Market Profile Visible RangeSup TV, 2 important points .
1) surprisingly, it's the first MP Visible Range script on TV;
2) This one doesn't use any bagging/binning*, instead each row represents the time spent on the actual minimal price steps (aka ticks).
The script will be further extended with usual market profile related functionally in future updates. At this point we have:
- Profile itself (each row represents how many bars touch the given price);
- Mode of the profile (called POC)**;
* Still it will be introduced in future when I will find / design the proper aggregating technique. It is vital for processing very wide price ranges (for example, 500 days on ES futures).
** The script correctly calculates POC by finding all the modes in the data & choosing the closest one to data's midrange.
For this kind of technical instrument finally it was more convenient to use Pine Script 5 (btw it's my first Pine 5).
Basically this script is a side-effect of another R&D I'm doing, the stuff is useful tho so let's go.
By choosing length we both specify the amount of data to be processed & the profile's location screen-wise. It's pretty cool and & useful, on my screen it's always almost touching the left side and still always visible.
The code is heavily commented in order to be understood fast, nothing fantastic, just a lil patience required this time.
Market & volume profiles are well known concepts, lotta info available, the most important point of all that is that MP is just another way of visualizing data that lets you notice things you don't usually notice on sequential charts. From my side I can only add that it's better to use your own brain for thinking and reconsidering using volume profile in all the cases, especially on decentralized markets (unless you're aggregating ALL the volume data from everywhere, including options, OTC etc).
Here is it, for you
CDOI ProfileCumulative Delta of Open Interest Profile
This script lets you visualize where there were Open Interest build-ups and discharges on a price basis.
It only supports pairs where TradingView added the appropriate Open Interest data (at the time of posting that is only Binance and Kraken perpetual contracts)
The script uses my own functions to poll lower timeframe data and compile it into a higher timeframe profile. And as such, it needs some tweaking to adjust it to your timeframe until Tradingview lets me do it codewise (hopefully one day)
The instructions for using the Indicators are as follows:
Condition: How often a new profile should be generated
Sampling Rate and 1/Nth of the TF: These have to be calculated together to have a product that should correspond to the current timeframe in minutes. A few examples below
----------- Sampling - 1Nth of the TF
5 min ------- 5 --------------- 1
10 min ------ 10 ------------- 1
15 min ------ 5 --------------- 3
20 min ------ 10 ------------- 2
30 min ------ 10 -------------- 3
45 min ------- 9 -------------- 5
1 hour ------- 10 ------------- 6
4 hours ----- 10 -------------- 24
1 day -------- 10 ------------- 144
Transparency: This one is pretty self-explanatory but only applies to the Profile bars
% change for a bar: This one indicates how precise each bar will be, but if you go too low the script becomes too heavy and stop running
Bar limit: Limits the amounts of bars the script is run for (ae for the last 1000 bars). Lower = faster loading, too high will stop running
UI color: Color and transparency of the center line and the box surrounding the whole profile
Swing Assassin's Consolidated ScriptI put this script together to essentially consolidate a number of scripts that I use on a daily basis into one script. This is an ongoing improvement effort, so there may be some garbage in here right now so keep that in mind if you intend to use this to help in your trading.
There are 5 moving averages (Hull). I use the Fast, Mid and Slow to find entries after I us the Medium Slow and Super Slow to identify a trend. Otherwise, I have those three turned off.
This script also uses Bollinger Bands which I literally cannot trade without.
The script also has anchored VWAP , automated support/resistance lines, and a homebrewed Volume Profile that is a copy from Ildar Akhmetgaleev's indicator "Poor Man's Volume Profile" used under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0.
Waindrops [Makit0]█ OVERALL
Plot waindrops (custom volume profiles) on user defined periods, for each period you get high and low, it slices each period in half to get independent vwap, volume profile and the volume traded per price at each half.
It works on intraday charts only, up to 720m (12H). It can plot balanced or unbalanced waindrops, and volume profiles up to 24H sessions.
