IU Break of any session StrategyHow this script works:
1. This script is an intraday trading strategy script which buy and sell on the bases of user-defined intraday session range breakout and gives alert(if the alert is set) message too when the new position is open.
2. It calculate the session as per the user inputs or user defined custom session.
3. The script stores the highest and lowest value of the whole session.
4. It take a long position on the first break and close above the highest value.
5. It take a short position on the break and close below the lowest value.
6. The script takes one position in one day.
7. The stop loss for this script is the previous low(if long) or high(if short).
8. Take profit is 1:2 and it's adjustable.
9. This script work on every kind of market.
How The Useful For The User :
1. User can backtest any session range breakout he wants to trade.
2. User can get alert when the new position is open.
3. User can change the Risk to Reward in order to find the best Risk to Reward.
4. User can see the highest and lowest value of the session with respect to analyzing his trading objective.
5. This strategy script highlights which session range breakout performs best and which performs worst.
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[Round Numbers] Signal Clean Up Analysis with Backtest (TSO)Round Numbers NEW GEN indicator!
This is a full-cycle trading system indicator - it will show and alert each step of the trade from open to close. The algorithm here uses Round Numbers for generating signals, TP (Take Profit) and SL (Stop Loss) levels. Round numbers play big role in trading and can easily become strong support and resistance levels where price can bounce and go the opposite way or go through with a very nice run afterwards.
In addition there is a chained (NOTE: You can select several or ALL of the features, this is not limited to either one) signal cleanup and analysis approach with scheduling and alerting capabilities. Works with most popular timeframes: 1M, 3M, 5M, 15M, 30M, 1H, 4H, D.
NOTE: Every action of the trade is calculated on a confirmed closed candle bar state (barstate.isconfirmed), so the indicator will never repaint!
NOTE: At position open - there will be calculated Take-Profit and Stop-Loss targets, however each target is considered hit, when candle bar closes breaking that target, so Take-Profit and Stop-Loss when hit will slightly differ then what you see at trade/position open.
Round Numbers up|down unit setting and overall explanation
Round Number up|down unit: is the distance between round numbers on the chart. Since these round number levels are also used by the algorithm to open/close trades, it is important to set this setting to a logical number, which will correspond to an average price movement of the instrument.
Here are some examples for a few popular instruments on what will the default 1 round number unit correspond to and what would be suggested:
BTCUSD > $1 (this won't work for Bitcoin, try at least $100 - 100units)
SPY: > $1 (one of the best settings for SPY or QQQ, 50cents shows good results as well - 0.5units)
FOREX (all major pairs): > 10PIPs (that may be a bit small, unless scalping, try 50PIPs - 5units)
Explanation of all the Features | Strategy Configuration Guide | Indicator Settings | Signal Cleanup Analysis
>>> Customizable Backtesting for a specific date range, results via TradingView strategy, which includes “Deep Backtesting” for largest amounts of data on trading results.
>>> Trading Schedule with customizable trading daily time range, automatic closing/alert trades before Power Hour or right before market closes or leave it open until next day.
>>> 3 Trading Systems.
>>> Static/Dynamic/Trailing Take-Profit and Stop-Loss setups (HIGHLIGHT: Stop-Loss will be moved to Entry after TP1 is taken or a smart trailing Stop-Loss can be used with Stop-Loss dynamically following the trade to minimize risk).
>>> Single or Multiple profit targets (up to 5).
>>> Take-Profit customizable offset feature (set your Take-Profit targets slightly before everyone is expecting it!).
>>> Candle bar signal analysis (matching candle color, skip opposite structured and/or doji candle uncertain signals).
>>> Additional analysis of VWAP/EMA/ATR/EWO (Elliot Wave Oscillator)/Divergence MACD+RSI/Volume signal confirmation (clean up your chart with indicator showing only the best potential signals!).
>>> Advanced Alerts setup, which can be potentially setup with a trading bot over TradingView Webhook (NOTE: This will require advanced programming knowledge).
Labels, plots, colors explanations:
>>>>> LONG open: green "house" looking arrow below candle bar.
>>>>> SHORT open: red "house" looking arrow above candle bar.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT take-profit target: green/red circles (multi-profit > TP2/3/4/5 smaller circles).
>>>>> LONG/SHORT stop-loss target: green/red + crosses.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT take-profit hits: green/red diamonds.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT stop-loss hits: green/red X-crosses.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT EOD (End of Day | Intraday style) close (profitable trade): green/red squares.
>>>>> LONG/SHORT EOD (End of Day | Intraday style) close (loss trade): green/red PLUS(+)-crosses.
Date Range and Trading Schedule Settings
>>>>> Date Range: Select your start and/or end dates (uncheck “End” for indicator to show results up to the very moment and to use for LIVE trading) for backtesting results, if not using backtesting – uncheck “Start”/“End” to turn it off.
>>>>> Use TradingView “Strategy Tester” to see backtesting results
NOTE: If Strategy Tester does not show any results with Date Ranged fully unchecked, there may be an issue where a script opens a trade, but there is not enough TradingView power to set the Take-Profit and Stop-Loss and somehow an open trade gets stuck and never closes, so there are “no trades present”. In such case you will need to manually check “Start”/“End” dates or use “Depp Backtesting” feature!
>>>>> Trading Schedule: This is where you can setup Intraday Session or any custom session schedule you wish. Turn it ON. Select trading hours. Select EOD (End of Day) setting (NOTE: If it will be OFF, the indicator will assume you are holding your position open until next day!). Please note the EOD trade closure times with the 2 different Intraday close settings when turned on:
At Market Close:
1/3/5min > will close at 15:55pm ET
15min > will close at 15:45pm ET
30min > will close at 15:30pm ET
45min > will close at 15:45pm ET
60min > will close at 15:00pm ET
Before Power Hour:
1/3/5min > will close at 15:00pm ET
15min > will close at 15:00pm ET
30min > will close at 15:00pm ET
45min > will close at 15:00pm ET
60min > will close at 15:00pm ET
>>> Trading Systems: 1) "Open Until Closed by TP or SL": the signal will only open a trade if no trades are currently open/trunning, a trade can only be closed by Take Profit, Stop Loss or End of Day close (if turned on) | 2) "Open Until Closed by TP or SL + OCA": Same as 1), but if there is an opposite signal to the trade which is currently open > it will immediately be closed with new trade open or End of Day close (if turned on) | 3) "OCA (no TP or SL)": There are is Take Profit or Stop Loss, only an opposite signal will close current trade and open an opposite one or End of Day close (if turned on).
>>> Turn On/Off: Current Position SL + Opposite Position Open Signal on the same closing candle bar (If current trade hits Stop-Loss and at that same closing candle bar there is a signal for an opposite direction trade > indicator will close current position as Stop-Loss and immediately open an opposite position). NOTE: With this option turned on, there will be more trades, but not necessarily better results, since after Stop-Loss is hit, it may make sense to wait a little before opening an opposite trade, even if it matches the condition at the same time when Stop-Loss is hit, but sometimes it shows great results, so this setting/feature is included. NOTE: This setting only will work/make sense with TP and SL style/behavior both be set to "Fully Closed Candle"!
>>> Turn On/Off: Turn On/Off: Current Position REGULAR SL | Only the SL + Opposite Position Open will trigger if turned on, IF NOT - THERE WILL BE NO STOP-LOSS AT ALL!!! NOTE: It is very dangerous to trade without Stop-Loss!
>>>>> Signal Candle Bar consuming Take-Profits - position/trade signal candle bar is big enough to "consume"/close ahead the first TP setting > the signal can either be skipped, or all Take-Profit areas pushed ahead using smart formula)
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT | TP (Take-Profit) System: 1) Static – Once the trade is open, all Take-Profit target(s) are immediately calculated and set for the trade > once the target(s) is hit > trade will be partially closed (if candle bar closes beyond several Take-Profit targets > trade will be reduced accordingly to the amount of how many Take-Profit targets were hit) ||| 2) Dynamic – Once the trade is open, only the 1st Take-Profit target is calculated, once the 1st Take-Profit is hit > next Take-Profit distance is calculated based on the distance from trade Entry to where 1st Take-Profit was taken, once 2nd Take-Profit is taken > 3rd Take-Profit is calculated per same logic, these are good for price momentum as with price speeding up – profits increase as well!
>>>>> MULTIPROFIT: SL (stop loss) System | Static: SL is set at position open and remains such; Dynamic: Once ANY TP is taken > SL will be moved to Entry; Trailing: SL will be moved along the position (smart trailing stop-loss), at TP1 taken > SL moves to Entry, at TP2 taken > SL moves to TP1, at TP3 taken > SL moves to TP2 and so on.
>>>>> # of TPs (number of take profit targets): Just like it is named, this is where you select the number of Take-Profit targets for your trading system (NOTE: If "OCA (no TP or SL)" Trading System is selected, this setting won’t do anything, since there are no TP or SLs for that system).
