
// version=2
study("ind4all", overlay = true)
//Hull MA
ma=plot(n1,title = "HULL MA", linewidth=3, color=c)

//Bollinger Bands
length = input(20, minval=1)
src = input(close, title="Source")
mult = input(2.0, minval=0.001, maxval=50)
basis = sma(src, length)
dev = mult * stdev(src, length)
upper = basis + dev
lower = basis - dev
p1 = plot(upper, title = "BB_UPPER", color=black, linewidth=3)
p2 = plot(lower, title = "BB_LOWER", color=black, linewidth=3)
fill(p1, p2)

// MA
plot(ema(close,6), title = "EMA 6", color = #FF9500, linewidth=3)
plot(sma(close,20), title = "SMA 20", color = blue, linewidth=3)
plot(sma(close,50), title = "SMA 50", color = blue, linewidth=3)
plot(sma(close,200), title = "SMA 200", color = red, linewidth=3)

// Parabolic SAR
start = input(2, minval=0, maxval=10, title="Start - Default = 2 - Multiplied by .01")
increment = input(2, minval=0, maxval=10, title="Step Setting (Sensitivity) - Default = 2 - Multiplied by .01" )
maximum = input(2, minval=1, maxval=10, title="Maximum Step (Sensitivity) - Default = 2 - Multiplied by .10")
sus = input(true, "Show Up Trending Parabolic Sar")
sds = input(true, "Show Down Trending Parabolic Sar")
disc = input(false, title="Start and Step settings are *.01 so 2 = .02 etc, Maximum Step is *.10 so 2 = .2")
startCalc = start * .01
incrementCalc = increment * .01
maximumCalc = maximum * .10
sarUp = sar(startCalc, incrementCalc, maximumCalc)
sarDown = sar(startCalc, incrementCalc, maximumCalc)
colUp = close >= sarDown ? lime : na
colDown = close <= sarUp ? red : na
plot(sus and sarUp ? sarUp : na, title="Up Trending SAR", style=circles, linewidth=3,color=colUp)
plot(sds and sarDown ? sarDown : na, title="Up Trending SAR", style=circles, linewidth=3,color=colDown)

Factor=input(3, minval=1,maxval = 100)
Pd=input(7, minval=1,maxval = 100)


TrendUp=close[1]>TrendUp[1]? max(Up,TrendUp[1]) : Up
TrendDown=close[1]<TrendDown[1]? min(Dn,TrendDown[1]) : Dn

Trend = close > TrendDown[1] ? 1: close< TrendUp[1]? -1: nz(Trend[1],1)
Tsl = Trend==1? TrendUp: TrendDown

linecolor = Trend == 1 ? green : red

plot(Tsl, color = linecolor , style = line , linewidth = 3,title = "SuperTrend")

plotshape(cross(close,Tsl) and close>Tsl , "Up Arrow", shape.triangleup,location.belowbar,green,0,0)
plotshape(cross(Tsl,close) and close<Tsl , "Down Arrow", shape.triangledown , location.abovebar, red,0,0)

plotarrow(Trend == 1 and Trend[1] == -1 ? Trend : na, title="Up Entry Arrow", colorup=lime, maxheight=60, minheight=50, transp=0)
plotarrow(Trend == -1 and Trend[1] == 1 ? Trend : na, title="Down Entry Arrow", colordown=red, maxheight=60, minheight=50, transp=0)

golong = Trend == 1 and Trend[1] == -1
alertcondition(golong, title='Long', message='SuperTrend V.1 Alert Long')
goshort = Trend == -1 and Trend[1] == 1
alertcondition(goshort, title='Short', message='SuperTrend V.1 Alert Short')

//Doji signals
Precision = input(0.15, minval=0.0001, title="Doji's Max Body size")
barcolor(abs(open - close) <= (high - low) * Precision ? yellow : na)

//Trend Trader Strategy
Length = input(21, minval=1),
Multiplier = input(3, minval=1)
avgTR = wma(atr(1), Length)
highestC = highest(Length)
lowestC = lowest(Length)
hiLimit = highestC[1]-(avgTR[1] * Multiplier)
loLimit = lowestC[1]+(avgTR[1] * Multiplier)
ret = iff(close > hiLimit and close > loLimit, hiLimit, iff(close < loLimit and close < hiLimit, loLimit, nz(ret[1], 0)))
pos = iff(close > ret, 1, iff(close < ret, -1, nz(pos[1], 0)))
plot(ret, color= black, linewidth=2,title="Trend Trader Strategy")

// Fast MA Vs Slow MA
fastPer = input(7, minval=1,title="Fast MM")
slowPer = input(20,minval=1,title="Slow MM")

start1 = input(2, minval=0, maxval=10, title="Start - Default = 2 - Multiplied by .01")
increment1 = input(2, minval=0, maxval=10, title="Step Setting (Sensitivity) - Default = 2 - Multiplied by .01" )
maximum1 = input(2, minval=1, maxval=10, title="Maximum Step (Sensitivity) - Default = 2 - Multiplied by .10")

fastMM = sma(close, fastPer)
slowMM = sma(close, slowPer)

ma1=plot( fastMM,color=rising(fastMM,2)?green:red,linewidth=2,transp=20,title="Fast MM")
ma2=plot( slowMM,color=rising(slowMM,2)?#F705F9:blue,linewidth=2,transp=20,title="Slow MM")

conversionPeriods = input(9, minval=1, title="Conversion Line Periods"),
basePeriods = input(26, minval=1, title="Base Line Periods")
laggingSpan2Periods = input(52, minval=1, title="Lagging Span 2 Periods"),
displacement = input(26, minval=1, title="Displacement")

donchian(len) => avg(lowest(len), highest(len))

conversionLine = donchian(conversionPeriods)
baseLine = donchian(basePeriods)
leadLine1 = avg(conversionLine, baseLine)
leadLine2 = donchian(laggingSpan2Periods)

plot(conversionLine, color=#0496ff, title="Conversion Line")
plot(baseLine, color=#991515, title="Base Line")
plot(close, offset = -displacement, color=#459915, title="Lagging Span")

p12 = plot(leadLine1, offset = displacement, color=green,
title="Lead 1")
p22 = plot(leadLine2, offset = displacement, color=red,
title="Lead 2")
fill(p12, p22, color = leadLine1 > leadLine2 ? green : red)


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