As example you can setup unbalanced periods to get independent volume profiles for the overnight and cash sessions on the futures market, or 24H periods to get the full session volume profile of EURUSD
The purpose of this indicator is twofold:
1 — from a Chartist point of view, to have an indicator which displays the volume in a more readable way
2 — from a Pine Coder point of view, to have an example of use for two very powerful tools on Pine Script:
• the recently updated drawing limit to 500 (from 50)
• the recently ability to use drawings arrays (lines and labels)
If you are new to Pine Script and you are learning how to code, I hope you read all the code and comments on this indicator, all is designed for you,
the variables and functions names, the sometimes too big explanations, the overall structure of the code, all is intended as an example on how to code
in Pine Script a specific indicator from a very good specification in form of white paper
If you wanna learn Pine Script form scratch just start HERE
In case you have any kind of problem with Pine Script please use some of the awesome resources at our disposal: USRMAN , REFMAN , AWESOMENESS , MAGIC
Waindrops are a different way of seeing the volume and price plotted in a chart, its a volume profile indicator where you can see the volume of each price level
plotted as a vertical histogram for each half of a custom period. By default the period is 60 so it plots an independent volume profile each 30m
You can think of each waindrop as an user defined candlestick or bar with four key values:
• high of the period
• low of the period
• left vwap (volume weighted average price of the first half period)
• right vwap (volume weighted average price of the second half period)
The waindrop can have 3 different colors (configurable by the user):
• GREEN: when the right vwap is higher than the left vwap (bullish sentiment )
• RED: when the right vwap is lower than the left vwap (bearish sentiment )
• BLUE: when the right vwap is equal than the left vwap ( neutral sentiment )
• Help menu
• Custom periods
• Central bars
• Left/Right VWAPs
• Custom central bars and vwaps: color and pixels
• Highly configurable volume histogram: execution window, ticks, pixels, color, update frequency and fine tuning the neutral meaning
• Volume labels with custom size and color
• Tracking price dot to be able to see the current price when you hide your default candlesticks or bars
Click here or set any impar period to see the HELP INFO : show the HELP INFO, if it is activated the indicator will not plot
PERIOD SIZE (max 2880 min) : waindrop size in minutes, default 60, max 2880 to allow the first half of a 48H period as a full session volume profile
BARS : show the central and vwap bars, default true
Central bars : show the central bars, default true
VWAP bars : show the left and right vwap bars, default true
Bars pixels : width of the bars in pixels, default 2
Bars color mode : bars color behavior
• BARS : gets the color from the 'Bars color' option on the settings panel
• HISTOGRAM : gets the color from the Bearish/Bullish/Neutral Histogram color options from the settings panel
Bars color : color for the central and vwap bars, default white
HISTOGRAM show the volume histogram, default true
Execution window (x24H) : last 24H periods where the volume funcionality will be plotted, default 5
Ticks per bar (max 50) : width in ticks of each histogram bar, default 2
Updates per period : number of times the histogram will update
• ONE : update at the last bar of the period
• TWO : update at the last bar of each half period
• FOUR : slice the period in 4 quarters and updates at the last bar of each of them
• EACH BAR : updates at the close of each bar
Pixels per bar : width in pixels of each histogram bar, default 4
Neutral Treshold (ticks) : delta in ticks between left and right vwaps to identify a waindrop as neutral, default 0
Bearish Histogram color : histogram color when right vwap is lower than left vwap, default red
Bullish Histogram color : histogram color when right vwap is higher than left vwap, default green
Neutral Histogram color : histogram color when the delta between right and left vwaps is equal or lower than the Neutral treshold, default blue
VOLUME LABELS : show volume labels
Volume labels color : color for the volume labels, default white
Volume Labels size : text size for the volume labels, choose between AUTO, TINY, SMALL, NORMAL or LARGE, default TINY
TRACK PRICE : show a yellow ball tracking the last price, default true
This indicator only works on intraday charts (minutes only) up to 12H (720m), the lower chart timeframe you can use is 1m
This indicator needs price, time and volume to work, it will not work on an index (there is no volume), the execution will not be allowed
The histogram (volume profile) can be plotted on 24H sessions as limit but you can plot several 24H sessions
Depending on the choosed settings, the script performance will be highly affected and it will experience errors
Two of the more common errors it can throw are:
• Calculation takes too long to execute
• Loop takes too long
The indicator performance is highly related to the underlying volatility (tick wise), the script takes each candlestick or bar and for each tick in it stores the price and volume, if the ticker in your chart has thousands and thousands of ticks per bar the indicator will throw an error for sure, it can not calculate in time such amount of ticks.
