SPY - NIKKEI225 - We're In The Great Depression + INCOME DATA

Theo FederalXBT
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Problem with monetary fiscal policy and debasement? your markets start to hyperinflation especially when you try to patch previous bubbles *cough* QT *cough* BTFP *cough*

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The average net yearly income of Americans during 1930 was $4,887.01
Unemployment Rate (UNRATE) 8.7%
AFTER TAX - $4,788
$4,788 in 1930 is worth $87,476.76 today
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The average net yearly income of Americans during 1933 was $4,218.40
Unemployment Rate (UNRATE) 24.9%
AFTER TAX - $4,045
$4,045 in 1933 is worth $94,935.84 today
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The average net yearly income of Americans during 2023 $74,738.
Unemployment Rate (UNRATE) 3.6%
AFTER TAX - $57,237
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CONCLUSION - The average American is 65.83% poorer than the average American during the great depression. Debasing the currency does not solve poverty and enhances it.

All of this data is from the IRS FRED seems to not provide information prior 1960 now you know why they don't include this on the charts.

Sadly I feel most people don't understand that what is coming is not a "recession" not a "08 RE crash" its going to be a foundational collapse of the entire US debt system / treasuries / stock markets / credit crisis / liquidity crisis.
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United States Government Debt: % of GDP 2023 = 133%
Japan General Government Gross Debt to GDP 1989 = 65%

Federal Debt: Total Public Debt Q1 2023: 31,458,438 or 31.4 Trillion

I'm personally putting a target for 2026 for the end of the US currency reserve system
The only option here is to either print more 100s of trillions than Weimar Germany
Or force the entire US & Allies onto a new dollar that will combine all G7 currencies.

Hopefully people can understand why there's so much controversial developments on
Russia & BRICS +, this current war is nothing to do with helping another country.
Its because BRICS see's the end of the US system and they are preparing for it.

Tax rates include normal taxes of 1.5 percent on the first $4,000 of taxable income, 3 percent on the next $4,000, and 5 percent on taxable income over $8,000, plus applicable surtaxes. Last law to change rates was the Revenue Act of 1928.
Bình luận
End thoughts technology, smart phones, computers, media, internet, did a great job distracting people since 2000 on the decline of life and allowing them to live into a fantasy land of fake lives online with zero cost of living. The god of Rerek is upon us.
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