YTD $SPY short

Theo dakotaoswald
Cập nhật
Dongo trunt flexing on China not good. Fed putting off recession as long as possible. No idea where lvls of support are. after SPY shits the bed trade deal will work itself out oof

place ur bets ladys and gents.

Giao dịch đang hoạt động
fomoed into a 12/20 325 put under 2900. i'll try to update daily if not more to show u all how much $ ima lose gambling against algos trading headlines
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Bình luận

7% return 2 days from -1% in etf price ezpz
Giao dịch được đóng thủ công
$spy swag

A: 12/20 put up 13% today @ $32.50

B: Best case scenario our contract is up 16%.

Closing this when the market opens tmrw, sitting out until spy recovers in this squeeze assuming the market is this simple-minded
Trend Analysis

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