What all of that means? Simply put, this will throw error on the BITCOIN pair BTCUSD (high volatility with tick size 0.01) because it has too many ticks per bar, but lucky you it will work just fine on the futures contract BTC1! (tick size 5) because it has a lot less ticks per bar
There are some options you can fine tune to boost the script performance, the more demanding option in terms of resources consumption is Updates per period , by default is maxed out so lowering this setting will improve the performance in a high way.
If you wanna know more about how to improve the script performance, read the HELP INFO accessible from the settings panel
The basic parameters to adjust are Period size , Ticks per bar and Pixels per bar
• Period size is the main setting, defines the waindrop size, to get a better looking histogram set bigger period and smaller chart timeframe
• Ticks per bar is the tricky one, adjust it differently for each underlying (ticker) volatility wise, for some you will need a low value, for others a high one.
To get a more accurate histogram set it as lower as you can (min value is 1)
• Pixels per bar allows you to adjust the width of each histogram bar, with it you can adjust the blank space between them or allow overlaping
You must play with these three parameters until you obtain the desired histogram: smoother, sharper, etc...
These are some of the different kind of charts you can setup thru the settings:
• Balanced Waindrops (default): charts with waindrops where the two halfs are of same size.
This is the default chart, just select a period (30m, 60m, 120m, 240m, pick your poison), adjust the histogram ticks and pixels and watch
• Unbalanced Waindrops: chart with waindrops where the two halfs are of different sizes.
Do you trade futures and want to plot a waindrop with the first half for the overnight session and the second half for the cash session? you got it;
just adjust the period to 1860 for any CME ticker (like ES1! for example) adjust the histogram ticks and pixels and watch
• Full Session Volume Profile: chart with waindrops where only the first half plots.
Do you use Volume profile to analize the market? Lucky you, now you can trick this one to plot it, just try a period of 780 on SPY, 2760 on ES1!, or 2880 on EURUSD
remember to adjust the histogram ticks and pixels for each underlying
• Only Bars: charts with only central and vwap bars plotted, simply deactivate the histogram and volume labels
• Only Histogram: charts with only the histogram plotted (volume profile charts), simply deactivate the bars and volume labels
• Only Volume: charts with only the raw volume numbers plotted, simply deactivate the bars and histogram
If you wanna know more about custom full session periods for different asset classes, read the HELP INFO accessible from the settings panel
Full Session Volume Profile on MES 5m chart:
Full Session Unbalanced Waindrop on MNQ 2m chart (left side Overnight session, right side Cash Session):
The following examples will have the exact same charts but on four different tickers representing a futures contract, a forex pair, an etf and a stock.
We are doing this to be able to see the different parameters we need for plotting the same kind of chart on different assets
The chart composition is as follows:
• Left side: Volume Labels chart (period 10)
• Upper Right side: Waindrops (period 60)
• Lower Right side: Full Session Volume Profile
The first example will specify the main parameters, the rest of the charts will have only the differences
• Left: Period size: 10, Bars: uncheck, Histogram: uncheck, Execution window: 1, Ticks per bar: 2, Updates per period: EACH BAR,
Pixels per bar: 4, Volume labels: check, Track price: check
• Upper Right: Period size: 60, Bars: check, Bars color mode: HISTOGRAM, Histogram: check, Execution window: 2, Ticks per bar: 2,
Updates per period: EACH BAR, Pixels per bar: 4, Volume labels: uncheck, Track price: check
• Lower Right: Period size: 2760, Bars: uncheck, Histogram: check, Execution window: 1, Ticks per bar: 1, Updates per period: EACH BAR,
Pixels per bar: 2, Volume labels: uncheck, Track price: check
• Upper Right: Ticks per bar: 10
• Lower Right: Period size: 2880, Ticks per bar: 1, Pixels per bar: 1
• Left: Ticks per bar: 3
• Upper Right: Ticks per bar: 5, Pixels per bar: 3
• Lower Right: Period size: 780, Ticks per bar: 2, Pixels per bar: 2
• Left: Ticks per bar: 2
• Upper Right: Ticks per bar: 6, Pixels per bar: 3
• Lower Right: Period size: 780, Ticks per bar: 1, Pixels per bar: 2
PineCoders for all they do, all the tools and help they provide and their involvement in making a better community
scarf for the idea of coding a waindrops like indicator, I did not know something like that existed at all
All the Pine Coders, Pine Pros and Pine Wizards, people who share their work and knowledge for the sake of it and helping others, I'm very grateful indeed
I'm learning at each step of the way from you all, thanks for this awesome community;
Opensource and shared knowledge: this is the way! (said with canned voice from inside my helmet :D)
This description was formatted following THIS guidelines
I sincerely hope you enjoy reading and using this work as much as I enjoyed developing it :D
Silen's Pseudo VPVR / Pseudo Volume Profile Custom RangeDisclamer: This indicator does not use actual Volume data and doesn't display any Volume data. It creates a pseudo Volume Profile by counting the high-low-2 values of candles and simulates something that is similar to a Volume Profile without using any Volume data.
