
Positional View for all NIFTY 50 Stocks for Jan 22 2021

NSE:NIFTY   Chỉ số Nifty 50
Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 517.85
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if ADANIPORTS closes below 540.79

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 215.20 Profit per share with 15 Winning Trades and 6 loss Trades. 71.43% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 04-JAN-2021 to 07-JAN-2021 -2.12
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 10.42
Sell 11-JAN-2021 to 13-JAN-2021 -4.47
Buy 13-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 12.59
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 10.64

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 2615.00
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if ASIANPAINT closes below 2710.49

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 984.16 Profit per share with 9 Winning Trades and 2 loss Trades. 81.82% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 21.97
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 04-JAN-2021 193.88
Sell 04-JAN-2021 to 05-JAN-2021 -12.19
Buy 05-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 63.80
Sell 12-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 215.33

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 663.55
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if AXISBANK closes below 670.91

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 269.64 Profit per share with 12 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 80.00% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 30-DEC-2020 to 05-JAN-2021 -5.46
Buy 05-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 25.13
Sell 06-JAN-2021 to 07-JAN-2021 -6.48
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 17.35
Sell 14-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 14.95

Current Position is Buy, bought on 08-JAN-2021 at 3469.00
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if BAJAJ-AUTO closes below 3701.20

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 922.05 Profit per share with 13 Winning Trades and 1 loss Trades. 92.86% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 17-DEC-2020 to 18-DEC-2020 13.24
Buy 18-DEC-2020 to 21-DEC-2020 45.82
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 61.75
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 05-JAN-2021 235.47
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 31.25

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 8430.81
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if BAJAJFINSV closes below 8902.25

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 4827.92 Profit per share with 8 Winning Trades and 1 loss Trades. 88.89% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 04-JAN-2021 180.72
Buy 04-JAN-2021 to 05-JAN-2021 -45.31
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 07-JAN-2021 74.69
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 275.32
Sell 11-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 664.52

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 4765.10
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if BAJFINANCE closes below 5028.76

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 2692.51 Profit per share with 13 Winning Trades and 4 loss Trades. 76.47% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 31-DEC-2020 to 07-JAN-2021 226.18
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 -17.20
Sell 11-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 22.99
Buy 12-JAN-2021 to 13-JAN-2021 -22.64
Sell 13-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 237.08

Current Position is Sell, sold on 18-JAN-2021 at 595.05
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if BHARTIARTL closes above 592.90

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 222.43 Profit per share with 15 Winning Trades and 4 loss Trades. 78.95% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 30-DEC-2020 20.53
Sell 30-DEC-2020 to 01-JAN-2021 4.31
Buy 01-JAN-2021 to 05-JAN-2021 1.43
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 -1.99
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 18-JAN-2021 79.06

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 413.00
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if BPCL closes below 406.04

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 195.59 Profit per share with 14 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 82.35% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 15-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 30.43
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 05-JAN-2021 20.99
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 07-JAN-2021 1.50
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 29.36
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 7.81

Current Position is Buy, bought on 21-JAN-2021 at 3604.70
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if BRITANNIA closes below 3619.00

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 288.97 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 4 loss Trades. 73.33% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 18-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 94.24
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 31-DEC-2020 -54.26
Sell 31-DEC-2020 to 07-JAN-2021 20.65
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 88.11
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 43.41

Current Position is Sell, sold on 21-JAN-2021 at 823.32
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if CIPLA closes above 827.63

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 262.97 Profit per share with 13 Winning Trades and 2 loss Trades. 86.67% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 05-JAN-2021 45.43
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 07-JAN-2021 -1.21
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 23.19
Sell 12-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 46.79
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 16.92

Current Position is Sell, sold on 21-JAN-2021 at 139.49
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if COALINDIA closes above 139.56

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 53.43 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 5 loss Trades. 68.75% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 05-JAN-2021 2.36
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 07-JAN-2021 0.16
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 9.02
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 4.67
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 -1.36

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 3590.54
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if DIVISLAB closes below 3584.55

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 1440.96 Profit per share with 16 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 84.21% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 1.02
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 07-JAN-2021 16.40
Sell 07-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 35.55
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 0.73
Sell 11-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 241.44

Current Position is Sell, sold on 15-JAN-2021 at 5286.11
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if DRREDDY closes above 5114.60

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 1363.09 Profit per share with 12 Winning Trades and 4 loss Trades. 75.00% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 16-DEC-2020 to 21-DEC-2020 152.27
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 84.18
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 12-JAN-2021 273.29
Sell 12-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 81.34
Buy 14-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 -23.94

Current Position is Buy, bought on 21-JAN-2021 at 2896.00
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if EICHERMOT closes below 2913.57

