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MH1) There is no "security (tickerid, 'D', close)", which has "Blue Sky day 90%", "Vdub" and etc
2) The tested values which you can see below were without "Pyramiding"
DMT You have to have a defined trading plan and you also have to believe it. For this, it is necessary to have coordination and harmony between the conscious and subconscious part of the individual, That is why it is so difficult for most retail traders to be profitable
ĐΜŦ is designed to identify spots in the market that offer some of the most suitable buy and sell scalping trading opportunities.
ĐΜŦ is comprised of three inputs, which are helping to identify the volatility of a security. To determine the level of volatility there are three ranges included in the equation
Input 1 - Current Day's Range
Input 2 - How High has the security risen from the previous day's close
Input 3 - How low has the security dropped from the previous day's close
One of the greatest challenges for new traders is avoiding drawdowns on their account. Drawdowns are what kills a trader's ability to consistently earn over the long haul and creates enormous emotional pain and turmoil.
Drawdowns are a result of two factors:
(1) over leverage and
(2) extremely volatile stocks. One could argue that if you get to number 1 right, the volatility is irrelevant; however, these two elements are not always mutually exclusive.
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Stratos - Backtesting - Final Version - CryptoFoudid.comHi all !
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Backtesting & Trading Engine [PineCoders]The PineCoders Backtesting and Trading Engine is a sophisticated framework with hybrid code that can run as a study to generate alerts for automated or discretionary trading while simultaneously providing backtest results. It can also easily be converted to a TradingView strategy in order to run TV backtesting. The Engine comes with many built-in strats for entries, filters, stops and exits, but you can also add you own.
If, like any self-respecting strategy modeler should, you spend a reasonable amount of time constantly researching new strategies and tinkering, our hope is that the Engine will become your inseparable go-to tool to test the validity of your creations, as once your tests are conclusive, you will be able to run this code as a study to generate the alerts required to put it in real-world use, whether for discretionary trading or to interface with an execution bot/app. You may also find the backtesting results the Engine produces in study mode enough for your needs and spend most of your time there, only occasionally converting to strategy mode in order to backtest using TV backtesting.
As you will quickly grasp when you bring up this script’s Settings, this is a complex tool. While you will be able to see results very quickly by just putting it on a chart and using its built-in strategies, in order to reap the full benefits of the PineCoders Engine, you will need to invest the time required to understand the subtleties involved in putting all its potential into play.
Disclaimer: use the Engine at your own risk.
Before we delve in more detail, here’s a bird’s eye view of the Engine’s features:
More than 40 built-in strategies,
Customizable components,
Coupling with your own external indicator,
Simple conversion from Study to Strategy modes,
Post-Exit analysis to search for alternate trade outcomes,
Use of the Data Window to show detailed bar by bar trade information and global statistics, including some not provided by TV backtesting,
Plotting of reminders and generation of alerts on in-trade events.
By combining your own strats to the built-in strats supplied with the Engine, and then tuning the numerous options and parameters in the Inputs dialog box, you will be able to play what-if scenarios from an infinite number of permutations.
You have written an indicator that provides an entry strat but it’s missing other components like a filter and a stop strategy. You add a plot in your indicator that respects the Engine’s External Signal Protocol, connect it to the Engine by simply selecting your indicator’s plot name in the Engine’s Settings/Inputs and then run tests on different combinations of entry stops, in-trade stops and profit taking strats to find out which one produces the best results with your entry strat.
You are building a complex strategy that you will want to run as an indicator generating alerts to be sent to a third-party execution bot. You insert your code in the Engine’s modules and leverage its trade management code to quickly move your strategy into production.
You have many different filters and want to explore results using them separately or in combination. Integrate the filter code in the Engine and run through different permutations or hook up your filtering through the external input and control your filter combos from your indicator.
You are tweaking the parameters of your entry, filter or stop strat. You integrate it in the Engine and evaluate its performance using the Engine’s statistics.
You always wondered what results a random entry strat would yield on your markets. You use the Engine’s built-in random entry strat and test it using different combinations of filters, stop and exit strats.
You want to evaluate the impact of fees and slippage on your strategy. You use the Engine’s inputs to play with different values and get immediate feedback in the detailed numbers provided in the Data Window.
You just want to inspect the individual trades your strategy generates. You include it in the Engine and then inspect trades visually on your charts, looking at the numbers in the Data Window as you move your cursor around.
You have never written a production-grade strategy and you want to learn how. Inspect the code in the Engine; you will find essential components typical of what is being used in actual trading systems.
You have run your system for a while and have compiled actual slippage information and your broker/exchange has updated his fees schedule. You enter the information in the Engine and run it on your markets to see the impact this has on your results.
Before going into the detail of the Inputs and the Data Window numbers, here’s a more detailed overview of the Engine’s features.
Built-in strats
The engine comes with more than 40 pre-coded strategies for the following standard system components:
Entry stops,
2 stage in-trade stops with kick-in rules,
Pyramiding rules,
Hard exits.
While some of the filter and stop strats provided may be useful in production-quality systems, you will not devise crazy profit-generating systems using only the entry strats supplied; that part is still up to you, as will be finding the elusive combination of components that makes winning systems. The Engine will, however, provide you with a solid foundation where all the trade management nitty-gritty is handled for you. By binding your custom strats to the Engine, you will be able to build reliable systems of the best quality currently allowed on the TV platform.
