Volume Aggregated Spot & FuturesAggregated volume for cryptos using spot and perpetual contracts but only those that are based on normal volume and not on tick volume.
Provides more reliable volume than volume from one provider.
Thanks to HALDRO because it's his code and I simplified it to create this version.
Open Interest Suite [Aggregated] - By LeviathanThis script is an all-in-one indicator that uses aggregated Open Interest data to plot OI candles, Open Interest Delta, OI x rVOL, and OI RSI. It also includes tools such as an OI Distribution profile, large OI increase/decrease coloring, a Stats Screener, and much more.
You can select and have the script plot the following:
- Open Interest in the form of OHLC candles
- Open Interest Delta in the form of a histogram
- Open Interest x Relative Volume in the form of a histogram
- Open Interest RSI in the form of a line
Additional features include:
- OI Distribution Profile (It shows the distribution of open interest in the visible range on y axis. This makes it easier to identify when Open Interest is relatively high or low and at which values most of the action took place)
- Stats screener (The screener includes the real-time net Open Interest value, Rekt Longs/Rekt Shorts based on large OI decreases and Aggressive Longs/Shorts based on large OI increases)
- Coloring (You can color OI Delta nodes, background and chart candles based on large OI increases/decreases)
- more
Instructions for the settings will be provided in the tooltips shortly.
Full credit goes to @KioseffTrading for the profile generation code.
Aggregated VWAP by AncheAbout this indicator
Aggregated VWAP shows you a combined VWAP of different assets which you can choose inside the options panel.
This allows you to select the same asset from multiple exchanges and the indicator plots a VWAP based on all the prices of the selected tickers.
The above image shows you the VWAP of the current asset (red, thick line) and an Aggregated VWAP of BTCUSD from this exchange + 5 others (black line). This clearly shows a discrepancy between both values.
How to use
Open the options of the indicator, at the bottom you will find 5 input fields to select 5 tickers. This allows you to select your asset from different exchanges so that their value gets computed inside the value for the Aggregated VWAP.
Inside the "style" settings you can change colors, lines, etc.
Aggregated Volume Profile Spot & Futures ⚉ OVERVIEW ⚉
Aggregate Volume Profile - Shows the Volume Profile from 9 exchanges. Works on almost all CRYPTO Tickers!
You can enter your own desired exchanges, on/off any others, as well as select the sources of SPOT, FUTURES and others.
The script also includes several input parameters that allow the user to control which exchanges and currencies are included in the aggregated data.
The user can also choose how volume is displayed (in assets, U.S. dollars or euros) and how it is calculated (sum, average, median, or dispersion).
WARNING Indicator is for CRYPTO ONLY.
Data Type — Choose Single or Aggregated data.
• Single — Show only current Volume.
• Aggregated — Show Aggregated Volume.
Volume By — You can also select how the volume is displayed.
• COIN — Volume in Actives.
• USD — Volume in United Stated Dollar.
• EUR — Volume in European Union.
• RUB — Volume in Russian Ruble.
Calculate By — Choose how Aggregated Volume it is calculated.
• SUM — This displays the total volume from all sources.
• AVG — This displays the average price of the volume from all sources.
• MEDIAN — This displays the median volume from all sources.
• VARIANCE — This displays the variance of the volume from all sources.
• Delta Type — Select the Volume Profile type.
• Bullish — Shows the volume of buyers.
• Bearish — Shows the volume of sellers.
• Both — Shows the total volume of buyers and sellers.
Additional features
The remaining functions are responsible for the visual part of the Volume Profile and are intuitive and I recommend that you familiarize yourself with them simply by using them.
If you have any ideas what to add to my work to add more sources or make calculations cooler, suggest in DM .
Also I recommend exploring and trying out my similar work.
Aggregated Volume Spot & Futures ⚉ OVERVIEW ⚉
The indicator presents a comprehensive approach to Aggregated Volume Data . Works on almost all CRYPTO Tickers!
The script also includes several input parameters that allow the user to control which exchanges and currencies are included in the aggregated data.
