Multi Time Frame Effective Volume Profile

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It is a well-known fact that volume often precedes price. As such, if you can spot an increased volume early on, you can take a position before the majority joins the trend. The purpose of this indicator is to show the tactical moves of the insiders and the big players before they become obvious to everyone. Similarly, you should more easily be able to identify trend exhaustion and look to close your position.

This volume indicator is largely inspired by Pascal Willain's concept of Effective Volume described in his book [I]"Value in Time", which is an improvement over Larry Williams' accumulation/distribution formula. The more robust formula takes into account two very important factors:

1) the gaps that are an inevitable part of almost all securities;
2) the closing price in relation to the spread, which indicates the bull/bear strength;

I have slightly modified Pascal Willain's formula for Effective Volume and introduced a few additional features, which I believe make the indicator easier to use and understand.


1. Volume Bar Deconstruction

The first significant part of this indicator is that it deconstructs the volume bar of your current trading session into one-minute volume bars, separates the significant volume, and then reconstructs the bar again. As a result, you get a new bar, in which only the significant volume is counted. Not only this, but you also get a more comprehensive view of the relationship between buying and selling that occurred on the smaller time frame.

In the screenshot below you can see that although the bears were stronger, the bulls met them with almost identical force, which resulted in absorbing the supply in 1 and then in 2 the demand drove the price up. In a traditional volume bar chart (which is also plotted), you only see the total traded volume in either red or green depending on the closing of the bar. As you would probably agree, this does not reveal the whole story.

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Accumulation/distribution by large players and funds is done with great precision, which is hard to catch intraday and nearly impossible on a daily time frame. However, large orders are hard to conceal on the 1-min chart since any unusual volume sticks out like a sore thumb. The whole idea here is for you to get a comprehensive view of what's going on in the small time frame, reveal any hard to spot transactions, and then make an informed decision on your trading time frame.

To ease your analysis even further, the indicator shows you minor volume as a percent of the major volume. Since your current time frame volume bar is a sum of all buying and selling volume from a smaller time frame, you get to see a more complete picture of the buying and selling that occurred. For example, you have a total volume of 150 BTC in a single 1h volume bar, out of which 100 BTC is in selling volume and 50 BTC is in buying volume. What you will see as parameters are this: 50 (buying volume), 100 (selling volume), 50 (minor volume as a percent of the big volume, since 50/100 = 0.5 = 50%). The higher the percentage, the more even the powers between buying and selling are.

2. Volume Trend

Building upon the first feature of the indicator, you can also choose a cumulative volume trend line. It is constructed by evaluating the type of the significant volume - adding it up if the bar closes positive (green) and subtracting it if the bar closes negative (red). The evaluation is once again done on a 1-min time frame by default, but you can change that along with the count lookback period in settings.

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3. Bull / Bear Equilibrium

Based upon the volume bars, Bull/Bear Equilibrium shows you the difference between buying and selling pressure under the form of a smoothed histogram. It is particularly useful not only for spotting trends early in the beginning, but also when those trends start reaching a point of exhaustion. You can then move your Stop Loss accordingly, close part of your position to preserve profits, or even look for a good entry position in the opposite direction.

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As much as I would like to offer it for free (as some of my other ones), a great deal of work, trading logic, and testing have gone into creating this indicator. More than a few hundred iterations and a few dozen branches were required to reach the end result which is a precise combination of usefulness, simplicity, and practicality. Furthermore, this indicator will continue to be updated and user-requested features that improve its performance will be added.

Disclaimer: The purpose of all indicators is to indicate potential setups, which may lead to profitable results. No indicator is perfect and certainly, no indicator has a 100% success rate. They are subject to flaws, wrongful interpretation, bugs, etc. This indicator makes no exception. It must be used with a sound money management plan that puts the main emphasis on protecting your capital. Please, do not rely solely on any single indicator to take trading decisions instead of you. Indicators are storytellers, not fortune tellers. They help you see the bigger picture, not the future.

To find out more about how to gain access to this indicator, please use the provided information below or just message me. Thank you for your time.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Update includes:
✔️ Code update
✔️ some minor modifications in terms of productivity
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Filter is now changed from an integer to a float with a step of 0.1. What this means is that you can now have a filter of 1.3 or 2.4 or anything you choose up to 7 (more than that wouldn't make much sense).
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Updated readings of the indicator by changing the format. For example, instead of seeing 1400 you will now see 1.4k, thus making the indicator easier to read.
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