The “Volume Dynamic Scale Bar” is a method for determining the dominance of volume flow over a selected length and timeframe, indicating whether buyers or sellers are in control. In addition, it detects the average speed of volume flow over a specified period. This indicator is almost equivalent to Time & Sales (Tape) .
(1) Volume Dynamic Scale Bar. As we observe, it has similar total up and down volume values to what we're seeing in the table. Note they have similar default inputs.
(2) A notice of a significant volume came.
(3) It estimates the speed of the average volume flow. In the tooltip, it shows the maximum and minimum recorded speeds along with the time since the chart was updated.
(4) Info of entered length and the selected timeframe.
(5) The widget will flash gradually for 3 seconds when there’s a significant volume occurred based on the selected timeframe.
(1) Timezone.
(2) Widget location and size on chart.
(3) Up & Down volume colors.
(4) Option to enable a visual flash when a single volume is more than {X value} of Average. For instance, 2 → means double the average volume.
(5) Fetch data from the selected lower timeframe.
(6) Number of bars at chosen timeframe.
(7) Volume OR Price Volume.
The Volume Dynamic Scale Bar should not be taken as a major concept to build a trading decision.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Cổ phiếu
Mean Reversion Watchlist [Z score]Hi Traders !
What is the Z score:
The Z score measures a values variability factor from the mean, this value is denoted by z and is interpreted as the number of standard deviations from the mean.
The Z score is often applied to the normal distribution to “standardize” the values; this makes comparison of normally distributed random variables with different units possible.
This popular reversal based indicator makes an assumption that the sample distribution (in this case the sample of price values) is normal, this allows for the interpretation that values with an extremely high or low percentile or “Z” value will likely be reversal zones.
This is because in the population data (the true distribution) which is known, anomaly values are very rare, therefore if price were to take a z score factor of 3 this would mean that price lies 3 standard deviations from the mean in the positive direction and is in the ≈99% percentile of all values. We would take this as a sign of a negative reversal as it is very unlikely to observe a consecutive equal to or more extreme than this percentile or Z value.
The z score normalization equation is given by
In Pine Script the Z score can be computed very easily using the below code.
// Z score custom function
Zscore(source, lookback) =>
sma = ta.sma(source, lookback)
stdev = ta.stdev(source, lookback, true)
zscore = (source - sma) / stdev
The Indicator:
This indicator plots the Z score for up to 20 different assets ( Note the maximum is 40 however the utility of 40 plots in one indicator is not much, there is a diminishing marginal return of the number of plots ).
Z score threshold levels can also be specified, the interpretation is the same as stated above.
The timeframe can also be fixed, by toggling the “Time frame lock” user input under the “TIME FRAME LOCK” user input group ( Note this indicator does not repain t).
Time & Sales (Tape) [By MUQWISHI]▋ INTRODUCTION :
The “Time and Sales” (Tape) indicator generates trade data, including time, direction, price, and volume for each executed trade on an exchange. This information is typically delivered in real-time on a tick-by-tick basis or lower timeframe, providing insights into the traded size for a specific security.
▋ Volume Dynamic Scale Bar:
It's a way for determining dominance on the time and sales table, depending on the selected length (number of rows), indicating whether buyers or sellers are in control in selected length.
#Section One: Table Settings
#Section Two: Technical Settings
(1) Implement By: Retrieve data by
(1A) Lower Timeframe: Fetch data from the selected lower timeframe.
(1B) Live Tick: Fetch data in real-time on a tick-by-tick basis, capturing data as soon as it's observed by the system.
(2) Length (Number of Rows): User able to select number of rows.
(3) Size Type: Volume OR Price Volume.
The values in a table should not be taken as a major concept to build a trading decision.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Fair Value by MMEnglish
This indicator is used to find fair value based on historical data. Past growth data may not be sustainable, which will cause the price targets given by the indicator to be inaccurate. Any price on this indicator cannot be considered as investment advice. Trading decisions are the responsibility of the person using the indicator.
What is the Fair Value by MM indicator?
This is an indicator that tries to find the fair value of a stock by looking at its historical data and growth over a certain period of time. By analyzing a stock's historical growth data, it generates a fair value and potential price estimate.
The indicator presents the financial data of a stock with 3 different data sets.
1. Summary and Valuation
2. Average Quarterly Growth
3. Profit margins
** Number of Lookback Periods for Quarters **
The first input of the indicator is where you specify how many quarters back to value the stock. By default, it is based on the last 12 quarters, i.e. 3 years. Since there is not enough historical data for newly listed companies, you can change this figure according to the company you are analyzing.
** Show Summary **
The Indicator starts in this mode by default. This mode gives you data such as sales, EBITDA, EBIT, net profit and free cash flow in PER SHARE and TTM values. The reason for using per share values is that a company's price is per share, and it saves you time to look at all other metrics on a per share basis. For example, if a company with a share price of $10 has sales per share of $5, we can say that this company has generated half of its market capitalization in sales revenue in the last 1 year.
In the indicator's default mode (Show Summary);
1. Sales per share TTM (Red)
2. EBITDA per share TTM (Orange)
3. EBIT per share TTM (Yellow)
4. Net Income per share TTM (Blue)
5. Free Cash Flow per share TTM (Green)
6. Share close price (White)
7. Fair value of the share (Green if price is below fair value, Red if price is above fair value)
8. Price target for the next 12 months (Yellow)
** Show AVG Growth QoQ **
When this option is selected, you can see the average quarterly growth in sales, EBITDA, EBIT, net profit and free cash flow, respectively, over the period you have selected (e.g. the last 12 quarters). This data gives an idea about the company's growth and the pace of its growth.