Core facts:
Creates a pseudo Volume Profile by counting values of candles and sorting them into a Profile.
Works for charts that don't provide any Volume Information.
Can display up to 5 different Value Levels.
Value level colors are (from largest to smallest level): Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue.
The Value levels can be used as Support and Resistance indicators.
The Custom Range of the Volume Profile can be adjusted from 10 to 1500 bars.
Much faster than the other custom pseudo VPVRs out there.
As the chart progresses with bars the line positions will distort to the left side. Refreshing the tradingview page or switching to another time interval fixes this. I might fix this issue in the future.
Does not use actual Volume nor display actual Volume.
Note: For those who wondered what happened to my first version of this indicator: It got taken down by Tradingview because it was misleading as to using the words "Volume Profile" and "Visible Range". I fully support their decision and I hope I could clear any misunderstandings! Give their team a heads up for the hard work they're doing in keeping this place clean and well organized!
Enjoy! :)
[R&D] Moving CentroidThis script utilizes this concept. Instead of weighting by volume, it weights by amount of price action on every close price of the rolling window. I assume it can be used as an additional reference point for price mode and price antimode.
it is directly connected with Market (not volume) profile, or TPO charts.
The algorithm:
1) takes a rolling window of, for example, 50 data points of close prices:
2) for each of this closing prices, the algorithm will check how many bars touched this close price.
3) then: sum of datapoints * weights/sum of weights
Since the logic is implemented in pretty non-efficient way, the script sometimes can take time to make calculations. Moreover, it calculates the centroid taking into account only close prices, not every tick. of a given rolling window That's why it's still experimental.
Poor man's volume profileThis is an attempt to get something more or less similar to the volume profile for free.
The code is generated using a template. To change the settings, you may need to regenerate the code. The code has a link to the repository with the template.
Volume Profile [Makit0]VOLUME PROFILE INDICATOR v0.5 beta
Volume Profile is suitable for day and swing trading on stock and futures markets, is a volume based indicator that gives you 6 key values for each session: POC, VAH, VAL, profile HIGH, LOW and MID levels. This project was born on the idea of plotting the RTH sessions Value Areas for /ES in an automated way, but you can select between 3 different sessions: RTH, GLOBEX and FULL sessions.
Some basic concepts:
- Volume Profile calculates the total volume for the session at each price level and give us market generated information about what price and range of prices are the most traded (where the value is)
- Value Area (VA): range of prices where 70% of the session volume is traded
- Value Area High (VAH): highest price within VA
- Value Area Low (VAL): lowest price within VA
- Point of Control (POC): the most traded price of the session (with the most volume)
- Session HIGH, LOW and MID levels are also important
There are a huge amount of things to know of Market Profile and Auction Theory like types of days, types of openings, relationships between value areas and openings... for those interested Jim Dalton's work is the way to come
I'm in my 2nd trading year and my goal for this year is learning to daytrade the futures markets thru the lens of Market Profile
For info on Volume Profile: TV Volume Profile wiki page at
For info on Market Profile and Market Auction Theory: Jim Dalton's book Mind over markets (this is a MUST)
BE AWARE: this indicator is based on the current chart's time interval and it only plots on 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15 and 30 minutes charts.
This is the correlation table TV uses in the Volume Profile Session Volume indicator (from the wiki above)
Chart Indicator
1 - 5 1
6 - 15 5
16 - 30 10
31 - 60 15
61 - 120 30
121 - 1D 60
This indicator doesn't follow that correlation, it doesn't get the volume data from a lower timeframe, it gets the data from the current chart resolution.