On-chart trade information
As you move over the bars in a trade, you will see trade numbers in the Data Window change at each bar. The engine calculates the P&L at every bar, including slippage and fees that would be incurred were the trade exited at that bar’s close. If the trade includes pyramided entries, those will be taken into account as well, although for those, final fees and slippage are only calculated at the trade’s exit.
You can also see on-chart markers for the entry level, stop positions, in-trade special events and entries/exits (you will want to disable these when using the Engine in strategy mode to see TV backtesting results).
You can couple your own strats to the Engine in two ways:
1. By inserting your own code in the Engine’s different modules. The modular design should enable you to do so with minimal effort by following the instructions in the code.
2. By linking an external indicator to the engine. After making the proper selections in the engine’s Settings and providing values respecting the engine’s protocol, your external indicator can, when the Engine is used in Indicator mode only:
Tell the engine when to enter long or short trades, but let the engine’s in-trade stop and exit strats manage the exits,
Signal both entries and exits,
Provide an entry stop along with your entry signal,
Filter other entry signals generated by any of the engine’s entry strats.
Conversion from strategy to study
TradingView strategies are required to backtest using the TradingView backtesting feature, but if you want to generate alerts with your script, whether for automated trading or just to trigger alerts that you will use in discretionary trading, your code has to run as a study since, for the time being, strategies can’t generate alerts. From hereon we will use indicator as a synonym for study.
Unless you want to maintain two code bases, you will need hybrid code that easily flips between strategy and indicator modes, and your code will need to restrict its use of strategy() calls and their arguments if it’s going to be able to run both as an indicator and a strategy using the same trade logic. That’s one of the benefits of using this Engine. Once you will have entered your own strats in the Engine, it will be a matter of commenting/uncommenting only four lines of code to flip between indicator and strategy modes in a matter of seconds.
Additionally, even when running in Indicator mode, the Engine will still provide you with precious numbers on your individual trades and global results, some of which are not available with normal TradingView backtesting.
Post-Exit Analysis for alternate outcomes (PEA)
While typical backtesting shows results of trade outcomes, PEA focuses on what could have happened after the exit. The intention is to help traders get an idea of the opportunity/risk in the bars following the trade in order to evaluate if their exit strategies are too aggressive or conservative.
After a trade is exited, the Engine’s PEA module continues analyzing outcomes for a user-defined quantity of bars. It identifies the maximum opportunity and risk available in that space, and calculates the drawdown required to reach the highest opportunity level post-exit, while recording the number of bars to that point.
Typically, if you can’t find opportunity greater than 1X past your trade using a few different reasonable lengths of PEA, your strategy is doing pretty good at capturing opportunity. Remember that 100% of opportunity is never capturable. If, however, PEA was finding post-trade maximum opportunity of 3 or 4X with average drawdowns of 0.3 to those areas, this could be a clue revealing your system is exiting trades prematurely. To analyze PEA numbers, you can uncomment complete sets of plots in the Plot module to reveal detailed global and individual PEA numbers.
The Engine provides stats on your trades that TV backtesting does not provide, such as:
Average Profitability Per Trade (APPT), aka statistical expectancy, a crucial value.
APPT per bar,
Average stop size,
Traded volume .
It also shows you on a trade-by-trade basis, on-going individual trade results and data.
In-trade events
In-trade events can plot reminders and trigger alerts when they occur. The built-in events are:
Price approaching stop,
Possible tops/bottoms,
Large stop movement (for discretionary trading where stop is moved manually),
Large price movements.
Slippage and Fees
Even when running in indicator mode, the Engine allows for slippage and fees to be included in the logic and test results.
The alert creation mechanism allows you to configure alerts on any combination of the normal or pyramided entries, exits and in-trade events.
Backtesting results
A few words on the numbers calculated in the Engine. Priority is given to numbers not shown in TV backtesting, as you can readily convert the script to a strategy if you need them.
We have chosen to focus on numbers expressing results relative to X (the trade’s risk) rather than in absolute currency numbers or in other more conventional but less useful ways. For example, most of the individual trade results are not shown in percentages, as this unit of measure is often less meaningful than those expressed in units of risk (X). A trade that closes with a +25% result, for example, is a poor outcome if it was entered with a -50% stop. Expressed in X, this trade’s P&L becomes 0.5, which provides much better insight into the trade’s outcome. A trade that closes with a P&L of +2X has earned twice the risk incurred upon entry, which would represent a pre-trade risk:reward ratio of 2.
The way to go about it when you think in X’s and that you adopt the sound risk management policy to risk a fixed percentage of your account on each trade is to equate a currency value to a unit of X. E.g. your account is 10K USD and you decide you will risk a maximum of 1% of it on each trade. That means your unit of X for each trade is worth 100 USD. If your APPT is 2X, this means every time you risk 100 USD in a trade, you can expect to make, on average, 200 USD.
By presenting results this way, we hope that the Engine’s statistics will appeal to those cognisant of sound risk management strategies, while gently leading traders who aren’t, towards them.
We trade to turn in tangible profits of course, so at some point currency must come into play. Accordingly, some values such as equity, P&L, slippage and fees are expressed in currency.
Many of the usual numbers shown in TV backtests are nonetheless available, but they have been commented out in the Engine’s Plot module.
Position sizing and risk management
All good system designers understand that optimal risk management is at the very heart of all winning strategies. The risk in a trade is defined by the fraction of current equity represented by the amplitude of the stop, so in order to manage risk optimally on each trade, position size should adjust to the stop’s amplitude. Systems that enter trades with a fixed stop amplitude can get away with calculating position size as a fixed percentage of current equity. In the context of a test run where equity varies, what represents a fixed amount of risk translates into different currency values.