>>>>> TP(s) offset: This is a special feature for all Take-Profit targets, where you can turn on a customizable offset, so that if the price is almost hitting the Take-Profit target, but never actually touches it > you will capture it. This is good to use with HHLL (Highest High Lowest Low), which is pretty much a Support/Resistance as often the price will nearly touch these strong areas and turn around…
Dynamic/Static/Trailing Take-Profit and Stop-Loss visual examples:
1) Fully Static Take-Profit and Stop-Loss
This one is a fully static setup for both Take-Profit and Stop-Loss, you can also observe how trade is closed right before the Power Hour (trade can be closed right before Power Hour or right before Market Closes or left overnight as desired).
2) Static/Dynamic, Static Take-Profit and Dynamic Stop-Loss
You can see a static Take-Profit set at position open, while Stop-Loss moves to Entry once TP1 target is taken.
3) Static/Trailing, Static Take-Profit and Trailing Stop-Loss
In here with each Take-Profit taken, Stop-Loss moves along the trade to previous Take-Profit level, you can notice how stop-loss literally follows the trade and reduces the potential loss.
4) Dynamic/Trailing, Dynamic Take-Profit and Trailing Stop-Loss
See how Take-Profit distances increase with price momentum. Just like in previous example - Trailing Stop-Loss is following the trade and reducing the riks.
Signal Analysis and Cleanup Settings
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Candle Color signal confirmation: If closed candle bar color does not match the signal direction > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Skip opposite candle signals: If closed candle bar color will match the signal direction, but candle structure will be opposite (for example: bearish green hammer, long high stick on top of a small green square) > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Candle Analysis | Skip doji candle signals: If closed candle bar will be the uncertain doji > no trade will be open.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | EWO (Elliot Wave Oscillator) signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, EWO is green or will be at bullish slope (you can select which setting you desire), SHORT if EWO is red or will be at bearish slope.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | VWAP signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above VWAP, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | Moving Average signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above selected Moving Average, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | ATR signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, the price will be above ATR, SHORT if below.
>>>>> Divergence/Oscillator Analysis | RSI + MACD signal confirmation: LONG will only be open if at signal, RSI + MACD will be bullish, SHORT if RSI + MACD will be bearish.
>>>>> Volume signal confirmation: LONG/SHORT will only be opened with strong Volume matching the signal direction, by default, strong Volume percentage is set to 150% and weak to 50%, but you can change it as you desire.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
"TP PERCENTAGE" - amount by which current trade/position needs to be reduced/partially closed/sold.
TP System: Dynamic
"TP PERCENTAGE" - will always be the same amount (trade/position size divided by the # of take-profit(TP) targets) and percentage to be closed will always be of the ORIGINAL trade/position.
TP System: Static
"TP PERCENTAGE" - will always be the same amount IF take-profit(TP) targets are hit 1-by-1 (TP1 > TP2 > TP3 > TP4 > TP5), otherwise it will vary and unless it is a 1st take-profit(TP1), the REMAINING trade/position size will always be smaller than original and therefore the percentage to be closed will always be of the REMAINING trade/position and NOT the original one!
"TP PERCENTAGE" CheatSheet (these are the only percentages you may see)
TP PERCENTAGE---Close/Sell Amount-------------Example (trade size: 50 stocks)
20%-------------trade size * 0.2--------------50 * 0.2 = 10 stocks
25%-------------trade size * 0.25-------------50 * 0.25 = 12.5(~13) stocks
34%-------------trade size * 0.34-------------50 * 0.34 = 17 stocks
40%-------------trade size * 0.4--------------50 * 0.4 = 20 stocks
50%-------------trade size * 0.5--------------50 * 0.5 = 25 stocks
60%-------------trade size * 0.6--------------50 * 0.6 = 30 stocks
66%-------------trade size * 0.66-------------50 * 0.66 = 33 stocks
75%-------------trade size * 0.75-------------50 * 0.75 = 37.5(~38) stocks
80%-------------trade size * 0.8--------------50 * 0.8 = 40 stocks
100%------------trade size--------------------50 = 50 stocks
If for any reason a portion of the current/remaining trade closed at such occurrence was slightly wrong, it is not an issue. Such occurrences are rare and with slight difference in partial TP closed is not significant to overall performance of our algorithms.
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| *** |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alert Settings (you don’t have to touch this section unless you will be using TradingView alerts through a Webhook to use with trading bot)
Here is how a LONG OPEN alert looks like.
NOTE: Each label , , etc. is customizable, you can change the text of it within indicator Input settings.
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ENTRY: 20000
TP1: 20500
TP2: 21000
TP3: 21500
TP4: 22500
TP5: 23500
SL: 19000
Leverage: 0
Here is how a TP1 alert will look with 5 TPs breakdown of the trade.
NOTE1: Next to TP1 taken it will show at which price it was triggered.
NOTE2: Next to "TP Percentage" it shows how much of the CURRENT/ACTIVE/REMAINING trade needs to be closed.
NOTE2: If TP2/3/4/5 comes before TP1 - the alert will tell you exactly how many percent of the trade needs to be closed!
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
TP1: 20500
TP Percentage: 20%
Here is how an alert will look for LONG - STOP-LOSS.
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ENTRY: 20000
SL: 19000
Here is how an alert will look for LONG - EOD (End of Day) In Profit close.
ALERT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
LONG: EOD-Close (profit)
ENTRY: 20000
EOD-Close: 21900
Adding Alerts in TradngView
-Add indicator to chart and make sure the correct strategy is configured (check Backtesting results)
-Right-click anywhere on the TradingView chart
-Click on Add alert
-Condition: Select this indicator by it’s name
-Immediately below, change it to "alert() function calls only", as other wise there will be 2 alerts for every alert!
-Expiration: Open-ended (that may require higher tier TradingView account, otherwise the alert will need to be occasionally re-triggered)
-Alert name: Whatever you desire
-Hit “Create”
-Note: If you change ANY Settings within the indicator – you must DELETE the current alert and create a new one per steps above, otherwise it will continue triggering alerts per old Settings!
If you have any questions or issues with the indicator, please message me directly via TradingView.
Good Luck! (NOTE: Trading is very risky, past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results, so please trade responsibly!)
NOTE: There seems to be a strange glitch when strategy is running live, it will show "double-take" take-profits labels on the chart. This is not affecting the script logic and backtesting results, if you simply change the timeframe real quick to something else then back - it will no longer show the duplicate orders... this must be some sort of a glitch as every alert was thoroughly tested to make sure everything is working!
Bonsai BX (Backtester)In today's trading landscape, traders need precision and deep analytical tools to navigate the sea of strategies. The Bonsai Backtester is one such tool, meticulously designed to evaluate multiple trading strategies in an integrated manner.
🌳 Bonsai BX 🌳 Universal Strategy Testing
📘 Overview
A product of collaboration with the Bonsai community, this backtester is both a reflection of collective insights and a means to provide traders with data-driven insights on TradingView.
📌 Current Backtest
• Dataset: BTCUSD daily candles from Coinbase, starting from March 2015.
• Source Signals: The Bonsai indicator signals are employed for both long and short entries. These are directly visible on the publication chart.
• Trading Assumptions:
• Initial Capital: $1,000
• Maximum Position Size: 10% of equity per trade
• Stop Loss: 10% per position
• Commission: 0.1%
• Slippage: 100 ticks (1.00)
🛠 Key Features
The Bonsai BX is equipped with a range of features aimed at providing traders with a more comprehensive analysis environment:
Features on Chart
• External Indicator Adaptability: Easily incorporate signals from both built-in and custom TradingView indicators.
• Snapshot Table: Delivers on-the-spot insights into crucial strategy performance metrics, including equity, open profit, position size, and entry price. While these details are available in TradingView's 'Performance Summary' panel, we've integrated them directly onto the chart for a more streamlined and accessible viewing experience.
• Trade Labels: Visualize profit metrics for individual trades directly on the chart, allowing for a more immediate grasp of trade outcomes.
• Long & Short Behaviors: Modify long behaviors to either open new long positions while closing short ones, or simply to close short positions. Conversely, for short behaviors, opt to either initiate new short positions while closing any active long ones or simply close long positions.
• Multiple Signals Integration: The tool can currently handle up to three different external signals for long and short trades.
• Condition-based Initiation: Define whether longs and shorts are triggered when 'All Conditions Met' or just 'Any Single Condition Met'. This flexibility allows for a more nuanced trading approach. For example, if you're using a trade signal alongside the RSI, you can specify that a long position should only open when the trade signal is active and the RSI is below 30 at the same time. This lets you combine multiple signals or conditions for more precise trade initiation.
• TP & SL Customization:
• Single TP: Set a specific Take Profit percentage.
• SL: Define a Stop Loss percentage and choose between a standard or trailing stop.
• Trail From: Specify the starting point of the trailing stop, be it the breakeven point or a certain percentage.
• Interface Theme: Users can select between light and dark themes for their interface.
Performance and Trailing
🎛 Using Bonsai BX
1. Add it to your TradingView chart.
2. Adjust script parameters and settings. Integrate external indicator signals as needed.
3. Activate the backtester to refine trading strategies.
Backtester Settings Menu
🪝 Webhook (Beta)
The Webhook functionality, now in beta, augments the Bonsai BX utility. This feature offers a more intuitive method for users to direct webhooks to trading bots, exchanges, and brokers. It simplifies the process by eliminating the need to adjust JSON structures or other payload formats, making alert automation more accessible.