This script allows the user to choose from several data display modes, including volume, spot & perp, delta, cumulative delta, and others.
The user can also choose how volume is displayed (in assets, U.S. dollars or euros) and how it is calculated (sum, average, median, or dispersion).
WARNING Indicator is for CRYPTO ONLY.
Mode — Choose Mode.
• Volume — This displays the Volume
• Volume (Colored) — Shows aggregated volume but applying different volume colors for different exchanges.
• Delta — This displays the difference between the number of sellers and buyers.
• Cumulative Delta — This displays the cumulative delta between sellers and buyers.
• Spot & Perp — Shows Spot and Futures volume at the same time.
• Delta (Spot - Perp) — Shows the difference between Spot and Futures Volume.
• Liquidations — Displays Potential Liquidations. (Calculated between the difference in volume between Futures and Spots)
• OBV — On Balance Volume.
• MFI — Money Flow Indicator.
• Data Type — Choose Single or Aggregated data.
• Single — Show only current Volume.
• Aggregated — Show Aggregated Volume.
Volume By — You can also select how the volume is displayed.
• COIN — Volume in Actives.
• USD — Volume in United Stated Dollar.
• EUR — Volume in European Union.
• RUB — Volume in Russian Ruble.
Calculate By — Choose how Aggregated Volume it is calculated.
• SUM — This displays the total volume from all sources.
• AVG — This displays the average price of the volume from all sources.
• MEDIAN — This displays the median volume from all sources.
• VARIANCE — This displays the variance of the volume from all sources.
* 🡅 Be Careful, Reacts to Every Mode.
Additional features
• Show MA — Show Movieng Average of Volume.
• MA Period — Period of MA.
• Lookback — Lookback period for 'Cumulative Delta' and for 'MFI'.
• Liquidation Filter — Filters out small or negative difference values.
• Show Table — Table shows the current volume of the last candle. Also in the Mode "Colored" shows the color of exchanges if they have volume.
I don't pretend to be the best choice for calculating CVD , Delta and Liquidations, the calculations are chosen to be optimal from what I have seen and know.
If you have any ideas what to add to my work to add more sources or make calculations cooler, suggest in DM .
Relative Aggregate Strength OscillatorCredits to
@wolneyyy - "Mean Deviation Detector - Throw Out All Other Indicators"
@algomojo - "Responsive Coppock Curve"
And the default Relative Strength Index
The candles are the average of the MFI ,CCI ,MOM and RSI values presented as candles, they seemed similar enough in style to me so I created candles out of each and the took the sum of all the candle's OHLC values and divided by 4 to get an average.
In the Background we have @wolneyyy's - "Mean Deviation Detector - Throw Out All Other Indicators" in blue
along with @algomojo's - "Responsive Coppock Curve" in red and green.
.b BTC-Exchange volumeBINANCE:BTCUSDT
It's tool to check exchange trading status.
You can see "BTC-exchange's realtime trading volume, previous closed volume" at once.
You can switch to see 'Previous close volume' on script's panel.
Timeframe recommended ; 15m, 1H, 4H, D, W, whatever.
Each exchange may have a different volume display unit, so I converted it into roughly BTC units. (using hl2 price)
This indicator aims to recognize the difference in the trading volume of the exchange at once.
It's not for the purpose of check the exact trading volume.
All data come from tradingview.
The comparison target exchanges refer to the ranking of CoinMarketCap.
if you have any questions freely contact to me by message on tradingview, or telegram @sr_bt
but please understand that responses may be quite late.
Aggregated Moving AveragesUsers can display moving averages from higher time frame charts and display them on their current chart. This script supports up to 4 moving averages aggregated from a selected time frame. Each plot can be toggled if the user does not wish to have all 4 plots displayed.
Inputs allow user to edit:
Moving average length
Average type
Timeframe input allows user to select which timeframe the moving averages are calculated from.
If you wish to have multiple timeframes across different moving averages, it is recommended you add a separate copies of the indicator for each timeframe you wish to display. Toggle visibility of which plots which you don't need.