** Show Profit Margins **
When this option is selected, you can see gross profit margin, EBITDA margin, EBIT margin, net profit margin and free cash flow margin data respectively. It provides a quick overview to determine whether the company is increasing revenue by narrowing profit margins or increasing both revenue growth and profit margins.
** Include Sales **
When this option is selected, sales revenues are included in the company's valuation.
** Include Ebitda **
When this option is selected, EBITDA is included in the valuation of the company.
** Include Ebit **
When this option is selected, EBIT is included in the valuation of the company.
** Include Net Profit **
When this option is selected, net profit is included in the valuation of the company.
** Include FCF **
When this option is selected, free cash flow is included in the valuation of the company.
By default, the valuation is based on sales, EBITDA and EBIT. Net profit and free cash flow can be optionally selected. Or the metrics you do not want can be excluded from the valuation calculation.
What do the colors mean?
** Red **
Represents the company's data related to the company's sales.
** Orange **
Represents the company's data related to the company's EBITDA.
** Yellow **
Represents the company's data related to the company's EBIT.
** Blue **
Represents the company's data related to the company's Net Income.
** Green **
Represents the company's data related to the company's Free Cash Flow.
Bu indikatör geçmiş verileri baz alarak adil değer bulmaya yarar. Geçmişte oluşan büyüme verileri sürdürelebilir olmayabilir, bu da indikatörün verdiği fiyat hedeflerinin yanılmasına sebep olacaktır. Bu indikatör üzerinde yer alan herhangi bir fiyat, yatırım tavsiyesi kapsamında değerlendirilemez. Alım/satım kararları indikatörü kullanan kişinin sorumluluğundadır.
Fair Value by MM indikatörü nedir?
Bu bir hissenin belirli bir periyotu kapsayan geçmiş verilerine ve gelişimlerine bakarak adil değerini bulmaya çalışan bir indikatördür. Bir hissenin geçmiş büyüme verilerini analiz ederek adil değer ve potansiyel fiyat tahmini oluşturur.
İndikatör bir hissenin finansal datasını 3 farklı veri seti ile sunmaktadır.
1. Özet ve Değerleme
2. Ortalama Çeyreklik Büyümeler
3. Kar marjları
** Number of Lookback Periods for Quarters **
İndikatörün ilk input’u, hisseyi değerlemek için kaç çeyrek geriye bakacağınızı belirttiğiniz kısımdır. Varsayılan olarak son 12 çeyrek, yani 3 yılı baz alır. Yeni arz olmuş şirketlerde yeterli geçmiş veri bulunmadığı için bu rakamı incelediğiniz şirkete göre değiştirebilirsiniz.
** Show Summary **
İndikatör varsayılan olarak bu modda başlar. Bu mod, satışlar, favök, esas faaliyet karı, net kar ve serbest nakit akışı gibi verileri HİSSE BAŞINA ve YILLIKLANDIRILMIŞ değerleri ile size verir. Hisse başına değerlerin kullanılmasındaki sebep, bir şirketin fiyatı hisse başınadır, ve diğer tüm metriklere hisse başına bakmak size zaman kazandırır. Örneğin, hisse fiyatı $10 olan bir şirketin, hisse başına satışları $5 ise, bu şirket son 1 yılda piyasa değerinin yarısı kadar satış geliri elde etmiş diyebiliriz.
İndikatörün varsayılan modunda (Show Summary);
1. Hisse başına yıllıklandırılmış Satışlar (Kırmızı)
2. Hisse başına yıllıklandırılmış FAVÖK (Turuncu)
3. Hisse başına yıllıklandırılmış Esas Faaliyet Karı (Sarı)
4. Hisse başına yıllıklandırılmış Net Kar (Mavi)
5. Hisse başına yıllıklandırılmış Serbest Nakit Akışı (Yeşil)
6. Hisse kapanış fiyatı (Beyaz)
7. Hissenin adil değeri (Fiyat Adil değerin altında ise Yeşil, Üstünde ise Kırmızı)
8. Önümüzdeki 12 aylık fiyat hedefi (Sarı)
** Show AVG Growth QoQ **
Bu seçenek seçildiğinde, sırası ile satışlar, favök, esas faaliyet karı, net kar ve serbest nakit akışının, seçmiş olduğunuz periyotta (örneğin son 12 çeyrek), çeyreklik olarak ortalama % kaç büyüdüğünü görebilirsiniz. Bu veri, şirketin gelişimi ve gelişim hızı hakkında fikir vermektedir.
** Show Profit Margings **
Bu seçenek seçildiğinde, sırası ile brüt kar marjı, favök marjı, esas faaliyet kar marjı, net kar marjı ve serbest nakit akışı marjı verilerini görebilirsiniz. Şirketin karlılık marjlarını daraltarak mı gelirini arttırdığını yoksa hem gelir artışı hem de kar marjlarını arttırdığını tespit etmek için hızlı bir bakış sunar.
** Include Sales **
Bu seçenek seçildiğinde, şirketin değerlemesine satış gelirleri dahil edilir.
** Include Ebitda **
Bu seçenek seçildiğinde, şirketin değerlemesine favök dahil edilir.
