DiscordWebhookFunctionLibrary "DiscordWebhookFunction"
discordMarkdown(_str, _italic, _bold, _code, _strike, _under) Convert string to markdown formatting User can combine any function at the same time.
_str : String input
_italic : Italic
_bold : Bold
_code : Code markdown
_strike : Strikethrough
_under : Underline
Returns: string Markdown formatted string.
discordWebhookJSON(_username, _avatarImgUrl, _contentText, _bodyTitle, _descText, _bodyUrl, _embedCol, _timestamp, _authorName, _authorUrl, _authorIconUrl, _footerText, _footerIconUrl, _thumbImgUrl, _imageUrl) Convert data to JSON format for Discord Webhook Integration.
_username : Override bot (webhook) username string / name,
_avatarImgUrl : Override bot (webhook) avatar by image URL,
_contentText : Main content page message,
_bodyTitle : Custom Webhook's embed message body title,
_descText : Webhook's embed message body description,
_bodyUrl : Webhook's embed body direct link URL,
_embedCol : Webhook's embed color,
_timestamp : Timestamp,
_authorName : Webhook's embed author name / title,
_authorUrl : Webhook's embed author direct link URL,
_authorIconUrl : Webhook's embed author icon by image URL,
_footerText : Webhook's embed footer text / title,
_footerIconUrl : Webhook's embed footer icon by image URL,
_thumbImgUrl : Webhook's embed thumbnail image URL,
_imageUrl : Webhook's embed body image URL.
Returns: string Single-line JSON format
Algomojo V1.0Library "Algomojo"
This library brings faster access to Automate trades. It simplifies the execution rules and helps
traders to implement faster algo trading strategies.
Simple Watchlist with % Change Screener & AlertsHi fellow traders..
TV has generously increased the number of alerts!!
A Simple Watchlist with heatmap based on % change on daily timeframe.
Gives % change and RSI
you can set the percentage in the input box and then set alerts on your favorite watchlist.
Alerts also include days high and low..
Simple Table and array based code.
set for scrip close >10 can be easily changed in line 43..
Hope you Like it!
OptionsMillionaire SPY Moving Averages and Signalsby ColeJustice
OptionsMillionaire's SPY Options trading system is based mainly on these indicators:
- 8 EMA*
- 21 EMA*
- 100 SMA*
- 200 SMA*
- Squeeze Momentum
(*provided by this indicator)
and follows these rules:
| 1) I never fight the trend. If its green, i buy calls. If its red, i buy puts. I will only buy puts on a green day if there is a overall change in market trend. Inversely, calls on a red day
| 2) Price action is my #1 indicator. I wait for it to confirm my thesis before i enter a trade
| 3) I only trade SPY Options
| 4) My baseline is to choose a call/put that has a DTE (Date To Expiration) 6-7 days out, with a strike $2-$3 away. I adjust that to fit my current appetite for volatility. i virtually never play same day DTE's.
| 5) I set a 10% stop, but usually exit at 8% before my stop triggers depending on current situation
| 6) I utilize about 10-20% of my Portfolio for one trade. Sometimes more. Rarely less.
| 7) I never hold overnight in these market conditions.
| 8) I shoot for 10-20% for gains. Depending on market conditions.
| 9) Always look for confirmations in your indicators.
| 10) I never force a trade. No trade is a good trade too if the entry just isn't there.
| 11) Patience always pays off. A great set-up can form in minutes or seconds. I never regret being patient to enter. I nearly always regret rushing into a trade.
This indicator combines the moving averages into a single unit to simplify one part of the indicator usage rules: the 8 EMA / 21 EMA Cross. . The 8 crossing over the 21 is a Bullish signal, while the 8 crossing under the 21 is a Bearish signal. This indicator places flags at these crossover/under points, as well as shading the area between the 8 and 21 EMAs to help visualize the strength of the trend; green during a Bullish cross, and red during a Bearish cross.
A new addition to this strategy is the Hull Moving Average, or HMA. This script defaults to an HMA of 20 and shows alerts when candles close above or below the plot in the form of green and red candle backgrounds. This alert is best used in conjunction with the main crossovers and should be considered an addition level of confidence rather than providing trade entry/exits directly. This indicator is more flexible and you should feel free to adjust the period if you find a different value works better within your own personal trading style.
