Multi-interval analysis:

On the one-year time frame, buyers reacted and the maximum price of the Friday session was broken. There was an inter-interval sequence: reaction to the level from D1 - Return to the value zone from the H1/M30 interval - continuation?

Scenarios for the session on Tuesday:

Continuation of growth with the goal of testing July vwap around 624.

There, you should be careful about the possibility of sellers appearing there.

If buyers maintain the advantage after the vwap test, their target will be the prices from scenario 4 in the run-up to the week. The assumption of this scenario is to return to the balance level of the current month around 640. The next target for buyers will be MVah around 677.

If sellers enter the market after the July vwap test around 624, their first goal will be to bring the price down to the MVal level around 572.

This decline may continue, which will confirm that Monday's session was a "branding" of positive sentiment.
Trend Analysis

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