- 6 key values for each session: POC (solid yellow), VAH (solid red), VAL (solid green), profile HIGH (dashed silver), LOW (dashed silver) and MID (dotted silver) levels
- 3 sessions to choose for: RTH, GLOBEX and FULL
- select the numbers of sessions to plot by adding 12 hours periods back in time
- show/hide POC
- show/hide VAH & VAL
- show/hide session HIGH, LOW & MID levels
- highlight the periods of time out of the session (silver)
- extend the plotted lines all the way to the right, be careful this can turn the chart unreadable if there are a lot of sessions and lines plotted
- Session: select between RTH (8:30 to 15:15 CT), GLOBEX (17:00 to 8:30 CT) and FULL (17:00 to 15:15 CT) sessions. RTH by default
- Last 12 hour periods to show: select the deph of the study by adding periods, for example, 60 periods are 30 natural days and around 22 trading days. 1 period by default
- Show POC (Point of Control): show/hide POC line. true by default
- Show VA (Value Area High & Low): show/hide VAH & VAL lines. true by default
- Show Range (Session High, Low & Mid): show/hide session HIGH, LOW & MID lines. true by default
- Highlight out of session: show/hide a silver shadow over the non session periods. true by default
- Extension: Extend all the plotted lines to the right. false by default
- By default this indicator plots all the levels for the last RTH session within the last 12 hours, if there is no plot try to adjust the 12 hours periods until the seesion and the periods match
- For Globex/Full sessions just select what you want from the dropdown menu and adjust the periods to plot the values
- Show or hide the levels you want with the 3 groups: POC line, VA lines and Session Range lines
- The highlight and extension options are for a better visibility of the levels as POC or VAH/VAL
@watsonexchange for all the help, ideas and insights on this and the last two indicators (Market Delta & Market Internals) I'm working on my way to a 'clean chart' but for me it's not an easy path
@PineCoders for all the amazing stuff they do and all the help and tools they provide, in special the Script-Stopwatch at that was key in lowering this indicator's execution time
All the TV and Pine community, open source and shared knowledge are indeed the best way to help each other
IF YOU REALLY LIKE THIS WORK, please send me a comment or a private message and TELL ME WHAT you trade, HOW you trade it and your FAVOURITE SETUP for pulling out money from the market in a consistent basis, I'm learning to trade (this is my 2nd year) and I need all the help I can get
Market Profile for Futures with Session and After Hours SplitAdapted existing Market Profile scripts to be move suitable for Futures Markets with Session and After Hours split
Script Provides split Market Profiles for Session and After Hours
Users can customize the Session and AH hours inputs to suit any ticker and their interpretation of prime and non-prime hours
Volume Area Profile (Индикатор горизонтальных объемов)Volume Area Profile (Индикатор горизонтальных объемов)
Данные введены для графика GC!- Futures Gold - Дата: 20 мая 2019
Индикатор интегрирует данные полученные Вами после анализа кластерного графика объемов цены и строит зоны профиля объемных уровней поддержки и сопротивления
Необходимо отредактировать входные параметры:
Resistance_max - верхняя граница зоны сопротивления
Resistance_min - нижняя граница зоны сопротивления
Support_max - верхняя граница зоны поддержки
Support_min - нижняя граница зоны поддержки
Volume Profile: Intra-bar VolumeThis indicator was developed as part of a free blog post tutorial on the Backtest-Rookies website for detailed code commentary, head over there.
The indicator shall attempt to do the following:
Look at a lower time-frame. E.g 5 minutes when on a 1-hour chart.
Create a function to loop through through candles and make an assessment.
If the candle it closed up, the volume will be categorized as buying volume. Conversely, if it closed down, the volume will be categorized as selling volume
The function will then be passed to the security() function to run on a lower timeframe.
All buying volume and selling volume from the lower time-frame shall be summed and displayed on the main chart.
Important Note
This indicator will not give you genuine buying or selling volume. It simply follows the assumption that if price closed up, there must have been more buyers than sellers and if it closed down we assume the opposite.
In order to use this indicator, users will need to calculate how many lower time-frame bars are contained in the time-frame on the main chart. So for example, the default settings are configured for the indicator to be run on the 1H chart. As a result, we need to set the "Bars on Lower Timeframe" input to 12. This is because there are 12 x 5-minute bars in 60 minutes.
Smart VolumeOut of beta!
This script distinguishes up/down volume based on lower resolution.
It's important to set correct input "Detailed Resolution" — it affects detalization/loading speed. If equal to chart resolution, should match builtin "volume". The lower it is, the more detalized up/down border.