📜 Feedback & Community
The feedback from the Bonsai community has been instrumental in the tool's development and will continue to shape its evolution. As part of our commitment to adaptive, smart trading, this script will continually be updated to meet the ever-changing requirements of traders.
❗️ Disclaimer
Backtesting tools, including the Bonsai BX , simulate trading strategies based on historical data. The following key points should be kept in mind:
1. Past Performance is Not Predictive: While backtesting can offer insights, it's essential to understand that past performance does not guarantee or predict future results. Historical data might not account for future market changes or unforeseen events.
2. External Influences: Market outcomes can be significantly influenced by various external factors like geopolitical events, economic announcements, and sudden shifts in market sentiment. Such factors are often not considered in backtesting simulations.
3. Market Dynamics: Elements like market volatility, liquidity constraints, and slippage can drastically alter expected outcomes. These dynamics might not always be accurately represented in backtest simulations.
4. Limitations of Simulated Trades: Backtesting operates under the assumption that historical trends and patterns will replicate. However, market conditions evolve, and what worked in the past might not necessarily be viable in the future.
5. Informed Decisions: Always base your trading decisions on a mix of comprehensive research, current market analysis, and risk assessment. Relying solely on backtested results can lead to misconstrued perceptions and potential pitfalls.
Trading involves risks, and it's crucial to be fully informed and cautious before making any investment decisions. Always consider seeking advice from financial experts or professionals when in doubt.
Long-Only Opening Range Breakout (ORB) with Pivot PointsIntraday Trading Strategy: Long-Only Opening Range Breakout (ORB) with Pivot Points
Opening Range Breakout (ORB) is a popular long-only trading strategy that capitalizes on the early morning volatility in financial markets. It's based on the idea that the initial price movements during the first few minutes or hours of the trading day can set the tone for the rest of the session. The strategy involves identifying a price range within which the asset trades during the opening period and then taking long positions when the price breaks out to the upside of this range.
Pivot Points are a widely used technical indicator in trading. They represent potential support and resistance levels based on the previous day's price action. Pivot points are calculated using the previous day's high, low, and close prices and can help traders identify key price levels for making trading decisions.
How to Use the Script:
Initialization: This script is written in Pine Script, a domain-specific language for trading strategies on the TradingView platform. To use this script, you need to have access to TradingView.
Apply the Script: You can do this by adding it to your favorites, then selecting the script in the indicators list under favorites or by searching for it by name under community scripts.
Customize Settings: The script allows you to customize various settings through the TradingView interface. These settings include:
Opening Session: You can set the time frame for the opening session.
Max Trades per Day: Specify the maximum number of long trades allowed per trading day.
Initial Stop Loss Type: Choose between using a percentage-based stop loss or the previous candles low for stop loss calculations.
Stop Loss Percentage: If you select the percentage-based stop loss, specify the percentage of the entry price for the stop loss.
Backtesting Start and End Time: Set the time frame for backtesting the strategy.
Strategy Signals:
The script will display pivot points in blue (R1, R2, R3, R4, R5) and half-pivot points in gray (R0.5, R1.5, R2.5, R3.5, R4.5) on your chart.
The green line represents the opening range.
The script generates long (buy) signals based on specific conditions:
---The open price is below the opening range high (h).
---The current high price is above the opening range high.
---Pivot point R1 is above the opening range high.
---It's a long-only strategy designed to capture upside breakouts.
---It also respects the maximum number of long trades per day.
The script manages long positions, calculates stop losses, and adjusts long positions according to the defined rules.
Trailing Stop Mechanism
The script incorporates a dynamic trailing stop mechanism designed to protect and maximize profits for long positions. Here's how it works:
1. Initialization:
The script allows you to choose between two types of initial stop loss:
---Percentage-based: This option sets the initial stop loss as a percentage of the entry price.
---Previous day's low: This option sets the initial stop loss at the previous day's low.
2. Setting the Initial Stop Loss (`sl_long0`):
The initial stop loss (`sl_long0`) is calculated based on the chosen method:
---If "Percentage" is selected, it calculates the stop loss as a percentage of the entry price.
---If "Previous Low" is selected, it sets the stop loss at the previous day's low.
3. Dynamic Trailing Stop (`trail_long`):
The script then monitors price movements and uses a dynamic trailing stop mechanism (`trail_long`) to adjust the stop loss level for long positions.
If the current high price rises above certain pivot point levels, the trailing stop is adjusted upwards to lock in profits.
The trailing stop levels are calculated based on pivot points (`r1`, `r2`, `r3`, etc.) and half-pivot points (`r0.5`, `r1.5`, `r2.5`, etc.).
The script checks if the high price surpasses these levels and, if so, updates the trailing stop accordingly.
This dynamic trailing stop allows traders to secure profits while giving the position room to potentially capture additional gains.
4. Final Stop Loss (`sl_long`):
The script calculates the final stop loss level (`sl_long`) based on the following logic:
---If no position is open (`pos == 0`), the stop loss is set to zero, indicating there is no active stop loss.
---If a position is open (`pos == 1`), the script calculates the maximum of the initial stop loss (`sl_long0`) and the dynamic trailing stop (`trail_long`).
---This ensures that the stop loss is always set to the more conservative of the two values to protect profits.
5. Plotting the Stop Loss:
The script plots the stop loss level on the chart using the `plot` function.
It will only display the stop loss level if there is an open position (`pos == 1`) and it's not a new trading day (`not newday`).
The stop loss level is shown in red on the chart.
By combining an initial stop loss with a dynamic trailing stop based on pivot points and half-pivot points, the script aims to provide a comprehensive risk management mechanism for long positions. This allows traders to lock in profits as the price moves in their favor while maintaining a safeguard against adverse price movements.
End of Day (EOD) Exit:
The script includes an "End of Day" (EOD) exit mechanism to automatically close any open positions at the end of the trading day. This feature is designed to manage and control positions when the trading day comes to a close. Here's how it works:
1. Initialization:
At the beginning of each trading day, the script identifies a new trading day using the `is_newbar('D')` condition.
When a new trading day begins, the `newday` variable becomes `true`, indicating the start of a new trading session.
2. Plotting the "End of Day" Signal:
The script includes a plot on the chart to visually represent the "End of Day" signal. This is done using the `plot` function.
The plot is labeled "DayEnd" and is displayed as a comment on the chart. It signifies the EOD point.
3. EOD Exit Condition:
When the script detects that a new trading day has started (`newday == true`), it triggers the EOD exit condition.
At this point, the script proceeds to close all open positions that may have been active during the trading day.
4. Closing Open Positions:
The `strategy.close_all` function is used to close all open positions when the EOD exit condition is met.
This function ensures that any remaining long positions are exited, regardless of their current profit or loss.
The function also includes an `alert_message`, which can be customized to send an alert or notification when positions are closed at EOD.
Purpose of EOD Exit
The "End of Day" exit mechanism serves several essential purposes in the trading strategy:
Risk Management: It helps manage risk by ensuring that positions are not left open overnight when markets can experience increased volatility.
Capital Preservation: Closing positions at EOD can help preserve trading capital by avoiding potential adverse overnight price movements.
Rule-Based Exit: The EOD exit is rule-based and automatic, ensuring that it is consistently applied without emotions or manual intervention.
Scalability: It allows the strategy to be applied to various markets and timeframes where EOD exits may be appropriate.
By incorporating an EOD exit mechanism, the script provides a comprehensive approach to managing positions, taking profits, and minimizing risk as each trading day concludes. This can be especially important in volatile markets like cryptocurrencies, where overnight price swings can be significant.
Backtesting: The script includes a backtesting feature that allows you to test the strategy's performance over historical data. Set the start and end times for backtesting to see how the long-only strategy would have performed in the past.
Trade Execution: If you choose to use this script for live trading, make sure you understand the risks involved. It's essential to set up proper risk management, including position sizing and stop loss orders.
Monitoring: Monitor the long-only strategy's performance over time and be prepared to make adjustments as market conditions change.
Disclaimer: Trading carries a risk of capital loss. This script is provided for educational purposes and as a starting point for your own long-only strategy development. Always do your own research and consider seeking advice from a qualified financial professional before making trading decisions.
Filtered Bollinger Bands By @TradingadeThis is a reversal strategy based on Bollinger Bands combined with a Trend filter.
The most important part of this strategy is the Trend filter. When applied, it will increase the likelihood of confirming an exhausted movement (it will help find the maximum "elastic bent"), and may reduce chances of getting bad entries condition.
The logic of this code is:
Enter Long : price goes outside lower band, then close cross above lower band
Stop Loss : Percentage %
Take profit : Percentage %
Exit Cond : when high crosses above upper band. It could be both in profit or in loss.
Filter: Yesterday low was the lowest in previous X days
Enter Short : price goes outside lower band, then close cross above lower band
Stop Loss : Percentage %
Take profit : Percentage %
Exit Cond : when low crosses below lower band. It could be both in profit or in loss.
