their GSOL page. Since financials are not available for OTC:GSOL, I placed all the data into arrays to emulate a symbol's price (y) coordinates. UNIX time for each day, also in an array, is used as the time (x) coordinates. The UNIX arrays and data arrays are then looped to plot as lines, with data y2 being the next data point, making it appear as a continuous line.
Grayscale's GSOL was downloaded spreadsheet and opened in Excel. SOLUSD prices were exported using TradingView export function. The output of information was pasted into Pine Script. For matching up Kraken's SOLUSD prices to each Grayscale's data since GSOL does not trade daily, dates were converted to UNIX and matched with xlookup(). A library or seed will be used in the future for updating.
Data retrieved from Grayscale's website 2024/08/04.
Quantity of Solana held by the trust can be seen in their filings. Ctrl + F "Quantity of
Q1 2024:
The high premium can partly be explained by private placement currently being closed. This means private sales can't dilute share value.
Ethereum ETF Tracker (EET)Get all the information you need about all the different Ethereum ETF.
With the Ethereum ETF Tracker, you can observe all possible Ethereum ETF data:
ETF name.
Share of total ETF volume.
At the bottom of the table, you'll find the ETHE Premium (and ETH per Share), and day's total volume.
In addition, you can see the volume for the different Exchanges, as well as for the different Custodians.
If you don't want to display these lines to save space, you can uncheck "Show Additional Data" in the indicator settings.
The Idea
The goal is to provide the community with a tool for tracking all Ethereum ETF data in a synthesized way, directly in your TradingView chart.
How to Use
Simply read the information in the table. You can hover above the Fees and Exchanges cells for more details.
The table takes space on the chart, you can remove the extra lines by unchecking "Show Additional Data" in the indicator settings or reduce text size by changing the "Table Text Size" parameter.
Aggregate volume can be displayed directly on the graph (this volume can be displayed on any asset, such as Ethereum itself). The display can be disabled in the settings.
Bitcoin ETF Tracker (BET)Get all the information you need about all the different Bitcoin ETFs.
With the Bitcoin ETF Tracker, you can observe all possible Bitcoin ETF data:
The ETF name.
The ticker.
The price.
The volume.
The share of total ETF volume.
The ETF fees.
The exchange and custodian.
At the bottom of the table, you'll find the day's total volume.
In addition, you can see the volume for the different Exchanges, as well as for the different Custodians.
If you don't want to display these lines to save space, you can uncheck "Show Additional Data" in the indicator settings.
The Idea
The goal is to provide the community with a tool for tracking all Bitcoin ETF data in a synthesized way, directly in your TradingView chart.
How to Use
Simply read the information in the table. You can hover above the Fees and Exchanges cells for more details.
The table takes space on the chart, you can remove the extra lines by unchecking "Show Additional Data" in the indicator settings or reduce text size by changing the "Table Text Size" parameter.
Upcoming Features
As soon as we have a little more history, we'll add variation rates as well as plots to observe the breakdown between the various Exchanges and Custodians.
The Real GBTC Premium (Capriole Investments)The real Grayscale Bitcoin (GBTC) premium / discount.
Charts the premium / discount of GBTC trust versus the Bitcoin spot price.
The GBTC premium / discount is frequently calculated incorrectly as it needs to consider the amount of Bitcoin behind each share of GBTC, which changes over time.
This indicator allows for an estimate of that change through time, a more realistic representation of 1 BTC to 1 BTC within GBTC.
If the chart is red, at a discount = can buy a synthetic Bitcoin (GBTC) at a discount to the underlying asset Bitcoin.
If the chart is green, at a premium = can buy a synthetic Bitcoin (GBTC) at a premium to the underlying asset Bitcoin.
The user should also consider that to-date, GBTC charges an annual fee which depletes the value within the GBTC trust. Grayscale wants to convert GBTC to an ETF, but its applications have so far been rejected by the SEC.
