Theo watchtrend
Hello trading friends,

This is an education trend for BTC Depending on backtesting.
Those trading for years know that trading has different cycles - and for those that invest for the long term want to be into the green cycle, and end the trading on the red cycle - their high goal is not to trade but building capital.

Backtesting of the BTC chart shows different cycles, like the ones here below in the cycle model example.

As you can see above into the chart - those following a cycle system wait for some time as months before canceling the cycle, This is also the best investing way. It's also low stress and all are managed before taking any long-term cycle order.

Most will ask how to find a cycle trend this depending on monthly expecting.

If you see for example The next month did make a confirmation above the last month, then it's interesting to check why this happen, this is only a small reason for starting a new cycle, but there is a need for more to confirm.
the cycle like following the interest of the project and also counting with TA.

Month 3
is very important in the cycling world. this month makes in most time a difference into a trend. These are also for the month may as confirmation.


Every whale wants to connect with other whales to be a powerful whale. some whales know each other. but some whales not, but even then they can meet each other with no word on the trading connecting world. They have learned the code of the chart. what means some times a chart shows a way of trending where the whales get a signal that the trend looks to breakdown or to increase by other whales. I have seen personally many patterns that come seem out, and I believe they work on the chart code.

What I mean with the code is this could be a number, that come by any crash trends, and also on another trend of the way with the star move that a trend makes.

Not anyone can win into trading - because when you win someone else loses. but you can win as a group and that's the goal of whales. so connecting them together is them a most important goal, even they can't see each other.

When its possible to make good profits?

The most users that did make good profits are those who did hold the cycle of the green trend of the crash. this hodl should be not more than 10% of your totally assets. and also most check to the price of coins, it's more important to check to the project and the market cap. also, a trend that ends most time into profit is buying when there is a crash trend. also, dollar cost avenge has a good option for the long term.

We can read more books about how to manage our losses and all things, but if we don't change ourselves it will be always the same. so it's important to change ourselves first.

Hope that I have given a small view about cycles trends, that's interesting to read self more about it.

# The goal of whales into breakdown trends to let you feel there is a new bull trend coming - making fake pump trends that end with crash trends - this happened into backtesting of history more times as the chart shows - so not every pump are real, and not every breakdown trend. but one thing is confirmed more times when there is high fomo know its a very risky zone. because whales - market makers should take the profits. there is not a chart that is going only up.

Have a great day - which you best trades coming time.

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