
Scary SPX500 possibility!

TVC:SPX   Chỉ số S&P 500
As a newbie, I follow a handful of people (screened over months). One of the low profile ones is www.youtube.com/chan...umFwJwCcSjDGF8zH8Xg. If I understand him correctly, the so called Trump rally is a wave B of an expanding flat. The logic is that the moves since then all seem to be in 3 waves, and from my interpretation could be a leading diagonal.

The idea was reinforced by a recent fractal tweeted by @elroytrader (twitter.com/elroytra...s/890292230254100481) who, to me, is THE best contributor on Seeking Alpha. However, do note that this is far from his preferred count.

While this forecasts a substantial drop, perhaps the indices could revert back to pre-election levels since the expectations of policy changes may be fading.

Would love comments from ElliottWave experts on how valid/probable this count is.

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