Multi-Market Swing Trader Webhook Ready [HullBuster]
This is an all symbol swing trading strategy intended for webhook integration to live accounts. This script employs an adjustable bandwidth ping pong algorithm which can be run in long only, short only or bidirectional modes. Additionally, this script provides advanced features such as pyramiding and DCA. It has been in development for nearly three years and exposes over 90 inputs to accommodate varying risk reward ratios. Equipped with a proper configuration it is suitable for professional traders seeking quality trades from a cloud based platform. This is my most advanced Pine Script to date which combines my RangeV3 and TrendV2 scripts. Using this combination it tries to bridge the gap between range bound and trending markets. I have put a lot of time into creating a system that could transition by itself so as to require less human intervention and thus be able to withstand long periods in full automation mode.
As a Pine strategy, hypothetical performance can be easily back-tested. Allowing you to Iron out the configuration of your target instrument. Now with recent advancements from the Pine development team this same script can be connected to a webhook through the alert mechanism. The requirement of a separate study script has been completely removed. This really makes things a lot easier to get your trading system up and running. I would like to also mention that TradingView has made significant advancements to the back-end over the last year. Notably, compile times are much faster now permitting more complex algorithms to be implemented. Thank you TradingView!
I used QuantConnect as my role model and strived to produce a base script which could compete with higher end cloud based platforms while being attractive to similarly experienced traders. The versatility of the Pine Language combined with the greater selection of end point execution systems provides a powerful alternative to other cloud based platforms. At the very least, with the features available today, a modular trading system for everyday use is a reality. I hope you'll agree.
This is a swing trading strategy so the behavior of this script is to buy on weakness and sell on strength. In trading parlance this is referred to as Support and Resistance Trading. Support being the point at which prices stop falling and start rising. Resistance being the point at which prices stop rising and fall. The chart real estate between these two points being defined as the range. This script seeks to implement strategies to profit from placing trades within this region. Short positions at resistance and long positions at support. Just to be clear, the range as well as trends are merely illusions as the chart only receives prices. However, this script attempts to calculate pivot points from the price stream. Rising pivots are shorts and falling pivots are longs. I refer to pivots as a vertex in this script which adds structural components to the chart formation (point, sides and a base). When trading in “Ping Pong” mode long and short positions are interleaved continuously as long as there exists a detectable vertex.
This is a non-hedging script so those of us subject to NFA FIFO Rule 2-43(b) should be generally safe to webhook into signals emitted from this script. However, as covered later in this document, there are some technical limitations to this statement. I have tested this script on various instruments for over two years and have configurations for forex, crypto and stocks. This script along with my TrendV2 script are my daily trading vehicles as a webhook into my forex and crypto accounts. This script employs various high risk features that could wipe out your account if not used judiciously. You should absolutely not use this script if you are a beginner or looking for a get-rich-quick strategy. Also please see my CFTC RULE 4.41 disclosure statement at the end of the document. Really!
Does this script repaint? The short answer is yes, it does, despite my best efforts to the contrary. EMAs are central to my strategy and TradingView calculates from the beginning of the series so there is just no getting around this. However, Pine is improving everyday and I am hopeful that this issue will be address from an architectural level at some point in the future. I have programmed my webhook to compensate for this occurrence so, in the mean time, this my recommended way to handle it (at the endpoint and before the broker).
This strategy uses a ping pong algorithm of my own design. Basically, trades bounce off each other along the price stream. Trades are produced as a series of reversals. The point at which a trade reverses is a pivot calculation. A measurement is made between the recent valley to peak which results in a standard deviation value. This value is an input to implied probability calculation.Yes, the same implied probability used in sports betting. Odds are then calculated to determine the likelihood of price action continuing or retracing to the pivot. Based on where the account is at alert time, the action could be an entry, take profit or pyramid signal. In this design, trades must occur in alternating sequence. A long followed by a short then another long followed by a short and so on. In range bound price action trades appear along the outer bands of the channel in the aforementioned sequence. Shorts on the top and longs at the bottom. Generally speaking, the widths of the trading bands can be adjusted using the vertex dynamics in Section 2. There are a dozen inputs in this section used to describe the trading range. It is not a simple adjustment. If pyramids are enabled the strategy overrides the ping pong reversal pattern and begins an accumulation sequence. In this case you will see a series of same direction trades.
This script uses twelve indicators on a single time frame. The original trading algorithms are a port from a C++ program on proprietary trading platform. I’ve converted some of the statistical functions to use standard indicators available on TradingView. The setups make heavy use of the Hull Moving Average in conjunction with EMAs that form the Bill Williams Alligator as described in his book “New Trading Dimensions” Chapter 3. Lag between the Hull and the EMAs play a key role in identifying the pivot points. I really like the Hull Moving Average. I use it in all my systems, including 3 other platforms. It’s is an excellent leading indicator and a relatively light calculation.
The trend detection algorithms rely on several factors:
1. Smoothed EMAs in a Willams Alligator pattern.
2. Number of pivots encountered in a particular direction.
3. Which side debt is being incurred.
4. Settings in Section 4 and 5 (long and short)
The strategy uses these factors to determine the probability of prices continuing in the most recent direction. My TrendV2 script uses a higher time frame to determine trend direction. I can’t use that method in this script without exceeding various TradingView limitations on code size. However, the higher time frame is the best way to know which trend is worth pursuing or better to bet against.
