Mayer MultipleThis indicator was created by Trace Mayer as a way to analyze the price of Bitcoin in a historical context. Consider it as a kind of Volatility Ratio that was created by Jack Schwager for the securities.
To learn more about Mayer Multiple see:
Good luck!
FRM - Bitcoin Fee Ratio MultipleBitcoin Fee Ratio Multiple (FRM) is a BTC specific study that measures its strength as a Store of Value.
FRM may be a solid alternative to the Network Value to Transaction (NVT) indicator.
A low FRM suggests that Bitcoin can maintain its current security budget (miner revenue) without having to rely on an inflationary subsidy.
Conversely, a high FRM suggests that Bitcoin will require heavy inflation via block reward subsidies in order to maintain its existing security levels.
This means that in order to reach current security budget levels without block reward subsidies, transaction fee revenue for each chain has to grow as many times as the FRM indicator points.
We would naturally expect a strong inverse correlation between large price movements and FRM.
Strong price action in either direction is usually accompanied by a surge in volume →
More volume suggests more people are moving assets to exchanges →
More people transacting with crypto asset means higher transaction fee revenue →
Therefore, higher transaction fee revenue means lower FRM
In the long run the correlation between price and FRM would tend to disappear.
FRM for capped supply assets would continue to decline over time, eventually reaching something close to 1, the point at which transaction fee revenue makes up 100% of total miner revenue.
Some notes about NVT.
NVT is used to measure a chain’s strength as a payment network compared to its market value. A low NVT may suggest that a network is undervalued compared to the service it is providing as a settlement layer.
NVT and FRM will not always be correlated. A chain could feasibly have a high number of transactions and a low network value, and therefore a low NVT, while simultaneously having a high FRM depending on the current size of block rewards and average transaction fee.
Moreover, NVT is far easier to spoof than FRM: one merely need spam the network with low fee transactions. By contrast, significant manipulation of FRM would by definition require significant cost as FRM measures the aggregate value of transaction fees rather than count.
User notes:
This study only plots in Bitcoin charts.
It plots in Daily, Weekly and Monthly time frames.
It doesn't render in intraday charts.
Credit for this idea goes to Matteo Leibowitz:
Based on the story:
You're welcome to add it to your charts. Hope you find it useful!
FR(%) - Bitcoin Fee RatioBitcoin Fee Ratio is a BTC specific study aiming to replace the ever-misleading ‘market capitalization’ (marketcap).
It answers to the following question:
“If block rewards disappeared tomorrow what percentage of economic volume would we have to pay in fees to replace them”
A low FR means that users can transact securely while simultaneously paying a minimal % of each transaction as a fee.
Conversely, a high FR means that users have to pay a high % of each transaction as a fee in order to transact securely.
User notes:
This study only plots in Bitcoin charts.
It plots in Daily, Weekly and Monthly time frames.
It doesn't render in intraday charts.
The FR value is expressed in relative (%) terms.
Credit for this idea goes to Matteo Leibowitz:
Based on the story:
You're welcome to add it to your charts. Hope you find it useful!
Crypto Mineable vs Not Mineable (Market Caps Ratio)Hello traders!
This indicator shows you the ratio between market capitalizations of the mineable and not mineable cryptocurrencies from TOP-20 (excluding Bitcoin Cash).
NOTE : The market capitalizations are calculated dynamically . The word "dynamically" means that I did not hardcode supplies for presented cryptocurrencies.
What else is included
Alert for the specified positive % change
Alert for the specified negative % change
How to get access
Buy for only 25$ to get lifetime access to this indicator
Like and follow for more cool indicators!
Happy Trading!
Tarzan's spread ratio indicator - DeLuxeThis indicator plots any two securities as a spread ratio using either +,-,/, or *.
It also allows you to use a simple moving average of length 1 to n for your spread ratio.
If you know what you want to do but don't know how to code it, we can work it out, you can float me some cheese on paypal and I'll do a nice job. This indicator is yours for free.
Tarzan =
Earnings Support and Resistance Levels [NeoButane]Inspired by @LazyBear's/@timwest's script:
Usage: support and resistance levels based on averaging price around earnings and quarterly opens.
What it is plotting:
1. A horizontal level whenever earnings occur. If actual earnings is higher than estimated, the line turns green, else red.
2. A horizontal level every quarterly open, colored black.
3. An average between the two mentioned above, colored orange.
4. 5% moves away from 3M open and earnings
5. Misc: 5% move away from that 5% move away, then 10% move away from the 2nd 5% move away.
By default, 4 and 5 are off to reduce visual noise.
Idea: Traders panic around certain dates that always happen, and traders always panic in the wrong direction. The market is composed of traders trading in the wrong direction at the same time, all the time. That means price will bounce back and forth as the gambling dens colloquially known as 'forex brokerages' or 'stock exchanges' take your money in the form of fees, time, and liquidations. So I put two lines on the chart and put one right in between, because it always goes back. I hope you can find it useful!
Note: This was a part of the old fundamental data indicators and is not officially for use, so while it should work on most U.S. stocks and a couple of other exchanges, it is not perfect.