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 1224.35 Profit per share with 7 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 70.00% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 25-Nov-20 to 15-DEC-2020 228.76
Buy 15-DEC-2020 to 21-DEC-2020 31.97
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 30.80
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 15-JAN-2021 428.76
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 -38.78

Current Position is Sell, sold on 20-JAN-2021 at 138.48
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if GAIL closes above 136.36

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 71.71 Profit per share with 9 Winning Trades and 5 loss Trades. 64.29% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 11-DEC-2020 to 21-DEC-2020 3.77
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 7.90
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 15-JAN-2021 25.24
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 2.35
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 -1.32

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 1006.53
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if GRASIM closes below 1008.90

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 382.08 Profit per share with 17 Winning Trades and 2 loss Trades. 89.47% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 31-DEC-2020 to 01-JAN-2021 -2.51
Buy 01-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 94.32
Sell 14-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 3.90
Buy 15-JAN-2021 to 18-JAN-2021 1.05
Sell 18-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 16.47

Current Position is Sell, sold on 14-JAN-2021 at 1040.38
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if HCLTECH closes above 1002.00

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 290.15 Profit per share with 16 Winning Trades and 4 loss Trades. 80.00% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 18-DEC-2020 to 21-DEC-2020 -8.99
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 6.61
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 06-JAN-2021 105.60
Sell 06-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 9.85
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 65.48

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 2594.53
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if HDFC closes below 2643.40

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 1171.53 Profit per share with 10 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 76.92% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 24-DEC-2020 16.49
Buy 24-DEC-2020 to 06-JAN-2021 205.50
Sell 06-JAN-2021 to 07-JAN-2021 -35.00
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 13-JAN-2021 57.41
Sell 13-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 132.88

Current Position is Sell, sold on 20-JAN-2021 at 1495.45
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if HDFCBANK closes above 1483.40

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 518.01 Profit per share with 12 Winning Trades and 2 loss Trades. 85.71% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 15-DEC-2020 to 18-DEC-2020 48.60
Sell 18-DEC-2020 to 24-DEC-2020 37.71
Buy 24-DEC-2020 to 01-JAN-2021 39.55
Sell 01-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 -0.77
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 63.45

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 696.25
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if HDFCLIFE closes below 698.37

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 198.57 Profit per share with 10 Winning Trades and 6 loss Trades. 62.50% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 11.68
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 07-JAN-2021 77.25
Sell 07-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 -3.84
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 4.37
Sell 12-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 23.52

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 3176.30
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if HEROMOTOCO closes below 3237.70

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 920.81 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 4 loss Trades. 73.33% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 04-JAN-2021 to 05-JAN-2021 34.01
Buy 05-JAN-2021 to 07-JAN-2021 -4.28
Sell 07-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 -8.99
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 166.51
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 60.21

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 246.50
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if HINDALCO closes below 246.57

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 100.31 Profit per share with 13 Winning Trades and 8 loss Trades. 61.90% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 29-DEC-2020 to 31-DEC-2020 -2.72
Buy 31-DEC-2020 to 05-JAN-2021 12.14
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 -3.39
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 5.87
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 13.31

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 2342.00
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if HINDUNILVR closes below 2351.99

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 607.89 Profit per share with 14 Winning Trades and 5 loss Trades. 73.68% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 06-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 52.10
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 22.42
Sell 12-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 23.59
Buy 14-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 -9.91
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 36.93

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 539.00
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if ICICIBANK closes below 547.48

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 147.49 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 8 loss Trades. 57.89% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 14.19
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 01-JAN-2021 31.96
Sell 01-JAN-2021 to 04-JAN-2021 -2.14
Buy 04-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 21.48
Sell 14-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 14.78

Current Position is Sell, sold on 21-JAN-2021 at 934.60
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if INDUSINDBK closes above 940.73

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 532.00 Profit per share with 13 Winning Trades and 7 loss Trades. 65.00% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 05-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 32.71
Sell 08-JAN-2021 to 13-JAN-2021 8.17
Buy 13-JAN-2021 to 18-JAN-2021 25.06
Sell 18-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 16.94
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 -7.45

Current Position is Buy, bought on 20-JAN-2021 at 1330.33
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if INFY closes below 1330.96

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 334.44 Profit per share with 14 Winning Trades and 5 loss Trades. 73.68% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 -3.28
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 06-JAN-2021 100.98
Sell 06-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 4.73
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 72.72
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 20.65

Current Position is Sell, sold on 15-JAN-2021 at 102.07
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if IOC closes above 98.17

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 35.92 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 2 loss Trades. 84.62% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 11-DEC-2020 to 17-DEC-2020 1.88
Sell 17-DEC-2020 to 24-DEC-2020 5.62
Buy 24-DEC-2020 to 05-JAN-2021 3.19
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 -0.64
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 8.43