Dynamically adjusting position size throughout a system’s life is optimal in many ways. First, as position sizing will vary with current equity, it reproduces a behavioral pattern common to experienced traders, who will dial down risk when confronted to poor performance and increase it when performance improves. Second, limiting risk confers more predictability to statistical test results. Third, position sizing isn’t just about managing risk, it’s also about maximizing opportunity. By using the maximum leverage (no reference to trading on margin here) into the trade that your risk management strategy allows, a dynamic position size allows you to capture maximal opportunity.
To calculate position sizes using the fixed risk method, we use the following formula: Position = Account * MaxRisk% / Stop% [, which calculates a position size taking into account the trade’s entry stop so that if the trade is stopped out, 100 USD will be lost. For someone who manages risk this way, common instructions to invest a certain percentage of your account in a position are simply worthless, as they do not take into account the risk incurred in the trade.
The Engine lets you select either the fixed risk or fixed percentage of equity position sizing methods. The closest thing to dynamic position sizing that can currently be done with alerts is to use a bot that allows syntax to specify position size as a percentage of equity which, while being dynamic in the sense that it will adapt to current equity when the trade is entered, does not allow us to modulate position size using the stop’s amplitude. Changes to alerts are on the way which should solve this problem.
In order for you to simulate performance with the constraint of fixed position sizing, the Engine also offers a third, less preferable option, where position size is defined as a fixed percentage of initial capital so that it is constant throughout the test and will thus represent a varying proportion of current equity.
Let’s recap. The three position sizing methods the Engine offers are:
1. By specifying the maximum percentage of risk to incur on your remaining equity, so the Engine will dynamically adjust position size for each trade so that, combining the stop’s amplitude with position size will yield a fixed percentage of risk incurred on current equity,
2. By specifying a fixed percentage of remaining equity. Note that unless your system has a fixed stop at entry, this method will not provide maximal risk control, as risk will vary with the amplitude of the stop for every trade. This method, as the first, does however have the advantage of automatically adjusting position size to equity. It is the Engine’s default method because it has an equivalent in TV backtesting, so when flipping between indicator and strategy mode, test results will more or less correspond.
3. By specifying a fixed percentage of the Initial Capital. While this is the least preferable method, it nonetheless reflects the reality confronted by most system designers on TradingView today. In this case, risk varies both because the fixed position size in initial capital currency represents a varying percentage of remaining equity, and because the trade’s stop amplitude may vary, adding another variability vector to risk.
Note that the Engine cannot display equity results for strategies entering trades for a fixed amount of shares/contracts at a variable price.
Because the initial text first published with a script cannot be edited later and because there are just too many options, the Engine’s Inputs will not be covered in minute detail, as they will most certainly evolve. We will go over them with broad strokes; you should be able to figure the rest out. If you have questions, just ask them here or in the PineCoders Telegram group.
The display header’s checkbox does nothing.
For the moment, only one exit strategy uses a take profit level, so only that one will show information when checking “Show Take Profit Level”.
You can activate two simultaneous entry strats, each selected from the same set of strats contained in the Engine. If you select two and they fire simultaneously, the main strat’s signal will be used.
The random strat in each list uses a different seed, so you will get different results from each.
The “Filter transitions” and “Filter states” strats delegate signal generation to the selected filter(s). “Filter transitions” signals will only fire when the filter transitions into bull/bear state, so after a trade is stopped out, the next entry may take some time to trigger if the filter’s state does not change quickly. When you choose “Filter states”, then a new trade will be entered immediately after an exit in the direction the filter allows.
If you select “External Indicator”, your indicator will need to generate a +2/-2 (or a positive/negative stop value) to enter a long/short position, providing the selected filters allow for it. If you wish to use the Engine’s capacity to also derive the entry stop level from your indicator’s signal, then you must explicitly choose this option in the Entry Stops section.
You can activate as many filters as you wish; they are additive. The “Maximum stop allowed on entry” is an important component of proper risk management. If your system has an average 3% stop size and you need to trade using fixed position sizes because of alert/execution bot limitations, you must use this filter because if your system was to enter a trade with a 15% stop, that trade would incur 5 times the normal risk, and its result would account for an abnormally high proportion in your system’s performance.
Remember that any filter can also be used as an entry signal, either when it changes states, or whenever no trade is active and the filter is in a bull or bear mode.
Entry Stops
An entry stop must be selected in the Engine, as it requires a stop level before the in-trade stop is calculated. Until the selected in-trade stop strat generates a stop that comes closer to price than the entry stop (or respects another one of the in-trade stops kick in strats), the entry stop level is used.
It is here that you must select “External Indicator” if your indicator supplies a +price/-price value to be used as the entry stop. A +price is expected for a long entry and a -price value will enter a short with a stop at price. Note that the price is the absolute price, not an offset to the current price level.
In-Trade Stops
The Engine comes with many built-in in-trade stop strats. Note that some of them share the “Length” and “Multiple” field, so when you swap between them, be sure that the length and multiple in use correspond to what you want for that stop strat. Suggested defaults appear with the name of each strat in the dropdown.
In addition to the strat you wish to use, you must also determine when it kicks in to replace the initial entry’s stop, which is determined using different strats. For strats where you can define a positive or negative multiple of X, percentage or fixed value for a kick-in strat, a positive value is above the trade’s entry fill and a negative one below. A value of zero represents breakeven.