Aggregated Volume - By InFinitoVolume indicator that works like a normal Volume indicator with the following additional features:
- Aggregates Volume across different exchanges and Market Types - *Original Aggregation Code By Crypt0rus*
- Displays data by Market Type and combinations of Market Types (Spot, Futures , Perpetuals, Futures+Perpetuals & All Volume )
- Allows for the user to select the exchanges from which to aggregate Volume (This allows for the aggregation of any other pair i.e ETH, SOL, LUNA)
- Normalizes the Volume reported through TradingView by every exchange in order to homogenize the data (i.e Binance reports Bitcoin Volume in BTC terms BUT FTX reports Bitcoin Volume in USD)
- Allows for manual input of how Volume is reported in a particular Pair/Exchange (i.e If you want to aggregate data from the BTCEUR pair, you can select 'Other' and introduce the Value of EUR in USD terms)
COIN: Select this option if the volume is reported in terms of the asset traded ( BTC , ETH, SOL, etc....)
USD: Select this option if the Volume is reported in terms of the USD amount traded
OTHER: Select this option in case the Volume is reported in another currency (EUR, ETH, etc....)
Feel free to leave suggestions/questions in the comments or to message them directly to me
Stablecoin DominanceThis simple indicator combines all the currently available stable-coin dominance values into one percentage; the first of its kind public on TradingView !
If trading view adds more in the future I will add them as well, and feel free to leave suggestions in the comments below :)
Aggregated Volume Colored (Bitcoin, ETH, Altcoins, everything)BITSTAMP:BTCUSD
This indicator aggregates trading volume data of up to 10 symbols and can display the individual data by color.
It is useful for assets which are traded on multiple exchanges, like cryptocurrencies, commodities, forex and derivatives showing you what is happening across the market and on the individual exchanges to give you beter insights.
You can change the symbols from which the indicator gathers data in the settings under inputs, just like the colors, and you can add a moving average.
By default trading volume is aggregated from the following symbols:
Binance, BTC /USDT
Binance, BTC /BUSD
Bingbon, BTC /USD
Huobi, BTC /USDT
Coinbase, BTC /USD
Bitfinex, BTC /USD
Gemini, BTC /USD
Kraken, XBT/USD
Bitstamp, BTC /USD
Aggregated VolumeBITSTAMP:BTCUSD
This indicator aggregates trading volume data of assets which are traded on multiple exchanges (like cryptocurrencies, commodities, forex and derivatives) to give you better insights on the markets.
You can change the markets from which the indicator gathers data in the settings under inputs.
By default, data is aggregated from the following markets:
Binance, BTC /USDT
Binance, BTC /BUSD
Bitfinex, BTC /USD
Coinbase, BTC /USD
Bingbon, BTC /USD
Bitstamp , BTC /USD
Kraken, XBT/USD
Gemini, BTC /USD
Huobi, BTC /USDT
[5F] Aggregated Volume Spot BTC 10 Exchanges-══════════════════════════════-
10 exchanges aggregated spot volume of Bitcoin.
You can choose which exchanges to display.
Each color characterizes an exchange.
Sorry for my bad english
Note : The list of exchanges in the infopanel is always the same, even if you disable exchanges. If I have the time, I will try to fix this.
Here are the listed exchanges :
- Okex
- Huobi
- Binance
- Bitfinex
- Bitstamp
- Coinbase
- Kraken
- Gemini
- Phemex
Thanks to all Pinecoders who share their work with the community.
ETH HawkEye Aggregated Volume IndicatorThis is combined Aggregated ETH Exchange Volume by Neobutane with HawkEye volume clone indicator by LazyBear.
Indicator includes aggregated raw ETH volume from 7 user selectable fiat and tether exchanges on USD, USDT, BTC, EUR, GBP, JPY pairs + Exponential MA + hawkeye bar coloring where: green is bullish volume , red - bearish and white - volume neutral to the market:
*There is a TV bug that doesn't display a whole volume history if some pair was added later than date intended to be analysed by operator eg, if you want to watch older data you should exclude all secondary pairs that were added later and switch off "newer" exchanges like Binance.