Each individual element of this indicator can be modified or toggled, providing maximum customization. While you should strive to become comfortable with the default settings, these options are provided in case you feel the need to adjust for your own style (or if testing on tickers other than SPY, for example).
Goodluch, and happy trading!
Light BalanceThe script is simple, going for a color scheme logic which tenderly avoids rigorous signals processing.
For the script to remain simple, logical derivatives are also out; as such, there are no secondary relations built off of primary ones. And it also ignores (unless you do this yourself) the logic in a varying order of lines.
Coloring has been done according to a limited set of relations between the four (4) plotted lines.
Quite a bit of information is capture, as you'll see when looking at line order, crossings, and transparency transitions and their patterns.
The approach makes the relations ones which can be learned over time; you become the algorithm to sort out signals. Ha ha. I know that sounds like a cop out doesn't it. Did I mention it's a simple script?
One thing you might want to play with right away are fills having red and green, and lime and fuchsia. It would be cool to reduce it all down to two (2) colors, but all the boolean relations might have to be listed, and it also may not be possible to cumulatively combine transparency overlays of the same value. Visually, that approach may not result to awaken a useful feature anyway. Also, fill() has its limitations in that it cannot be in a local scope; this includes function wrapped calls to fill(), or calls made using branching logic statements if/elseif, iff(), and var = (cond) ? t_val/exp : f_val/exp. So, to my knowledge, a fill() can not be made to be logically on/off.
Please, enjoy getting some use out of it.
Volume Records + AlertContents
Overall Introduction
Settings menu parameters
How to use alerts
Overall Introduction
This indicator is a "volume analysis" tool for confirming the direction and strength of price trend and spotting trend reversals. This tool consists of two parts:
1- The colored graph is a custom volume oscillator which shows the relative changes in volume.
The darkening of the color of the bars is a sign of increasing volume.
2- Triangular labels that show trading volume records over different time periods based on the absolute values of the volume.
By creating an alert, you can be notified of new trading volume records. These records are:
Highest / lowest volume in one year,
Highest / lowest volume in six month
Highest / lowest volume in three month
Highest / lowest volume in one month
Highest / lowest volume in one week
Settings menu parameters
{Short Length} =>
The fast volume MA of the Volume Oscillator.
{Long Length} =>
The slow volume MA of the Volume Oscillator.
{Visual Parameters} =>
Parameters to personalize the appearance of the indicator.
{Alert Conditions Part 01: Highest Records ⏰ } =>
Parameters to customize the alert.
{Alert Conditions Part 02: Lowest Records ⏰ } =>
Parameters to customize the alert.
This indicator is a "volume analysis" tool for confirming the direction and strength of price trend and spotting trend reversals.
What Is Volume Analysis?
Volume analysis involves examining relative or absolute changes in an asset's trading volume in order to make inferences about future price movements.
A significant price increase along with a significant volume increase, for example, could be a credible sign of a continued bullish trend or a bullish reversal.
The gradual darkening of the bars is a sign of the strength of the trend.
Volume can be an indicator of market strength, as rising markets on increasing volume are typically viewed as strong and healthy.
How to use alerts
Note that by creating an alert, an instance of the indicator, with all your settings, will be activated on the site's server and alerts will be triggered by it.
After that, changing the indicator settings on the chart will no longer affect the alert.
Open the settings window and select the alert conditions as you wish
Click the Create Alert button (or press the A key while holding down the ALT key)
In the Condition section, select the name of the indicator.
Make the rest of the settings as you wish.
Finally, click on the Create button.
It's finished. After a few moments, your alert will be added to the Alerts menu.
The labels are displayed after the bars close.
Labels are displayed for the last 10,000 bars.
Alert(), alertcondition() or strategy alerts?Variety of possibilities offered by PineScript, especially thanks to recent additions, created some confusion. Especially one question repeats quite often - which method to use to trigger alerts?
I'm posting this to clarify and give some syntax examples. I'll discuss these 3 methods in chronological order, meaning - in the order they were introduced to PineScript.
ALERTCONDITION() - it is a function call, which can be used only in study-type script. Since years ago, you could create 2 types of a script: strategy and study. First one enables creating a backtest of a strategy. Second was to develop scripts which didn't require backtesting and could trigger alerts. alertcondition() calls in strategy-type scripts were rejected by Pine compiler. On the other hand compiling study-type scripts rejected all strategy...() calls. That created difficulties, because once you had a nice and backtested strategy, you had to rip it off from all strategy...() function calls to convert your script to study-type so you could produce alerts. Maintenance of two versions of each script was necessary and it was painful.
