Theo UnknownUnicorn29592158
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Check previous idea from the bottom projecting DXY back to 102.
Dxy back to 102

This is looking good and the upwards targets are now 105.5 range near at the current yearly high. The 101.5 resistance was blasted through and the initial arrow up is playing out as a trend line nicely.
Once the next level around 102 hits the last level gained needs to hold on a retrace for continuation.
Daily closures over the 102 level on the DXY will send this to the next target with reactions at the levels in between.
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Dear traders, be aware for potential pullback as noted prior to pump above level of interest to area possible for retrace
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the arrow up from 99.4 i drew retracing after 102 continues to look like a trendline.
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retracing as expected
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somehow the language in the last comment got broken.
the arrow up from $99.4 on the DXY has been acting as a trendline.
It hit 102 as expected and is retracing. want to see the last level gained to hold on a bigger retrace
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A larger pullback than initially charted is possible.
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if the 101.54 level cannot hold we may be in for a larger retracement before continuation.

at ones own risk:reward.
nothing is financial advice ever.
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Dear traders,

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We may be in for a larger retracement to the previous level without closing on this level for dailys
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looking for this reaction intraday for original plan to continue playing for the DXY to continue to 103 and then 105.

It is possible as mentioned few times prior that if this current level/range marked does not hold after sending that we maybe in for a larger retrace to the 100.7 range.
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nonsense meme line down to previous level gained to retest if it does not hold
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Dear traders,

Bounce so far as expected.
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Good Day.

Looking good for 105 by next week.
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Either I'm blinded by bias or this is going to play as expected.
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at ones own risk:reward.
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Dear traders.

Good Evening and Good Day, DXY Moving up as expected.
105 this week still anticipated.
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my arrows from the bottom on DXY back to 103 played out as expected.
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105 may take a few weeks if we don't get a big move above the next level soon
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Dear Traders,

DXY Doctor here with an update.
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DXY to 105 before petering out again
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retest what was gained first apparently
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shorting is an inherently low iq activity.
i dont even like saying shorting.
at ones own risk to reward.

I think we get a retrace here essentially to retest the range to the left in green. similar to the arrow. possible to bounce at one of the hand drawn horizontal lines, however back to weekly fair value gap is my bias.
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dropping down to 100 as a rock would not be surprising
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Good day.
102.39 likely will have some reaction, if its worth the time to buy for a scalp back to the failure is at each persons risk to reward.

However I would expect a larger retrace here coming over the next little while as there was failures to gain & close above as previously expected for continuation up and has since developed intraday pa failures indicating downside incoming to previous swings/levels denoted to test for support or potential failure.

More detailed update later.
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last update looking wrong.
unless we fail 103.44 should continue to 105.
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call me nate diaz, ciz I'm not going to be surprised when this is 105
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eh yo - i'm not surprised motherfuckers
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Dear traders.

The initial unpublished idea of 99 back ot 105 played out in the
dxy back to 102, and
dxy bullish to 105
posts to a T.

105.17 target hit

Check previous ideas.
DXY to 104 and possibly higher

DXY to $102

DXY to $102

the updates and posts in between this and the target to 100/99 was on discord
Dxy back to 102

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DXY probably going to continue up.
I don't even think FOMO has been reached yet.

Some people are now starting to worry DXY is bullish and denied it being bullish the whole way up.

There is sometime left for more up before they flip bullish right before a retrace.
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looking for 107.5 on the DXY before stalling or retracing now
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probably going to 107.x then retrace to 103.
100% will do that if vip groups are waiting for 107 to hit to get bullish
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Good Morning Traders,

The people that missed the whole bullish move are certain the move up are finished for now.
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They didn't know back then, and they still don't know now.
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Good Afternoon Traders,

Bearish divergence on the 4 hour starting to play out.
This may retrace to 50% range of bullish recent range.
Close to the 107.5 target before retracing to 103ish expected price action.

That does not mean I was right from the bottom all the way up and that move will play out.
It means it has a less than zero chance of playing out depending on market participants. However I'm still sticking with that.

At ones own risk:reward.
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Surprise surprise

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Bearish div
failure to close above next level to gain

LOOKS like potential retrace to recent levels gained.
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the party is over. GGs

New update and new idea closer to the completion of retracement of recently gained levels
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The weekly closing below the .38 level is the obverse of the previous bullish close over the .38 highlighted.
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Without the next weekly closing over 104.95 then it's not looking great short term.

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Bearish div playing out as anticipated

Possibly will post updated idea next week.
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No update yet.
This is all I'm watching currently.
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Potential for bounce once the low that sent price up is run, if it does expecting a rejection at the previous higher level failed and down further to retest what was gained, specifically the 103range previously mentioned before we topped out at 106.9 and printed bearish divergence.

