$SPY: Fed induced rally hiccups

Theo insyyte
The 6 week rally from the low on Mar 23 appears to be digesting the gains or struggling for direction, as you see fit.

SPY ended lower for the week, down -2.65% on Friday on a very low volume day as most of the exchanges worldwide were closed for Labor day holiday. The critical 61.8% retrace and gap resistance is acting as a wall at present.

The US markets started May poorly, especially the small caps (IWM), which was trounced for -3.97%.

FED induced rally appears to be running out of steam. SPY has lost the 20 EMA. Price and momentum are diverging. Cycles are pointing to a low around 3rd week of May.

Story stocks like AMZM, ZM, TDOC, strong sectors like semiconductors (SMH) -4.71% are likely trading heavy due to anticipated 2nd round of tarriff war with China. These geo political tensions, alongwith economic devatation from Covid-19, does not bode well for the markets for the near future.

Technically the markets are showing weakness, though a supportive tweet or further FED stimulus can again rip the markets higher.
Chart Patternscovid-2019fedIWMSPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) tariffTrend Analysis

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