The entire script is around 2400 lines of Pine code which pushes the limits of what can be created on this platform given the TradingView maximums for: local scopes, run-time duration and compile time. The module has been through numerous refactoring passes and makes extensive use of ternary statements. As such, It takes a full minute to compile after adding it to a chart. Please wait for the hovering dots to disappear before attempting to bring up the input dialog box. Scrolling the chart quickly may bring up an hour glass.
Regardless of the market conditions: range or trend. The behavior of the script is governed entirely by the 91 inputs. Depending on the settings, bar interval and symbol, you can configure a system to trade in small ranges producing a thousand or more trades. If you prefer wider ranges with fewer trades then the vertex detection settings in Section 2 should employ stiffer values. To make the script more of a trend follower, adjustments are available in Section 4 and 5 (long and short respectively). Overall this script is a range trader and the setups want to get in that way. It cannot be made into a full blown trend trading system. My TrendV2 is equipped for that purpose. Conversely, this script cannot be effectively deployed as a scalper either. The vertex calculation require too much data for high frequency trading. That doesn’t work well for retail customers anyway. The script is designed to function in bar intervals between 5 minutes and 4 hours. However, larger intervals require more backtest data in order to create reliable configurations. TradingView paid plans (Pro) only provide 10K bars which may not be sufficient. Please keep that in mind.
The transition from swing trader to trend follower typically happens after a stop is hit. That means that your account experiences a loss first and usually with a pyramid stack so the loss could be significant. Even then the script continues to alternate trades long and short. The difference is that the strategy tries to be more long on rising prices and more short on falling prices as opposed to simply counter trend trading. Otherwise, a continuous period of rising prices results in a distinctly short pyramid stack. This is much different than my TrendV2 script which stays long on peaks and short on valleys. Basically, the plan is to be profitable in range bound markets and just lose less when a trend comes along. How well this actually plays out will depend largely on the choices made in the sectioned input parameters.
The input dialog for this script contains 91 inputs separated into six sections.
Section 1: Global settings for the strategy including calculation model, trading direction, exit levels, pyramid and DCA settings. This is where you specify your minimum profit and stop levels. You should setup your Properties tab inputs before working on any of the sections. It’s really important to get the Base Currency right before doing any work on the strategy inputs. It is important to understand that the “Minimum Profit” and “Limit Offset” are conditional exits. To exit at a profit, the specified value must be exceeded during positive price pressure. On the other hand, the “Stop Offset” is a hard limit.
Section 2: Vertex dynamics. The script is equipped with four types of pivot point indicators. Histogram, candle, fractal and transform. Despite how the chart visuals may seem. The chart only receives prices. It’s up to the strategy to interpret patterns from the number stream. The quality of the feed and the symbol’s bar characteristics vary greatly from instrument to instrument. Each indicator uses a fundamentally different pattern recognition algorithm. Use trial and error to determine the best fit for your configuration. After selecting an indicator type, there are eight analog fields that must be configured for that particular indicator. This is the hardest part of the configuration process. The values applied to these fields determine how the range will be measured. They have a big effect on the number of trades your system will generate. To see the vertices click on the “Show Markers” check box in this section. Red markers are long positions and blue markers are short. This will give you an idea of where trades will be placed in natural order.
Section 3: Event thresholds. Price spikes are used to enter and exit trades. The magnitude which define these spikes are configured here. The rise and fall events are primarily for pyramid placement. The rise and fall limits determine the exit threshold for the conditional “Limit Offset” field found in Section 1. These fields should be adjusted one at a time. Use a zero value to disengage every one but the one you are working on. Use the fill colors found in Section 6 to get a visual on the values applied to these fields. To make it harder for pyramids to enter stiffen the Event values. This is more of a hack as the formal pyramid parameters are in Section 1.
Section 4 and 5: Long and short settings. These are mirror opposite settings with all opposing fields having the same meaning. Its really easy to introduce data mining bias into your configuration through these fields. You must combat against this tendency by trying to keep your settings as uniform as possible. Wildly different parameters for long and short means you have probably fitted the chart. There are nine analog and thirteen Boolean fields per trade direction. This section is all about how the trades themselves will be placed along the range defined in Section 2. Generally speaking, more restrictive settings will result in less trades but higher quality. Remember that this strategy will enter long on falling prices and short on rising prices. So getting in the trade too early leads to a draw-down. However, this could be what you want if pyramiding is enabled. I, personally, have found that the best configurations come from slightly skewing one side. I just accept that the other side will be sub-par.
Section 6: Chart rendering. This section contains one analog and four Boolean fields. More or less a diagnostic tool. Of particular interest is the “Symbol Debt Sequence” field. This field contains a whole number which paints regions that have sustained a run of bad trades equal or greater than specified value. It is useful when DCA is enabled. In this script Dollar Cost Averaging on new positions continues only until the symbol debt is recouped. To get a better understanding on how this works put a number in this field and activate DCA. You should notice how the trade size increases in the colored regions. The “Summary Report” checkbox displays a blue information box at the live end of the chart. It exposes several metrics which you may find useful if manually trading this strategy from audible alerts or text messages.
This script features a downward pyramiding strategy which increases your position size on losing trades. On purely margin trades, this feature can be used to, hypothetically, increase the profit factor of positions (not individual trades). On long only markets, such as crypto, you can use this feature to accumulate coins at depressed prices. The way it works is the stop offset, applied in the Section 1 inputs, determines the maximum risk you intend to bear. Additional trades will be placed at pivot points calculated all the way down to the stop price. The size of each add on trade is increased by a multiple of its interval. The maximum number of intervals is limited by the “Pyramiding” field in the properties tab. The rate at which pyramid positions are created can be adjusted in Section 1. To see the pyramids click on the “Mark Pyramid Levels” check box in the same section. Blue triangles are painted below trades other than the primary.