** Include Ebit **
Bu seçenek seçildiğinde, şirketin değerlemesine esas faaliyet karları dahil edilir.
** Include Net Profit **
Bu seçenek seçildiğinde, şirketin değerlemesine net kar dahil edilir.
** Include FCF **
Bu seçenek seçildiğinde, şirketin değerlemesine serbest nakit akışı dahil edilir.
Varsayılan olarak, satışlar, favök ve esas faaliyet karı üzerinden değerleme yapılır. Net kar ve serbest nakit akışı isteğe göre seçilebilir. Ya da istemediğiniz metrikler değerleme hesaplamasından çıkarılabilir.
Renkler ne anlama geliyor?
** Kırmızı **
Şirketin satışları ile ilgili verilerini temsil eder.
** Turuncu **
Şirketin favök’ü ile ilgili verilerini temsil eder.
** Sarı **
Şirketin esas faaliyet karı ile ilgili verilerini temsil eder.
** Mavi **
Şirketin net karı ile ilgili verileri temsil eder.
** Yeşil **
Şirketin serbest nakit akışı ile ilgili verilerini temsil eder.
SFC Valuation Model - US SectorSector analysis is an assessment of the economic and financial condition and prospects of a given sector of the economy. Sector analysis serves to provide an investor with a judgment about how well companies in the sector are expected to perform. Sector analysis is typically employed by investors who specialize in a particular sector, or who use a top-down or sector rotation approach to investing.
Sector analysis is based on the premise that certain sectors perform better during different stages of the business cycle. The business cycle refers to the up and down changes in economic activity that occur in an economy over time. The business cycle consists of expansions, which are periods of economic growth, and contractions, which are periods of economic decline.
Investors who employ a top-down approach to sector analysis focus first on macroeconomic conditions in their search for companies that have the potential to outperform. They start by looking at those macroeconomic factors that have the biggest impact on the largest part of the population and the economy, such as unemployment rates, economic outputs, and inflation.
Every sector shows the average return from three ETFs - SPDR, Vanguard, iShares. There is a possibility to see the returns from every ETF by just holding the cursor on the sector name.
There are few valuation methods/steps
- Macroeconomics - analyse the current economic;
- Define how the sector is performing;
- Relative valuation method - compare few stocks and find the Outlier;
- Absolute valuation method historically- define how the stock performed in the past;
- Absolute valuation method - define how the stock is performed now and find the fair value;
- Technical analysis
How to use:
1. Once you have completed the initial evaluation step, simply load the indicator.
2. Analyse which sector is outperforming.
Forex & Stock Daily WatchList And Screener [M]Hi, this is a watchlist and screener indicator for Forex and Stocks.
This indicator is designed for traders who trade in the forex markets and monitor developments in indices and other currency pairs.
It includes information on 14 indices such as the volatility index, Baltic dry index, etc. You can customize the indices as you wish. The indices table contains the index's price (or points), daily change, stochastic value, and trend direction.
The second table is designed for trading forex and stock currency pairs.
In this table, you will find information such as price, volume, change, stochastic, RSI, trend direction, and MACD result for all traded pairs. You can customize all the currency pairs in this table as you wish, and you can also tailor the oscillator settings to your preferences.
In the settings section, you can use checkboxes to hide the pairs in both tables.
The "Customize" section in the settings allows you to personalize the table appearances according to your preferences.
[TTI] MarketSmith & IBD Style Model Stock Quarters 📜 ––––HISTORY & CREDITS––––
The MarketSmith & IBD Style Model Stock Quarters another Utility indicator is an original creation by TintinTrading inspired by Investor's Business Daily and William O'Neil style of presenting information. While going through the Model Stocks that IBD has been publishing, I realized that I wanted to see the exam same Quarterly presentation on the time axis in order to compare William O'Neil notes better with my own notes from Tradingview. The script is simple and could help you if you study the CANSLIM methodology.
The distinctiveness of this indicator lies in its ability to visually delineate stock quarters directly on the price chart. It serves as a handy tool for traders who adopt a quarterly review of stock performance, in line with MarketSmith and IBD's analysis frameworks.
🛠️ ––––WHAT IT DOES––––
Quarter Marking : Draws a black line at the beginning of each financial quarter (January, April, July, and October).
Quarter Labeling : Places a label at the close of the last month in a quarter, indicating the upcoming quarter with its abbreviation and the last two digits of the year.
💡 ––––HOW TO USE IT––––
👉Installation: Add the indicator to your TradingView chart by searching for " MarketSmith & IBD Style Model Stock Quarters" in the indicator library.
👉Add to New Pane and squash the Pane Length: I add the indicator to a new pane under the price and volume charts and squash the height of the pane so that it looks exactly like the MarketSmith visuals.
👉Visual Cues:
Look for the black lines marking the start of a new quarter.
Observe the labels indicating the upcoming quarter and year, positioned at the close of the last month in a quarter.
👉Interpretation: Use these quarterly markers to align your trading strategies with quarterly performance metrics or to conduct seasonal analysis.
👉Settings: The indicator does not require any user-defined settings, making it straightforward to use.
CE - 42MACRO Fixed Income and Macro This is Part 2 of 2 from the 42MACRO Recreation Series
However, there will be a bonus Indicator coming soon!
The CE - 42MACRO Fixed Income and Macro Table is a next level Macroeconomic and market analysis indicator.