"STRATEGY ALERTS" were introduced because of alertcondition() pains. To create strategy alert, you need to click "Add alert" button inside Strategy Tester (backtester) and only there. Alerts set-up this way are bound with the backtester - whenever backtester triggers an order, which is visible on the chart, alert is also fired. And you can customize alert message using some placeholders like {{strategy.order.contracts}} or {{ticker}}.
ALERT() was added last. This is an alerts-triggering function call, which can be run from strategy-type script. Finally it is doable! You can connect it to any event coded in PineScript and generate any alert message you want, thanks to concatenation of strings and wrapping variables into tostring() function.
Out of these three alertcondition() is obviously archaic and probably will be discontinued. There is a chance this makes strategy/study distinction not making sense anymore, so I wouldn't be surprised if "studies" are deprecated at some point.
But what are the differences between "Strategy alerts" and alert()? "Strategy alerts" seem easier to set-up with just a few clicks and probably easier to understand and verify, because they go in sync with the backtester and on-chart trade markers. It is especially important to understand how they work if you're building strategy based on pending orders (stop and limit) - events in your code might trigger placing pending order, but alert will be triggered only (and when) such order is executed.
But "Strategy Alerts" have some limitations - not every variable you'd like to include in alert message is available from PineScript. And maybe you don't need the alert fired when the trade hit a stop-loss or take-profit, because you have already forwarded info about closing conditions in entry alert to your broker/exchange.
Alert() was added to PineScript to fill all these gaps. Is allows concatenating any alert message you want, with any variable you want inside it and you can attach alert() function at any event in your PineScript code. For example - when placing orders, crossing variables, exiting trades, but not explicitly at pending orders execution.
The Verdict
"Strategy Alerts" might seem a better fit - easier to set-up and verify, flexible and they fire only when a trade really happens, not producing unnecessary mess when each pending order is placed. But these advantages are illusionary, because they don't give you the full-control which is needed when trading with real money. Especially when using pending orders. If an alert is fired when price actually hit a stop-order or limit-order level, and even if you are executing such alert within 1 second thanks to a tool like TradingConnector, you might already be late and you are making entry at a market price. Slippage will play a great role here. You need to send ordering alert when logical conditions are met - then it will be executed at the price you want. Even if you need to cancel all the pending orders which were not executed. Because of that I strongly recommend sticking to ALERT() when building your alerts system.
Below is an example strategy, showing syntax to manage placing the orders and cancelling them. Yes, this is another spin-off from my TradingView Alerts to MT4 MT5 . As usual, please don't pay attention to backtest results, as this is educational script only.
P.S. For the last time - farewell alertcondition(). You served us well.
Distance Oscillator - Support and Resistance by DGT
Prices high above the Moving Average (MA) or low below it are likely to be remedied in the future by a reverse price movement as stated in the article by Denis Alajbeg, Zoran Bubas and Dina Vasic published in International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management
This study is the third variant that aims to present this idea, and the output of the study is presented as lines that serve as possible support and resistance levels in the future.
1st variant of the idea is presented as an centered oscillator, link to Price Distance to its MA Study , within its description you may find more about the idea and some statistical observations. Also some derivatives with MACD-X, More Than MACD and P-MACD
2nd variant of the idea are presented as colored triangle line (Volatility Colored Price/MA Line), using the same calculation methods and presented in the bottom of price chart.
Link to studies where it is included : Colored Directional Movement and Bollinger Band's Cloud , SuperTrendRange and Pivot Points vX
3rd variant (this study) as stated earlier aims to present the same idea as support and resistance levels.
The users can adjust source and length of the moving average that is used as base for the distance oscillator
Signal triggering options includes length for the deviation bands, multiplier as well as smoothing of the oscillator
Line customization settings
Additionally an alert can be configured to be warned earlier to watch out for probable pullbacks or reversals
Technical details for whom interested
Calculating the price distance to the MA results in a centered oscillator lets call it Distance Oscillator (quite similar to the RSI), as shown in the blow chart
Unlike RSI, oscillations with the distance oscillator are not limited within a specific range, hence identifying overbought and oversold is not as straight forward as it is with RSI. To determine overbought and oversold levels, standard deviation of distance oscillator is calculated and bands generated with the same approach applied with Bollinger Bands.