Unlike traditional Martingale strategies, the result of your trade is not dependent on the profit or loss from the last trade. The position must recover the R1 point in order to close. Alternatively, you can set a “Pyramid Bale Out Offset” in Section 1 which will terminate the trade early. However, the bale out must coincide with a pivot point and result in a profitable exit in order to actually close the trade. Should the market price exceed the stop offset set in Section 1, the full value of the position, multiplied by the accepted leverage, will be realized as a loss to the trading account. A series of such losses will certainly wipe out your account.
Pyramiding is an advanced feature intended for professional traders with well funded accounts and an appropriate mindset. The availability of this feature is not intended to endorse or promote my use of it. Use at your own risk (peril).
In addition to pyramiding this script employs DCA which enables users to experiment with loss recovery techniques. This is another advanced feature which can increase the order size on new trades in response to stopped out or winning streak trades. The script keeps track of debt incurred from losing trades. When the debt is recovered the order size returns to the base amount specified in the properties tab. The inputs for this feature are found in section 3 and include a limiter to prevent your account from depleting capital during runaway markets. The main difference between DCA and pyramids is that this implementation of DCA applies to new trades while pyramids affect open positions. DCA is a popular feature in crypto trading but can leave you with large “bags” if your not careful. In other markets, especially margin trading, you’ll need a well funded account and much experience.
To be sure pyramiding and dollar cost averaging is as close to gambling as you can get in respectable trading exchanges. However, if you are looking to compete in a spot trading contest or just want to add excitement to your trading life style those features could find a place in your strategies. Although your backtest may show spectacular gains don’t expect your live trading account to do the same. Every backtest has some measure of data mining bias. Please remember that.
Webhook Integration
The TradingView alerts dialog provides a way to connect your script to an external system which could actually execute your trade. This is a fantastic feature that enables you to separate the data feed and technical analysis from the execution and reporting systems. Using this feature it is possible to create a fully automated trading system entirely on the cloud. Of course, there is some work to get it all going in a reliable fashion. To that end this script has several things going for it. First off, it is a strategy type script. That means that the strategy place holders such as {{strategy.position_size}} can be embedded in the alert message text. There are more than 10 variables which can write internal script values into the message for delivery to the specified endpoint. Additionally, my scripts output the current win streak and debt loss counts in the {{strategy.order.alert_message}} field. Depending on the condition, this script will output other useful values in the JSON “comment” field of the alert message. Here is an excerpt of the fields I use in my webhook signal:
"broker_id": "kraken",
"account_id": "XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX",
"symbol_id": "XMRUSD",
"action": "{{strategy.order.action}}",
"strategy": "{{}}",
"lots": "{{strategy.order.contracts}}",
"price": "{{strategy.order.price}}",
"comment": "{{strategy.order.alert_message}}",
"timestamp": "{{time}}"
Though TradingView does a great job in dispatching your alert this feature does come with a few idiosyncrasies. Namely, a single transaction call in your script may cause multiple transmissions to the endpoint. If you are using placeholders each message describes part of the transaction sequence. A good example is closing a pyramid stack. Although the script makes a single strategy.close() call, the endpoint actually receives a close message for each pyramid trade. The broker, on the other hand, only requires a single close. The incongruity of this situation is exacerbated by the possibility of messages being received out of sequence. Depending on the type of order designated in the message, a close or a reversal. This could have a disastrous effect on your live account. This broker simulator has no idea what is actually going on at your real account. Its just doing the job of running the simulation and sending out the computed results. If your TradingView simulation falls out of alignment with the actual trading account lots of really bad things could happen. Like your script thinks your are currently long but the account is actually short. Reversals from this point forward will always be wrong with no one the wiser. Human intervention will be required to restore congruence. But how does anyone find out this is occurring? In closed systems engineering this is known as entropy. In practice your webhook logic should be robust enough to detect these conditions. Be generous with the placeholder usage and give the webhook code plenty of information to compare states. Both issuer and receiver. Don’t blindly commit incoming signals without verifying system integrity.
This is a swing trading strategy so the fundamental behavior of this script is to buy on weakness and sell on strength. As such trade orders are placed in a counter direction to price pressure. What you will see on the chart is a short position on peaks and a long position on valleys. This is slightly misleading since a range as well as a trend are best recognized, in hindsight, after the patterns occur on the chart. In the middle of a trade, one never knows how deep valleys will drop or how high peaks will rise. For certain, long trades will continue to trigger as the market prices fall and short trades on rising prices. This means that the maximum efficiency of this strategy is achieved in choppy markets where the price doesn’t extend very far from its adjacent pivot point. Conversely, this strategy will be the least efficient when market conditions exhibit long continuous single direction price pressure. Especially, when measured in weeks. Translation, the trend is not your friend with this strategy. Internally, the script attempts to recognize prolonged price pressure and changes tactics accordingly. However, at best, the goal is to weather the trend until the range bound market returns. At worst, trend detection fails and pyramid trades continue to be placed until the limit specified in the Properties tab is reached. In all likelihood this could trigger a margin call and if it hits the stop it could wipe out your account.
