This indicator is flashing a buy signal for Bitcoin!

Theo quantmaven
Some technical analysts are calling for that "C" wave that would make Bitcoin plunge from current levels to sub 30K... The US Yield Curve says this is not going to happen. The US Yield Curve is defined as the difference between 10-year treasuries and 2-year treasuries. When it goes up, it means that economic growth and inflation are strong and vice-versa. There is a very solid relationship between the US Yield Curve and the price of Bitcoin. There might be short-term dislocations but Bitcoin readjust itself to go back in-line with the fundamentals. Right now if you look at the chart the US Yield Curve has began a new uptrend while Bitcoin is falling today. This is the kind of opportunity I mentionned before with this indicator, it leads the price of Bitcoin by a couple hours to a couple days. In other words, don't panic sell today's FUD because it is temporary noise and we are going up soon again.
Bitcoin (Cryptocurrency)BTCBTCUSDBTCUSDTElliott WaveFundamental AnalysisValue

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