TradePro B

Cập nhật
TradePro B is a combination of a momentum oscillator, a signal filter, and a volume indicator that give a total of 6 indications, 3 bullish, and 3 bearish.
It works great for finding the highest peaks, and lowest valleys of a markets volatility, as well as price traps.

The Gray and White Waves show the Momentum Oscillator which plots bullish and bearish momentum.

The Blue Waves representing the Volume Indicator, measures the positive and negative change in volume of a security over a longer-period of time,
and is a handy tool to spot divergences.

TradePro B plots visual signals for easy identification of trends. The Volume Indicator plots a Green Dot for a longer-term positive change in volume,
and a Red Dot for a longer-term negative change in volume. It also plots a Green Diamond to mark the possible end to a bearish rally, and a Red Diamond
for a possible bullish rally end, as well as Green and Red Flags for bull traps and bear traps.

A custom algorithm filters the noise, creating color coded signals that are a bright Red and Green for a stronger signal, and a faded Red and Green for a weaker signal,
giving traders an edge in identifying the momentum strength of the surrounding candles.

TradePro B is the second part of the TradePro package. Use it with TradePro B to create Trade-Hands, much like Poker-Hands, and find the perfect entry best used for
scalping and day-trading.

For more information, visit the TradePro Discord.

Link to Discord:
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Updated script, changed colors.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Update volume flow.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Update bar vol.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Update percentages.
Centered OscillatorsOscillatorsVolume

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