Filter: Yesterday high was the highest in previous X days
You could switch both timeframe and N. of candles in input section. Even tough generally daily data are more reliable, you could find interesting to change it to 1H tf, so filter would be:
"1H high/low was the lowest/highest in previous X hours"
EXIT Notes:
Please note that "% exits" will always override "Exit Cond".
Set % exits to 0 if you want to exit only by "Exit Cond".
Settings used to get the results below :
Initial Capital = 10000
Order Size = 10000 USDT
Commission = 0.06 %
Trend filter = True
Trend intensity = 4 Candles , TF 1 day
Lenght = 20
Source = Close
StdDev = 2
Position Side = LONG
Stop Loss % = 8
Take Profit % = 0
Exit Cond = True
Improved EMA & CDC Trailing Stop StrategyImproved EMA & CDC Trailing Stop Strategy
Objective: This strategy seeks to exploit potential trend reversals or continuations using Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) and a trailing stop based on the Chande Dynamic Convergence Divergence (CDC) ATR method.
Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs):
60-period EMA (Blue Line): Faster-moving average that reacts more quickly to price changes.
90-period EMA (Red Line): Slower-moving average that provides a smoother indication of long-term price direction.
MACD Indicator:
Utilized to confirm the trend direction. When the MACD line is above its signal line, it may indicate a bullish trend. Conversely, when the MACD line is below its signal line, it may indicate a bearish trend.
CDC Trailing Stop ATR:
Used to set dynamic stop-loss levels that adjust with market volatility. This stop is based on the Average True Range (ATR) with a user-defined multiplier, providing the strategy with a flexible way to protect against adverse price movements.
Profit Targets:
Based on a multiple of the ATR, this sets an objective level at which to take profits, ensuring gains are captured while potentially still leaving room for further profitable movement.
Trading Rules:
Long (Buy) Entry Conditions:
Price is above the 60-period EMA.
The 60-period EMA is above the 90-period EMA.
The MACD line is above its signal line.
Price is above the calculated CDC Trailing Stop ATR level.
Short (Sell) Entry Conditions:
Price is below the 60-period EMA.
The 60-period EMA is below the 90-period EMA.
The MACD line is below its signal line.
Price is below the calculated CDC Trailing Stop ATR level.
Long (Buy) Exit Conditions:
Price reaches the predetermined profit target based on the ATR.
Price drops below the CDC Trailing Stop ATR level.
Short (Sell) Exit Conditions:
Price reaches the predetermined profit target based on the ATR.
Price rises above the CDC Trailing Stop ATR level.
The strategy displays the 60-period and 90-period EMAs on the chart.
The CDC Trailing Stop ATR levels for both long and short trades are also plotted for clarity.
The MACD Histogram is shown to visualize the difference between the MACD line and its signal line.
Recommendations: Before deploying this strategy, traders should backtest it across various historical data sets and market conditions. Regularly reviewing and potentially adjusting the strategy is recommended as market dynamics evolve.
OKX: MA CrossoverEXAMPLE Scripte from my stream , how to use OKX webhooks for create strategy on Pine with real\demo trading on your OKX account. This strategy only for test the functional forward orders to OKX. The backtest not included commisions and other.
OKX MA Crossover. This strategy generate JSONs for place orders on the exchange by alerts and webhooks.
In the script 2 function to generate entry and exit orders, and input parameters that needed for setup exchange.
Use it for test this stack and to write you own strategy for trade on the OKX Exchange.
SOFEX Strong Volatility Trend Follower + BacktestingWhat is the SOFEX Strong Volatility Trend Follower + Backtesting script?
🔬 Trading Philosophy
This script is trend-following, attempting to avoid choppy markets.
It has been developed for Bitcoin and Ethereum trading, on 1H timeframe.
The strategy does not aim to make a lot of trades, or to always remain in a position and switch from long to short. Many times there is no direction and the market is in "random walk mode", and chasing trades is futile.
Expectations of performance should be realistic.
The script focuses on a balanced take-profit to stop-loss ratio. In the default set-up of the script, that is a 2% : 2% (1:1) ratio. A relatively low stop loss and take profit build onto the idea that positions should be exited promptly. There are many options to edit these values, including enabling trailing take profit and stop loss. Traders can also completely turn off TP and SL levels, and rely on opposing signals to exit and enter new trades.
Extreme scenarios can happen on the cryptocurrency markets, and disabling stop-loss levels completely is not recommended. The position size should be monitored since all of it is at risk with no stop-loss.
⚙️ Logic of the indicator
The Strong Volatility Trend Follower indicator aims at evading ranging market conditions. It does not seek to chase volatile, yet choppy markets. It aims at aggressively following confirmed trends. The indicator works best during strong, volatile trends, however, it has the downside of entering trades at trend tops or bottoms.
This indicator also leverages proprietary adaptive moving averages to identify and follow strong trend volatility effectively. Furthermore, it uses the Average Directional Index, Awesome Oscillator, ATR and a modified version of VWAP, to categorize trends into weak or strong ones. The VWAP indicator is used to identify the monetary (volume) inflow into a given trend, further helping to avoid short-term manipulations. It also helps to distinguish choppy-market volatility with a trending market one.
📟 Parameters Menu
The script has a comprehensive parameter menu:
Preset Selection : Choose between Bitcoin or Ethereum presets to tailor the indicator to your preferred cryptocurrency market.
Indicator Sensitivity Parameter : Adjust the sensitivity to adapt the indicator, particularly to make it seek higher-strength trends.
Indicator Signal Direction : Set the signal direction as Long, Short, or Both, depending on your preference.
Exit of Signals : You have options regarding Take-Profit (TP) and Stop-Loss (SL) levels. Enable TP/SL levels to exit trades at predetermined levels, or disable them to rely on direction changes for exits. Be aware that removing stop losses can introduce additional risk, and position sizing should be carefully monitored.
By enabling Trailing TP/SL, the system switches to a trailing approach, allowing you to:
- Place an initial customizable SL.
- Specify a level (%) for the Trailing SL to become active.
- When the activation level is reached, the system moves the trailing stop by a given Offset (%).
Additionally, you can enable exit at break-even, where the system places an exit order when the trail activation level is reached, accounting for fees and slippage.
Alert Messages : Define the fields for alert messages based on specific conditions. You can set up alerts to receive email, SMS, and in-app notifications. If you use webhooks for alerts, exercise caution, as these alerts can potentially execute trades without human supervision.
Backtesting : Default backtesting parameters are set to provide realistic backtesting performance:
- 0.04% Commission per trade (for both entries and exits)
- 3 ticks Slippage (highly dependent on exchange)
- Initial capital of $1000
- Order size of $1000
While the order size is equal to the initial capital, the script employs a 2% stop-loss order to limit losses and attempts to prevent risky trades from creating big losses. The order size is a set dollar value, so that the backtesting performance is linear, instead of using % of capital which may result in unrealistic backtesting performance.
Risk Disclaimer
Please be aware that backtesting results, while valuable for statistical overview, do not guarantee future performance in any way. Cryptocurrency markets are inherently volatile and risky. Always trade responsibly and do not risk more than you can afford to lose.
AI SuperTrend - Strategy [presentTrading]
█ Introduction and How it is Different
The AI Supertrend Strategy is a unique hybrid approach that employs both traditional technical indicators and machine learning techniques. Unlike standard strategies that rely solely on traditional indicators or mathematical models, this strategy integrates the power of k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), a machine learning algorithm, with the tried-and-true SuperTrend indicator. This blend aims to provide traders with more accurate, responsive, and context-aware trading signals.
*The KNN part is mainly referred from @Zeiierman.
BTCUSD 8hr performance
ETHUSD 8hr performance
█ Strategy, How it Works: Detailed Explanation
SuperTrend Calculation
Volume-Weighted Moving Average (VWMA): A VWMA of the close price is calculated based on the user-defined length (len). This serves as the central line around which the upper and lower bands are calculated.
Average True Range (ATR): ATR is calculated over a period defined by len. It measures the market's volatility.
Upper and Lower Bands: The upper band is calculated as VWMA + (factor * ATR) and the lower band as VWMA - (factor * ATR). The factor is a user-defined multiplier that decides how wide the bands should be.
KNN Algorithm
Data Collection: An array (data) is populated with recent n SuperTrend values. Corresponding labels (labels) are determined by whether the weighted moving average price (price) is greater than the weighted moving average of the SuperTrend (sT).
Distance Calculation: The absolute distance between each data point and the current SuperTrend value is calculated.
Sorting & Weighting: The distances are sorted in ascending order, and the closest k points are selected. Each point is weighted by the inverse of its distance to the current point.
Classification: A weighted sum of the labels of the k closest points is calculated. If the sum is closer to 1, the trend is predicted as bullish; if closer to 0, bearish.
Signal Generation
Start of Trend: A new bullish trend (Start_TrendUp) is considered to have started if the current trend color is bullish and the previous was not bullish. Similarly for bearish trends (Start_TrendDn).
Trend Continuation: A bullish trend (TrendUp) is considered to be continuing if the direction is negative and the KNN prediction is 1. Similarly for bearish trends (TrendDn).
Trading Logic
Long Condition: If Start_TrendUp or TrendUp is true, a long position is entered.