It aims to provide a probabilistic insight into the market realized GRID Macro regimes,
track a multiplex of important Assets, Indices, Bonds and ETF's to derive extra market insights by showing the most important aggregates and their performance over multiple timeframes... and what that might mean for the whole market direction.
For traders and especially investors, the unique functionalities will be of high value.
Quick guide on how to use it:
By the nature of the macro regimes, the outcomes are more accurate over longer Chart Timeframes (Week to Months).
However, it is also a valuable tool to form an advanced,
market realized, short to medium term bias.
This Indicator is intended to be used alongside the 1nd part "CE - 42MACRO Equity Factor"
for a more wholistic approach and higher accuracy.
The Equity Factor Table tracks specifically chosen Assets to identify their performance and add the combined performances together to visualize 42MACRO's GRID Equity Model.
For this it uses the below Assets:
Convertibles ( AMEX:CWB )
Leveraged Loans ( AMEX:BKLN )
High Yield Credit ( AMEX:HYG )
Preferreds ( NASDAQ:PFF )
Emerging Market US$ Bonds ( NASDAQ:EMB )
Long Bond ( NASDAQ:TLT )
5-10yr Treasurys ( NASDAQ:IEF )
5-10yr TIPS ( AMEX:TIP )
0-5yr TIPS ( AMEX:STIP )
EM Local Currency Bonds ( AMEX:EMLC )
Barclays Agg ( AMEX:AGG )
Investment Grade Credit ( AMEX:LQD )
1-3yr Treasurys ( NASDAQ:SHY )
Bitcoin ( AMEX:BITO )
Industrial Metals ( AMEX:DBB )
Commodities ( AMEX:DBC )
Gold ( AMEX:GLD )
Equity Volatility ( AMEX:VIXM )
Interest Rate Volatility ( AMEX:PFIX )
Energy ( AMEX:USO )
Precious Metals ( AMEX:DBP )
Agriculture ( AMEX:DBA )
US Dollar ( AMEX:UUP )
Inverse US Dollar ( AMEX:UDN )
Fixed Income and Macro Table
Shows relative market Asset performance
Comes with different Calculation options like RoC,
Sharpe ratio, Sortino ratio, Omega ratio and Normalization
Allows for advanced market (health) performance
Provides the calculated, realized GRID market regimes
Informs about "Risk ON" and "Risk OFF" market states
Visuals - for your best experience only use one (+ BarColoring) at a time:
You can visualize all important metrics:
- GRID regimes of the currently chosen calculation type
- Risk On/Risk Off with background colouring and additional +1/-1 values
- a smoother GRID model
- a smoother Risk On/ Risk Off metric
- Barcoloring for enabled metric of the above
If you have more suggestions, please write me
Fixed Income and Macro:
The visualisation of the relative performance of the different assets provides valuable information about the current market environment and the actual market performance.
It furthermore makes it possible to obtain a deeper understanding of how the interconnected market works and makes it simple to identify the actual market direction,
thus also providing all the information to derive overall market health, market strength or weakness.
The Fixed Income and Macro Table is divided in 4 Columns which are the GRID regimes:
Economic Growth:
Economic Contraction:
Top 5 Fixed Income/ Macro Factors:
Are the values green for a specific Column?
If so then the market reflects the corresponding GRID behavior.
Bottom 5 Fixed Income/ Macro Factors:
Are the values red for a specific Column?
If so then the market reflects the corresponding GRID behavior.
So if we have Goldilocks as current regime we would see green values in the Top 5 Goldilocks Cells and red values in the Bottom 5 Goldilocks Cells.
You will find that Reflation will look similar, as it is also a sign of Economic Growth.
Same is the case for the two Contraction regimes.
This Indicator again is based to a majority on 42MACRO's models.
I only brought them into TV and added things on top of it.
If you have questions or need a more in-depth guide DM me.
All Candlestick Patterns on Backtest [By MUQWISHI]▋ INTRODUCTION :
The “All Candlestick Patterns on Backtest” indicator generates a table that offers a clear visualization of the historical return percentages for each candlestick pattern strategy over a specified time period. This table serves as an organized resource, serving as a launching point for in-depth research into candle formations. It may help to rectify any misconceptions surrounding candlestick patterns, refine trading approaches, and it could be foundation to make informed decisions in trading journey.
Credit to public technical “*All Candlestick Patterns*” indicator.
#Section One: Table Setting
#Section Two: Backtest Setting
(1) Backtest Starting Period.
Note: If the datetime of the first candle on the chart is after the entreated datetime, the calculation will start from the first candle on the chart.
(2) Initial Equity ($).
(3) Leverage: Current Equity x Leverage Value.
(4) Entry Mode:
- “At Close”: Execute entry order as soon as the candle confirmed.
- “Breakout High (Low for Short)”: Stop limit buy order, entry order will be executed as soon as the next candle breakout the high of last pattern’s candle (low for short)
(5) Cancel Entry Within Bars: This option is applicable with {Entry Mode = Breakout High (Low for Short)}, to cancel the Entry Order if it's not executed within certain selected number of bars.
(6) Stoploss Range: the range refers to high of pattern - low of pattern.
(7) Risk:Reward: the calculation of risk:reward range start from entry price level. For example: A pattern triggered with range 10 points, and entry price is 100.
- For 1:1~risk:reward would the stoploss at 90 and takeprofit at 110.
- For 1:3~risk:reward would the stoploss at 90 and takeprofit at 130.
#Section Three: Technical & Candle Patterns
▋ Comments:
This table was developed for research and educational purposes.
