Cập nhật
Though about comparing different assets and measure divergence with specific period of time.

Such as...

10 year US yield and Dollar index
Dow index and Bitcoin
Stock index between different areas
Oil price with EIA inventory transition

Yes this indicator is for that purposes.

Usually indicator collect numbers from price itself and average, sum, subtract with specific period of time.

That may work if technical works.

However each asset can move with different course of reason.

This indicator enables manually pinpoint what element to compare with.

The chart showing here is just an example of USDJPY.

Setting here is to compare difference of yield between US and Japan with 10Y and 2Ys.

Of course this is not cure all type of tools nor [just drag and drop] type of stuff.

The user needs to know what asset to compare with for what reason.

However if user is already conducting macro analysis with spreadsheet fighting to compare different asset, yes this tool is for you.

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Plase pm me if you would like to use this indicator. Thank you.
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Small modification for some front end.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Tweaked a little color set and navs.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
changed user navigation for easier use.
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Minor fixes

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