Short Condition: If Start_TrendDn or TrendDn is true, a short position is entered.
Exit Condition: Dynamic trailing stops are used for exits. If the trend does not continue as indicated by the KNN prediction and SuperTrend direction, an exit signal is generated.
The synergy between SuperTrend and KNN aims to filter out noise and produce more reliable trading signals. While SuperTrend provides a broad sense of the market direction, KNN refines this by predicting short-term price movements, leading to a more nuanced trading strategy.
Local picture
█ Trade Direction
The strategy allows traders to choose between taking only long positions, only short positions, or both. This is particularly useful for adapting to different market conditions.
█ Usage
ToolTips: Explains what each parameter does and how to adjust them.
Inputs: Customize values like the number of neighbors in KNN, ATR multiplier, and moving average type.
Plotting: Visual cues on the chart to indicate bullish or bearish trends.
Order Execution: Based on the generated signals, the strategy will execute buy/sell orders.
█ Default Settings
The default settings are selected to provide a balanced approach, but they can be modified for different trading styles and asset classes.
Initial Capital: $10,000
Default Quantity Type: 10% of equity
Commission: 0.1%
Slippage: 1
Currency: USD
By combining both machine learning and traditional technical analysis, this strategy offers a sophisticated and adaptive trading solution.
YinYang RSI Volume Trend StrategyThere are many strategies that use RSI or Volume but very few that take advantage of how useful and important the two of them combined are. This strategy uses the Highs and Lows with Volume and RSI weighted calculations on top of them. You may be wondering how much of an impact Volume and RSI can have on the prices; the answer is a lot and we will discuss those with plenty of examples below, but first…
How does this strategy work?
It’s simple really, when the purchase source crosses above the inner low band (red) it creates a Buy or Long. This long has a Trailing Stop Loss band (the outer low band that's also red) that can be adjusted in the Settings. The Stop Loss is based on a % of the inner low band’s price and by default it is 0.1% lower than the inner band’s price. This Stop Loss is not only a stop loss but it can also act as a Purchase Available location.
You can get back into a trade after a stop loss / take profit has been hit when your Reset Purchase Availability After condition has been met. This can either be at Stop Loss, Entry or None.
It is advised to allow it to reset in case the stop loss was a fake out but the call was right. Sometimes it may trigger stop loss multiple times in a row, but you don’t lose much on stop loss and you gain lots when the call is right.
The Take Profit location is the basis line (white). Take Profit occurs when the Exit Source (close, open, high, low or other) crosses the basis line and then on a different bar the Exit Source crosses back over the basis line. For example, if it was a Long and the bar’s Exit Source closed above the basis line, and then 2 bars later its Exit Source closed below the basis line, Take Profit would occur. You can disable Take Profit in Settings, but it is very useful as many times the price will cross the Basis and then correct back rather than making it all the way to the opposing zone.
If for instance your Long doesn’t need to Take Profit and instead reaches the top zone, it will close the position when it crosses above the inner top line (green).
Please note you can change the Exit Source too which is what source (close, open, high, low) it uses to end the trades.
The Shorts work the same way as the Long but just opposite, they start when the purchase source crosses under the inner upper band (green).
Shorts take profit when it crosses under the basis line and then crosses back.
Shorts will Stop loss when their outer upper band (green) is crossed with the Exit Source.
Short trades are completed and closed when its Exit Source crosses under the inner low red band.
So, now that you understand how the strategy works, let’s discuss why this strategy works and how it is profitable.
First we will discuss Volume as we deem it plays a much bigger role overall and in our strategy:
As I’m sure many of you know, Volume plays a huge factor in how much something moves, but it also plays a role in the strength of the movement. For instance, let’s look at two scenarios:
Bitcoin’s price goes up $1000 in 1 Day but the Volume was only 10 million
Bitcoin’s price goes up $200 in 1 Day but the Volume was 40 million
If you were to only look at the price, you’d say #1 was more important because the price moved x5 the amount as #2, but once you factor in the volume, you know this is not true. The reason why Volume plays such a huge role in Price movement is because it shows there is a large Limit Order battle going on. It means that both Bears and Bulls believe that price is a good time to Buy and Sell. This creates a strong Support and Resistance price point in this location. If we look at scenario #2, when there is high volume, especially if it is drastically larger than the average volume Bitcoin was displaying recently, what can we decipher from this? Well, the biggest take away is that the Bull’s won the battle, and that likely when that happens we will see bullish movement continuing to happen as most of the Bears Limit Orders have been fulfilled. Whereas with #2, when large price movement happens and Bitcoin goes up $1000 with low volume what can we deduce? The main takeaway is that Bull’s pressured the price up with Market Orders where they purchased the best available price, also what this means is there were very few people who were wanting to sell. This generally dictates that Whale Limit orders for Sells/Shorts are much higher up and theres room for movement, but it also means there is likely a whale that is ready to dump and crash it back down.
You may be wondering, what did this example have to do with YinYang RSI Volume Trend Strategy? Well the reason we’ve discussed this is because we use Volume multiple times to apply multiplications in our calculations to add large weight to the price when there is lots of volume (this is applied both positively and negatively). For instance, if the price drops a little and there is high volume, our strategy will move its bounds MUCH lower than the price actually dropped, and if there was low volume but the price dropped A LOT, our strategy will only move its bounds a little. We believe this reflects higher levels of price accuracy than just price alone based on the examples described above.
Don’t believe us?
Here is with Volume NOT factored in (VWMA = SMA and we remove our Volume Filter calculation):
Which produced -$2880 Profit
Here is with our Volume factored in:
Which produced $553,000 (55.3%)
As you can see, we wen’t from $-2800 profit with volume not factored to $553,000 with volume factored. That's quite a big difference! (Please note previous success does not predict future success we are simply displaying the $ amounts as example).
Now how about RSI and why does it matter in this strategy?
As I’m sure most of you are aware, RSI is one of the leading indicators used in trading. For this reason we figured it would only make sense to incorporate it into our calculations. We fiddled with RSI for quite awhile and sometimes what logically seems to be the right way to use it isn’t. Now, because of this, our RSI calculation is a little odd, but basically what we’re doing is we calculate the RSI, then turn it into a percentage (between 0-1) that can easily be multiplied to the price point we need. The price point we use is the difference between our high purchase zone and our low purchase zone. This allows us to see how much price movement there is between zones. We multiply our zone size with our RSI multiplication and we get the amount we will add +/- to our basis line (white line). This officially creates the NEW high and low purchase zones that we are actually using and displaying in our trades.
If you found that confusing, here are some examples to why it is an important calculation for this strategy:
Before RSI factored in:
Which produced 27.8% Profit
After RSI factored in:
Which produced 553% Profit
As you can see, the RSI makes not only the purchase zones more accurate, but it also greatly increases the profit the strategy is able to make. It also helps ensure an relatively linear profit slope so you know it is reliable with its trades.
This strategy can work on pretty much anything, but you should tweak the values a bit for each pair you are trading it with for best results.
We hope you can find some use out of this simple but effective strategy, if you have any questions, comments or concerns please let us know.
Nifty 50 5mint Strategy
The script defines a specific trading session based on user inputs. This session is specified by a time range (e.g., "1000-1510") and selected days of the week (e.g., Monday to Friday). This session definition is crucial for trading only during specific times.
Lookback and Breakout Conditions:
The script uses a lookback period and the highest high and lowest low values to determine potential breakout points. The lookback period is user-defined (default is 10 periods).
The script also uses Bollinger Bands (BB) to identify potential breakout conditions. Users can enable or disable BB crossover conditions. BB consists of an upper and lower band, with the basis.
Additionally, the script uses Dema (Double Exponential Moving Average) and VWAP (Volume Weighted Average Price) . Users can enable or disable this condition.
Buy and Sell Conditions:
Buy conditions are met when the close price exceeds the highest high within the specified lookback period, Bollinger Bands conditions are satisfied, Dema-VWAP conditions are met, and the script is within the defined trading session.
Sell conditions are met when the close price falls below the lowest low within the lookback period, Bollinger Bands conditions are satisfied, Dema-VWAP conditions are met, and the script is within the defined trading session.
When either condition is met, it triggers a "long" or "short" position entry.
Trailing Stop Loss (TSL):
Users can choose between fixed points ( SL by points ) or trailing stop (Profit Trail).
For fixed points, users specify the number of points for the stop loss. A fixed stop loss is set at a certain distance from the entry price if a position is opened.
For Profit Trail, users can enable or disable this feature. If enabled, the script uses a "trail factor" (lookback period) to determine when to adjust the stop loss.
If the price moves in the direction of the trade and reaches a certain level (determined by the trail factor), the stop loss is adjusted, trailing behind the price to lock in profits.
If the close price falls below a certain level (lowest low within the trail factor(lookback)), and a position is open, the "long" position is closed (strategy.close("long")).
If the close price exceeds a certain level (highest high within the specified trail factor(lookback)), and a position is open, the "short" position is closed (strategy.close("short")).
Positions are also closed if they are open outside of the defined trading session.
Background Color:
The script changes the background color of the chart to indicate buy (green) and sell (red) signals, making it visually clear when the strategy conditions are met.