Candlestick patterns are almost similar as seen in “*All Candlestick Patterns*” indicator.
The table results should not be taken as a major concept to build a trading decision.
Personally, I see candlestick patterns as a means to comprehend the psychology of the market, and help to follow the price action.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
CE - 42MACRO Equity Factor Table This is Part 1 of 2 from the 42MACRO Recreation Series
The CE - 42MACRO Equity Factor Table is a whole toolbox packaged in a single indicator.
It aims to provide a probabilistic insight into the market realized GRID Macro Regime, use a multiplex of important Assets and Indices to form a high probability Implied Correlation expectation and allows to derive extra market insights by showing the most important aggregates and their performance over multiple timeframes... and what that might mean for the whole market direction, as well as the underlying asset.
By the nature of the macro regimes, the outcomes are more accurate over longer Chart Timeframes (Week to Months).
However, it is also a valuable tool to form a proper,
market realized, short to medium term bias.
This Indicator is intended to be used alongside the 2nd part "CE - 42MACRO Yield and Macro"
for a more wholistic approach and higher accuracy.
Due to coding limitations they can not be merged into one Indicator.
The Equity Factor Table tracks specifically chosen Assets to identify their performance and add the combined performances together to visualize 42MACRO's GRID Equity Model.
For this it uses the below Assets, with more to come:
Dividend Compounders ( AMEX:SPHD )
Mid Caps ( AMEX:VO )
Emerging Markets ( AMEX:EEM )
Small Caps ( AMEX:IWM )
Mega Cap Growth ( NASDAQ:QQQ )
Brazil ( AMEX:EWZ )
United Kingdom ( AMEX:EWU )
Growth ( AMEX:IWF )
United States ( AMEX:SPY )
Japan ( AMEX:DXJ )
Momentum ( AMEX:MTUM )
China ( AMEX:FXI )
Low Beta ( AMEX:SPLV )
International ex-US ( NASDAQ:ACWX )
India ( AMEX:INDA )
Eurozone ( AMEX:EZU )
Quality ( AMEX:QUAL )
Size ( AMEX:OEF )
1. Correlations
Takes a measure of Cross Market Correlations
2. Implied Trend
Calculates the trend for each Asset and uses the Correlation to obtain the Implied Trend for the underlying Asset
There are multiple functionalities to enhance Signal Speed and precision...
Reading a signal only over a certain threshold, otherwise being colored in gray to signal noise or unclear market behavior
Normalization of Signal
Double Normalization of Signal for more Speed... ideal for the Crypto Market
Using an additional Hull Moving Average to enhance Signal Speed
Additional simple Background coloring to get a Signal from the HMA
Barcoloring based on the Implied Correlation
3. Equity Factor Table
Shows market realized Asset performance
Provides the approximate realized GRID market regimes
Informs about "Risk ON" and "Risk OFF" market states
Now into the juicy stuff...
There is a variety of options to change visual settings of what is plotted and where
+ additional considerations.
Everything that is relevant in the underlying logic which can improve comprehension can be visualized with these options.
More to come
Market Correlation:
The Market Correlation Table takes the Correlation of all the Assets to the Asset on the Chart,
it furthermore uses the Normalized KAMA Oscillator by IkkeOmar to analyse the current trend of every single Asset.
(To enhance the Signal you can apply the mentioned Indicator on the relevant Assets to find your target Asset movements that you intend to capture...
and then change the length of the Indicator in here)
It then Implies a Correlation based on the Trend and the Correlation to give a probabilistically adjusted expectation for the future Chart Asset Movement.
This is strengthened by taking the average of all Implied Trends.
Thus the Correlation Table provides valuable insights about probabilistically likely Movement of the Asset over the defined time duration,
providing alpha for Traders and Investors alike.
Equity Factors:
The table provides valuable information about the current market environment (whether it's risk on or risk off),
the rough GRID models from 42MACRO and the actual market performance.
This allows you to obtain a deeper understanding of how the market works and makes it simple to identify the actual market direction,
makes it possible to derive overall market Health and shows market strength or weakness.
The Equity Factor Table is divided in 4 Sections which are the GRID regimes:
Economic Growth:
Economic Contraction:
Top 5 Equity Factors:
Are the values green for a specific Column?
If so then the market reflects the corresponding GRID behavior.
Bottom 5 Equity Factors:
Are the values red for a specific Column?
If so then the market reflects the corresponding GRID behavior.
So if we have Goldilocks as current regime we would see green values in the Top 5 Goldilocks Cells and red values in the Bottom 5 Goldilocks Cells.
You will find that Reflation will look similar, as it is also a sign of Economic Growth.
Same is the case for the two Contraction regimes.
This whole Indicator, as well as the second part, is based to a majority on 42MACRO's models.
I only brought them into TV and added things on top of it.
If you have questions or need a more in-depth guide DM me.
Will make a guide to all functionalities if necessity becomes apparent.
Magic LevelsPS MODS : This indicator calculate the levels based on IndiaVIX, volumes on FnO, cofficient and factor to reach on the level. Hope this can help you to understand the functionality of this Indicator
This indicator is used for draw levels or "Magic Levels/Lines" for Nifty, Bank Nifty and FnO futures, based on volatility (indiavix) calculations. This powerful tool is designed to provide insights into market volatility and assist traders and investors in making informed decisions in the Indian stock market.
