
Chart CAGR


This simple script displays in the lower-right corner of the chart the Growth Rate and the Compound Annual Growth Rate (​CAGR) between the open of the chart's first visible bar and the close of its last bar. As you zoom/scroll the chart, calculations will adjust to the chart's bars. You can change the location and colors of the displayed text in the script's settings.

If you need to calculate the ​CAGR between any two points on the chart, see our CAGR Custom Range indicator.

█ FOR Pine Script™ CODERS

Like our Chart VWAP publication, this script calculates on the range of visible bars utilizing the new Pine Script™ functions announced here and the VisibleChart library by PineCoders. It also uses the `cagr()` function from our ta library, which was recently augmented with many new functions.

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