This script has been in beta test four times since inception. During all that time no one has been successful in creating a configuration from scratch. Most people give up after an hour or so. To be perfectly honest, the configuration process is a bear. I know that but there is no way, currently, to create libraries in Pine. There is also no way specify input parameters other than the flattened out 2-D inputs dialog. And the publish rules clearly state that script variations addressing markets or symbols (suites) are not permitted. I suppose the problem is systemic to be-all-end-all solutions like my script is trying to be. I needed a cloud strategy for all the symbols that I trade and since Pine does not support library modules, include files or inter process communication this script and its unruly inputs are my weapon of choice in the war against the market forces. It takes me about six hours to configure a new symbol. Also not all the symbols I configure are equally successful. I should mention that I have a facsimile of this strategy written in another platform which allows me to run a backtest on 10 years of historical data. The results provide me a sanity check on the inputs I select on this platform.
My personal configurations use a 10 minute bar interval on forex instruments and 15 minutes on crypto. I try to align my TradingView scripts to employ standard intervals available from the broker so that I can backtest longer durations than those available on TradingView. For example, Bitcoin at 15 minute bars is downloadable from several sources. I really like the 10 minute bar. It provides lots of detectable patterns and is easy to store many years in an SQL database.
The following steps provide a very brief set of instructions that will get you started but will most certainly not produce the best backtest. A trading system that you are willing to risk your hard earned capital will require a well crafted configuration that involves time, expertise and clearly defined goals. As previously mentioned, I have several example configurations that I use for my own trading that I can share with you if you like. To get hands on experience in setting up your own symbol from scratch please follow the steps below.
Step 1. Setup the Base currency and order size in the properties tab.
Step 2. Select the calculation presets in the Instrument Type field.
Step 3. Select “No Trade” in the Trading Mode field
Step 4. Select the Histogram indicator from Section 2. You will be experimenting with different ones so it doesn’t matter which one you try first.
Step 5. Turn on Show Markers in Section 2.
Step 6. Go to the chart and checkout where the markers show up. Blue is up and red is down. Long trades show up along the red markers and short trades on the blue.
Step 7. Make adjustments to “Base To Vertex” and “Vertex To Base” net change and ROC in Section 2. Use these fields to move the markers to where you want trades to be.
Step 8. Try a different indicator from Section 2 and repeat Step 7 until you find the best match for this instrument on this interval. This step is complete when the Vertex settings and indicator combination produce the most favorable results.
Step 9. Go to Section 4 and enable “Apply Red Base To Base Margin”.
Step 10. Go to Section 5 and enable “Apply Blue Base To Base Margin”.
Step 11. Go to Section 2 and adjust “Minimum Base To Base Blue” and “Minimum Base To Base Red”. Observe the chart and note where the markers move relative to each other. Markers further apart will produce less trades but will reduce cutoffs in “Ping Pong” mode.
Step 12. Turn off Show Markers in Section 2.
Step 13. Put in your Minimum Profit and Stop Loss in the first section. This is in pips or currency basis points (chart right side scale). Percentage is not currently supported. Note that the profit is taken as a conditional exit on a market order not a fixed limit. The actual profit taken will almost always be greater than the amount specified. The stop loss, on the other hand, is indeed a hard number which is executed by the TradingView broker simulator when the threshold is breached.
Step 14. Return to step 3 and select a Trading Mode (Long, Short, BiDir, Ping Pong). If you are planning to trade bidirectionally its best to configure long first then short. Combine them with “BiDir” or “Ping Pong” after setting up both sides of the trade individually. The difference between “BiDir” and “Ping Pong” is that “Ping Pong” uses position reversal and can cut off opposing trades less than the specified minimum profit. As a result “Ping Pong” mode produces the greatest number of trades.
Step 15. Take a look at the chart. Trades should be showing along the markers plotted earlier.
Step 16. Make adjustments to the Vertex fields in Section 2 until the TradingView performance report is showing a profit. This includes the “Minimum Base To Base” fields. If a profit cannot be achieved move on to Step 17.
Step 17. Improve the backtest profitability by adjusting the “Entry Net Change” and “Entry ROC” in Section 4 and 5.
Step 18. Enable the “Mandatory Snap” checkbox in Section 4 and 5 and adjust the “Snap Candle Delta” and “Snap Fractal Delta” in Section 2. This should reduce some chop producing unprofitable reversals.
Step 19. Increase the distance between opposing trades by adding an “Interleave Delta” in Sections 4 and 5. This is a floating point value which starts at 0.01 and typically does not exceed 2.0.
Step 20. Increase the distance between opposing trades even further by adding a “Decay Minimum Span” in Sections 4 and 5. This is an absolute value specified in the symbol’s quote currency (right side scale of the chart). This value is similar to the minimum profit and stop loss fields in Section 1.
Step 21. The “Buy Composite Strength” input works in tandem with “Long Decay Minimum Span” in Section 4. Try enabling and see if it improves the performance. This field is only relevant when there is a value in “Long Decay Minimum Span”.
Step 22. The “Sell Composite Weakness” input works in tandem with “Short Decay Minimum Span” in Section 5. Try enabling and see if it improves the performance. This field is only relevant when there is a value in “Short Decay Minimum Span”.
Step 23. Improve the backtest profitability by adjusting the “Adherence Delta” in Section 4 and 5. This field requires the “Adhere to Rising Trend” checkbox to be enabled.
Step 24. At this point your strategy should be more or less working. Experiment with the remaining check boxes in Section 4 and 5. Keep the ones which seem to improve the performance.