As of now the indicator draws levels only on Bank Nifty and Nifty. Soon we'll publish the next update supporting all FnO Futures and stocks.
The India VIX, often referred to as the "Fear Index," is a popular measure of market volatility and investor sentiment. It quantifies the market's expectations of near-term volatility by calculating the implied volatility of NIFTY options. The VIX Levels Indicator utilizes these calculations to draw key levels on price charts, enhancing traders' understanding of potential market movements.
The indicator's main function is to identify critical support and resistance levels derived from IndiaVIX data. We considered to volatility of all the FnO instruments and calculated the mean value keeping the day into consideration while performing the calculations. These levels serve as significant reference points that can help traders gauge potential price reversals, breakouts, and trends. By integrating the Magic Levels Indicator into their analysis, traders can gain a comprehensive view of market dynamics and improve their timing for entering or exiting positions.
Traders can customize the VIX Levels Indicator to suit their preferences, adjusting parameters such as time period where the default is 1 day. This flexibility allows traders to adapt the indicator to different trading strategies and timeframes. Whether a trader focuses on intraday scalping or swing trading, the Magic Levels Indicator can be a valuable addition to their technical analysis toolkit.
US Recession IndicatorThe US Recession Indicator is designed to identify recessions as they happen, using two reputable indicators that have accurately foreseen all past recessions since 1969. Unlike the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) which determines recession dates after the fact, this indicator seeks to spot recessions in real-time. When both of these distinct metrics meet certain criteria, the chart's background becomes shaded, signifying a strong likelihood that the economy is in a recession. Furthermore, a built-in alert system keeps users updated without constant monitoring.
The first metric is the Smoothed Recession Probabilities developed by Marcelle Chauvet. It is based on a dynamic-factor markov-switching model that assesses four monthly coincident variables: non-farm payroll employment, the index of industrial production, real personal income excluding transfer payments and real manufacturing and trade sales. It offers a mathematical analysis of how recessions deviate from expansions. In essence, this index mirrors the probability of the prevailing true economic situation being a recession, grounded on the current GDP data.
The second metric is the Sahm Rule Recession Indicator developed by Claudia Sahm. It operates on the principle that changes in the unemployment rate can be used to identify the onset of a recession. According to this rule, if the three-month moving average of the unemployment rate rises by 0.5 percentage points or more above its lowest point from the preceding year, it flags a potential recession.
For this combined indicator, the thresholds are intentionally set lower than when each metric is used individually. Both metrics must simultaneously suggest a potential recession in order to send a signal. This stems from the realisation that neither metric is infallible and has, on occasion, sent false signals in the past. By requiring both to align, the likelihood of a false positive is reduced. However, it's crucial to understand that past performance does not guarantee future results, leaving the door open for potential false alerts which may not be confirmed by the NBER.
Global Liquidity IndexThe Global Liquidity Index offers a consolidated view of all major central bank balance sheets from around the world. For consistency and ease of comparison, all values are converted to USD using their relevant forex rates and are expressed in trillions. The indicator incorporates specific US accounts such as the Treasury General Account (TGA) and Reverse Repurchase Agreements (RRP), both of which are subtracted from the Federal Reserve's balance sheet to give a more nuanced view of US liquidity. Users have the flexibility to enable or disable specific central banks and special accounts based on their preference. Only central banks that both don’t engage in currency pegging and have reliable data available from late 2007 onwards are included in this aggregated liquidity model.
Global Liquidity Index = Federal Reserve System (FED) - Treasury General Account (TGA) - Reverse Repurchase Agreements (RRP) + European Central Bank (ECB) + People's Bank of China (PBC) + Bank of Japan (BOJ) + Bank of England (BOE) + Bank of Canada (BOC) + Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) + Reserve Bank of India (RBI) + Swiss National Bank (SNB) + Central Bank of the Russian Federation (CBR) + Central Bank of Brazil (BCB) + Bank of Korea (BOK) + Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) + Sweden's Central Bank (Riksbank) + Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM).
This tool is beneficial for anyone seeking to get a snapshot of global liquidity to interpret macroeconomic trends. By examining these balance sheets, users can deduce policy trajectories and evaluate the global economic climate. It also offers insights into asset pricing and assists investors in making informed capital allocation decisions. Historically, riskier assets, such as small caps and cryptocurrencies, have typically performed well during periods of rising liquidity. Thus, it may be prudent for investors to avoid additional risk unless there's a consistent upward trend in global liquidity.
All Candlestick Patterns Screener [By MUQWISHI]▋ INTRODUCTION :
The Candlestick Patterns Screener has been designed to offer an advanced monitoring solution for up to 40 symbols. Utilizing a log screener style, it efficiently gathers information on confirmed candlestick pattern occurrences and presents it in an organized table. This table includes essential details such as the symbol name, signal price, and the corresponding candlestick pattern name.
Credit to public technical “*All Candlestick Patterns*” indicator.
▋ Final Comments:
For best performance, add the Candlestick Patterns Screener on active symbol chart like QQQ, SPY, AAPL, BTCUSDT, ES, EURUSD or …etc.
Candlestick patterns are not a major concept to build a trading decision.
Personally, I see candlestick patterns as a means to comprehend the psychology of the market, and help to follow the price action.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Extreme Reversal SignalThe Extreme Reversal Signal is designed to signal potential pivot points when the price of an asset becomes extremely overbought or oversold. Extreme conditions typically signal a brief or extensive price reversal, offering valuable entry or exit points. It's important to note that this indicator may produce multiple signals, making it essential to corroborate these signals with other forms of analysis to determine their validity. While the default settings provide valuable insights, it might be beneficial to experiment with different configurations to ensure the indicator's efficacy.