Current Position is Sell, sold on 20-JAN-2021 at 217.33
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if ITC closes above 216.25

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 78.40 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 1 loss Trades. 91.67% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 23-DEC-2020 to 31-DEC-2020 2.78
Sell 31-DEC-2020 to 01-JAN-2021 0.09
Buy 01-JAN-2021 to 05-JAN-2021 2.55
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 8.17
Buy 12-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 13.05

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 386.20
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if JSWSTEEL closes below 390.02

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 155.95 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 78.57% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 17-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 13.62
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 05-JAN-2021 44.94
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 -0.13
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 0.67
Sell 14-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 14.16

Current Position is Sell, sold on 21-JAN-2021 at 1866.20
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if KOTAKBANK closes above 1878.63

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 621.45 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 8 loss Trades. 57.89% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 -12.00
Sell 11-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 67.13
Buy 14-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 -11.49
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 25.28
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 10.10

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 1340.05
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if LT closes below 1361.45

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 387.81 Profit per share with 10 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 76.92% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 -4.87
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 51.22
Sell 11-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 1.96
Buy 14-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 4.53
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 25.61

Current Position is Sell, sold on 21-JAN-2021 at 815.47
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if M&M closes above 818.69

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 200.04 Profit per share with 9 Winning Trades and 8 loss Trades. 52.94% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 36.83
Sell 12-JAN-2021 to 13-JAN-2021 -7.75
Buy 13-JAN-2021 to 18-JAN-2021 20.45
Sell 18-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 -12.46
Buy 20-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 -5.02

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 7900.00
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if MARUTI closes below 7998.29

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 1962.57 Profit per share with 12 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 80.00% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 17-DEC-2020 to 30-DEC-2020 253.51
Buy 30-DEC-2020 to 07-JAN-2021 111.56
Sell 07-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 8.56
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 436.24
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 136.24

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 17730.00
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if NESTLEIND closes below 17657.06

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 2564.08 Profit per share with 12 Winning Trades and 4 loss Trades. 75.00% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 24-DEC-2020 to 30-DEC-2020 175.52
Buy 30-DEC-2020 to 06-JAN-2021 94.30
Sell 06-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 275.85
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 67.65
Sell 12-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 571.85

Current Position is Sell, sold on 20-JAN-2021 at 98.55
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if NTPC closes above 97.43

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 36.84 Profit per share with 15 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 83.33% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 1.81
Sell 11-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 -0.46
Buy 12-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 1.14
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 2.76
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 0.28

Current Position is Sell, sold on 21-JAN-2021 at 96.98
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if ONGC closes above 97.17

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 37.14 Profit per share with 10 Winning Trades and 8 loss Trades. 55.56% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 04-JAN-2021 to 05-JAN-2021 2.07
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 -2.78
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 5.26
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 6.26
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 -0.92

Current Position is Sell, sold on 20-JAN-2021 at 196.58
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if POWERGRID closes above 197.64

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 50.89 Profit per share with 14 Winning Trades and 5 loss Trades. 73.68% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 01-JAN-2021 to 04-JAN-2021 0.07
Sell 04-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 0.55
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 18-JAN-2021 12.68
Sell 18-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 4.41
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 -0.26

Current Position is Buy, bought on 18-JAN-2021 at 1955.49
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if RELIANCE closes below 2085.71

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 601.36 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 6 loss Trades. 64.71% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 31-DEC-2020 to 08-JAN-2021 56.78
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 -5.31
Sell 11-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 5.54
Buy 12-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 25.54
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 18-JAN-2021 -15.24

Current Position is Sell, sold on 21-JAN-2021 at 892.43
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if SBILIFE closes above 892.40

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 251.36 Profit per share with 9 Winning Trades and 5 loss Trades. 64.29% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 05-JAN-2021 60.45
Sell 05-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 -4.12
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 19.41
Sell 12-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 31.19
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 -6.37

Current Position is Sell, sold on 21-JAN-2021 at 298.88
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if SBIN closes above 300.26

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 147.54 Profit per share with 12 Winning Trades and 2 loss Trades. 85.71% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 23-DEC-2020 to 08-JAN-2021 25.07
Sell 08-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 2.13
Buy 12-JAN-2021 to 18-JAN-2021 15.62
Sell 18-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 2.18
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 1.23

Current Position is Sell, sold on 20-JAN-2021 at 24058.19
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if SHREECEM closes above 24038.40

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 6412.42 Profit per share with 14 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 82.35% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 30-DEC-2020 to 31-DEC-2020 481.44
Sell 31-DEC-2020 to 06-JAN-2021 225.70
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 1396.33
Sell 11-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 1599.42
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 125.97