What you specify in this section are the rules that allow pyramiding to happen. By themselves, these rules will not generate pyramiding entries. For those to happen, entry signals must be issued by one of the active entry strats, and conform to the pyramiding rules which act as a filter for them. The “Filter must allow entry” selection must be chosen if you want the usual system’s filters to act as additional filtering criteria for your pyramided entries.
Hard Exits
You can choose from a variety of hard exit strats. Hard exits are exit strategies which signal trade exits on specific events, as opposed to price breaching a stop level in In-Trade Stops strategies. They are self-explanatory. The last one labelled When Take Profit Level (multiple of X) is reached is the only one that uses a level, but contrary to stops, it is above price and while it is relative because it is expressed as a multiple of X, it does not move during the trade. This is the level called Take Profit that is show when the “Show Take Profit Level” checkbox is checked in the Display section.
While stops focus on managing risk, hard exit strategies try to put the emphasis on capturing opportunity.
You can define it as a percentage or a fixed value, with different settings for entries and exits. The entry and exit markers on the chart show the impact of slippage on the entry price (the fill).
Fees, whether expressed as a percentage of position size in and out of the trade or as a fixed value per in and out, are in the same units of currency as the capital defined in the Position Sizing section. Fees being deducted from your Capital, they do not have an impact on the chart marker positions.
In-Trade Events
These events will only trigger during trades. They can be helpful to act as reminders for traders using the Engine as assistance to discretionary trading.
Post-Exit Analysis
It is normally on. Some of its results will show in the Global Numbers section of the Data Window. Only a few of the statistics generated are shown; many more are available, but commented out in the Plot module.
Date Range Filtering
Note that you don’t have to change the dates to enable/diable filtering. When you are done with a specific date range, just uncheck “Date Range Filtering” to disable date filtering.
Alert Triggers
Each selection corresponds to one condition. Conditions can be combined into a single alert as you please. Just be sure you have selected the ones you want to trigger the alert before you create the alert. For example, if you trade in both directions and you want a single alert to trigger on both types of exits, you must select both “Long Exit” and “Short Exit” before creating your alert.
Once the alert is triggered, these settings no longer have relevance as they have been saved with the alert.
When viewing charts where an alert has just triggered, if your alert triggers on more than one condition, you will need the appropriate markers active on your chart to figure out which condition triggered the alert, since plotting of markers is independent of alert management.
Position sizing
You have 3 options to determine position size:
1. Proportional to Stop -> Variable, with a cap on size.
2. Percentage of equity -> Variable.
3. Percentage of Initial Capital -> Fixed.
External Indicator
This is where you connect your indicator’s plot that will generate the signals the Engine will act upon. Remember this only works in Indicator mode.
The top part of the window contains global numbers while the individual trade information appears in the bottom part. The different types of units used to express values are:
curr: denotes the currency used in the Position Sizing section of Inputs for the Initial Capital value.
quote: denotes quote currency, i.e. the value the instrument is expressed in, or the right side of the market pair (USD in EURUSD ).
X: the stop’s amplitude, itself expressed in quote currency, which we use to express a trade’s P&L, so that a trade with P&L=2X has made twice the stop’s amplitude in profit. This is sometimes referred to as R, since it represents one unit of risk. It is also the unit of measure used in the APPT, which denotes expected reward per unit of risk.
X%: is also the stop’s amplitude, but expressed as a percentage of the Entry Fill.
The numbers appearing in the Data Window are all prefixed:
“ALL:” the number is the average for all first entries and pyramided entries.
”1ST:” the number is for first entries only.
”PYR:” the number is for pyramided entries only.
”PEA:” the number is for Post-Exit Analyses
Global Numbers
Numbers in this section represent the results of all trades up to the cursor on the chart.
Average Profitability Per Trade (X): This value is the most important gauge of your strat’s worthiness. It represents the returns that can be expected from your strat for each unit of risk incurred. E.g.: your APPT is 2.0, thus for every unit of currency you invest in a trade, you can on average expect to obtain 2 after the trade. APPT is also referred to as “statistical expectancy”. If it is negative, your strategy is losing, even if your win rate is very good (it means your winning trades aren’t winning enough, or your losing trades lose too much, or both). Its counterpart in currency is also shown, as is the APPT/bar, which can be a useful gauge in deciding between rivalling systems.
Profit Factor: Gross of winning trades/Gross of losing trades. Strategy is profitable when >1. Not as useful as the APPT because it doesn’t take into account the win rate and the average win/loss per trade. It is calculated from the total winning/losing results of this particular backtest and has less predictive value than the APPT. A good profit factor together with a poor APPT means you just found a chart where your system outperformed. Relying too much on the profit factor is a bit like a poker player who would think going all in with two’s against aces is optimal because he just won a hand that way.
Win Rate: Percentage of winning trades out of all trades. Taken alone, it doesn’t have much to do with strategy profitability. You can have a win rate of 99% but if that one trade in 100 ruins you because of poor risk management, 99% doesn’t look so good anymore. This number speaks more of the system’s profile than its worthiness. Still, it can be useful to gauge if the system fits your personality. It can also be useful to traders intending to sell their systems, as low win rate systems are more difficult to sell and require more handholding of worried customers.
Equity (curr): This the sum of initial capital and the P&L of your system’s trades, including fees and slippage.