Two primary conditions define extremely overbought and oversold states. The first condition is that the price must deviate by two standard deviations from the 20-day Simple Moving Average (SMA). The second condition is that the 3-day SMA of the 14-day Stochastic Oscillator (STO) derived from the 14-day Relative Strength Index (RSI) is above or below the upper or lower limit.
Oversold states arise when the first condition is met and the 3-day SMA of the 14-day Stochastic RSI falls below the lower limit, suggesting a buy signal. These are visually represented by green triangles below the price bars. Overbought states arise when the first condition is met and the 3-day SMA of the 14-day Stochastic RSI rises above the upper limit, suggesting a sell signal. These are visually represented by red triangles above the price bars. It's also possible to set up automated alerts to get notifications when either of these two conditions is met to avoid missing out.
While this indicator has traditionally identified overbought and oversold conditions in various different assets, past performance does not guarantee future results. Therefore, it is advisable to supplement this indicator with other technical tools. For instance, trend indicators can greatly improve the decision-making process when planning for entries and exit points.
CE - Market Performance TableThe 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓮𝓽 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓣𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮 is a sophisticated market tool designed to provide valuable insights into the current market trends and the approximate current position in the Macroeconomic Regime.
Furthermore the 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓮𝓽 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓣𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮 provides the Correlation Implied Trend for the Asset on the Chart. Lastly it provides information about current "RISK ON" or "RISK OFF" periods.
𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓮𝓽 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓣𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮 tracks the 15 underlying Stock ETF's to identify their performance and puts the combined performances together to visualize 42MACRO's GRID Equity Model.
For this it uses the below ETF's:
Dividends (SPHD)
Low Beta (SPLV)
Quality (QUAL)
Defensives (DEF)
Growth (IWF)
High Beta (SPHB)
Cyclicals (IYT, IWN)
Value (IWD)
Small Caps (IWM)
Mid Caps (IWR)
Mega Cap Growth (MGK)
Size (OEF)
Momentum (MTUM)
Large Caps (IWB)
Overall Settings:
The main time values you want to change are:
Correlation Length
- Defines the time horizon for the Correlation Table
ROC Period
- Defines the time horizon for the Performance Table
Normalization lookback
- Defines the time horizon for the Trend calculation of the ETF's
- For longer term Trends over weeks or months a length of 50 is usually pretty accurate
There is a variety of options to change the visual settings of what is being plotted and the two table positions and additional considerations.
Everything that is relevant in the underlying logic that can help comprehension can be visualized with these options.
Market Correlation:
The Market Correlation Table takes the Correlation of the above ETF's to the Asset on the Chart, it furthermore uses the Normalized KAMA Oscillator by IkkeOmar to analyse the current trend of every single ETF.
It then Implies a Correlation based on the Trend and the Correlation to give a probabilistically adjusted expectation for the future Chart Asset Movement. This is strengthened by taking the average of all Implied Trends.
With this the Correlation Table provides valuable insights about probabilistically likely Movement of the Asset, for Traders and Investors alike, over the defined time duration.
Market Performance:
𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓮𝓽 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓣𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮 is the actual valuable part of this Indicator.
It provides valuable information about the current market environment (whether it's risk on or risk off), the rough GRID models from 42MACRO and the actual market performance.
This allows you to obtain a deeper understanding of how the market works and makes it simple to identify the actual market direction.
The 𝓜𝓪𝓻𝓴𝓮𝓽 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓸𝓻𝓶𝓪𝓷𝓬𝓮 𝓣𝓪𝓫𝓵𝓮 is divided in 4 Sections which are the GRID regimes:
Economic Growth:
Economic Contraction:
Top 5 Equity Style Factors:
Are the values green for a specific Column? If so then the market reflects the corresponding GRID behavior.
Bottom 5 Equity Style Factors:
Are the values red for a specific Column? If so then the market reflects the corresponding GRID behavior.
So if we have Goldilocks as current regime we would see green values in the Top 5 Goldilocks Cells and red values in the Bottom 5 Goldilocks Cells.
You will find that Reflation will look similar, as it is also a sign of Economic Growth.
Same is the case for the two Contraction regimes.
kyle algo v1
Integration of multiple technical indicators: The strategy mainly combines two technical indicators - Keltner Channels and Supertrend, to generate trading signals. It also calculates fifteen exponential moving averages (EMAs) for the high price with different periods ranging from 9 to 51.
Unique combination of indicators: The traditional Supertrend typically uses Average True Range (ATR) to calculate its upper and lower bands. In contrast, this script modifies the approach to use Keltner Channels instead.
Flexible sensitivity adjustment: This strategy provides a "sensitivity" input parameter for users to adjust, which controls the multiplier for the range in the Supertrend calculation. This can make the signals more or less sensitive to price changes, allowing users to tailor the strategy to their own risk tolerance and trading style.
EMA Energy Representation: The code offers a visualization of "EMA Energy", which color-codes the EMA lines based on whether the closing price is above or below the EMA line. This can provide an intuitive understanding of market trends.
Clear visual signals: The strategy generates clear "BUY" and "SELL" signals, represented as labels on the chart. This makes it easy to identify potential entry and exit points in the market.
Customizable: The script provides several user inputs, making it possible to fine-tune the strategy according to different market conditions and individual trading preferences.