Once we have the threshold bands then crossing those bands we may assume as important levels and draw a line, if oscillator values keeps above the threshold bands (deviation bands) the logic behind the code will update the line drawing accordingly.
To reduce noise a smoothing can be applied
Alerts :
Please note that the implementation applied here can be applied to any oscillator such as RSI, Stochastic, MFI etc even Volume (if bear candle volumes are multiplied by -1)
Disclaimer :
Trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the indicators should fit within your trading strategy, and not to be traded upon solely
The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitute professional and/or financial advice. You alone have the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
SuperTrend - Custom Screener and Dynamic AlertsTrading View today published a desktop Bad Internet connection indicator ?! which set me thinking…
Despite recently introduced Dynamic Alerts many scripts do not leverage the information available for active traders and traders on the GO!
So decided to share this script totally ALERT focused on one of the most popular DAY trading indicators.
Of course no more BAD internet problem as long your TV APP is configured , you will have enough data for a mental picture of the chart..
The Alerts give you the BAR Close , %percent gain or loss over previous day CLOSE ++ Previous Day High and Low to effectively plan your trade without a chart!(just in case)
2 additions in the way Alerts are delivered over the last script :
1. You get SUMMARY alerts or concatenated alerts by default , however if you uncomment or activate code lines 48 and 55 you will get individual Stock alerts Too!
2. Summary Alerts will come only if there is some Buy or Sell signal NO more empty Alerts!
Few useful EXTRAS in the code :
1. Flexible code can convert any indicator to screener or Alert function.
2. You will NOT get Mutable Variable error while converting any indicator to screener as long as the function is in "GLOBAL" scope..
3. Many Custom Screeners are available but few give OHLC data in output so easily…and very difficult for traders to MODIFY hundreds of lines of code..
4. For UP or DOWN on SCREEN Stock monitoring copy /paste functions in line 41 and 42 in lieu of CROSS functions in 44 and 51 respectively..
5. You can also uncomment/activate lines 66 and 67 for labels in monitoring.
6. The default mode of the scripts is set to Alerts!
Max Stocks only 20!
Finally idea is to help traders to use the great features that TV works so hard to create and constantly improvise.
Enjoy Profitable Trading on the Fly !!
Smart EMA SignalsThis indicator starts by plotting each time the price action crosses above or below the EMA, of which you can tune the timeframe and duration.
It then takes it a step further and plots whether or not that indicator would have given you a profitable trade, of which you can also tune the parameters (Max wait time, and % Profit).
Once you have your EMA tuned to your liking, set up alerts to notify you of a golden opportunity.
AlertoJack AlertoJack
coded by Bogdan Vaida
This indicator was created to provide easily defined alerts on multiple symbols.
It's still POC code.
- Add it on any coin,
- The chart timeframe will be the timeframe for the alerts;
- Configure it with the symbols you want to be alerted on,
- Add the prices to be alerted for,
- Use Add Alert -> condition AlertoJack -> "Any alert() function call"
- Check the Alerts log.
- Alert happens when candle crosses the price.
- Because of how Trading View functions, if you modify the indicator settings
you'll need to add the alerts again (because an alert uses the code version
it was created from).
- The alert runs once per current bar's timeframe (e.g. once per minute
if you're on the 1m).
RSI ExtendedThis script is intended to print signals on the main price chart and send alerts when the RSI is overbought or oversold.
You can customize the source of the signal (open, close, etc), as well as oversold/overbought levels, and RSI length.
RSI Over EMA (Range Lines)This is another version of the RSI over EMA Trend Sniper script that I released here:
This one gives you better control across pairs wither higher volatility with the extra lines and more alert possibilities.
Here are the useful Alert functions within this indicator:
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing UP (Long Alert) on the Lower Green line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing UP (Long Alert) on the Upper Green line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing UP (Long Alert) on the Lower Amber line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing UP (Long Alert) on the Upper Amber line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing UP (Long Alert) on the Lower Red line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing UP (Long Alert) on the Upper Red line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing DOWN (Short Alert) on the Lower Green line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing DOWN (Short Alert) on the Upper Green line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing DOWN (Short Alert) on the Lower Amber line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing DOWN (Short Alert) on the Upper Amber line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing DOWN (Short Alert) on the Lower Red line
-Aqua line (RSI Line) - Crossing DOWN (Short Alert) on the Upper Red line
You can setup alerts for the Aqua line (RSI Line) 'crossing up' (Long Alert) or 'crossing down' (Short Alert) on any of the colored EMA lines.