If GBTC is converted to an ETF in the future, we might expect that any GBTC discount shown here will be neutralized; potentially offering an additional return to any holder of GBTC, though this cannot be known for sure until such a conversion occurs.
BTC Premium (Grayscale & Coinbase)This indicator plots the bitcoin premium on Grayscale and Coinbase in %.
[BullShow] Gray_Hunter_Indicator_v1.0 - Legendary ProfitOver the past 10 years, the price of Bitcoin and cryptocurrency has been dominated by miners. However, since the coronavirus, as the money supply of each government increases and the value of the money decreases accordingly, institutional investors are increasingly intervening in the price of bitcoin. In particular, it is no exaggeration to say that the rise of Bitcoin in recent years was led by institutional investors.
Accordingly, in the past, the indicator of HashRate or Profitability of Mining was an important index for cryptocurrency investment, but now is the time to examine the investment movement of institutions.
This idea is an idea to follow the movement of institutional investors.
I created an index based on the correlation and disparity between the price of institutional investors and the price of bitcoin.
Accuracy increases after the corona, when institutional investors start buying in earnest.
There is no repainting on the chart.
If you are interested in my strategy, Use the link below to obtain access to this indicator or PM me to obtain access
Indicators are shared only with supporters.
Bless you and thanks all!
지난 10년동안 비트코인 및 암호화폐의 가격은 채굴자에 의해 좌지우지 되어 왔습니다. 그러나 코로나바이러스 이후 각 정부의 화폐 공급이 많아지고 그에 따라 화폐가치가 하락하면서 기관투자자의 개입이 조금씩 많아지고 있는 상황입니다. 특히 2020년 최근들어 비트코인의 상승은 기관투자자가 이끌었다고 해도 과언이 아닙니다.
이에따라 과거에는 HashRate 또는 Profitability of Mining의 지표가 암호화폐 투자에 있어서 큰 index였지만 이제는 기관의 투자동향을 보다 더 살펴야 할 때입니다.
그래서 오늘 소개 해 드리고 싶은 전략은 기관의 움직임을 추종하는 전략입니다.
기관투자자들의 매수가격과 비트코인가격의 상관관계 및 이격도를 가지고 지표를 만들었습니다.
기관 투자자들이 본격적으로 매수를 시작하는 코로나 이후 부터 정확도가 증가합니다.
차트에 리페인팅은 없습니다.
Indicator의 공유는 Supporter 분들에게만 해 드리고 있습니다.
축복합니다 언제나 승리하세요!
Indicator Information
* Indicator is only working on the time frame (not support D,W,M and Seconds)
* Initial indicator sets under 1 to buy, over 85 sell
* The accuracy and reliability of indicators rise sharply from 2020, From the point when institutional market intervention increases rapidly
* Other altcoins buy and sell at the same time frame as Bitcoin.
* 해당 인디케이터는 시간 범위에서만 작동합니다 (D, W, M 및 초는 지원하지 않음).
* 초기 지표셋팅은 1아래에서 매수, 85 이상에서 매도
* 지표의 정확성과 신뢰성은 기관의 시장 개입이 급격히 증가하는 2020 년부터 급격히 증가합니다.
* 다른 알트 코인은 비트 코인과 동시에 매매합니다.
Back Testing
Back testing start from 2020. 01 . 01
Initial_capital: 1000
percent_of_equity: 100%
Commission: 0.2%
BTCUSDT: 559.12%
ETHUSDT: 1675.08%
XRPUSDT: 1121.74%
XLMUSDT: 1003.23%
LINKUSDT: 2087.28%
LTCUSDT: 781.35%
BCHUSDT: 310.89%
BNBUSDT: 706.14%
XMRUSDT: 667.08%
DASHUSDT: 570.35%
TRXUSDT: 796.54%
ADAUSDT: 1352.74%
CIVICUSDT: 3259.17%
IOTAUSDT: 935.22%
WAVESUSDT: 4187.95%