Momentum Burst Tools Kit By TradeINski

Theo TradeINski
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Momentum Burst Tools Kit By TradeINski

First Things First
- This indicator cuts through the noise and helps you see if a stock's price is swinging more (expansion) or less (contraction) compared to yesterday. When the indicator shows a positive number, it means the stock's price range is wider today than yesterday. Conversely, a negative number indicates the price range is tighter today. And also helps in position sizing with fast and effective solutions.
- Disclaimer: This indicator will not give any buy or sell signal. This is just a supporting tool to improve efficiency in my trading.
- Users can change most of the default options in settings according to their personal preference in settings such as text color, size and table location or to show/hide the specific metrics using “check mark”.


- Capital is nothing but account size by default it is 1M.
- This will be helpful by knowing where exactly their account is standing at what value at any given point of time.
- This is also required to calculate quantity based metrics so users should input accordingly.

Risk (%)
- Percentage of risk per trade you are willing to take according to account size or capital.
This helps in knowing what kind of position sizing you're about to take for the following trade. Knowing what is at stake and how much is at stake.
- This is also required to calculate quantity based metrics so users should input according to their trading plan.

Closing Range (CloseR)
- % Level based on current price with respect to today's range.
- Higher the better, Which indicates strength.

Range Expansion (RangeE)
- Today's % range with respect to previous days range. That is nothing but a percentage indicating the change in the daily price range compared to the previous day. Useful for identifying potential volatility shifts and trend continuation or reversal.
- For example if yesterday's range was small and today's range is big that means with respect to yesterday today stock had a range expansion by how much is the value shown here irrespective of the direction. Which helps in breakout scenarios.

SL From LOD/HOD (StopL)
- Here LOD means low of the day and HOD means high of the day.
When %Change is +VE then its low of the day (LOD) value is printed and when %Change is -VE then its high of the day (HOD).
- Because LOD and HOD are important levels where we usually keep our stops as per direction we are trading in. LOD is considered for longs and HOD for shorts as per % change.

SL at Half of day (StopH)
- Half level of today's body is what is printed.
- This helps to know where exactly half of today’s price level is at. Sometimes this can be used as stop loss. That is the Price level representing the midpoint between the day's open and close, commonly used as a reference for setting stop-loss orders.

% Distance From StopL (DisL)
- This will tell us how far we are from LOD/HOD in terms of percentage.
- And Whenever %Change is +VE then LOD is considered for distance and whenever %Change is -VE then HOD is considered. This switch over is done automatically.
- This helps traders to make a decision to conclude whether to make a position or not, Which also helps in determining if the risk reward is favorable hypothetically considering entry at current price and SL as StopL LOD/HOD.

% Distance From StopH (DisH)
- This will tell us how far we are from half price of today's body in terms of percentage.
- This is the distance between current close and price level representing the midpoint between the day's open and close.
- This also helps in determining if the risk reward is favorable hypothetically considering entry at current price and SL as StopH.

Quantity Based on StopL (QtyL)
- Quantity shown here is based on Capital, Risk and considering latest price as entry point and also low of the day (LOD) as stop loss (SL) that is “StopL” as and When %Change is positive and whenever %Change is -VE then high of the day (HOD) is considered as stop loss (SL).
- When %Change is +VE then Capital multiplied Risk (%) divided by close minus today's low this will fetch you desired quantity based on defined capital and risk (%) earlier. Similarly when %Change is -VE instead of close minus low, today’s high minus close is considered for determining the quantity.
- This is printed in real time and switchover is done automatically between high and low based on %Change. A result of which Position SIze calculation is done is a jiffy.

Quantity Based on StopH (QtyL)
- Quantity shown here is based on Capital, Risk which are defined earlier and considering latest price as entry point and also half of the day (StopH) )as stop loss (SL). A result of which Position SIze calculation is done is a jiffy.

This script empowers traders by giving them a clear view of daily price changes. With this knowledge, they can make smarter trading choices based on important price movements. Plus, it can be customized to fit how you like to trade, making it user-friendly and adaptable to different trading styles.

Phát hành các Ghi chú
New Feature -
Now Users have option to choose stoploss type in an dropdown menu with three options that are,
1. Long - Irrespective of %C all metric calculations are for bullish trades.
2. Short - Irrespective of %C all metric calculations are for bearish trades.
3. Both - Automatically metric calculation are changed for bullish and bearish as per %C.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Consistent data across timeframes.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
New Feature:
- 4% Breakout
When %C is more than 4% and volume is greater than yesterdays volume then bar is colored in Green. Similarly for more than -4% fall then bar is colored fuchsia.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Minor Internal Changes.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
To counter gaps added new condition
for up 4% BO - close >= Open vise versa for 4% down.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
New Features,
1. Amount of Risk
- Amount of risk in currency is shown based on Capital & Risk (%).
2. Entry
- User input price based on average buy price.
3. Quantity
- User input value based on filled quantity.
4. SL at Actual Price (StopA)
- Based on user input value that is Entry and Quantity and other factors such as Capital Risk (%) Actual SL is considered. Entry and Quantity show be entered after position is opened.
5. % Dist. From Entry to StopA (DisA)
- Percentage distance from Entry to StopA. Based %C SL price is taken accordingly.

Users have option to show or hide individual metric and many other settings.

Other Updates,
- Default Location of table is changed.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Added R-Multiple
- User can enter R Value in settings
- 2 Dedicated Rows to Show R Multiple. Each Row can be hidden individually.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Minor Update
Fixed Dis DisH calculation.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Added Combine Volume Option similar to my Stock bee 4% indicator.
By default its turned off.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Changes Made are,
1. Renamed StopA to Exit
2. Renamed DisA to Slp
3. Renamed QtyA to Units
4. Now R Multiple starts with -0.5R that is half of Entry to Exit price and all the way to 9 Steps above.
5. Entry Default Color changed.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
New Features added,
1. Parts
For selling into strength this will help. Default value is 5 that means you sell in 5 parts into strength.

2. Sis - Sell into strength X Reminder.
Units are divided into parts so that it helps in real time. Here 2 components 1 absolute and reminder. When units are odd numbers then a number with negative sign is shown, meaning you are short of so many shares for equal distribution based on part input. If reminder is 0 then as per parts its equal quantity can be sold each time.

3. Quantity based on Standard SL from close.
Added 3 default SL% are 1 1.5 and 2.

All of the mentioned above additions have multiple user settings. Kindly open settings and explore.

Other Updates,
Default color of Entry changed.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Added one more row for R Multiple.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Added names for R Multiple Rows. Row 1,2 & 3.
Pine utilities

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