Update will follow.
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there is the bounce as expected.
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wait for failure to gain, rejection, loss of levels.
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for clarity. this is what your looking for when looking to buy a retest of a range low.
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loss of low that sent price up, and regain with strength (closing green above level)

The next only question is if the potential move up is worth it r:r for your system.
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New idea will be posted once DXY has a clear path for next move.
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Good Morning traders,

Down down down.
That's the forecast for the DXY.

It's been down down down since I posted on Oct 4th about bearish divergence and failure to gain and close above levels.

I'll post an idea before the bottom.
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From the bottom to the top.

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The bottom to long, the top at ones own r:r
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Dear Traders,

Good Evening,
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level of interest at this point in time.
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Good Afternoon Traders,

Not much of an update for you
this is all I am looking at currently.

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Many blessings
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Here is a more zoomed out view.

Same thing I said before is how I see this playing out.
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Levels of interest as said previously have not changed and are shown on the chart here for reference. Nothing has happened to invalidate the idea at this point in time.
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Good Morning traders,

Need 4hr and daily closures over 107.5 for continuation to 110 or else down
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Looks like that was the top so far.
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Small update.
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as of right now nothing else is of interest besides this level.
I do not care what the price does in between now and later as long as it keeps playing out as expected.

Stay tuned.
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Good Afternoon Traders,

Here is some food for thoughts on price action.
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The same things highlighted on the chart with text that happened in the past annotated with flags and text inverted and regular with descriptive text of what happened - are repeating again now, based on the same things.

Inducement and retail reactions aside, the price action highlighted is a major mover of general price, more explanation of price action to follow.
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Market Cipher B gave a bullish buy signal as highlighted here.
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If your going to get MarketCipher, I can get you a code.

Bullish div signal = lower low in price while momentum makes a higher high.
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Good Morning Traders,

PA Update for you. More of the same.
But the more I show it to you the easier it will be to see it.

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The previous annotations regarding what your looking for as a signal to buy on price action - Is what is happening now regarding the move up.

Loss of level
New Low lower than the low that sent price up
Regain of level

You want to buy before it pumps, if you buy a falling knife or the regain of the level is up to you, the only consideration next is if the risk to reward is worth it.
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Dear Traders,

I stream nonsense and video gaming on twitch sometimes.
If you had any questions or wanted me to check out a chart stop by twitch.tv/suprdavit

Have nice day
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Good Morning,

Looks like its going to mess about with this same range for another while
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Good Day Traders,

Hoping to post another idea when the DXY is getting close to bottom.
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Its possible we are close.
Maybe new update today or before Wednesday.
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The most immediate line and rectangle the PA within possible to be range to hold and send back to the failure.
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At ones own risk to reward always, however one potential way to play this would be to go long once price regains the eql ssl new low bullish line back to the failure.
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If that winds up being the bottom back to the failure, I will not post a new idea until a more prolonged move is possible.
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Thinking this will wind up being the basis for the new idea at the bottom.
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No longer expecting a bounce of interest from this range.

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New idea posted when this range is near or touches.
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Not now and never financial advice, however I do not believe these are the lows you are looking for.

Bigger retracement incoming, even if delayed.
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down down down
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Good Afternoon Traders,

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Zoomed in slightly.
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I had some ideas drawn and words written, but I think simple charts is interesting as well.
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The next move up will be beautiful
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if they can push it and start closing above the lines it is possible.
I'm not seeing anything to say up yet - I could be wrong though.
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down down down
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Have a nice weekend.
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If you have trouble seeing bullish or bearish price action - try inverting your chart (right click on price axis and select invert, same to undo)

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I think this next bottom could potentially send the DXY to over 109.
New idea incoming soon.
Maybe tonight, tomorrow, or the following day.
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GodBless and Good Sunday Traders,
Expecting a leg down and this range to send it back up.
May take some time down in this area.
Next update will be a link to the new DXY idea.
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The orange level price is testing now is the key level I'm anticipating to see a reaction from - Ideally same as mentioned previously regarding new lows being bullish.
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as expected that first range never gave a significant bounce and price dumped upon opening. not many steps left before up.
The next update will be in 12-16 hours from now and will be a new idea.
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Good Evening traders,
I'm busy today and for the next little while. I want to post a new idea at the bottom but I may not have time.

As expected, there is the loss of the level marked in orange.
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getting there but still expecting a bit lower.
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the bearish 4hr div at the top played out and retraced to 50% of recent range.
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looking good
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expecting a bit more down, then fake out and regain of the orange level lost
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Good Evening Traders.

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Not much words to go with these at this point in time.
Potentially that could have been the bottom.
Potentially, the weekly wick may trade again, with another dip below the current swing low.
At ones own R:R.
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Dear Traders.
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Zooming in on levels of current bottom next to the levels marked before the retracement happened.

new idea posted -> Check out my idea "DXY Up or Die"

Give the ideas a like if its useful.

Have a nice night
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New idea on DXY here ->
DXY to 113 - B U L L I S H
Beyond Technical AnalysisDXYLONGstrongbuyTrend Analysis

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