In summary, this script implements a breakout trading strategy with various customizable conditions, including Bollinger Bands, Dema-VWAP crossovers, and session-specific rules. It also includes options for setting stop losses and trailing stop losses to manage risk and lock in profits. The "trail factor" helps adjust trailing stops dynamically based on recent price movements. Positions are closed under certain conditions to manage risk and ensure compliance with the defined trading session.
CE=Buy, CE_SL=stoploss_buy, tCsl=Trailing Stop_buy.
PE=sell, PE_SL= stoploss_sell, tpsl=Trailing Stop_sell.
Remember that trading involves inherent risks, and past performance is not indicative of future results. Exercise caution, manage risk diligently, and consider the advice of financial experts when using this script or any trading strategy.
Bollinger Bands & Fibonacci StrategyThe Bollinger Bands & Fibonacci Strategy is a powerful technical analysis trading strategy designed to identify potential entry and exit points in financial markets. This strategy combines two widely used indicators, Bollinger Bands and Fibonacci retracement levels, to assist traders in making informed trading decisions.
Key Features:
Bollinger Bands: This strategy utilizes Bollinger Bands, a volatility-based indicator that consists of an upper band, a lower band, and a middle (basis) line. Bollinger Bands help traders visualize price volatility and potential reversal points.
Fibonacci Retracement Levels: Fibonacci retracement levels are essential tools for identifying potential support and resistance levels in price charts. This strategy incorporates Fibonacci retracement levels, including the 0% and 100% levels, to aid in pinpointing key price levels.
Long and Short Signals: The strategy generates long (buy) and short (sell) signals based on specific conditions derived from Bollinger Bands and Fibonacci levels. Long signals are generated when price crosses above the upper Bollinger Band and when the price is above the Fibonacci low level. Short signals are generated when price crosses below the lower Bollinger Band and when the price is below the Fibonacci high level.
Position Management: To prevent multiple concurrent positions of the same type (long or short), the strategy employs position management logic. It tracks open positions and ensures that only one position type is active at a time.
Exit Conditions: The strategy includes customizable exit conditions to manage and close open positions. Traders can fine-tune exit criteria to align with their risk management and profit-taking strategies.
User-Friendly: This strategy script is user-friendly and can be easily integrated into the TradingView platform, allowing traders to apply it to various financial instruments and timeframes.
Traders and investors can apply the Bollinger Bands & Fibonacci Strategy to a wide range of financial markets, including stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. It can be adapted to different timeframes to suit various trading styles, from day trading to swing trading.
Trading carries inherent risks, and this strategy is no exception. It is essential to use proper risk management techniques, including stop-loss orders, and thoroughly backtest the strategy on historical data before implementing it in live trading.
The Bollinger Bands & Fibonacci Strategy is a valuable tool for technical traders seeking well-defined entry and exit points based on robust indicators. It can serve as a foundation for traders to build and customize their trading strategies according to their individual preferences and risk tolerance.
Feel free to customize this description to add any additional details or specifications unique to your strategy. When publishing your strategy on a trading platform like TradingView, a clear and informative description can help potential users understand and use your strategy effectively.
Stochastic StrategyThis strategy is designed to make trading decisions based on the Stochastic Oscillator (Stoch) indicator with settings of (7,2,2). The strategy opens a long (buy) position when the Stoch indicator crosses above the 50 level from below. Conversely, it opens a short (sell) position when the Stoch indicator crosses below the 50 level from above. Additionally, when a long position is opened, any existing short position is closed, and vice versa.
Key Parameters:
Stochastic Oscillator Settings: Length = 7, SmoothK = 2, SmoothD = 2.
Overbought Level: 80.
Oversold Level: 20.
Strategy Description:
The Stochastic Oscillator (Stoch) is calculated based on the closing price, high price, and low price with a period of 7, and both the %K and %D lines are smoothed with periods of 2.
When the %K line crosses above the oversold level (20), it generates a long (buy) signal.
When the %K line crosses below the overbought level (80), it generates a short (sell) signal.
The strategy visually marks long and short signals on the chart using upward and downward triangles, respectively.
The strategy automatically enters long or short positions when the respective conditions are met.
If a long position is opened, any existing short position is closed, and vice versa.
Please note that this is a basic example of a trading strategy and does not take into account all possible risk factors or optimizations. Before using this strategy in live trading, it's essential to thoroughly test and customize it to suit your specific needs, and carefully analyze the results. Trading carries risks, and it's important to use proper risk management techniques when implementing any trading strategy.
Hoffman Heiken BiasThis indicator uses a couple of different things including the Hoffman moving averages applied with heiken ashi bar data and some volatility to help determine when the bias of the market has shifted for the timeframe you are looking at.
MMI Auto Backtesting StrategyDescription:
A strategy based on ATR with auto-backtesting capabilities, Take Profit and Stop Loss (either Normal or Trailing). It allows you to select ranges of values and step for each parameter, and backtest the strategy on a multitude of input combinations at once. You can alternatively use a constant value for each parameter. The backtesting results strive to be as close as possible to those given by Tradingview Strategy Tester.
The strategy displays a table with results for different input combinations. This has columns showing current input combination as well as the following stats: Net Profit, Number of trades, % of Profitable trades, Profit Factor, Max Drawdown, Max Runup, Average Trade and Average number of bars in a trade.
You can sort the table by any column (including sorting by multiple columns at the same time) to find, for example, input combination that gives highest Net Profit (or, if sorting by multiple columns, to find input combination with the best balance of Net Profit and % of Profitable trades). You can filter by any column as well (or multiple columns at the same time), using logical expressions like "< value", "> value", "<= value", ">= value". And you can use logical expressions like "< value%" for Net Profit, Max Drawdown, Max Runup and Average trade to filter by percentage value. You will see a "↓" symbol in column's header if that column is sorted from Highest to Lowest, a "↑" symbol if it's sorted from Lowest to Highest and a "𐕢" symbol if that column is being filtered.
The table has customisable styles (like text color, background color of cells, etc.), and can show the total number of backtested combinations with the time taken to test them. You can also change Initial Capital and Position Size (either Contracts, Currency or % of Equity).
The following parameters are located in the "INPUTS (USUAL STRATEGY)" group, and control the behaviour of strategy itself (not the auto-backtesting functionality):
- Period: ATR Length
- Multiplier: ATR Multiplier
- DPO: length of the filtering moving average
- SL: stop loss
- TP: take profit
- Use Stop Loss: enable stop loss
- Stop Loss Mode: stop loss mode (either Normal or Trailing)
- Use Take Profit: enable take profit
- Wicks: use high & low price, or close price
The strategy also has various parameters separated by different groups:
- INPUTS (AUTO-BACKTESTING): has the same parameters as the "INPUTS (USUAL STRATEGY)" group, but controls the input combinations for auto-backtesting; all the numeric parameters have 3 values: F/V (from), T (to) and S (step); if the checkbox to the left of F/V parameter is off, the value of F/V will indicate the constant value used for that parameter (if the checkbox is on, the values will be from F/V to T using step S)
- STRATEGY: contains strategy related parameters like Initial Capital and Position Size
- BACKTESTING: allows you to display either Percentage, Absolute or Both values in the table and has checkboxes that allow you to exclude certain columns from the table
- SORTING: allows you to select sorting mode (Highest to Lowest or vice versa) and has checkboxes in case you want to sort by multiple columns at the same time
- FILTERING: has a text field for each column of the strategy where you can type logical expressions to filter the values
- TABLE: contains styling parameters
Many parameters have the "(i)" description marker, so hover over it to see more details.
- The script works best on lower timeframes and continuous markets (trades 24/7), in other cases the backtesting results may vary from those that Tradingview shows
- The script shows closest results when Take Profit and Stop Loss are not used
- Max Runup percentage value is often wrong
- As we are limited by the maximum time a script can be running (which is 20s for Free plan and 40s for Paid plans), we can only backtest several hundreds of combinations within that timeframe (though it depends on the parameters, market and timeframe of the chart you use)
Strategy Gaussian Anomaly DerivativeConcept behind this Strategy :
Considering a normal "buy/sell" situation, an asset would be bought in average at the median price following a Gaussian like concept. A higher or lower average trend would significate that the current perceived value is respectively higher or lower than the current median price, which mean that the buyers are evaluating the price underpriced or overpriced.
This behaviour would be even more relevent depending on its derivative evolution.
Therefore, this Strategy setup is based on this Gaussian like concept anomaly of average close positionning compare to high-low average derivative, such as the derivative of the following ploted basic signal : 1-(high+low)/(2*close).
This Strategy can actually be used like a trend change and continuation strength indicator aswell.
In the Setup Signal part :
You can define the filtering of the basis signal "1-(high+low)/(2*close)" on EMA or SMA as you wish.
You can define the corresponding period and the threathold as a mutiply of the average 1/3 of all time value of the basis signal.
You can define the SMA filtering period of the Derivative signal and the corresponding threathold on the same mutiply of the average 1/3 of all time value of the derivative.
In the Setup Strategy part :
You can set up your strategy assesment based on Long and/or Short. You can also define the considered period.
