
After my civil war post... Let's talk about WW3.

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MrRenev Cập nhật   
TIME FOR SOME MORE APOCALYPSE SCENARIO AND FEAR! Best traders are best risk managers (that the non-initiated see as "overly pessimistic") so you better listen up.

There won't be much TA here (only TA is what we know about the US indices and most of that is not even TA).
This will disapoint most of the retail but the thing is you cannot evaluate the long term with TA... No one ever did that.
TA is for short term mostly, and has very little importance (but not zero) long term.

This rambling is all raw, didn't try summing it up or making it clear or anything. You can just read it in diagonal you should get what I mean.
Well, the people that misunderstand every thing all the time will misunderstand, and those that interpret correctly will understand anyway,
so either way won't make a difference. Sorry for the textwall :p

It's old news but remember that "21% of students / students that took loans (can't remember) used the loan to buy cryptos".
The student debt problem was already bad enough with lives ruined (so not worth alot of the time), but with this it is squared.
1 in 5 student is an absolute imbecile. Well, it fits with a gauss curve, that's the 1 standard deviation from average, makes sense. Illegal, immoral, stupid.

You got those huge numbers, + Beyond Meat Tesla Uber, all these hype companies that are not close to being profitable (10% of those might go somewhere but it is not relevant here).

I think this will make the next recession just so much worse.
With the "regular" stock market alone, I might be wrong but I got the impression there is not a mania as big as 1929, buuuut at the same time there was only something like 10% of US citizen in the stock market and now there are 50% or more, and with Robinhood it is even worse, so what I am trying to say is the mania doesn't look as bad but it could very well be (also history compresses events same way as watch a foreign country news and you get the impression everything is on fire all the time but when you are there it's not 247 fireworks you know).

But with:
- how strong socialist ideas are ALREADY
- how many people are going to get REKT with IPOs Bitcoin Cryptos...
- the wage gap, debt and all that stuff
- socialists control EVERYTHING except the PRESIDENCY:
* the house of representatives
* even in the senate I guess
* universities
* the media
* the "herd" "global" opinion of what is right and wrong
* big tech

Divide is growing bigger and bigger as the left pushes for more body freedoms.
There are pedo scandals again and again.
And now that homosexuals, transexuals, aborters, everyone has full rights and even priviledges,
we are (really) seing "LGBTQP" P stands for pedo and this is where the conservatives draw the line.
It's all about "how much more can they take before they explode".

If it looks like I take a side, I am not. I think it is clear I am extremely arrogant with a ginormous ego :p.
I see myself above everyone and god chosen one. When things are "too extreme" I notice of course, and cannot support that.

It is clear things are scary.
And if I was euro-white living in the US I would be worried.
I'm mixed race (but really my race is superbeing) so maybe whatever happens either way I am fine OR either way I'm ending in a camp :D
I love coinflip.

It is not just in the USA really... (the divide and strong hate)

WW3 probably starts and happens in europe mostly, again.
In europe you got (correct me if I am wrong):

- A centrist or balanced gov. in france (they'll surrender anyway so it is not relevant)
- Socialists in sweden, denmark, germany (germany is "half" socialist jsut like 1939 with the "national-socialists" sigh)
- I do not know about Italy, they have "issues with racism" (or maybe that's the socialists speaking?) but also alot of "social justice" stuff. So idk.
- UK right to far-right
- Poland Hungary conservative/far right
- RUSSIA conservative
- Turkey I think far left is on the rise? Maybe far left?
- This is hard I need to hire people to analyse this stuff xd When I make it big I'll start a business with a risk management team a politics team and others
- North Africa got rid of the islamists and are not crazy in the far left ideas
- It all can change of course, but I think this is the most likely direction we are going to
- Young generations are all either far left or far right

Each side thinks they must save the world from the "tiranny" of the other side.
The most ridiculous are germans. I just can smell it.
"NAZI germany was an awful part of our past, let's never do this again. Oh look, these anti-white socialist ideas are really awesome, and their hate the mean evil anti-jew socialist nazi just like us. For the fight against nazis that had the same ideas as us but in our case it's different we shall do it!"
I think we can talk of mental retardation at that point...

Here are the relevant military powers:

So pretty much same teams as WW1 & WW2. UK will defend its land by itself, and only allies fighting the germany axis "some random word so it does not sound as bad"-socialists are going to be the soviet union & north africa. Again.
Poland invaded on day 1. France surrenders instantly. Italy joins the axis of "good guys for equality and fair distribution of wealth HAHA NICE ONE PLEASE KILL YOURSELVES" OR surrenders instantly. Thanks for playing.

Ah 1 difference. Now the USA, the strongest military in the world might be on Germany side. Hurrah...
And europe did not give much importance to their military because "it's fine the us got our backs".
It can be built up prett fast thought.
The USA probably if things go this far will have their hands full with civil war. Gee if the socialists win thought, they will want to start a reign of terror upon the world, freedoms? Forget about those. The west falls.
Our only realistic hope is - giggle - RUSSIA. Can you imagine!?
WW3 will be fun.

I thought of something funny, or let's say interesting.
Something like 35% of regular us citizen and >60% of experts whatever that means think a civil war is likely in the next 5 years, so people calling me crazy paranoid and conspiracy nuts for saying it is possible are saying 1 third of americans are crazy soooo, technically they are more conspiracy nuts than me :D

WW1 = trenches
WW2 = cancer
WW3 = urban & technological warfare

Europeans are sick of large wave of migrants, the USA too, japan not yet but just wait, china is just doing their thing being a cancerous regime that crushes hong kong rebellion etc, the left and right are hating each other more and more, centrists are considered far right, any one that disagrees with the left is a "horrible person" "YOU RACIST" goodbye freedom.

