GBP/USD Short, EUR/GBP Short and EUR/USD Short

Theo StewySongs
Cập nhật

Minimum entry requirements:

• If 3 touch 1H continuation or 2 touch 1H continuation with 3 touch structural approach, 15 min risk entry within it.


Minimum entry requirements:

• 1H impulse down below area of value.

• If 2 touch 15 min continuation, 5 min risk entry within it, or reduced risk entry on the break of it.


Minimum entry requirements:

• 1H impulse down below area of interest.

• If 2 touch 5 min continuation, reduced risk entry on the break of it.

• If 2 touch 15 min continuation, 5 min risk entry within it, or reduced risk entry on the break of it.
Bình luận
"The predominate underlying force behind most traders' actions causing prices to move is fear — the fear of missing out (competing for the supply) and the fear of loss."
Bình luận
"By making the connection between what we believe and what we experience, it will be a lot easier to change what we experience by learning how to manipulate our beliefs."
Bình luận
"When you understand how any number of typical market-related fears operate in your life and learn to release yourself from them, you will, in effect, be separating yourself from the "crowd.""
Bình luận
"In the market environment you are free to act or not to act; the markets cannot do anything to you that you don't allow, even if it is out of ignorance or a complete sense of powerlessness."
Bình luận
"What could be threatening about the market? Nothing, if you had the confidence and completely trusted yourself to act appropriately under any given set of market conditions."
Bình luận
"If you really want to understand the market's behavior to anticipate what it will do next, then you will first have to learn about and understand the underlying forces beneath your own behavior and how you process and manage information."
Chart PatternsdaytraderdaytradingForexforextraderforextradingtradetradertradingtradingforexTrend AnalysisWave Analysis

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