MACD Linear Regression by zdmre

Cập nhật
Both the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) and the Linear Regression (LR) rank among the most popular momentum indicators used in trading. When used in combination with other technical indicators, both MACD and LR can offer value in validating trade opportunities to optimize your risk management practices.

While they represent a similar approach to evaluating trades, the functions of both MACD and LR are distinct, which makes them useful indicators to combine in trade evaluation. Here’s a look at how to use MACD and LR as part of your trade analysis.

***Use it at your own risk

If you have new ideas to improve this indicator then let me know please.

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Pinescript Version 5
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Added HH-HL-LH-LL for MACD.

*Can be used for divergence patterns.
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Visual optimization.
Linear RegressionMoving Average Convergence / Divergence (MACD)

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