The most successful tuned strategies I did were based on the derivative indicator with periods on the basis signal and the derivative under 30, can be 1 to 3 of te derivative and 7 to 21 for the basis signal. The threathold depends on the asset volatility aswell, 1 is usually the most efficient but 0 to 10 can be relevent depending on the situation I met. You can find an example of tuning for this strategy based on Kering's case hereafter.
I hoping that you will enjoy using this Strategy, don't hesitate to comment, to question, to correct or complete it ! I would be very curious about similar famous approaches that would have already been made.
Thank to you !
Introducing the first publicly available suite of indicators for Bitcoin and Ethereum by Sofex - the High-End Indicators & Backtesting System.
🔬 Trading Philosophy
The High-End Indicators & Backtesting system offers both trend-following and mean-reversal algorithms to provide traders with a deep insight into the highly volatile cryptocurrency markets, known for their market noise and vulnerability to manipulation.
With these factors in mind, our indicators are designed to sidestep most potentially false signals. This is facilitated further by the "middle-ground" time frame (1 Hour) we use. Our focus is on the two largest cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin and Ethereum , which provide high liquidity, necessary for reliable trading.
Therefore, we recommend using our suite on these markets.
The backtesting version of the Sofex High-End Indicators includes mainly trend-following indicators. This is because our trading vision is that volatility in cryptocurrency markets is a tool that should be used carefully, and many times avoided. Furthermore, mean-reversal trading can lead to short-term profits, but we have found it less than ideal for long-term trading.
The script does not aim to make a lot of trades, or to always remain in a position and switch from long to short. Many times there is no direction and the market is in "random walk mode", and chasing trades is futile.
Based on our experience, it is preferable if traders remain neutral the majority of the time and only enter trades that can be exited in the foreseeable future. Trading just for the sake of it ultimately leads to loss in the long-run.
Expectations of performance should be realistic.
We also focus on a balanced take-profit to stop-loss ratio. In the default set-up of the script, that is a 2% : 2% (1:1) ratio. A relatively low stop loss and take profit build onto our idea that positions should be exited promptly. There are many options to edit these values, including enabling trailing take profit and stop loss. Traders can also completely turn off TP and SL levels, and rely on opposing signals to exit and enter new trades.
Extreme scenarios can happen on the cryptocurrency markets, and disabling stop-loss levels completely is not recommended. The position size should be monitored since all of it is at risk with no stop-loss.
We take pride in presenting this comprehensive suite of trading indicators, designed for both manual and automated use. Although automated use leads to increased efficiency, traders are free to incorporate any of our indicators into their own manual trading strategy.
⚙️ Indicators
By default, all indicators are enabled for both Long and Short trades.
Extreme Trend Breakouts
The Extreme Trend Breakouts indicator seeks to follow breakouts of support and resistance levels, while also accounting for the unfortunate fact that false signals can be generated on these levels. The indicator combines trend-breakout strategies with various other volatility and direction measurements. It works best in the beginning of trends.
Underpinning this indicator are renowned Perry Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Averages (PKAMA) alongside our proprietary adaptive moving averages. These dynamic indicators adjust their parameters based on recent price movements, attempting to catch trends while maintaining consistent performance in the long run.
In addition, our modification of the TTM Squeeze indicator further enhances the Extreme Trend Breakouts indicator, making it more responsive, especially during the initial stages of trends and filtering of "flat" markets.
High-Volatility Trend Follower
The High-Volatility Trend Follower indicator is based around the logic of evading market conditions where volatility is low (choppy markets) and aggressively following confirmed trends. The indicator works best during strong trends, however, it has the downside of entering trades at trend tops or bottoms.
This indicator also leverages our proprietary adaptive moving averages to identify and follow high-volatility trends effectively. Furthermore, it uses the Average Directional Index, Aroon Oscillator, ATR and a modified version of VWAP, to categorize trends into weak or strong ones. The VWAP indicator is used to identify the monetary (volume) inflow into a given trend, further helping to avoid short-term manipulations.
Low-Volatility Reversal
The Low-Volatility Reversal aims at plugging the holes that trend-following indicators ignore. It specifically looks for choppy markets. Using proven concepts such as Relative Strength Index and volume measurements, among others, this indicator finds local tops and bottoms with good accuracy. It works best in choppy markets with low to medium volatility. It has a downside that all reversals have, losing trades at the end of choppy markets and in the beginning of big trends.
This indicator, like the others, employs PKAMA in conjunction with our proprietary adaptive moving averages, and an Average PSAR indicator to seek out "sideways" markets. Furthermore, Bollinger Bands with an adaptive basis line is used, with the idea of trading against the short-term trends by looking at big deviations in price movement. The above mentioned indicators attempt to catch local tops and bottoms in markets.
Adaptive Trend Convergence
The Adaptive Trend Convergence aims at following trends while avoiding entering positions at local bottoms and tops. It does so by comparing a number of adaptive moving averages and looking for convergence among them. Adaptive filtering techniques for avoiding choppy markets are also used.
This indicator utilizes our proprietary adaptive moving averages, and an Average Price Range indicator to identify trend convergence and divergence effectively, preventing false signals during volatile market phases. It also makes use of Bollinger Bands with an adaptive moving average basis line and price-action adjusted deviation. Contrasting to the Low-Volatility Reversal condition described above, the Bollinger Bands used here attempt to follow breakouts outside of the lower and upper bands.
Double-Filtered Channel Breakouts
The Double-Filtered Channel Breakouts indicator is made out of adaptive channel-identifying indicators. The indicator then follows trends that significantly diverge from the established channels. This aims at following extreme trends, where rapid, continuous movements in either direction occur. This indicator works best in very strong trends and follows them relentlessly. However, these strong trends can end in strong reversals, and the indicator can be stopped out on the last trade.
Our Double-Filtered Channel Breakouts indicator is built on a foundation of adaptive channel indicators. We've harnessed the power of Keltner Channels and Bollinger Band Channels, with a similar approach used in the Adaptive Trend Convergence indicator. The basis and upper/lower bands of the channels do not rely on fixed deviation parameters, rather on adaptive ones, based on price action and volatility. This combination seeks to identify and follows extreme trends.
Direction Tracker
The Direction Tracker indicator is made out of a central slower, adaptive moving average that clearly recognizes global, long-term trends. Combined with direction and range indicators, among others, this indicator excels at finding the long-term trend and ignoring temporary pullbacks in the opposite direction. It works best at the beginning and middle of long and strong trends. It can fail at the end of trends and on very strong historical resistance lines (where sharp reversals are common).
Our Direction Tracker indicator integrates an adaptive SuperTrend indicator into its core, alongside our proprietary adaptive moving averages, to accurately identify and track long-term trends while mitigating temporary pullbacks. Furthermore, it uses Average True Range, ADX and other volatility indicators to attempt to catch unusual moves on the market early-on.
📟 Parameters Menu
To offer traders flexibility, our system comes with a comprehensive parameter menu:
Preset Selection : Choose between Bitcoin or Ethereum presets to tailor the indicators to your preferred cryptocurrency market.
Global Signal Direction: Set the global signal direction as Long, Short, or Both, depending on your trading strategy.
Global Sensitivity Parameter : Adjust the system's sensitivity to adapt to different trend-following conditions, particularly beneficial during higher-strength trends.
Source of Signals : Toggle individual indicators on or off according to your preference. By default, all indicators are enabled. Customize the indicators to trade Long, Short, or Both, aligning them with your desired market exposure.
Confirmation of Signals : Set the minimum number of confirmed signals on the same bar, ensuring signals are generated only when specific confirmation criteria are met. The default value is one, and it can be adjusted for both Long and Short signals.
Exit of Signals : You have options regarding Take-Profit (TP) and Stop-Loss (SL) levels. Enable TP/SL levels to exit trades at predetermined levels, or disable them to rely on direction changes for exits. Be aware that removing stop losses can introduce additional risk, and position sizing should be carefully monitored.
By enabling Trailing TP/SL, the system switches to a trailing approach, allowing you to:
- Place an initial customizable SL.
- Specify a level (%) for the Trailing SL to become active.
- When the activation level is reached, the system moves the trailing stop by a given Offset (%).
Additionally, you can enable exit at break-even, where the system places an exit order when the trail activation level is reached, accounting for fees and slippage.
Alert Messages : Define the fields for alert messages based on specific conditions. You can set up alerts to receive email, SMS, and in-app notifications. If you use webhooks for alerts, exercise caution, as these alerts can potentially execute trades without human supervision.
Backtesting : Default backtesting parameters are set to provide realistic backtesting performance:
- 0.04% Commission per trade (for both entries and exits)
- 3 ticks Slippage (highly dependent on exchange)
- Initial capital of $1000
- Order size of $1000
While the order size is equal to the initial capital, the script employs a 2% stop-loss order to limit losses and attempts to prevent risky trades from creating big losses. The order size is a set dollar value, so that the backtesting performance is linear, instead of using % of capital which may result in unrealistic backtesting performance.
Risk Disclaimer
Please be aware that backtesting results, while valuable for statistical overview, do not guarantee future performance in any way. Cryptocurrency markets are inherently volatile and risky. Always trade responsibly and do not risk more than you can afford to lose.