Step 25. Examine the chart and see that trades are being placed in accordance with your desired trading goals. This is an important step. If your desired model requires multiple trades per day then you should be seeing hundreds of trades on the chart. Alternatively, you may be looking to trade fewer steep peaks and deep valleys in which case you should see trades at major turning points. Don’t simply settle for what the backtest serves you. Work your configuration until the system aligns with your desired model. Try changing indicators and even intervals if you cannot reach your simulation goals. Generally speaking, the histogram and Candle indicators produce the most trades. The Fractal indicator captures the tallest peaks and valleys. The Transform indicator is the most reliable but doesn’t well work on all instruments.
Example Settings
To reproduce the performance shown on the chart please use the following configuration:
1. Select XBTUSD Kraken as the chart symbol.
2. On the properties tab set the Order Size to: 0.01 Bitcoin
3. On the properties tab set the Pyramiding to: 10
4. In Section 1: Select “Forex” for the Instrument Type
5. In Section 1: Select “Ping Pong” for the Trading Mode
6. In Section 1: Input 1200 for the Minimum Profit
7. In Section 1: Input 15000 for the Stop Offset
8. In Section 1: Input 1200 for the Pyramid Minimum Span
9. In Section 1: Check mark the Ultra Wide Pyramids
10. In Section 2: Check mark the Use Transform Indicator
So to be clear, I used a base position size of one - one hundredth of a Bitcoin and allow the script to add up to 10 downward pyramids. The example back-test did hit eight downward pyramids. That means the account would have to be able to withstand a base position size (0.01) times 28. The resulting position size is 0.28 of a Bitcoin. If the price of Bitcoin is 35K then the draw down amount (not including broker fees) would be $9800 dollars. Since I have a premium subscription my backtest chart includes 20K historical bars. That's roughly six months of data. As of today, pro accounts only get 10K bars so the performance cannot be exactly matched with such a difference in historical data. Please keep that in mind.
There are, of course, various ways to reduce the risk incurred from accumulating pyramids. You can increase the “Pyramid Minimum Span” input found in Section 2 which increases the space between each pyramid trade. Also you can set a “Pyramid Bale Out Offset” in the same input section. This lets you out of the trade faster on position recovery. For example: Set a value of 8000 into this input and the number of trades increase to 178 from 157. Since the positions didn’t go full term, more trades were created at less profit each. The total brute force approach would be to simply limit the number of pyramids in the Properties tab.
It should be noted that since this is crypto, accumulating on the long side may be what you want. If you are not trading on margin and thus outright buying coins on the Kraken exchange you likely are interested in increasing your Bitcoin position at depressed prices. This is a popular feature on some of the other crypto trading packages like CryptoHopper and Profit Trailer. Click on Enable TV Long Only Rule in Section 1. This switches the signal emitter to long only. However, you may still see short trades on the chart. They are treated as a close instead of a reversal.
Feel free to PM me with any questions related to this script. Thank you and happy trading!
These results are based on simulated or hypothetical performance results that have certain inherent limitations. Unlike the results shown in an actual performance record, these results do not represent actual trading. Also, because these trades have not actually been executed, these results may have under-or over-compensated for the impact, if any, of certain market factors, such as lack of liquidity. Simulated or hypothetical trading programs in general are also subject to the fact that they are designed with the benefit of hindsight. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to these being shown.
Moving Average and PerformanceThis indicator combines several tools that are used daily for analysis:
The performance of the action we are seeing.
The percentage of retracement the stock has made from its all time high.
Possibility of using up to four exponential or simple moving averages in the length we want.
It allows to see or not the levels of four moving averages in daily temporality.
This indicator is unique since it allows you to see in real time the performance of the Stock or ETF that is being analyzed, which allows you to make a timely decision for short, medium or long-term investments.
If you are doing scalping, swing, or intraday trading, you can see the retracement it has made from the ATH (3, 5, 10 or 13%) which can become Supports or Resistances where the price can rebound, Likewise, the levels of the moving averages in 1D temporality can be observed at the same time, which are usually dynamic supports or resistances and it can also be observed in the same temporality of the chart four moving averages that the trader can configure in the length that you deem convenient to improve your analysis and make decisions as quickly as possible.
Este indicador es único ya que permite ver en tiempo real el rendimiento de la Acción o ETF que se está analizando, lo cual permite tomar una decisión oportuna para las inversiones a corto, mediano o largo plazo.
Si se está haciendo trading tipo scalping, swing, o intradía, se puede observar el retroceso que ha hecho desde el ATH (3, 5, 10 o 13%) el cual puede convertirse en Soportes o Resistencias en donde el precio puede hacer rebotes, así mismo se pueden estar observando al mismo tiempo los niveles de las medias móviles en temporalidad de 1D, los cuales usualmente son Soportes o resistencias dinámicas y también se puede observar en la misma temporalidad del gráfico cuatro medias móviles que el trader puede configurar en la longitud que crea conveniente para mejorar su análisis y tomar decisiones lo más rápido posible.
Intraday Trading ZonesThis script can help in intraday trading. It can plot
1. Previous day high, low and close.
2. Intraday Fibonacci levels
3. Big Round Numbers
3. CPR (Central Pivot Range)
DSKOLI BaseThis helps to determine bullish or bearish trend of any chart on any time-frame and good to have for Intraday watch.
