VPSA - Volume Price Spread Analysis

Theo CatTheTrader
Dear Analysts and Traders,

I am pleased to present the latest version of my indicator, based on the logic of analyzing spread and volume. In this version, the indicator examines spread and volume using min-max normalization. The statistical value is captured through Z-Score standardization, and I have added configurable alerts based on the normalized values of spread, volume, and the sigmas for these variables.

Theory and Evolution of the Indicator

The normalization function used in this program allows for the comparison of two values with different ranges on a single chart. The values that reach the highest within the examined range are assigned a value of one. As in previous versions, I have adopted a bar chart where the wider bar represents volume and the narrower bar represents spread. I believe that using normalization is the most intuitive approach, as the standardization in the earlier sVPSA version could cause confusion. This was due to smaller bars for higher actual values and negative bars, which required additional reliance on actual volume data and significant proficiency in using the indicator. These were limitations stemming from the computational aspect of these issues. As in the previously mentioned script, I also used Z-Score standardization here, which serves as a measure of deviation from the mean. This is visualized in the script as the color of the bars, which in the default configuration are as follows: below one sigma - blue; above one sigma up to two sigmas - green; above two sigmas up to three sigmas - red; and above three sigmas - fuchsia. Additionally, I applied an exponential moving average in this indicator to minimize the influence of older candles on the mean. The indicator has been enhanced with configurable alerts, allowing for substantial control over the conditions triggering them. The alerts enable the definition of normalized variable values and sigma values. Furthermore, the program allows for the definition of logical dependencies for these conditions.


The program I have developed is a synthesis of the most important and useful functions from the indicators I previously created. The indicator is a standalone and powerful tool that facilitates effective analysis of the spread-volume relationship, which is one of the fundamental methods of analysis according to the Wyckoff and VSA methodologies. The alerts introduced in this version provide extensive possibilities for controlling the dynamics of any market.

Should you encounter any errors or have suggestions regarding the indicator, please feel free to contact me.

I wish you successful analyses! All the best!

indicatorsStandard DeviationTechnical AnalysisVolatilityVolumeVSAwyckoff

Mã nguồn mở

Theo tinh thần TradingView thực sự, tác giả của tập lệnh này đã xuất bản dưới dạng nguồn mở để các nhà giao dịch có thể hiểu và xác minh. Chúc mừng tác giả! Bạn có thể sử dụng miễn phí. Tuy nhiên, bạn cần sử dụng lại mã này theo Quy tắc nội bộ. Bạn có thể yêu thích nó để sử dụng nó trên biểu đồ.

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