Return on Capital is the equivalent of TV’s Net Profit figure, i.e. the variation on your initial capital.
Maximum drawdown is the maximal drawdown from the highest equity point until the drop . There is also a close to close (meaning it doesn’t take into account in-trade variations) maximum drawdown value commented out in the code.
The next values are self-explanatory, until:
PYR: Avg Profitability Per Entry (X): this is the APPT for all pyramided entries.
PEA: Avg Max Opp . Available (X): the average maximal opportunity found in the Post-Exit Analyses.
PEA: Avg Drawdown to Max Opp . (X): this represents the maximum drawdown (incurred from the close at the beginning of the PEA analysis) required to reach the maximal opportunity point.
Trade Information
Numbers in this section concern only the current trade under the cursor. Most of them are self-explanatory. Use the description’s prefix to determine what the values applies to.
PYR: Avg Profitability Per Entry (X): While this value includes the impact of all current pyramided entries (and only those) and updates when you move your cursor around, P&L only reflects fees at the trade’s last bar.
PEA: Max Opp . Available (X): It’s the most profitable close reached post-trade, measured from the trade’s Exit Fill, expressed in the X value of the trade the PEA follows.
PEA: Drawdown to Max Opp . (X): This is the maximum drawdown from the trade’s Exit Fill that needs to be sustained in order to reach the maximum opportunity point, also expressed in X. Note that PEA numbers do not include slippage and fees.
Only one external indicator can be connected to a script; in order to leverage its use to the fullest, the engine provides options to use it as either an entry signal, an entry/exit signal or a filter. When used as an entry signal, you can also use the signal to provide the entry’s stop. Here’s how this works:
For filter state: supply +1 for bull (long entries allowed), -1 for bear (short entries allowed).
For entry signals: supply +2 for long, -2 for short.
For exit signals: supply +3 for exit from long, -3 for exit from short.
To send an entry stop level with an entry signal: Send positive stop level for long entry (e.g. 103.33 to enter a long with a stop at 103.33), negative stop level for short entry (e.g. -103.33 to enter a short with a stop at 103.33). If you use this feature, your indicator will have to check for exact stop levels of 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0 and their negative counterparts, and fudge them with a tick in order to avoid confusion with other signals in the protocol.
Remember that mere generation of the values by your indicator will have no effect until you explicitly allow their use in the appropriate sections of the Engine’s Settings/Inputs.
An example of a script issuing a signal for the Engine is published by PineCoders.
Stick to higher timeframes. On progressively lower timeframes, margins decrease and fees and slippage take a proportionally larger portion of profits, to the point where they can very easily turn a profitable strategy into a losing one. Additionally, your margin for error shrinks as the equilibrium of your system’s profitability becomes more fragile with the tight numbers involved in the shorter time frames. Avoid <1H time frames.
Know and calculate fees and slippage. To avoid market shock, backtest using conservative fees and slippage parameters. Systems rarely show unexpectedly good returns when they are confronted to the markets, so put all chances on your side by being outrageously conservative—or a the very least, realistic. Test results that do not include fees and slippage are worthless. Slippage is there for a reason, and that’s because our interventions in the market change the market. It is easier to find alpha in illiquid markets such as cryptos because not many large players participate in them. If your backtesting results are based on moving large positions and you don’t also add the inevitable slippage that will occur when you enter/exit thin markets, your backtesting will produce unrealistic results. Even if you do include large slippage in your settings, the Engine can only do so much as it will not let slippage push fills past the high or low of the entry bar, but the gap may be much larger in illiquid markets.
Never test and optimize your system on the same dataset , as that is the perfect recipe for overfitting or data dredging, which is trying to find one precise set of rules/parameters that works only on one dataset. These setups are the most fragile and often get destroyed when they meet the real world.
Try to find datasets yielding more than 100 trades. Less than that and results are not as reliable.
Consider all backtesting results with suspicion. If you never entertained sceptic tendencies, now is the time to begin. If your backtest results look really good, assume they are flawed, either because of your methodology, the data you’re using or the software doing the testing. Always assume the worse and learn proper backtesting techniques such as monte carlo simulations and walk forward analysis to avoid the traps and biases that unchecked greed will set for you. If you are not familiar with concepts such as survivor bias, lookahead bias and confirmation bias, learn about them.
Stick to simple bars or candles when designing systems. Other types of bars often do not yield reliable results, whether by design (Heikin Ashi) or because of the way they are implemented on TV (Renko bars).
Know that you don’t know and use that knowledge to learn more about systems and how to properly test them, about your biases, and about yourself.
Manage risk first , then capture opportunity.
Respect the inherent uncertainty of the future. Cleanse yourself of the sad arrogance and unchecked greed common to newcomers to trading. Strive for rationality. Respect the fact that while backtest results may look promising, there is no guarantee they will repeat in the future (there is actually a high probability they won’t!), because the future is fundamentally unknowable. If you develop a system that looks promising, don’t oversell it to others whose greed may lead them to entertain unreasonable expectations.
Have a plan. Understand what king of trading system you are trying to build. Have a clear picture or where entries, exits and other important levels will be in the sort of trade you are trying to create with your system. This stated direction will help you discard more efficiently many of the inevitably useless ideas that will pop up during system design.
Be wary of complexity. Experienced systems engineers understand how rapidly complexity builds when you assemble components together—however simple each one may be. The more complex your system, the more difficult it will be to manage.