Middle east full war with israel. Sub Saharan africa is full of ebola and ethnic wars, most racist people on the planet (in great part due to the arbitrary border design). India is overpopulated, overpolluted, their ecology is rekt (example: no more vultures which were their only barrier against plagues). So... there is nowhere left to go. Checkmate.
You got Switzerland, they are even handing out free bunkers. And Australia NZ. And islands in the pacific with as a bonus far away from nuclear fallout.

Seriously, it is incredibly naive to think there won't be wars.
There have been wars from hundreds of thousands of years not kidding.
And after each war "never again" and blah blah blah.
It's just the same story. People have not experienced something in their lifetime, think it won't ever happen.
Just think about it. For HUNDRED OF THOUSANDS OF YEARS, rince and repeat "never again" "oh here we go again".
It's like a returning joke at that point.

Of course there will still be big wars. Lmao the delusion of the people that think there won't be.
It's just so dumb. I have no words. I can't explain it, just. so. dumb.

Everything is short term anyway. Especially unsustainable socialist regimes.
And you can even profit or at least protect yourself from it.
The difference now is nukes. Yikes. So as long as we do not destroy the planet... it's fine really.

All that can be done is be prepared for the worse cases scenarios:
I already said what assets were good in my previous doom scenario idea (focusses on the us civil war):
- Physical gold & silver
- Property
- A bunker with food maybe a guard dog or 2 if you can afford it, because your wealth is worth zero to you if you are dead.

Civil war or not, europe WW3 or not, having property and physical gold may be important now, because governements are all devaluing their currencies, printing imaginary fake money out of thin air, negative rate bonds, stock market is in a bubble with the spear tip crypto aka imaginary magic beans money (even worse than central bank ponzi fiat) that clearly shows things have gotten crazy with the general economy, you could call it a symptom.

There is probably going to be a big storm, worse than we ever seen. And almost 100% sure there will be something between economic recession as big as 2008 and complete collapse of modern western society + WW3 + nuclear warfare.

I want to show this:

Right now, unless something crazy happens, the gold uptrend is very early. It could go down again before going up, who knows what crazies in central banks will do, but all rates yields curves are negative, it's crazy already.

It is not a guarentee dumb speculative get rich quick money will rush in like in 2010-2011, but this is definitely the sign for me that it's time to consider getting out.
Always fine to get out a bit early. That's what smart money does, while morons laugh at them (they're laughing at goldman sachs on twitter for taking profit on crypto "before the very top").
Right now dumb money is excited by crappy worthless companies IPOs and cryptoponzis, and laughing at gold and silver small gains. If it's anything below 100% they do not care.
Bình luận:
Oh right I almost forgot, gold disbelief naysayers are telling us that gold is not scarce there is plenty in the sea and in space (alot of those are promoting limited supply Bitcoin).

I have to adress this.

My answer to these people is:

Bình luận:
At the Black Church PAC forum in ATL yesterday:
Bernie - crazy - Sanders is prepared to go to world war 2 - er I mean world war 3 - to fight international jewery - er I mean white supremacy.

Bernie Sanders never had the "black vote" that he longs for (guy that says we are all equal is treating a group of people differently and trying to get "that minority vote").

Right now he does not have these votes, they are not gullible enough. But let this bubble grow just a bit more (and with it inflation of the actual cost of living without an increase in wages) as well as the wealth gap bubble, and hey? You'll get them gullible enough.

If my sources are correct, California (big democrat state since mass immigration) has now lost its middle class and only has a few very rich people at the top, and a big base of poor people. Noticed how "social justice warrioring" they were? Go figure...
An economy cannot run with rich and poor on each side and no one between. Ask Latin America countries.
Not just they'll want to revolt and have all sorts of idiotic far left ideas ("Uh it didn't work the past 15 times it has been tried, but I heard Sweden was socialist for less than 10 years and their country hasn't collapsed yet, let's try it!"); but who is going to buy anything if most people are so poor?
Nothing gets made nothing gets bought...

And soon you'll have ruined roads and buildings that no one is taking care of, and wellfare no go zone states that the federal governement needs to take care of - sending cargo planes to drop food to...
Like in some Zombie Movies and games (check Dying Light). Clans start to form up and whoever has access to food and medicine the gov dropped has all the power.

Things are accelerating, 5 years ago it had begun already but the USA were far from being that crazy.
Recently things have gone way crazier.
Oh my, are they going to want to bring "social justice" to the world the same way they "brought democracy to Iraq"?

With every passing week, both a civil war and a global war in the next 15 years seem more likely.
Bình luận:
The Ice Age Arrives: Average Sovereign Yield Outside The US Turns Negative For The First Time Ever.
Bình luận:
Germany just found out "refugees" regularly go on vacation to the place where they are persecuted and afraid of. They just found out they got scammed in a "I have nothing left I had to flee give me free stuff and pay my bills" scheme.
Even alot of refugees openly say they came for free stuff.

Also germany has printed moar negative bonds.
Also germany aging population.

Now this could get interesting... Well fed rich fat lazy germans are gentle cucks.
But when they start getting broke... Well let's just say they become a little cranky ;)

WW3 gonna be lit.

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