Halberd Corp.
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Theo headdeveloper33
· Current Price – $0.0419

· Best Case Scenario PT over 1$

· Market Cap – $11 million

· Debt – 0

Halbert Corporation

Are a biomedical company with a clear aim to revolutionize the world of medicine. They are working towards a creation of variety of antibodies and treatments using extracorporeal techniques (outside of body). They believe they have the technology to cure diseases like, Covid-19, PTSD, Cancer, CTE, tuberculosis, malaria, strokes and heart attacks, blood sepsis, Alzheimer’s Disease.

In the last 8 months they have secured 7 provisional patents (which give the global rights) to technology of treating severe Covid-19 patients, Covid-19 nasal spray, antibody cocktail to boost immune system against Covid - 19 and recently developed two new antibodies that no other big pharma has, which allows them detect Covid-19 in matter of minutes using saliva or blood samples. Furthermore, are working with GRPS to develop anti-addiction patches (alcohol, drugs, nicotine).

To achieve their further goals they have carefully selected to partner with Arizona State University (who have won the first place in innovation for the last 6 years going in the USA, higher than MIT or Stanford). This partnership has already delivered amazing milestones and they are already working towards filing for new joint provisional patents. Halbert has 0 debt, yes ZERO and been receiving funding in 2 million chunk donations due to promising results. Halberd’s corporate charter also prohibits them from issuing any kind of convertible financial instrument, debt or preferred stock, however the corporation shall be able to issue warrants or options.

Management team has extensive experience and contacts in the medical/pharmaceutical fields as well as a demonstrated track record of launching new business ventures in a competitive environment.

Furthermore, the ultimate catalyst, which seems quite likely is for Halbert to partner or licence their technology to one of the big pharma as the CEO, William has mentioned so on multiple occasions. In the past, he has been approached by the big pharma (Pfizer and Novartis), and hopes the same will happen with their revolutionary technology.

Issued Patents

2014 - Sequential Extracorporeal Treatment of Bodily Fluids

2015 - Utilization of Stents for the Treatment of Blood Borne Carcinomas

Provisional Patents

11/2020 - Fluorescent Antibody’s in Covid-19 Detection & Treatment

10/2020 - Medication For The Reduction Of Morbidity And Mortality In Persons Infected By Sars-Cov-2 (Covid-19 Virus).

10/2020 - Method For Treating And Curing Covid-19 Infection By Utilizing Radiofrequency Extracorporeally To Eradicate The Virus

09/2020 - Nasal Spray To Prevent The Transmission Of Covid-19 Between Humans

04/2020 - Method for Treating and Curing Covid-19 Infection by Utilizing a Laser to Eradicate the Virus

04/2020 - Method for Treating Covid-19 Inflammatory Cytokine Storm for the Reduction of Morbidity and Mortality in Covid-19 Patients

03/2020 - Method for Treating and Curing Covid-19 Infection

Future Patents

During podcasts and interviews the CEO said he will announce another 2 patents soon. They are waiting to achieve provisional status to ensure the technology is safe. Further patents are in the pipeline as CEO’s devised a strategy to secure as many patents as they can, of which they could then either licence or partner on developing on joint ventures with big pharma.

Upcoming Catalyst 2021

· 2 patent provisional applications yet to be announced

· Development of antibody cocktail vitamins to boost immune system against Covid-19 (Q2 launch and start to generate revenue)

· Development of Covid-19 Nasal Spray

· Commercial development of Covid-19 test using saliva or blood (takes only a minute no nasal swap which is uncomfortable)

· Patent Licencing to other pharma companies – they produced antibodies that are stronger than some of the big pharma

· Partnerships and joint ventures with other organizations

· Discovery of new treatments and patent fillings

· Further development of extracorporeal technology to treat cancer, PTSD, Alzheimer’s, blood sepsis, CTE

· Anti-addiction patches

Sociability Factor

In penny stock market, especially during current times (rise of social media and social traders) the CEO’s or the organization being sociable, sharing achievements, milestones, ethos and so on can have a massive impact on the share value. In this regard, Halberd’s corporation in my view would score high points. They tend to release anywhere between 2/5 press releases a month in which various milestones would be announced via text, video interviews or podcasts.

Senior Leadership Team

The CEO’s aim was to ensure that they develop a very cohesive team of talented people to achieve greatness. Here below I have listed a few KEY members including bio snapshots.

Business Advisory Board

The CEO – based on the videos and podcasts that are available (6+) of William A. Hartman sounds very ambitious and driven on a mission to be the best in the industry and revolutionize medicine.

He believes Halberd corporation share value should be worth $1 per share. This may sound like very ambitious venture for some, however, let us not forget he founded and headed separate business group within TRW Automotive with plants in the U.S., Mexico and Europe that produced combined annual sales of $1.3 Billion – this shows extreme capability. He has also worked as COO for Nanologix, Inc, President and CEO of Premier Biomedical. I would recommend checking out any of his interviews to feel his passion.

Carl Eller - retired NFL Pro Football Hall of Famer, and President of the NFL Retired Players Association, was drafted in 1964 as the league’s 6th pick overall by the Minnesota Vikings, he became a major factor as a defensive end with the unit known as the “Purple People Eaters.” Eller became a six-time Pro Bowl player who appeared in four Superbowls and is currently focused on helping former players transition into retirement.