Details -
a. Label-Up/Down shows the recent price movement is getting bullish or bearish from zero/neutral base by comparing to previous few candles.
b. EMA line helps to know the price movement of candles are above or below the EMA and its coloured with red and green which even further helps to determine its existing trend.
c. A plot Trend line which is quite close to candles with red and green line and arrow is calculated from few candles' high and low values with some mathematical formulas which along EMA adds more value for trend identification.
d. Recent High/Low automatically plots support and resistance lines on basis of previous swing high or low. An alert is added for any these levels breakout or breakdown.
Note or Disclaimer:
1. This may be considered only for Watching as Learning and informational purpose.
2. Take advice from financial advisor before entering, holding, converting or exiting from any order or trade.
3. Always keep your acceptable stop-loss in all your transactions while trading or investing.
DSKOLI or TradingView reserves all right and don't hold any responsibilities for any loss/losses as well as accuracy of levels or price movement.
Cvwap-Pvwap 2.0A simple vwap based Intraday trend indicator.
Volume-Weighted Average Price (VWAP) - the average price weighted by volume, starts when trading opens and ends when it closes. This can help institutions buy or sell in large orders, without disturbing the market.
After buying or selling, institutions compare instrument price to closing VWAP values at end of the day.
For big financial institutions;
A buy order executed below the VWAP value, considered a good fill because the security was bought at a below average price.
A sell order executed above the VWAP would be deemed a good fill because it was sold at an above average price.
Simple price based moving average is not helpful for them; = as it doesn't incorporates volume traded. Hence - VWAP :)
So how it helps us in decoding the IntraDay-trend? - Through a 2 day vwap co-relation.
So, Closing value of previous day vwap = Pvwap
Today's running vwap = Cvwap
Defining the IntraDay Trend:
Moderately Bullish = candle closing price above Pvwap but below Cvwap
Super Bullish = Closing price is above both (Cvwap and Pvwap)
Moderately Bearish = Closing price is above Cvwap but below Pvwap
Super Bearish = Closing Price is below both (Cvwap and Pvwap)
A big gap between the Cvwap and the candle closing price defines the strong participation from institutions in that direction. (Strong Trend)
Moving with the smart money, in the overall trend is a wise decision for any intraday trader and this helps at its best.
CRYPTOPRODear traders,
Welcome to CRYPTOPRO indicator. Only for crypto markets! This is an invite only script, please PM me to request permission for testing and access.
This indicator is developed as a scalping, intraday or swingtrade strategy.
Been working on indicators for years now, now back to trading again and made the best possible indicator for different timeframes.
The indicator uses market data, multiple timeframe ma/rsi charts and price action for determining a long or short strategy.
The indicator does not repaint!
I have made the indicator as easy as possible to use with added background colors.
How to use:
- Long strategy: when background turns to green after bar closing.
- Short strategy: when background turns to red after bar closing.
- Alerts are included in the indicator and are very simple to use.
- Alert "buy" for long strategy (green background)
- Alert "sell" for short strategy (red background)
- The alerts can also be used for automated trading/bot trading.
Time Frames :
- Can be used for all different timeframes.
Chart candles:
- Indicator is to be used with standard prince candles.
- Trading and financial markets are always risky and unpredictable.
- All trades made based on this indicator and his results are always your own responsibility.
- As an author i will not be held responsible for any of your trading profit or loss. Always be cautious when trading.
Charts can be applied to all TV supported crypto charts.
If you find the indicator usefull share your support and feedback in the comments.
Any questions PM me for more info.Thank you!
No sharing, copying, reselling, or any other forms of use are authorized for our scripts / strategy, and the information published with them.
This script / strategy is strictly for individual use.
This is not financial or investment advice. Investments are always made at your own risk and are based on your personal judgement.
NYTRADE is not responsible for any losses you may incur. Please trade wisely.
Wide BarsSimple scripts show the wide range bars within in the look back period, visualizing the bigger momentum.
Added four exponential moving averages which define the trend of the instrument.
Wide range candles in the direction of overall trend on higher timeframes; give confluence of higher participation in the same direction.
Note : Decent volume above the average volume with wide range candle adds more value.
Nifty's IndicatorThis Indicator is only for Indian market and works only on 'Nifty' and 'Banknifty'. Please don't use it in any other stock/indices.
Use it in only in 3m and 1m timeframe. No other timeframe is to be used.
This indicator gives only sell signals on intraday basis.
When you apply this indicator on charts then you will see 2 things ploted there.
1. Barcolor
2. Background color
Barcolor :
We have use unique trend analysing tool in this indicator, which identifies price is in Uptrend or Downtrend. If price is in uptrend
then candle color will become GREEN and it will remain green until price comes in downtrend. In downtrend candle color becomes RED.
Background color :
We have observed that price behaves a certain way when it is in downtrend. So we try to catch that behaviour of Nifty and Banknifty .
And when ever we observe that behaviour, a red color background is formed in background. This red color background indicates user that
price may fall now.
ENTRY => You should trade only on 3m timeframe. When you see a RED COLOR candle inside RED ZONE then take a SELL trade. That means red background
is indicating that price may fall and red color bar also indicating the same. And your entry should be in between 09:15-10:30 and 12:30-14:55.
This is the time slot when price is volatile.
EXIT => You exit when red zone ends or the trading day ends.
Based on these entry and exit conditions , we have backtested this strategy ( taking only 1 share when sell signal comes ). You can see down arrow on
chart when sell signals comes and uparrow when we exit from trade.