Market Breadth Strategy/Introduction
The Market Breadth Strategy (MBS) is a versatile strategy for trading the US stock market. MBS is suitable for traders with low, medium and high risk tolerance who prefer trading equities as an asset class on the 1 day timeframe. It combines mean reversion with trend following to keep you participating in the stock market for as long as is profitable.
The strategy is long only. Four different signals are generated to ensure all opportunities the market presents are seized for profit. The first category of signals are triggered after a prolonged period of falling prices; usually during a bear market or severe correction, open your largest positions on this signal. The second category of signals are triggered at the end of the bear market, early in the recovery. They ensure you do not miss out on an early entry if you get stopped out of your initial positions, size them equal to the first category signal positions. The third category of signals are triggered late in the recovery from a bear market, severe correction or deep pullback. Open your smallest positions on this signal. The fourth category of signals are triggered at all times when the market experiences a significant pullback or time correction, these positions should be medium sized.
For optimum performance, whenever signals are triggered, traders are advised to open at least, a new long position. Buying the index is recommended for traders with low risk tolerance, buying sector, industry or thematic ETFs (after sufficient analysis) is recommended for traders with medium risk tolerance, while buying stocks (after sufficient analysis) is recommended for traders who want to take on higher risk for higher returns. Such traders may also combine positions in indices, groups and individual stocks for better performance.
MBS will display an upward blue arrow signifying a buy signal after the candle closes. A label below the arrow will describe which signal was triggered and a number depicting the number of positions (they can be deactivated in the style settings). MBS will also display a downwards pink arrow above the candle, after a specified decline from the high, again when the candle closes. All open positions will be closed on this signal, it is the risk management feature of the strategy.
The strategy is built using market breadth data from the US Exchanges where stocks are listed, it is not a mash-up of different indicators. A combination of the following data is used:
(i) the number of advancing and declining issues
(ii) the number of issues reaching new highs
(iii) the closing prices of issues relative to key moving averages
This data is analysed and used to generate the four categories of signals described previously, they are named;
(i) Bottom Signal - for buying at the market's potential bottom
(ii) Follow-Up Signal - for ensuring you do not miss the bottom
(iii)Follow-Through Signal - for buying strength after a downtrend
(iv) Buy-The-Dip Signal - for buying throwbacks in uptrends and pullbacks in downtrends
This strategy works best with the default settings. Although the input parameters can be changed to suit your needs, it is not advisable to do so as it may affect the strategy's performance.
(i) The market regime filter checks to see if the market is in a regime of rising prices (bull market) or falling prices (bear market), long signals are avoided in bear market conditions.
(ii) The risk size is equivalent to a stop loss. It triggers an exit when price declines by a certain amount.
(iii) 'Downside' measures the participation of issues to the downside during a decline while 'Upside' measures the participation of issues to the upside after the decline; this is called 'follow through'.
(iv) The bottom interval determines the frequency of bottom signals issued in days.
(v) Dip size quantifies the dip to determine if it is large enough for a buy signal, the lower the number, the larger the dip.
(vi) Following interval sets the duration for following up on the bottom.
(vii) Bottoming interval resets the bottom for the next follow-up
/Strategy Results
The backtest results are based on a starting capital of $13,700 (convenient amount for retail traders) with $1000 position size (7% of equity and enough for two shares of SPY) and pyramiding of 10 consecutive positions. Commissions of 0.03% and slippage of 2 ticks are used to ensure the results are representative of real world trading conditions. The backtest results are available to view at the bottom of this page.
Note that past results are not indicative of future results. The strategy is backtested in ideal conditions, it has no predictive abilities and results from live trading may not achieve the 2.235 profit factor shown here as each trader may introduce subjectivity or interfere with its performance or market conditions might change significantly. Since the strategy was designed for the US stock market, it has been backtested on the SPY (representative of the US stock market) ETF (for consistency in price across brokers).
This strategy should be used preferably with the SPY ticker which is the ETF for the S&P500. Alternatively, it could be used with VOO and several other S&P500 ETFs or a CFD ticker such as SPX500USD and several others which are based on the futures product. The strategy may not be suitable for futures tickers like ES according to TradingView.
The MBS is an Invite-Only script hence, traders interested in this strategy should contact me privately to request access.
Time Session Filter - MACD exampleTime Session Filter in TradingView Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to this educational TradingView blog where we dive deep into the functionality and utility of the time session filter in trading strategies. It's interesting to note that the time session filter is a commonly overlooked feature in Pine Script, often not integrated into overall trading strategies. Yet, when used wisely, this tool can significantly enhance your trading approach. In essence, the session filter ensures that trades are only made within a specific, user-defined time frame. By incorporating this often-neglected building block, you can make your strategy more adaptable to various market conditions and trading preferences.
What is a Time Session Filter?
A time session filter is designed to:
Select Times of the Day to Trade: The filter allows you to choose specific hours during the day in which trades are allowed to be excecuted.
Toggle Days to Trade: You can decide which days of the week you want to trade, giving you the flexibility to avoid days that are historically not profitable for your strategy.
Close Trade When Session Ends: The filter can automatically close any open trade once the specified time session concludes, reducing the risk associated with holding positions outside your chosen time frame.
The user interface is streamlined, taking minimal space for the input sections, making it convenient to integrate with other indicators in your overall strategy script. In addition the script colors the background of the chart green when the timesession filter is on and makes the background red when the filter doesn't allow any trades. This helps you to visualise the selected timeframes in relation to chart patterns.
Best Practices for Time Selection
From my personal trading experience I share some input settings you can try to play around with:
Stocks: Trading stocks sometimes yield better results if you only trade in the mornings until lunchtime. This is the period when markets are generally more active, and traders are keenly participating.
Cryptocurrencies: For cryptocurrencies, it sometimes makes sense to avoid trading on Fridays, a day when futures contracts often expire. Various other market-moving events also typically occur on Fridays.
Random Selection: Interestingly, sometimes choosing a random selection of times and days can improve the script's performance, adding an element of unpredictability that might outperform more systematic approaches.
Strategy Overview
This strategy script incorporates various elements, including risk position size and MACD indicator, to provide a comprehensive trading strategy. For a detailed explanation of risk position sizing, please refer to this article:
For a complete understanding of the MACD indicator utilized, visit the following explanation:
Additionally, for high time frame trend filters, consult this resource for more info:
Educational Purposes and Risks
Please note that this script is for educational purposes and serves merely as an example of how to incorporate a time session filter into a trading strategy for pinescript. It is a simplified strategy without a fixed stop-loss, which can result in higher exposure to significant losses. The time session filter can be a powerful addition to your trading strategy, providing you with the tools to tailor your approach according to time-specific market conditions. By understanding its functionalities and best practices, you can make more informed trading decisions, but always remember that trading carries inherent risks.
Happy trading!
Doji Trading StrategyA doji names a trading session in which a security has an open and close that are virtually equal, which resembles a candlestick on a chart. The word doji comes from the Japanese phrase meaning “the same thing.” A doji candlestick is a neutral indicator that provides little information.
3kilos BTC 15mThe "3kilos BTC 15m" is a comprehensive trading strategy designed to work on a 15-minute timeframe for Bitcoin (BTC) or other cryptocurrencies. This strategy combines multiple indicators, including Triple Exponential Moving Averages (TEMA), Average True Range (ATR), and Heikin-Ashi candlesticks, to generate buy and sell signals. It also incorporates risk management features like take profit and stop loss.
Triple Exponential Moving Averages (TEMA): Three TEMA lines are used with different lengths and sources:
Short TEMA (Red) based on highs
Long TEMA 1 (Blue) based on lows
Long TEMA 2 (Green) based on closing prices
Average True Range (ATR): Custom ATR calculation with EMA smoothing is used for volatility measurement.
Supertrend: Calculated using ATR and a multiplier to determine the trend direction.
Simple Moving Average (SMA): Applied to the short TEMA to smooth out its values.
Heikin-Ashi Close: Used for additional trend confirmation.
Entry & Exit Conditions
Long Entry: Triggered when the short TEMA is above both long TEMA lines, the Supertrend is bullish, the short TEMA is above its SMA, and the Heikin-Ashi close is higher than the previous close.
Short Entry: Triggered when the short TEMA is below both long TEMA lines, the Supertrend is bearish, the short TEMA is below its SMA, and the Heikin-Ashi close is lower than the previous close.
Take Profit and Stop Loss: Both are calculated as a percentage of the entry price, and they are set for both long and short positions.
Risk Management
Take Profit: Set at 1% above the entry price for long positions and 1% below for short positions.
Stop Loss: Set at 3% below the entry price for long positions and 3% above for short positions.
Commission and Pyramiding
Commission: A 0.07% commission is accounted for in the strategy.
Pyramiding: The strategy does not allow pyramiding.
This strategy is designed for educational purposes and should not be considered as financial advice. Always do your own research and consider consulting a financial advisor before engaging in trading.
Currency Pair Strategy [ICEALGO]Indicator for trading with currency pairs
Get Access to ICEALGO indicators: icealgo.com
All scripts & content provided by ICEALGO are for informational & educational purposes only. Past performance does not guarantee future results.