By default the lines are spread out at 10/20/30 and that should cover high volatility charts. But, this is customizable and you can reduce the size of Green/Amber/Red lines to try and get a better more focused setup for whichever coin you are trading on. I have found this version of the RSI over EMA to work better with alt coins that are generally more volatile, but using it on Bitcoin works too.
I am using this for Cryptocurrency alerts, but not for automation to enter or exit a trade. It's important to only use this on normal candles, and only use it as a confirmation of a possible good entry or exit.
Awesome Heikin Ashi [Morty]This indicator uses Heikin Ashi candles and two EMAs to help you follow the trend and enter the trade. Heikin Ashi candles help to smooth the price and EMAs are used to detect trend. The default parameter of EMA is EMA10 and EMA20. You can use it at any timeframe. You should always adjust the EMA length according to different timeframes.
- Highlight background based on two EMAs
- Adjustable EMA length
- Adjustable Label size
- Show entry and exit signal labels
- Show stoploss price
- You can choose Long only or Short only or both signals
- Alert functions for notification
NOTE: If you use this signal to enter a trade, make sure the candle is close and enter in the next candle.
All in One StudyHere is my All in One Strategy converted into a Study with Alert Conditions you can use for whatever purpose you wish.
Each condition is set up similarly to the way I had the strategy set up, if you pick the indicators you want to base your alerts on it will alert you only if the check box is true.
You can pick one or more of the indicators if you'd like. I only suggest to pick one at a time so you don't have overlapping buy/sell alerts.
I think everyone will find the message of the market falling alert amusing :-)
EMA+RSI Pump & Drop Swing Sniper (SL+TP) - StrategyThis is the strategy version of the 'EMA-RSI-Pump-Drop-Swing-Sniper-With-Alerts':
Some additions with this strategy:
~Added Stop loss & Take profit control. In Settings > Inputs if the Stop Loss is at .051 that means it's 5.1% and the Take Profit at .096 is 9.6%. If you wish to remove the TP and SL just change the value to 1.00 and it would be the same as it being 100% TP and SL which is likely to never be hit.
~Added Backtesting by changing the month/date/year in Settings > Inputs
~Added a 2nd EMA line to assist with the long entry signals. I only use this for long entry & exits, though you could use the long exits as Short entries too. I just personally don't do short trading on Bitcoin.
This is using an EMA and RSI with slightly modified settings to give good entry and exit points while looking at Bitcoin. I use this on a 1-hour and 4-hour chart and with other indicators to find good positions to enter a trade or exit if things are turning red.
It's important to know this strategy was made as a request by another user that was using the indicator version. I don't use this as a trading strategy by itself, I use the visuals it gives as a confirmation with other indicators to find the best possible entry and exit positions.
If you click on the EMA line it will color the bars of the chart based on if they are above or below the EMA - This is just visually helpful for me to see the active trend.
Make sure you hover over or click on the EMA line to see the colors of the candles change - it's not visible by default or without doing this.
MultiAlert LITEAllows one to set 5 price level alerts on one symbol (1 Stop Loss 4 Targets)
Alerts work by prices crosses under the stop loss or over the targets, enabling short reverses this.
Unlike regular MultiAlert, this actually draws a true horizontal price at your price.
This is a lighter version of MultiAlert, supporting only one symbol. Your price levels will appear on all charts unless you hide the indicator.
Make the alert with targets and stop loss set, every time you make a change you MUST REMAKE THE ALERT.
Please comment any problems .
MultiPrice AlertThis is an alert script using Pinescript version 4. This enables one to set 5 alerts (1 StopLoss, 4 Targets), on 3 different symbols, at using a single alert in the UI.
Every visible line will only appear on the symbols that are selected. After setting targets when making an alert, select this indicator as a condition. Change the name to whatever you want, usually the names of the set of tickers.
The Alert message is dyanmic showing which Symbol with each type of alert, at whatever price.
Ability to disable the targets + symbols.
Alerts work by Stop Loss crossing under price and Targets Cross Over. Enabling the "Short" Targets reverses this.
The line that is being displayed is actually the price of the asset being moved over x number of bars. I have not found a way to plot a traditional horizontal line, as the code for it uses a fixed price.
As it being a user input, it is a variable. Any help with this would be appreicated.
Alerts are set to once per bar.