Supertrend - IntradaySupertrend Intraday Strategy
Basic supertrend strategy purpose built for intraday trading. Users can define intraday session during which the strategy will run.
Position is reversed when signal changes by using double quantity. Once the intraday session is over & if the position is open; it is squared off.
Intraday Session - Defines the duration for which the strategy should execute.
ATR Period
Green and Red Bar Difference - Intra Day Simple Indicator which plots the total of all green bars and red bars as the day progress. On a trending day there will be difference between the two lines , on a range bound day both the lines will be very close. If both the lines are far apart for some time but start moving towards each other it is a signaling end of the trend .
Moving Average - IntradayMoving Average Intraday Strategy
Basic moving average strategy purpose built for intraday trading. It uses two simple moving averages & takes a positions on crossover.
Position is reversed when signal changes by using double quantity. Once the intraday session is over & if the position is open; it is squared off.
Users can define intraday session during which the strategy will run.
Intraday Session - Defines the duration for which the strategy should execute.
Short Term Moving Average Period
Long Term Moving Average Period
Intrangle - Straddle / StrangleIntrangle is an indicator to assist Nifty / Bank Nifty Option Writers / Sellers to identify the PE / CE legs to Sell for Straddle and Strangle positions for Intraday.
Basic Idea : (My Conclusion for making this Indicator)
1) Last 10 Years data says Nifty / Bank Nifty More than 66% of times Index are sideways or rangebound (within 1% day) .
2) Mostly, First one hour high and low working as good support and resistance.
Once First one hour complete, this indicator will show Strangle High (CE), Strangle Low (PE) and Straddle (CE/PE).
If you want to do straddle strategy, sell at the money strike (CE/PE) when price comes near to the straddle line (black line),
If you want to do Strangle strategy, sell Strangle High (CE) and Strangle Low (PE) when price comes near to the straddle line (black line). Both Strangle High and Low will be out of the money when price near to the straddle line (black line).
Adjustment: option adjustment to be done based on the price movement. Adjustment purely up to the user / trader.
Note1: If price not comes to near straddle line after first hour, better to stay light…
Note2: If first hour not giving wide High / Low, don’t use strangle strike based on this indicator. Straddle can be done any day with require adjustment / hedge. This Indicator is purely for education purpose, user / trader has to be back-tested before their start using it.
This indicator will work in Nifty / Bank Nifty only. Best Time frames are 3/5/15 Mins. This is purely made for Intraday
Happy Trading 😊
Gann Circle Intraday LevelsThis indicator is an intraday version of Gann Circle Swing Levels indicator. It further divides the Gann Circle into the Eighths in order to generate intraday Levels.
This indicator is based on W. D. Gann's Square of 9 Chart and can be interpreted as the Gann Circle / Gann Wheel / 360 Degree Circle Chart or Square of the Circle Chart for intraday usage.
Spiral arrangement of numbers on the Square of 9 chart creates a very unique square root relationship amongst the numbers on the chart. If you take any number on the Square of 9 chart, take the square root of the number, then add 2 to the root and re-square it, resulting in one full 360 degree cycle (i.e. a 360 degree Circle) out from the center of the chart.
For example,
the square root of 121 = 11,
11 + 2 = 13,
and the square of 13 = 169
The number 169 is one full 360 degree cycle out (with reference to 121) from the center of the Square of 9 chart. If we further divide the circle in eight equal parts of 45 degree each, following intermediate resistance levels (ascending) would be generated:
127 (45 degree)
133 (90 degree)
139 (135 degree)
145 (180 degree)
151 (225 degree)
157 (270 degree)
163 (315 degree)
Similarly, if you take any number on the Square of 9 chart, take the square root of the number, then subtract 2 from the root and re-square it, resulting in one full 360 degree inward rotation towards the center of the chart.
For example,
the square root of 565 = 23.77,
23.77 - 2 = 21.77,
and the square of 21.77 = 473.93 (approximately equal to 474, which is directly below 565 on the Square of 9 chart)
The number 474 is one full 360 degree inward rotation (with reference to 565) towards the center of the chart. If we further divide the circle in eight equal parts of 45 degree each, following intermediate support levels (descending) would be generated:
553 (45 degree)
541 (90 degree)
529 (135 degree)
518 (180 degree)
507 (225 degree)
496 (270 degree)
485 (315 degree)
How to Use this Indicator ?
This indicator is designed to generate Gann Circle Intraday Levels based on HIGH and LOW of the opening bar for the day. You may use the bar interval (1 minute, 3 minutes, 5 minutes, 15 minutes etc.) which is suitable for the underlying instrument. Support and resistance lines for the day would be generated only after confirmation of the opening bar of the day.
Input :
Number of Gann Levels (Number of Gann Levels to be projected)
Color codes for the Support and Resistance Levels
Output :
Gann Support or Resistance Levels:
HIGH and LOW of the Opening bar for the day (dashed BLUE lines)
Support levels calculated with reference to the HIGH of the opening bar
Resistance levels calculated with reference to the LOW of the opening bar
Screener: Alpha & BetaThis is a Live Screener for my previous Alpha & Beta indicator, which filters stocks lively based on the given values.
Use 5min timeframe for Live Intraday.
The default stocks in the screener is selected based on high beta value from F&O listed stocks. It may include other stocks also.
User can input stocks of your choice either through the menu or through the Pine editor.
The maximum number of stocks inputs is only 40. The indicator includes only 20 stocks by default.
More number of stocks can be added but it makes the screener slower to load.
