kosta script zidan group

Cập nhật
it is just draw gann sq9 with other way you can define the low point and high point and it will draw the rest
i am only giving this to the first group and i am still working on it to make it better and i hope i can draw the chart as expected and learned
المجموعه الاولي لذيدان
Phát hành các Ghi chú
- colores is beter now
- gann " zidan" analyes added
-refined some fields
-extra options to see the sq9 or not
- script is still under construction please let us know if you face any problem
Phát hành các Ghi chú
new options added

- draw square , traingle , circle , pentagon as angle with sub angles included
- draw vertical lines for the time and now become automaticlly if you want traingle angle it will draw 3 sqrs
and son on with 4 and 5
- some more colores added to main lines and sublines and angles
- some bugs corrected about inputing the low and high price now you have to add 0 angle and the 360 angle and he will detect automatic the trend if up or down please add the prices in exact number use zidan excel file to calculate and later we will add calc
to the script

Phát hành các Ghi chú
some bug fixed when value is less than 0
Phát hành các Ghi chú
is beter define the square lines
- if your 0 angle value is higher the your 360 angle mean trend down and will try the first 0 angle in the chart " from the right side "
- if your 0 angle value is lower than your 360 angle mean trend up and will try the first 360 angle in the chart " from the right side "
added some Arabic descriptions

note the script is still under construction and not 100% bugs free so please contact us if you find any bug or need extra option
Phát hành các Ghi chú
just small bug fixed special for zidan hoop now work will till the end of programming
Phát hành các Ghi chú
special bug discovered by abo gwairya and fixed right now please test and let us know if any bugs
Phát hành các Ghi chú
now the script will calculate automatic the 360 angle
- user can change the number of the 360 angle to any other number
- let it as 0 to get automatic calculation
- user can put deferent spaces
- user can Choose up trend or down trend
-some bugs fixed
- working on more beter results
- still the script not working for too low values " we are working on it right now "
Phát hành các Ghi chú
fixed the calculation if less than 1
small values now fully supported
Phát hành các Ghi chú
add new feature to make the space less than 0 it can be 0.01 or even 0.001

test and see if there any bugs
Centered Oscillatorsgannsq9kostaOscillatorsTrend Analysiszawayazidanzidane

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