Relative Crypto Dominance Polar Chart [LuxAlgo]The Relative Crypto Dominance Polar Chart tool allows traders to compare the relative dominance of up to ten different tickers in the form of a polar area chart, we define relative dominance as a combination between traded dollar volume and volatility, making it very easy to compare them at a glance.
The use is quite simple, traders just have to load the indicator on the chart, and the graph showing the relative dominance will appear.
The 10 tickers loaded by default are the major cryptocurrencies by market cap, but traders can select any ticker in the settings panel.
Each area represents dominance as volatility (radius) by dollar volume (arc length); a larger area means greater dominance on that ticker.
🔹 Choosing Period
The tool supports up to five different periods
By default, the tool period is set on auto mode, which means that the tool will choose the period depending on the chart timeframe
timeframes up to 2m: Hourly
timeframes up to 15m: Daily
timeframes up to 1H: Weekly
timeframes up to 4H: Monthly
larger timeframes: Yearly
🔹 Sorting & Sizing
Traders can sort the graph areas by volatility (radius of each area) in ascending or descending order; by default, the tickers are sorted as they are in the settings panel.
The tool also allows you to adjust the width of the chart on a percentage basis, i.e., at 100% size, all the available width is used; if the graph is too wide, just decrease the graph size parameter in the settings panel.
🔹 Set your own style
The tool allows great customization from the settings panel, traders can enable/disable most of the components, and add a very nice touch with curved lines enabled for displaying the areas with a petal-like effect.
Period: Select up to 5 different time periods from Hourly, Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly. Enable/disable Auto mode.
Tickers: Enable/disable and select tickers and colors
🔹 Style
Graph Order: Select sort order
Graph Size: Select percentage of width used
Labels Size: Select size for ticker labels
Show Percent: Show dominance in % under each ticker
Curved Lines: Enable/disable petal-like effect for each area
Show Title: Enable/disable graph title
Show Mean: Enable/disable volatility average and select color
FVG Price & Volume Graph [LuxAlgo]The FVG Price & Volume Graph tool plot recently detected fair value gaps relative to the volume traded within their area during their formation. This allows us to effectively visualize significant fair value gaps caused by high liquidity.
The indicator also returns levels from the fair value gaps areas average with the highest associated volume.
Do note that the indicator can consider the chart's visible range when being computed, which will recalculate the indicator when the chart's visible range changes.
Fair Value Gaps (FVG) are core price action concepts occurring when the disparity between supply and demand is significant. Price has a tendency to come back to those areas and mitigating them, that is filling them.
The provided tools allow for effective visualization of both FVG's area's height as well as the volume originating from their creation, which is defined by the total traded volume located within the FVG during its creation. FVG's with more associated volume are displayed to the rightmost of the chart.
Users can determine the amount of most recent FVG's to display from the "Display Amount" setting. Disabling the "Consider Mitigation" setting will return mitigated FVGs in the plot, which can be useful to know where most FVGs were located.
We can use the area average of the FVGs with the most associated volume as potential support/resistance levels. Users can extend more FVG's averages by increasing the "Highest Volume Averages" setting.
🔹 Visualizing Volume/Price Relationships of FVG's
A linear regression is fit between FVG's areas average and their associated volume, with this linear regression helping us see where FVG's with specific volume might be located in the future based on existing FVG's.
Note that FVG's do not tend to exhibit linear relationships with their associated volume, the provided linear regression can give a general sense of tendency, but nothing necessarily accurate.
🔹 Intrabar Data TF
Given a formation of three candles causing an FVG, the volume traded within that FVG area is obtained by looking at the lower timeframe intrabar candles located within the intermediary candle of the formation. The volume of the intrabar candles located within the FVG areas is added up to obtain the associated volume of the FVG.
Using a lower "Intrabar Data TF" allows obtaining more precise volume results, at the cost of computation time and data availability (if there is a high difference between the "Intrabar Data TF" and the chart TF then less FVG can have their associated volume calculated due to Tradingview limitations).
🔹 Display
Users have access to multiple graphical settings affecting how the indicator is displayed.
The "Graph Resolution" setting determines the length of the X axis, with higher values returning more precise results on the location of FVGs over the X axis. Users can also control the number of labels displayed on the X-axis using the numerical input to the right of "Show X-Axis Labels".
Additionally, users can color FVG areas using a gradient relative to the size of the area, or the volume associated with the FVG.
Display Amount: Amount of most recent FVGs to display.
Highest Volume Averages: Amount of FVG averages levels with the highest volume to display and extend.
Consider Mitigation: Only display unmitigated FVGs.
Filter FVGs Outside Visible Range: Only display FVGs areas that are located within the user chart visible range.
Intrabar Data TF: Timeframe used to obtain intrabar data. Should be lower than the user chart timeframe.
RSI is in Normal Distribution?Does RSI Follow a Normal Distribution?
The value of RSI was converted to a value between 0~2, 2~4, ..., 98~100, and the number of samples was graphed.
The Z values are expressed so that the values corresponding to 30 and 70 of the RSI can be compared with the standard normal distribution.
Additionally, when using the RSI period correction function of the 'RSI Candle Advanced V2' indicator that I made before, it shows no change in standard deviation.
RSI는 정규분포를 따를까요
RSI의 값을 0~2, 2~4, ..., 98~100 사이 값으로 변환하고 그 표본 갯수를 그래프로 표현하였습니다.
Z 값은 RSI의 30, 70에 해당하는 값을 표준정규분포와 비교할 수 있도록 표현하였습니다.
추가적으로 제가 예전에 만들었던 'RSI Candle Advanced V2' 지표의 RSI 기간 보정 함수를 사용할 경우 표준편차의 변화가 없음을 보입니다.
MathSearchDijkstraLibrary "MathSearchDijkstra"
Shortest Path Tree Search Methods using Dijkstra Algorithm.
min_distance(distances, flagged_vertices) Find the lowest cost/distance.
distances : float array, data set with distance costs to start index.
flagged_vertices : bool array, data set with visited vertices flags.
Returns: int, lowest cost/distance index.
dijkstra(matrix_graph, dim_x, dim_y, start) Dijkstra Algorithm, perform a greedy tree search to calculate the cost/distance to selected start node at each vertex.
matrix_graph : int array, matrix holding the graph adjacency list and costs/distances.
dim_x : int, x dimension of matrix_graph.
dim_y : int, y dimension of matrix_graph.
start : int, the vertex index to start search.
Returns: int array, set with costs/distances to each vertex from start vertexs.
shortest_path(start, end, matrix_graph, dim_x, dim_y) Retrieves the shortest path between 2 vertices in a graph using Dijkstra Algorithm.
start : int, the vertex index to start search.
end : int, the vertex index to end search.
matrix_graph : int array, matrix holding the graph adjacency list and costs/distances.
dim_x : int, x dimension of matrix_graph.
dim_y : int, y dimension of matrix_graph.
Returns: int array, set with vertex indices to the shortest path.
Moving Average Slope AnalysisThis is a simple script which allows to do slope analysis on any kind of Moving Average. Simply change the moving average function that you wish to work with , in the script.
Slope analysis may be required for fine-tuning trade automation software , which uses Moving Average for determining optimum enter/exit point.
Read code comments for instructions!
Bowly J Death Metal Hyper Train Sir John Templeton
“The four most dangerous words in investing are: This time it's different.”