Open the indicator in a sperate tab or window to avoided the loading lag.
It is recommended to choose only 10 to 20 stocks based on the weightage from each sectors.
Beta values are dynamic. It changes from day to day based on the trend and sector.
Update the sock list weekly or twice a week or monthly.
Use screener(preferably) or TradingView screener for shortlisting beta stocks.
Remember that majority of indicators fails in a sideways market, also every indicator is not 100% accurate.
EMA 8, 21 and SMA 50 from daily timeframe horizontal linesShow horizontal lines after the last point of EMA8, EMA21 and SMA50 from daily timeframe. Always shows the daily lines no matter the timeframe of your chart. It can be use as a reference in intraday time frames lower than 1 day.
Muestra líneas horizontales que continúan del último punto del EMA8, EMA21 y SMA50. Siempre muestra las líneas diarias sin importar el rango de tiempo que estés utilizando. Se puede usar como líneas de referencia para intradía.
Winning tickThis screener can be used for intraday purpose only. it generates Buy and sell signal based on pre defined criteria. script can be used across all product type however this can be used in different time frames.
please note before using this script please do necessary back testing from your end,.
Disclaimer : please consult your financial advisor before Buying/selling stocks based on this indicator. This is created for educational purpose and user of this indicator is solely responsible for result.
Smart Money Flow v.2.0 BY Stock_InshotsThis Indicator is made by combination of indicators as follows
1) Super Trend - Period 15,2.5
Signal Filtered on the closing basis of SMA High 20 for strength
2) Simple Moving Average - period 50
In which Purple indicates Uptrend
Orange Indicates down trend
3) Bill William's Fractal - This indicator indicates important candle for formation of swing of High or low with Triangle shape at the bottom & top on the chart .
After Signal one can wait for fractal candle formation also for Big risk reward Ration
Buy Setup : After signal Try to place long order near Sma50
Sell Setup : After signal Try to place Short order near Sma50
If missed wait for next Signal , Don't Run behind Price
Keep Trailing Your Stop loss with ATR Values
Note : Nothing is 100% , You may customize this indicator according to your values .
Best to use with other momentum / strength indicator before taking positions
Like RSI / Support & Resistance Levels
For Targets use BB% levels / Pivot Points / Fibonacci levels / Nearest Demand & Supply Zone
Thanks to the Trading view as i used open Source Codes in combination of this indicator. it helped a lot .
Feedback will be welcomed .
Refer Image
Intraday Zones & Levels - Support & ResistanceI use this indicator to mark levels and mathematically categorize my 15mins chart into smaller trading zones. You can view these as Support and Resistance levels as well, however, the main function is to visually divide the chart on the basis of previous days' price movements.
- Levels are calculated based on the Average % Change per Day for the last 5 Days. Calculations use Daily open Value for the last 5 days & % Change using current open Value.
- Entry Levels ( Bullish and Bearish ) mathematically divide the charts into 2 zones and can be used to determine the nature of the stock movement during that day.
- Weekly and Yearly Open Prices are also plotted on the chart as reference levels.
Simple Moving Average CrossoverThis strategy uses two moving averages of 21 and 8 to generate buy or sell signal.
This is for purely intraday trades and best use in 15 min time frame
This strategy uses angle/slope of ma to filter out period of sideways movement and only generate signals when the stock starts trending in one direction
How to use this
1) Buy when the buy is generated
2) Sell when the sell is generated
Properties you can tweak to adjust this strategy to your needs are
1) angle -> Adjust this properties to define how much slope would be considered to generate the signals, higher the values lesser the trades generated.
2) atr period-> this is to adjust the atr period
3) ma source -> close is considered as source , you can use open or high or low
SN Intraday BundleThe intraday bundle is a combination of this item:
1 ) Buy and Sell trailing based on the Average True Range (ATR) with an alert
2 ) 3 customizable moving average line
Blue: MA 1 (5)
Red: MA 2 (18)
Green: MA 3 (13)
3 ) Trend line indicator
Green: when CCI is positive
Orange: when CCI is negative
4 ) Trend card background-color based on EMA trend direction
Green: Uptrend
Red: Downtrend
Yellow: Neutral
5 ) Bursa Malaysia Limit Up and Limit Down indicator
Green Dotted Line: + 30% from last day closed priced
Red Dotted Line: - 30% from last day closed priced
6 ) Daily, weekly, and monthly VWAP line
Grey: Daily VWAP
Blue: Weekly VWAP
Silver: Monthly VWAP
7 ) Above and below daily VWAP indicator with alert
Blue Arrow Up: Price above daily VWAP
Blue Arrow Down: Price below daily VWAP
Trade with caution ✌️
NeverBot Basic Momentum ShiftNeverBots Basic Momentum Shift Script
This script is a basic up/down indicator to tell you which way momentum has shifted, this should be used as part of another system to add confluence to your already existing long or short thesis. Uses a simple algebraic equation to define the momentum and when up or down has shifted above/below the other.
Combine this with an MA strategy to get entries for a good hit rate. Typically used for intraday but you can still use this as an indicator for higher time frames.
Crypto is very volatile and momentum can shift within a few minutes which is why you will see some failed signals, but typically it works very well for catching the big moves in crypto as momentum becomes very strong due to FOMO etc..
asw Intraday SetBest for intraday trading!
Key levels to watch during intraday include Open price, high & low of the the and of yesterday's.
These lines are plotted on the chart with VWAP in addition.
Hope it helps!