BTC Aggregate USD Volumeaggregated USD volume of BTC from Bittrex, Poloniex, OkCoin, Gemini, Binance, Bitstamp, Kraken, Bitfinex, Bitmex (leveraged), and Coinbase
Aggregated Volume LTCBTCAggregates the LTC/BTC volume from multiple exchanges into a single indicator.
# Exchanges and Pairs
Included are only exchanges supported by TradingView:
* Binance
* Bitstamp
* Bittrex
* Coinbase
* Gemini
* Bitfinex
* Kraken
* Poloniex
* HitBTC
Many other top exchanges are not included, because they are not supported by TradingView.
# Inputs
By default the spot exchanges are selected. You can select also the other margin trading and derivatives exchanges.
# Contribute
Feel free to share any ideas and issues you have.
# Open Source
The code is open source @ github.com and uses the commonpine library github.com
Aggregated Volume LTC/FiatAggregates the LTC/Fiat volume from multiple exchanges into a single indicator.
# Exchanges and Pairs
Included are only exchanges supported by TradingView:
* Binance
* Bitstamp
* Bittrex
* Coinbase
* Gemini
* Bitfinex
* Kraken
* Poloniex
* HitBTC
Many other top exchanges are not included, because they are not supported by TradingView.
The pair LTC/BTC is not included.
# Inputs
By default the spot exchanges are selected. You can select also the other margin trading and derivatives exchanges.
# Contribute
Feel free to share any ideas and issues you have.
# Open Source
The code is open source @ github.com and uses the commonpine library github.com
Aggregated Volume ETHBTCAggregates the ETH/BTC volume from multiple exchanges into a single indicator.
# Exchanges and Pairs
Included are only exchanges supported by TradingView:
* Binance
* Bitstamp
* Bittrex
* Coinbase
* Gemini
* Bitfinex
* Kraken
* Poloniex
* HitBTC
Excluded low volume exchanges (not in CMC Top):
Many other top exchanges are not included, because they are not supported by TradingView.
# Inputs
By default the spot exchanges are selected. You can select also the other margin trading and derivatives exchanges.
# Contribute
Feel free to share any ideas and issues you have.
# Open Source
The code is open source @ github.com and uses the commonpine library github.com
Aggregated Volume ETHAggregates the ETH/fiat volume from multiple exchanges into a single indicator.
# Exchanges and Pairs
Included are only exchanges supported by TradingView:
* Binance
* Bitstamp
* Bittrex
* Coinbase
* Gemini
* itBit
* Bitfinex
* Kraken
* Poloniex
* BitMEX
Excluded low volume exchanges (not in CMC Top):
* CEX . IO
* Coinfloor
Excluded exchange due to volume calculation by TV:
* HitBTC
Many other top exchanges are not included, because they are not supported by TradingView.
# Inputs
By default the spot exchanges are selected. You can select also the other margin trading and derivatives exchanges.
# Contribute
Feel free to share any ideas and issues you have.
# Open Source
The code is open source @ github.com and uses the commonpine library github.com
Aggregated Volume BTCAggregates the Bitcoin volume from multiple exchanges into a single indicator.
# Exchanges and Pairs
Included are only exchanges supported by TradingView:
* Binance
* Bitstamp
* Bittrex
* Coinbase
* Gemini
* itBit
* Bitfinex
* Kraken
* Poloniex
* HitBTC
* OKCoin
* BitMEX
Excluded low volume exchanges (not in CMC Top):
* Coinfloor
Excluded low volume pairs (not in CMC Top):
Many other top exchanges are not included, because they are not supported by TradingView.
# Inputs
By default the spot exchanges are selected. You can select also the other margin trading and derivatives exchanges.
# Contribute
Feel free to share any ideas and issues you have.
# Open Source
The code is open source @ github.com and uses the commonpine library github.com