Known bug that sometimes if the prices that you set are inside the current candle stick, then your alert will immeaditally fire, either change the timeframe or let it fire and wait fo
After a target is hit, I reccomend setting the alert to 0 and REMAKING the alert. You MUST REMAKE THE ALERT AFTER ANY CHANGES. This script WILL NOT CHANGE ALERTS AS YOU CHANGE SETTINGS.
TradingView Alerts are not this smart , at least I haven't found a way to do this yet.
Hull MA with BB (With Alerts)This is a combination of the standard Bollinger bands with a VWAP(Pink line), and the 'Hull Trend with Kahlman' script by user capissimo, and the NMA (Moving Average 3.0 (3rd Generation)) script by everget.
You can find the original scripts here:
This indicator gives you several confirmations of a good entry and exit positions for Crypto currency like bitcoin and most alt coins. I use this on a 15min, 30min, 1hour, and 4hour chart for best results.
How to use:
Entry Signals:
-A candle closes above the NMA (Yellow Step Line). AND
-You see a Long (text) flag. AND
-The candles are near the bottom of the Bollinger bands and heading upwards.
Exit Signals:
-Candles have passed below and closed below the NMA (Yellow Step Line). AND
-You see a Short (text) flag.
It's important to use these confirmations with other indicators so you have the best entry/exit positions, and make sure you are on normal candles and not HA or any other types.
There are alerts built in that you can setup for the Short and Long text flags that you see. These are generally good alerts to follow. I use the alerts as a reminder to check the charts and see if my other indicators line up for a good trade.
Easy Entry/Exit Trend Colors (With Alerts)This is an updated version of user Algokid's script called 'AK MACD BB INDICATOR V 1.00'. You can find that original script here:
I added many alerts along with the Bullish and Bearish alerts when the MACD crosses over the Upperband or crosses down on the Lowerband.
I personally use this indicator with Crypto charts (Bitcoin on a 15min, 1hour, and 4 hour timeframe) as one of many confirmations that it's a good time to enter a trade. This script was made to be easy to follow with the colors of GREEN triangles being a good uptrend or entry confirmation, and RED being a confirmation to sell/short or exit your trade.
It's important to use this indicator in combination with other indicators that can give you more confirmations to enter or exit a trade, and make sure you are on normal candles and not HA or any other candles as you can get wildly inaccurate results.
This script also has the Death & Golden crosses, which is the slow and fast moving averages crossing over each other. I don't use this as an additional confirmation, it's just nice to know where the cross happens.
EMA+RSI Pump & Drop Swing Sniper (With Alerts)This is using an EMA and RSI with slightly modified settings to give good entry and exit points while looking at Bitcoin. I use this on a 4-hour chart and with other indicators to find good positions to enter a trade or exit if things are turning red.
If you click on the EMA line it will color the bars of the chart based on if they are above or below the EMA - This is just visually helpful for me to see the active trend.
Make sure you hover over or click on the EMA line to see the colors of the candles change - it's not visible by default or without doing this.
MultiAlert, MultiTargets + TickersThis is my first script, completely made from scratch. Bear with me.
Script that allows one to set an alert for Multiple Price Levels, on Multiple Tickers, complete with Dynamic Messages showing you which ticker, at which price, at which alert (Stop loss, Target 1 etc.), set to Once Per Bar.
Select Ticker, type in price levels that you have for targets & stop loss, move on to the next, or don't and leave 0 and blank.
Disable the targets you do not need in STYLE tab to disable plotting & scaling, leave unused tickers & targets blank & 0.
Create Alert, select this indicator, anyfunction() alert.
MAKE SURE to remake the alert every time you change something, they are not smart enough to change as you change things. Can Confirm by using the numbers in the alert name. You will also have to set the profit level or stop loss to zero every time it triggers to avoid triggered again.
In fact, you do not need the indicator active at all. Add it to a chart and hide it by clicking on the little eyeball icon, to make an alert open the settings for the indicator and type in your targets like normal. Indicator will remain invisable.
I have not found a way to dynamic message the alert name, or else I would.
DISCLAIMER: NONE OF THIS IS FINANCIAL ADVICE. You are completely responsible for whatever happens to you. Do not use the targets in this chart. Do your own research before trading.
Squeeze Momentum Indicator MTF with alerts [lazy bear]MTF version of the popular squeeze momentum indicator, created and shared by Lazy Bear