Inter-Exchanges Crypto Price Spread Deviation (Tartigradia)Measures the deviation of price metrics between various exchanges. It's a kind of realized volatility indicator, as the idea is that in times of high volatility (high emotions, fear, uncertainty), it's more likely that market inefficiencies will appear for the same asset between different market makers, ie, the price can temporarily differ a lot. This indicator will catch these instants of high differences between exchanges, even if they lasted only an instant (because we use high and low values).
Both standard deviation and median absolute deviation (more robust to outliers, ie, exchanges with a very different price from others won't influence the median absolute deviation, but the standard deviation yes).
Compared to other inter-exchanges spread indicators, this one offers two major features:
* The symbol automatically adapts to the symbol currently selected in user's chart. Hence, switching between tickers does not require the user to modify any option, everything is dynamically updated behind the scenes.
* It's easy to add more exchanges (requires some code editing because PineScript v5 does not allow dynamical calls).
Limitations/things to know:
* History is limited to what the ticker itself display. Ie, even if the exchanges specified in this indicator have more data than the ticker currently displayed in the user's chart, the indicator will show only a timeperiod as long as the chart.
* The indicator can manage multiple exchanges of different historical length (ie, some exchanges having more data going way earlier in the past than others), in which case they will simply be ignored from calculations when far back in the past. Hence, you should be aware that the further you go in the past, the less exchanges will have such data, and hence the less accurate the measures will be (because the deviation will be calculated from less sources than more recent bars). This is thanks to how the array.* math functions behave in case of na values, they simply skip them from calculations, contrary to math.* functions.