ATR Ratio vs. BitcoinAverage True Range is used to determine if a ticker's trading range is widening or narrowing, which is helpful for finding the trend or to use as a stop loss. The idea of this indicator is to compare the ATR of altcoins versus bitcoin, since volatility is low.
Bitcoin Studies (NVT et. al) [NeoButane]Currently studying the effect of NVT on price action and volume.
Bitfinex Long vs Short RatiosWas impressed with the 'Longs vs Shorts Ratio' idea from the tweet below so I coded an indicator, enjoy.
BTC-USD: LONGS, SHORTS & RATIO (Bitfinex)This script allows you
1. to plot the outstanding BTC long (green) and/or short (red) positions
2. to plot an area (blue) corresponding to the ratio between the outstanding long and short positions, shifted and rescaled, such that the zero-line corresponds to the mid-point between the long and short positions: ratio => ratio * mid + mid
OratioA simple ratio between two assets. When the ratio tops or bottoms out it can anticipate inversions in both assets.
Stupid strategyStrategy with simple stop-loss and take-profit in percentage. If last trade was a successful one then repeat it. If not successful - do a reversal trade.
BITFINEX Long to Short RatioShows the ratio of longs to shorts. Above 1.0 means more longs. Below 1.0 means more shorts. A value of 1.0 means equilibrium.
Volatility RatioVolatility Ratio indicator script. This indicator was originally developed by Jack Schwager.
Multiplier ChartI am proposing an alternative to the percent change.
An alternative that is symmetrical to both positive and negative change, unlike percentage change.
The simple idea is to have a positive number if the reference value (called val in the script) is lower than the stock value and needs to be multiplied;
a negative number instead if the reference number is higher than the stock value, so the reference value needs to be divided.
Multiplying all by 100 to give clearer and more readable results, the Multiplier would have a huge gap between +100 and -100, because a stock multiplied by 1 or divided by 1 are the same thing.
So we need to compromise and move all positive numbers down by 100 and all negative numbers up by 100. This actually gives a similar result to percentage change, and it is actually identical in the positive range.
The fundamental difference lies on the negative range, which is completely symmetrical. So if a stock goes up 100 points one day (doubles), and the next it goes down another 100 points (halves), at the end of the second day the stock has the same value as it had at the beginning of the first day! On percentage change it would be +100% the first day and -50% the second.
We mustn't undervalue the human tendency to compare a 1% change to a -1% change, but they do not mean the same even if they seem to indicate so.
A clear example of this can be found on CMC 0.60% -3.56% -3.56% (CoinMarketCap), in which each day are shown the best and worst performing coins of the day. So you might see a +900% there in the top performing, but you'll never see a -900%, because percentage change cannot go further than -100%. It is a fundamentally asymmetric scale that can confuse people a lot especially in those fast moving new markets.ù
I am welcome to feedback and all kinds of opinions and critics.
Some interesting things to note: you can use it as a percentage change indicator or as a different perspective to a stock chart. In fact, it lets you see how big of a difference it made buying coins when they were very cheap, because when they are cheap a difference of what it might seem nothing is amplified by all the gains that the stock/coin made after. So, looking at coins charts using this indicator shows how "not flat" were the early days, which in a normal chart are flattened to 0.
EMA RatioThis system is called " EMA Ratio" . Using a special formula developed by myself, I have developed it in a view to spot trading opportunities of trend following or counter-trend.
Blue line in the TA means positive growth in prices of a security. A reading higher than 1 is somehow an indication of prices making higher highs, but in the meantime watch out for a decline in its readings, which may imply the uptrend is fading or reversing. It is just the opposite for the red line, which means negative growth in prices.
Traders can stick to either one lines, or both of them, and look for crossover signals. To make this more convenient, crossing alert is already set up. Hope you will find it helpful. Appreciate likes and comments!
Mayer MultipleFollowing Preston Pysh's "Bitcoin Mayer Multiple" study, I made this simple script to plot the Mayer multiple by calculating the ratio between bitcoin price and its 200-day moving average. It also plots the moving average of ratio itself.
Mayer Multiple Buy PriceFollowing Preston Pysh's "Bitcoin Mayer Multiple" study, I made this simple script to plot the recommended buy price based on the calculated 2.4x ratio between bitcoin price and its 200-day moving average. The ratio and SMA length have default values of 2.4 and 200 and can be adjusted.
Automatic Golden Ratio Support & ResistanceThe golden ratio is also called the golden mean or golden section.
It has been used to analyze the proportions of natural objects as well as man-made systems such as financial markets.
The mathematics of the golden ratio and of the Fibonacci sequence is intimately interconnected. The Fibonacci sequence is: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, ....
This Golden Ratio indicator automatically plots 5 support levels and 5 resistance levels based on the golden ratio for current timeframe. It shows a possible price range for current session, you can easily identify the major and minor support/resistance levels from the chart.
The levels of support and resistance are formed at the beginning of a new session
This indicator works on all default time frames.
It will never repaint.
There is no parameter. All you need to do is to load it to your chart.
Click the image links to view it in original size.
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