Cryptos Pump Hunter[liwei666]

Cập nhật
🔥 Cryptos Pump Hunter captured high volatility symbols in real-time, Up to 40 symbols can be monitored at same time.
Help you find the most profitable symbol with excellent visualization.

🔥 Indicator Design logic

🎯 The core pump/dump logic is quite simple

1. calc past bars highest and lowest High price, get movement by this formula
" movement = (highest - lowest) / lowest * 100 "
2. order by 'movement' value descending, you will get a volatility List
3. use Table tool display List, The higher the 'movement', the higher the ranking.

🔥 Settings

🎯 2 input properties impact on the results, 2 input impact on display effects, others look picture below.

  • pump_bars_cnt: lookback bar to calc pump/dump
  • resolution for pump: 1min to 1D
  • show_top1: when ranking list top1 change, will draw a label
  • show pump: when symbol over threhold, draw a pump lable

ảnh chụp nhanh

🔥 How TO USE

🎯 only trade high volatility symbols
1. focus on top1 symbol on Table panel at top-right postion, trading symbols at label in chart.
2. Short when 'postion' ~ 0, Long when 'postion' ~ 1 on Table Cell

ảnh chụp nhanh

🎯 Monitor the symbols you like
1. 100+ symbols added in script, cancel remarks in code line if symbol is your want
2. add 1 line code if symbol not exist. if you want monitor 'ETHUSDTPERP ', then add
" ETHUSDTPERP = create_symbol_obj('BINANCE:ETHUSDTPERP'), array.unshift(symbol_a, ETHUSDTPERP ) "

ảnh chụp nhanh

🎯 Alert will be add soon, any questions or suggestion please comment below, I would appreciate it greatly.

Hope this indicator will be useful for you :)

enjoy! 🚀🚀🚀

Phát hành các Ghi chú
  • 1. add table setting properties, u can choose display position and size in charts
  • 2. add 2 event Alerts: top1_change and cryptos pump
Average True Range (ATR)BOOMBTCUSDTcrashcryptoscryptotradigdumpHistorical VolatilitypumpRate of Change (ROC)volatilityindicator

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