Play! . Allow yourself time to play around when you design your systems. While much comes about from working with a purpose, great ideas sometimes come out of just trying things with no set goal, when you are stuck and don’t know how to move ahead. Have fun!
While the engine’s code can supply multiple consecutive entries of longs or shorts in order to scale positions (pyramid), all exits currently assume the execution bot will exit the totality of the position. No partial exits are currently possible with the Engine.
Because the Engine is literally crippled by the limitations on the number of plots a script can output on TV; it can only show a fraction of all the information it calculates in the Data Window. You will find in the Plot Module vast amounts of commented out lines that you can activate if you also disable an equivalent number of other plots. This may be useful to explore certain characteristics of your system in more detail.
When backtesting using the TV backtesting feature, you will need to provide the strategy parameters you wish to use through either Settings/Properties or by changing the default values in the code’s header. These values are defined in variables and used not only in the strategy() statement, but also as defaults in the Engine’s relevant Inputs.
If you want to test using pyramiding, then both the strategy’s Setting/Properties and the Engine’s Settings/Inputs need to allow pyramiding.
If you find any bugs in the Engine, please let us know.
To @glaz for allowing the use of his unpublished MA Squize in the filters.
To @everget for his Chandelier stop code, which is also used as a filter in the Engine.
To @RicardoSantos for his pseudo-random generator, and because it’s from him that I first read in the Pine chat about the idea of using an external indicator as input into another. In the PineCoders group, @theheirophant then mentioned the idea of using it as a buy/sell signal and @simpelyfe showed a piece of code implementing the idea. That’s the tortuous story behind the use of the external indicator in the Engine.
To @admin for the Volatility stop’s original code and for the donchian function lifted from Ichimoku .
To @BobHoward21 for the v3 version of Volatility Stop .
To @scarf and @midtownsk8rguy for the color tuning.
To many other scripters who provided encouragement and suggestions for improvement during the long process of writing and testing this piece of code.
To J. Welles Wilder Jr. for ATR, used extensively throughout the Engine.
To TradingView for graciously making an account available to PineCoders.
And finally, to all fellow PineCoders for the constant intellectual stimulation; it is a privilege to share ideas with you all. The Engine is for all TradingView PineCoders, of course—but especially for you.
Look first. Then leap.
Signal for Backtesting-Trading Engine [PineCoders]This is a companion script to the PineCoders Backtesting-Trading Engine. It illustrates how to build a signal plot in another script, which can in turn be fed in the Engine to provide entry, exit, filter and stop information.
Connection to the Engine is done through its “External Indicator” input field at the very bottom of the Engine’s Settings/Inputs.
The Engine must be operating in study mode to be able to connect an external indicator to it.
The way this script builds the signal is straightforward, as you will see in the code. Two aspects are worth mentioning:
The “FudgeStop()” function used to fudge the stop value by one tick for the rare cases where it will match one of the protocol reserved values, i.e. 1, 2 or 3.
The priority and exclusivity given to the different types of signals in the signal-building “Signal = …” line. No two signals can be sent simultaneously through the signal plot, except for the entry and stop combination.
You can determine in this script’s Settings/Inputs the type of signals that will go through the signal plot.
This script respects the following protocol:
Only one external indicator can be connected to a script; in order to leverage its use to the fullest, the engine provides options to use it as either an entry signal, an entry/exit signal or a filter. When used as an entry signal, you can also use the signal to provide the entry’s stop. Here’s how this works:
For filter state: supply +1 for bull (long entries allowed), -1 for bear (short entries allowed).
For entry signals: supply +2 for long, -2 for short.
For exit signals: supply +3 for exit from long, -3 for exit from short.
To send an entry stop level with an entry signal: Send positive stop level for long entry (e.g. 103.33 to enter a long with a stop at 103.33), negative stop level for short entry (e.g. -103.33 to enter a short with a stop at 103.33). If you use this feature, your indicator will have to check for exact stop levels of 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0 and their negative counterparts, and fudge them with a tick in order to avoid confusion with other signals in the protocol.
Remember that mere generation of the values by your indicator will have no effect until you explicitly allow their use in the appropriate sections of the Engine’s Settings/Inputs.
Look first. Then leap.
APEX - Swing Aura StrategyA backtester of my new strat, it's a hybrid swing/scalp strat that really looks for quick low profits. Will keep it hidden as it's a bit of a work in progress right now. Working on it to perform well enough with the Apex Trading bot, ran it for a day now and it ended the day on a 1.78% portfolio profit, so I'm really pleased with that.
As for details it's based on Keltner Channels, Bolingers Bands and a Ichimoku cloud. To spice it up there's even a Wave trend in there as well!
All the settings for the bits and parts are changeable so feel free to mess around with them, but will keep my sell triggers fixed for now, so no editing of those from within the script unfortunately.
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The indicator’s default settings show the trend cloud and the lines L, M and S with S crossing L being our main indication to enter a position. The general rule is that if S crosses over L we want to long as close to L as possible (if it shoots over by a lot we'd rather wait for a pullback to get in at a better price). If S crosses under L we want to short as close to L as possible (if it shoots under by a lot we'd rather wait for a pullback to get in at a better price). There are circumstances where we would want to take other lines into account like XL (which on some pairs can trump L), NEXT L (which is highly predictive but can give us a rough estimation where we might want to look for more aggressive, complimenting setups) or even M for very aggressive entries/exits on lower time frames. When price action goes utterly sideways so that we're getting back and forth signals we'd rather look for positions of strength within the narrow range. All our entries, exits, stops, take profits and additional plays in between are going to be discussed in the Envoy Academy, so no Envoy has to trade alone and can always ask for advise to get feedback on a position.