Current Position is Sell, sold on 20-JAN-2021 at 594.01
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if SUNPHARMA closes above 593.58

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 272.12 Profit per share with 14 Winning Trades and 2 loss Trades. 87.50% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 16-DEC-2020 to 17-DEC-2020 -0.00
Sell 17-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 17.76
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 12-JAN-2021 61.29
Sell 12-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 30.27
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 7.11

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 251.50
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if TATAMOTORS closes below 282.99

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 136.52 Profit per share with 9 Winning Trades and 4 loss Trades. 69.23% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 10-DEC-2020 to 16-DEC-2020 1.14
Buy 16-DEC-2020 to 18-DEC-2020 -0.55
Sell 18-DEC-2020 to 23-DEC-2020 11.54
Buy 23-DEC-2020 to 18-JAN-2021 83.47
Sell 18-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 0.88

Current Position is Sell, sold on 21-JAN-2021 at 676.81
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if TATASTEEL closes above 680.95

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 333.52 Profit per share with 8 Winning Trades and 8 loss Trades. 50.00% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 07-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 -1.52
Sell 11-JAN-2021 to 13-JAN-2021 -9.59
Buy 13-JAN-2021 to 18-JAN-2021 -4.21
Sell 18-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 26.80
Buy 19-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 1.90

Current Position is Sell, sold on 21-JAN-2021 at 3278.92
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue SHORT and reverse to LONG if TCS closes above 3291.33

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 713.71 Profit per share with 16 Winning Trades and 5 loss Trades. 76.19% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 30-DEC-2020 83.24
Sell 30-DEC-2020 to 01-JAN-2021 37.24
Buy 01-JAN-2021 to 06-JAN-2021 175.01
Sell 06-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 -34.99
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 21-JAN-2021 188.92

Current Position is Buy, bought on 20-JAN-2021 at 1006.33
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if TECHM closes below 995.65

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 305.83 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 2 loss Trades. 84.62% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 16-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 10.59
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 31-DEC-2020 63.95
Sell 31-DEC-2020 to 04-JAN-2021 -6.80
Buy 04-JAN-2021 to 15-JAN-2021 58.52
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 34.12

Current Position is Buy, bought on 18-JAN-2021 at 1488.91
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if TITAN closes below 1513.74

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 592.10 Profit per share with 10 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 76.92% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 28.90
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 07-JAN-2021 79.68
Sell 07-JAN-2021 to 11-JAN-2021 2.90
Buy 11-JAN-2021 to 12-JAN-2021 -6.90
Sell 12-JAN-2021 to 18-JAN-2021 64.18

Current Position is Buy, bought on 19-JAN-2021 at 5402.51
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if ULTRACEMCO closes below 5509.75

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 1146.85 Profit per share with 14 Winning Trades and 5 loss Trades. 73.68% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 31-DEC-2020 to 06-JAN-2021 -82.87
Buy 06-JAN-2021 to 07-JAN-2021 11.69
Sell 07-JAN-2021 to 08-JAN-2021 -26.22
Buy 08-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 165.20
Sell 14-JAN-2021 to 19-JAN-2021 196.54

Current Position is Buy, bought on 14-JAN-2021 at 496.85
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if UPL closes below 577.05

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 222.64 Profit per share with 11 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 78.57% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 10-DEC-2020 to 18-DEC-2020 19.36
Buy 18-DEC-2020 to 21-DEC-2020 -1.91
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 15.68
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 13-JAN-2021 54.57
Sell 13-JAN-2021 to 14-JAN-2021 -1.23

Current Position is Buy, bought on 20-JAN-2021 at 437.31
Action for Next Trading Day: Continue LONG and reverse to SHORT if WIPRO closes below 442.54

Performance since 28 OCT 2020
Rs 156.04 Profit per share with 15 Winning Trades and 3 loss Trades. 83.33% Success Trades

Last 5 trade performance

Action/From date/to Date/Profit(loss) Rs per share
Sell 09-DEC-2020 to 15-DEC-2020 10.40
Buy 15-DEC-2020 to 21-DEC-2020 9.24
Sell 21-DEC-2020 to 22-DEC-2020 4.65
Buy 22-DEC-2020 to 15-JAN-2021 89.42
Sell 15-JAN-2021 to 20-JAN-2021 7.97
Thông báo miễn trừ trách nhiệm

Thông tin và ấn phẩm không có nghĩa là và không cấu thành, tài chính, đầu tư, kinh doanh, hoặc các loại lời khuyên hoặc khuyến nghị khác được cung cấp hoặc xác nhận bởi TradingView. Đọc thêm trong Điều khoản sử dụng.