Premium Linear Regression - The Quant ScienceThis script calculates the average deviation of the source data from the linear regression. When used with the indicator, it can plot the data line and display various pieces of information, including the maximum average dispersion around the linear regression.
The code includes various user configurations, allowing for the specification of the start and end dates of the period for which to calculate linear regression, the length of the period to use for the calculation, and the data source to use.
The indicator is designed for multi-timeframe use and to facilitate analysis for traders who use regression models in their analysis. It displays a green linear regression line when the price is above the line and a red line when the price is below. The indicator also highlights areas of dispersion around the regression using circles, with bullish areas shown in green and bearish areas shown in red.
Financial Data Spreadsheet [By MUQWISHI]The Financial Data Spreadsheet indicator displays tables in the form of a spreadsheet containing a set of selected financial performances of a company within the most recent reported period. Analyzing Financial data is one of the classic methods to evaluate whether the company’s stock price is overvalued or undervalued based on its income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. This indicator might be practical to investors to collect needed data of a company to analyze and compare it with other companies on a TradingView chart or print it in spreadsheet form.
Due to strict limitations on calling function, I tried to develop the table with the best ways to be more dynamic to move and the ability to join multiple tables into a spreadsheet. Users can add up to 20 instruments and 2 financial metrics per table. However, it’s possible to add many tables with other financial metrics, then connect them to the main table.
Credits: The idea of joining multiple tables inspired by @QuantNomad Screener for 40+ instruments
1- Moving Table toward right-left up-down from its origin.
2- Hiding Column Title checkmark. Useful for adding a joined table underneath with additional instruments.
3- Hiding Instruments Title checkmark. Useful for adding a joined table on the right with other financial metrics.
4- Shade Alternate Rows checkmark. I believe it’ll make the table easier to read.
5- Selecting Financial Period. (Year, Quarter).
6- Entering a currency.
7- Choosing a financial ID for each column. There’re over 200 financial IDs. Source: What financial data is available in Pine? — TradingView
8- Optional to highlight values in between.
9- Entering the ticker’s symbol with the ability to activate/deactivate.
For best technical performance, use the indicator in a 1D timeframe.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Multi-Polar WorldA new macro analysis tool for easily analyzing the multi-polar world's economic powerhouses / spheres of influence, making for an easy to use visual when comparing a number of statistics:
GDP, GDP per Capita, External Debt, Government Debt, Exports, Imports, Gold Reserves, Employed Persons, Military Expenditure, Population, Bank Lending Rate, Balance of Trade, Central Bank Balance Sheet, M2 Money Supply, and CPI . Includes option to provide the total for each pole, or view individually for more detailed comparison. Meant to be used when analyzing the macro-economic conditions/trends in conjunction with other "Big Picture" type indicators when adjusting your macro framework.
Fixed Quantum CDVWe took the original script Cumulative delta volume from LonesomeTheBlue, here is the link:
To understand the CDV you can watch traders reality master class about CDV.
This indicator show the ratio of vector color and the ratio of the cumulative delta volume from vector color.
First you select a date range on the chart. Then it calculate all candles in that region. Let's say there is 3 green vectors and 3 red vectors in the region, the ratio of vector color will be 50% for bull and 50% for bear vector. As for the CDV ratio, it will measure the total CDV inside green vector and total CDV inside red vector and make a ratio. But it is a little different.
I twisted the calculation for the ratio of CDV a little bit to make it more comprehensive in the table. Since it's the ratio of the CDV for the bull candles versus the bear candles, the CDV is almost always a positive number for the bull candles and almost always a negative number for the bear candle. So I calculated the bear CDV as a positive number. Formula: Bull_CDV_ratio = Bull_CDV / (Bull_CDV + Bear_CDV), Bear_CDV_ratio = -Bear_CDV / (Bull_CDV - Bear_CDV).
Note that when the bull CDV and bear CDV are both a positive number or both a negative number, the ratio percentage can be over 100% and under 0%. It means that we expect volatility.
Strategy weekly results as numbers v1This script is based on an idea of monthly statistics that have been found across tradingview community scripts. This is an improved version with weekly results with the ability to define the size of every group (number of weeks within one group).
Initial setup of the strategy
1. Set the period to calculate the results between.
2. Set the statistic precision and group size.
3. Enable "Recalculate" → "On every tick" under the strategy "Properties" section.
The logic under the hood
1. Get the period between which to calculate the strategy.
2. Calculate the first day of the first week within the period.
3. Calculate the latest day of the latest week within the period.
4. Calculate the results of the selected period.
5. Group the values by the defined number of cells.
6. Calculate the summary of every group.
7. Render the table.
Please, be careful . To use this tool you will need to enable the "Recalculate" → "On every tick" option but it means that your strategy will be executed on every tick instead of bar close. It can cause unexpected results in your strategy behaviour.
Dealar VIX Implied Range + Retracement LevelsThis Implied range Is derived by the VIX(1 sd annual +/- Implied move.)
This Indicator plots the daily Implied range, A lot of quantitative trading firms/ MM firms hedge their delta & gamma exposure around the Implied range(prop calc). I have added retracement levels as well, so you have more pivot levels.
Full Volatility Statistics and Forecast
This is a tool designed to translate the data from the expected volatility of different assets, such as for example VIX, which measures the volatility of SP500 index.
Once get the data from the volatility asset we want to measure(for this test I have used VIX), we are going to translate it the required timeframe expected move by dividing the initial value into :
252 = if we want to use the daily timeframe, since there are ~252 aproximative daily trading days
52 = if we want to use the weekly timeframe, since there 52 trading weeks in a year
12 = if we want to use the monthly timeframe, since there are 12 months in a year
For this example I have used 252 with the daily timeframe.
In this scenario, we can see that we had 5711 total cnadles which we analysed, and in this case, we had 942 crosses, where the daily movement ended up either above or below the channel made from the opening daily candle value + expected movement from the volatility, giving as a total of 16.5% of occurances that volatility was higher than expected, and in 83.5% of the times, we can see that the price stayed within our channel.
At the same time, we can see that we had 6 max losses in a row ( OUT) AND 95 max wins in a row (IN), and at the same time in those moments when the volatility crosses happen we had a 0.51% avg movements when the top crossed happened, and 0.67% avg movements when the bot happened.
Lastly on the second part of the panel, we had E which means the expected movement of today, for example it has 61.056$ , so lets say price opened on 4083, our top is 4083 + 61 and our bot is 4083 - 61 ( giving us the daily channel). At continuation we can see that overall the avg bull candle os 0.714% and avg bear candle was 0.805% .
I hope this tool will help you with your future analysis and trades !
If you have any questions please let me know !
Relevant Populations GroupedUSPOP Same idea as my previous grouped GDP indicator but now population sizes. Goes to show how a small portion of the world is responsible for most of what we consider economic productivity.