Enlist now.
Ethereum FREE Backtest Version ETHBTC 15m BITFINEXA strategy for trading ETH/BTC in 15m timeframe.
The strategy includes long and short trades.
You can find the Alert Setup version below.
More info here .
My website :
Automated Strategies for TradingView
BTC Dominance - by @cryptomrdavis -Simple tool for your trading assets. Check the dominance from BTC agains other Alts and trade safe.
You can find a short description on the chart above.
Website coming soon:
Happy trading
+++ use this tool on your own risk. i'm not responsible for your loses. DYOR +++
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Advanced Candlestick Patterns [vitruvius]This is a very advanced indicator that detects most commonly used candlestick patterns. Please read this document carefully to understand how it works.
It is tailored to identify patterns that only have a great possibility of signaling a price movement. In other words, it can and will ignore some patterns, even though they satisfy the recognition conditions defined in the books. Candlestick patterns should also satisfy some other conditions in this indicator to be valid and you can modify those conditions.
This indicator is not only about identifying the candlestick patterns. By using the different choices, you can:
Avoid fake signals
Confirm patterns
Increase your possibility to win a trade
Reduce risk
Identify bullish/bearish movements better
Recommended Use
This indicator works best when you:
Use it in the daily time frame
Combine it with Support/Resistance areas
Note: For some candlestick patterns, you have the option of confirming the pattern with the next price action. In those cases, there will be obviously one bar delay (because it will wait for one more bar to close to confirm the pattern). However, it will mark the candlestick where it identifies the pattern and it will have ”Confirmed” in its text.
Important Note
This indicator does some serious calculations and checks for a lot of user inputs. Therefore, it might be a little slow. Please give it some time when it needs to do some computing.
Trend Detection
Most of the patterns in this script are trend reversal patterns. So, recognition of the candlestick patterns depends heavily on the trend. In fact, even if you do not select a trend detection method, it will use the SMA method as default where it needs a certain trend in identifying a specific pattern.
It is possible to combine multiple trend detection methods. You can see how this affects the overall trend detection by enabling the background coloring.
Note: There might be some cases where a candle has a bullish/bearish confirmation of the same candlestick pattern . In those cases, the script is unable to identify the move and the user should decide if the identified pattern is bullish or bearish.
Below are the inputs of this module:
Color the background according to the trend?
If you select a trend detection method, it will color the background green for an uptrend and red for a downtrend .
Counter the trend when there is no obvious trend?
If you select multiple trend detection methods, there might be some cases where one of the methods indicates an uptrend and the other one indicates a downtrend . In that case, the script will continue with the previous trend (whatever the trend is one bar ago) by default . You can, however, reverse the trend in those cases by using this option. If you choose to reverse, you might catch the trend early .
Use MACD to detect the trend?
Use MACD to detect the trend. Whenever MACD delta is greater or equal to zero, it is an uptrend .
MACD Fast Length
Fast length of MACD.
MACD Slow Length
Slow length of MACD.
MACD Signal Smoothing
Signal smoothing value of MACD. Please note that it is set to 6 by default.
Use SMA to detect the trend?
Use SMA to detect the trend. If the price closes above the SMA line, it is an uptrend
SMA Length
Length of SMA.
Use the average price of previous candles to detect the trend?
If the average of open and close prices constantly go up for n bars that are determined by the next user input, it is an uptrend .
Number of candles to analyze
The number of bars ( n ) to analyze for the average price method.
Use the closing price of the previous candle to detect the trend?
If the difference between the current close and nth previous bar’s close is greater than the given threshold, it is an uptrend .
Position of the previous candle to analyze
Position of the bar (backward) to compare with the current close price.
Threshold for the closing price
The threshold value for closing price method.
Basic Candlestick Patterns
This module detects Doji, Spinning Top, Marubozu candlestick patterns. Also, you can set some specific options that are going to be used in all candlestick patterns.
Note: If you choose to manually enter the body height of a doji , you need to find the optimal value for different timeframes. Different timeframes have difference price action ranges.
Below are the inputs of this module:
Tolerate opening/closing price of the candle?
When a candlestick pattern needs to have a gap between two candles, you can tolerate the opening/closing prices of the one candle. This option is useful where the opening and closing prices are very close. This option is going to be used in all candlestick patterns.
Factor for tolerating opening/closing price
The more the factor is, the more the tolerance is.
Body/Height ratio for a candle to be considered as Bullish/Bearish
A bullish/bearish candle shouldn’t have too much shadow. You can use this option to determine the shadow length of a bullish/bearish bar. This option is going to be used in all candlestick patterns
Use basic candlestick pattern (Doji, Spinning Top, Marubozu)?
Detect doji, spinning top, marubozu candlestick patterns.
Manually set body of Doji?
You can manually set the body height of a doji. Otherwise, it will be calculated automatically. If you choose to use this option, then spinning top, and marubozu will also be calculated based on this.
Body of Doji
Body height of a bar to be considered as doji . Any bar with a body equal or less than the given value will be marked as doji. Only effective if you check the ”Manually set body of Doji?” option .
Verify a Doji by looking at the preceding candle?
If true, it will only mark dojis if the preceding candle is bullish or bearish.
