Cập nhật

This strategy is designed to assist in reducing ownership of assets during downward or sideways movements, thus potentially improving the profit factors of said investments over a long-time horizon.

This strategy analyzes the changes of an underlying security over multiple timeframes. It then computes a value for defining how strong or weak a specific trend may be. This is referred to as the momentum. Once the momentum is accounted for, the strengths or weaknesses can be defined as the signal. Considering the momentum and the signal, we can then define the trend. The trend is displayed through a positive and negative background (green and red). If there is no background color designation, it is a neutral trend. The specific price inflection where the trend would switch to go to neutral prior to switching direction is marked by the orange line.
After the trend is defined. We then use the VAMP ( Volatility Adjusted Market Projections) to find overbought or oversold points to enter the position. The colored bands, red being overbought, and green being oversold are displayed on the chart.
The objective of the strategy is to buy when the trend is green and the price is oversold (at the green line) or short when the trend is red and the price is overbought (at the red line).

Use the link below to obtain access to this indicator. Thank you

*This is not a strategy that claims any realized returns or an emphasis on potential returns. Any returns achieved with this strategy are not guaranteed and should not be indicative of future results. Nor should this be used as the sole decision prior to making an investment or as investment advice*
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Fixed an error in the code that improperly executed the trend changes in order.
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Fixed code structure and some minor bugs with displaying trends.
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Bug Fixes
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Includes re-calculated VAMPs for better accuracy bug fixes within the trend changes
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Bar Max Bug Fix
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bug fixes
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Trend Alert Feature Added
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Added two variables that show upside and downside to VAMPs from the current close. This is displayed next to the yellow number next to the study title in the top left corner of the chart. The numbers are shown as percents in nondecimal form. Green being upside percent and red being downside percent from current close.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Added three variables that show distance in percentage points to VAMPs and Momentum from the current close. They are shown after the plot details next to the study title in the top left corner of the chart. They are color-coded to match the studies they represent. Red (Upper end of VAMP), Green (Lower end of VAMP), Yellow (momentum). The numbers are shown as percents in nondecimal form.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Bug fixes with the percentages from VAMPs and Momentum. Lines by default will be visible on the chart. To personalize and reduce lines on charts, especially lower-priced stocks, click the gear icon of the study in the top left and then uncheck the Upside, Downside, and Momentum boxes. This allows you to only display information when you see fit.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Bug Fixes, offsets percentage plots reducing the need to enable/disable plots on lower-priced stocks.
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Bug Fix
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bug fixes
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Percent Bug Fixes
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This update includes minor adjustments to the volatility calculations in the VAMPs. There is also the option for the user to choose an Upper and Lower Range indicator in lieu or without the VAMPs. The Upper and Lower Ranges are not as aggressive as the VAMPs and tend to be touched are fewer occurrences by the underlying.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Performance tweaks for optimization.
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Updated Range Calcualtions
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Updated Ease of Use and Improved Functions
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Display Value Optimization
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Phát hành các Ghi chú
Updates/Bug FIxes
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Updated Trend Balancing Algorithm
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Tracking Algorithm Calibration
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Bug Tweaks
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The update allows for the default display of MoMo across system
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Bug fixes and trend visualization improvements.
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Optimized for Pinescript V5
Added floating table to display:
- Distance to Upper VAMP
- Distance to Lower VAMP
- Percentile of current VAMP range
- Distance to MOMO
Added VAMP Extension Functionality that allows for you to add extensions to both upper and lower VAMP based on a percentage of the current range.
- This is disabled by default. To enable go to indicator settings, Style, and then check "UV EXT" and "LV EXT"
Added functionality to create alerts based on VAMP range percentile.
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Bug fixes/user improvements
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Bug Fixes
Added Intra-Day Momentum Levels for ES and NQ Futures
Added optionality to enable Mid-VAMP plot
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Bug Fixes
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Updated display for Micro ES and NQ futures
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Adjustment allowing for input color on Intraday Momentum Levels
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Added Exhaustion Alerts (Hedgehog and Fish Tags) to charts.
Trend AnalysisVolatility

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