AlphaAlpha is a measure of the active return on an investment, the performance of that investment compared to the S&P500 index, where 0.01 = 1%
alpha < 0: the investment has earned too little for its risk (or, was too risky for the return)
alpha = 0: the investment has earned a return adequate for the risk taken
alpha > 0: the investment has a return in excess of the reward for the assumed risk
[RS]Linear Regression Bands V1experiment with linear regression, the purpose was to catch break outs early, but it creates to much visual noise
same as version 0 but with added margin filter and signal to mark entrys
[RS][ALPHA]Predictive Range Analysis V0this code is untested use at your own risk...
applying timed price change over the square to predict price expansion or contraction of the range, it is not predicting the future price only the range that is possible for the price to be in within a margin of error of possibility, with that said i think its very unlikely for price to fall outside the range, due to virtual constraint applied by the auto corrective/cyclical nature of price action.