Alec Torelli - is an entrepreneur, author, motivational speaker and professional poker player who has worked with various companies to apply his life experiences/lessons from poker, in a practical manner, to carry out their corporate visions, increase sales and/or improve service delivery while creating meaningful lives for their employees.

Scientific Advisory Board

Mitchell S. Felder, MD - is a prolific inventor. He is a Board Certified Neurologist and former CEO, President, Chairman and founder of Infectech and Nanologix, and currently serves as Locum Tenens Attending Neurologist with UPMC Pennsylvania

Dr. Felder has authored or co-authored six publications, three studies and has currently 21 issued patents. Dr. Felder was the Acting Chief of the Department of Neurology, Sharon Regional Health System from 1989 until 2001. Dr. Felder served as the Acting Chief of the Department of Neurology at the William Beaumont Army Medical Center in 2011.

Dr. Qiang (Shawn) Chen, who is the Principal Investigator at ASU, in charge of the research and development for Halberd Corp:

Take a look at his research projects over the last 4-5 years and you see why this HALB/ASU cooperation is a marriage made in heaven. Only weeks ago, Halberd signed another R&D-agreement with GreenBioAZ inc, it's a start up from Arizona State University and will do research for Halberd's radiofrequency technology. Dr. Chen is CEO of GreenBioAZ

Patricio Reyes, MD, FAAN - a board certified neurologist and neuropathologist, and Chief of Neurology/TBI/Alzheimer’s Disease/Cognitive Disorders at the VA Medical Center in Phoenix, Arizona and is a Board Member of the Retired National Football League Players Association. Dr. Reyes is a board member, and former Chair of the Education Committee and 2009 Distinguished Educator of the Association of Ringside Physicians. HALB has access to the VA Hospital Group because of Dr. Reyes.

Timeline of Key Press Releases

I have gone through the list of all of their press releases (they post regularly) and compiled key updates here below:

April 6, 2020 - Halberd announces agreement to retire 192,000,000 outstanding common shares and reduced authorized shares of common stock to 1,000,000,000.

April 8, 2020 – Halberd, Premier Biomedical (BIEI) and Gold River Productions (GRPS) announce the signing of a multi-faceted agreement for ongoing R&D into a potential treatment and cure for Covid-19 as well as development of Premier’s Anti-Addiction Patch.

July 1, 2020 - Halberd establishes United Kingdom subsidiary to facilitate access to European research facilities and markets to establish a global footprint.

July 13, 2020 - Halberd’s corporate charter prohibits it from issuing any kind of convertible financial instrument, debt, or preferred stock.

August 4, 2020 - Halberd secures $2 Million for Covid-19 Research

August 31, 2020 - Halberd signed an agreement with Arizona State University (ASU) to conduct sponsored research to develop Halberd’s Covid-19 treatments.

September 21, 2020 - Covid-19 Research Program Progress – Successful Covid Spike Protein Disease Antigen

September 24, 2020 - Successful creation of a fluorescent antibody, that will help them create a rapid Covid-19 test using saliva or a drop of blood. This approach will allow for accurate test results in a matter of minutes – believe travel industry may benefit from this approach.

October 8th, 2020 – CEO’s letter of updates and accomplishments

October 13, 2020 – Halberd and ASU Develop Antibody Against Covid-19, pursuing new joint patent.

October 19, 2020 – in process to filing a new joint patent with AUS for creation of a new class of anti-Spike protein monoclonal antibodies against Covid-19. This protein will allow extremely rapid identification of the Covid-19 virus in nasal mucus, saliva, and blood.

October 29, 2020 – Strategic plan curing blood sepsis, Alzheimer’s Disease, Heart Attack and Stroke using extracorporeal process

November 12, 2020 – Patent pending for Covid-19 detection test from saliva or blood in minutes.

December 1, 2020 – Halberd re-organizes advisory board.

December 17, 2020 - Halberd Corporation Pursues Extracorporeal Radio Frequency Treatment Against Covid-19

December 23, 2020 - Halberd Produces a Second Monoclonal Antibody Against Covid-19 Spike Protein – “Mathematically speaking, if each is 90% effective independently, then, absent any interrelationship of the two applications, the combination should be 99% effective. In other words, the prospect of obtaining diagnostic test false positives or false negatives is substantially reduced when antibodies work in tandem”

January 4, 2021 - Halberd Corporation 2020 Year End CEO Letter, looking forward to 2021

January 14, 2021 - Halberd Develops Medication to Boost Immune System Against Covid-19

February 16, 2021 - Halberd has engaged GreenBioAZ to conduct laboratory testing of Halberd’s patent pending Radio Frequency (RF) extracorporeal treatment to eliminate infectious disease.

March 2, 2021 - Halberd’s 2nd Proprietary Antibody Against SARS-COV-2 Spike Protein Demonstrates Neutralizing Affinity 20 Times Greater - “We are excited about the progress being made in developing Halberd’s effective proprietary antibodies against Covid-19. These results put our antibody in the same realm of effectiveness as the best-known competitive SARS-COV-2 antibodies.

Since posting links may take an excessive amount of space here, you can find all the press releases here and search by date, plenty more to see that are not included in my post -

Hope people found this helpful and I look forward to seeing what the future holds for HALB!
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