NicoJ Binary Oscillator

Cập nhật
This is an indicator for binary options based off an Oscillator and RSI combo, specifically built for binary options. It is different from my previous indicators, as all my previous indicators are focused on the next single candle, where the length of the trade is the same as the chart time frame (1 minute chart = 1 minute expiry), but this one plays for 5 times the chart length (1 minute chart = 5 minute expiry).

It is tweaked for 1 minute charts, but will work on any time frame, although settings will have to be adjusted if used on longer time frames.

Very simple to use. When a label appears at the bottom, call for 5 minutes at the close, and if it appears on top, put for 5 minutes. This highlighted background can be set to display or not display.

Indicator priced at $250 - mail me at for more information.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Does nothing now. Can't delete it, so I changed it.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
This is the old version of my BOP Binary Eliminator.
OscillatorsTrend Analysis

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