Single Candlestick Patterns
This module detects Hammer, Hanging Man, Inverted Hammer, Shooting Star single candlestick patterns.
Below are the inputs of this module:
Confirm Single Candlestick Patterns with next closing price?
You can confirm a single candlestick pattern with the next closing price. That is, if the next candle closes above the previous one, it will confirm a bullish movement. If the next candle closes below the previous one, it will confirm a bearish movement.
Use Hammer and Hanging Man Single Candlestick Patterns?
Detect hammer and h anging man single candlestick patterns.
Use Inverted Hammer and Shooting Star Single Candlestick Patterns?
Detect inverted hammer and s hooting star single candlestick patterns.
Dual Candlestick Patterns
This module detects Engulfing, Tweezer Bottoms, Tweezer Tops, Harami, Inside Bar, Piercing Line, Dark Cloud Cover dual candlestick patterns.
Below are the inputs of this module:
Use Engulfing Dual Candlestick Pattern?
Detect engulfing dual candlestick pattern.
Validate Engulfing by comparing highs and lows?
If checked, the second bar must engulf the previous bar’s high/low also. If unchecked, the second bar should only engulf the real body of the first bar.
Use Tweezer Bottoms and Tops Dual Candlestick Patterns?
Detect tweezer bottoms and tweezer tops dual candlestick patterns.
Check the shadow equality of Tweezer Bottom and Tops?
Check if the shadows of the tweezer bars are about the same length.
Detect Harami Dual Candlestick Pattern?
Detect harami dual candlestick pattern.
Use High/Low of the second Harami candle instead of Open/Close price?
If checked, the body of the child must be within High and Low of the mother bar. Otherwise, only open/close prices will be checked.
Detect Inside Bar Dual Candlestick Pattern?
Detect inside bar dual candlestick pattern.
Treat Inside Bar as a reversal pattern?
If checked, inside bar will be treated as a bullish/bearish reversal pattern.
Check if the Inside bar formed in the upper/lower half of the Mother bar?
Check if the inside bar forms within the upper/lower body half of the mother. Then it will be treated as a bullish/bearish inside bar .
Detect the Inside Bar only if the previous candle closes outside of the Keltner channel?
This option effects identifying the inside bar . Such that, an inside bar will be detected only if the previous candle closes outside of Keltner Channel . Inside bars are effective when the market is extended and this is a nice way to check for that.
Confirm Inside Bar with the next close breaching the low/high of the inside bar?
Check if the next bar breaches inside bar’s high/low. Then it will be treated as a bullish/bearish inside bar .
Use Piercing Line and Dark Cloud Cover Dual Candlestick Patterns?
Detect Piercing Line and Dark Cloud Cover dual candlestick patterns.
Triple Candlestick Patterns
This module detects Morning Star , Evening Star, Three White Soldiers, Three Black Crows, Three Inside Up, Three Inside Down, Three Line Strike, Abandoned Baby, NR4, NR7 candlestick patterns.
Below are the inputs of this module:
Use Morning and Evening Star Triple Candlestick Pattern?
Detect morning and evening star triple candlestick patterns.
Don't allow the second candle's body to overlap with the first and third candle?
If checked, high and low of the second candle cannot overlap with the first and third candle for morning and evening star candlestick patterns.
The third candle must close beyond the midpoint of the first candle?
If checked, the third candle must close beyond the midpoint of the first candle for morning and evening star candlestick patterns.
Use Three White Soldiers and Three Black Crows Triple Candlestick Pattern?
Detect three white soldiers and three black crows triple candlestick pattern.
Compare bodies of Three White Soldiers and Three Black Crows candles?
You also have the possibility of comparing bodies of the candles in a way that every consecutive candle must have a bigger body than the previous candle.
Check if each candle (TWS&TBC) opens in the middle price range of the previous day?
You can check if each candle of three white soldiers and three black crows opens in the middle price range of the previous day.
Use Three Inside Up/Down Triple Candlestick Pattern?
Detect three inside up and three inside down triple candlestick pattern.
Check candles' bodies and closing prices for Three Inside Up/Down?
There are two different definitions for three inside up/down candlestick patterns. This option allows you to select one of those definitions. That is;
If unchecked , the second candle should make it up all the way to the midpoint of the first candle. Also, the third candle needs to close above the first candle’s high.
If checked , the second candle opens and closes within the real body of the first candle. Also, the third candle needs to close above the first candle's high.
Use Three Line Strike Candlestick Pattern?
Detect three line strike triple candlestick pattern.
Compare High/Lows instead of Open/Close for the Three Line Strike Pattern?
If checked, it will compare high/lows instead of open/close prices for the three line strike pattern.
Use Abandoned Baby Triple Candlestick Pattern?
Detect abandoned baby triple candlestick pattern. If you choose to tolerate opening and closing prices, high and low prices will also be tolerated for abandoned baby.
Use NR4 Candlestick Pattern?
Detect NR4 candlestick pattern.
Use NR7 Candlestick Pattern?
Detect NR7 candlestick pattern.
Confirm Narrow Range Candlestick Patterns with next closing price?
You can confirm NR4 and NR7 candlestick patterns with the next closing price. That way they will be identified as bullish or bearish patterns.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
If you are not familiar with a specific candlestick pattern, try to google it. If you still need help, you can always contact me.
If you find a bug, or you think the indicator does not work as intended, please contact me with a screenshot of the chart. Also, please mention how you set up the user inputs.
If you have any ideas to further improve this indicator, please feel free to share it with me :)
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