EMA (Exponential Moving Average) Principle:
The EMA is a type of moving average that assigns more weight to the most recent data.
It responds more quickly to recent price changes and is used to capture short-term price trends.
Principle of Color Change :
In this trading strategy, the color of the EMA line changes based on whether the closing price is above or below the EMA. If the closing price is above the EMA, the EMA line turns green,
indicating an upward price trend. Conversely, if the closing price is below the EMA, the EMA line turns red,
indicating a downward price trend. These color changes help traders to more intuitively identify price trends
In short, our team provides a lot of practical space
That is your development space
EMAflowPRO -Ranges-DISCLAIMER: Always, please keep in mind that market conditions change, past results cannot guarantee the same results in the future.
EMAflowPRO - Ranges-
EMAflowPRO ranges indicator will detect key movements in the market that fit certain conditions and based on that create key tradable zones by providing dynamic and static range levels.
Before reading further please take a look at the indicator values names on the right in the main chart above - these names are linked to the content below when we talk about range structure. The examples included in charts are linked to the area we're discussing (if something was said - most likely closest chart demonstrates it - Also arrows present entries; can be limit or can be market buy/sell in to the wicks.)
Let's find out what indicator does...
Static range logic:
Indicator uses combination of market timing indicators (counting relationship between candles) , fisher transform, stoch rsi, bollinger bands to detect important market price action that show strenght - based on that it will project a static range where key goal is to predict where market will be extremely oversold, extremely overbought or where market could change bias etc.
The setups it provides are very similar to those that come out of harmonic patterns - but it was developed with unique approach without knowing what harmonic patterns are.. so it's not completly the same.
Range is represented by 3 tradable areas (actual trade ideas on charts - arrow points towards a level - on the right there is a scale with a number- limit order can be placed there )
Top of the range - It serves as a shorting area or if top is converted to support can also signal a potential breakout or start of new trend.
Example of a short the top of the range:
29732 - is area where wicks can be sold in to , or limit sell is placed - with higher leverage sl should be tight, with lower sell orders can be spread out up to the middle with sl just above 30500, targets can be choosen based on the provious range top as % moves point.
Example of longing the levels on the recent rise - price staying above middle of the top of the range keeps bias on the upside and potentially signals a break out or start of new trend
Uppper, Middle, Lower part of the range: Sideway area - middle of the range decides direction , above favors the upper levels , below favors the lower levels.
Very nice example where white line is middle of the range and shows that even in strong trend - range projection is able to accurately predict key pullback areas that provide substantial gain. See image below - again settign limit orders where middle of the range is allows you to get a comfortable entry with very big risk reward ratio.
Bottom of the range - market is extremely oversold
Spx example of our recent range from last year's summer - again chart includes both EMAflow indicator and EMAflow ranges as all indicators are extremely complementary and present two sides of the medal sideway and trend view.
Chart only contains ranges but shows the same pair and time:
If price goes below middle of the bottom of the range it could signal a break down or start of new bearish trend.
Dynamic range logic
Since sometimes static range gets broken out or is not respected and the price action is not yet sufficient to generated a new one we included a dynamic supply demand part where dynamic range is generated working in a similar way but does add clarity when static range fails.
example of this can be seen when ftx caused a btc dump we broke through the bottom of the range but dynamic range later showed us new bottom we could trade.
Confluence between both can also provide even more sure levels to place limit orders or to market buy or sell when wicks in to that area occurs.
Since ranges tend to work best when market is sideway - a second part is recommended with EMAflowPRO where focus on moving averages helps you navigate stronger trends.
Not all tfs are well synced with ranges on various assets so you will need to flip through few ones to find the best timeframes that historically worked the best - if you come across an asset that doens't look good you should just change timeframe to higher until you see something that fits or change asset until you get something that looks clear.
EMAflow - Ranges - allows you to preset minimum potential of a trade setup you want to look for - default is 6% that ensures you can get a good setup on lower and higher tfs.
4H RangeThis script visualizes certain key values based on a 4-hour timeframe of the selected market on the chart. These values include the High, Mid, and Low price levels during each 4-hour period.
These levels can be helpful to identify inside range price action, chop, and consolidation. They can sometimes act as pivots and can be a great reference for potential entries and exits if price continues to hold the same range.
Here's a step-by-step overview of what this indicator does:
1. Inputs: At the beginning of the script, users are allowed to customize some inputs:
Choose the color of lines and labels.
Decide whether to show labels on the chart.
Choose the size of labels ("tiny", "small", "normal", or "large").
Choose whether to display price values in labels.
Set the number of bars to offset the labels to the right.
Set a threshold for the number of ticks that triggers a new calculation of high, mid, and low values.
* Tick settings may need to be increased on equity charts as one tick is usually equal to one cent.
For example, if you want to clear the range when there is a close one point/one dollar above or below the range high/low then on ES
that would be 4 ticks but one whole point on AAPL would be 100 ticks. 100 ticks on an equity chart may or may not be ideal due to
different % change of 100 ticks might be too excessive depending on the price per share.
So be aware that user preferred thresholds can vary greatly depending on which chart you're using.
2. Retrieving Price Data: The script retrieves the high, low, and closing price for every 4-hour period for the current market.
The script also calculates the mid-price of each 4-hour period (the average of the high and low prices).
3. Line Drawing: At the start of the script (first run), it draws three lines (high, mid, and low) at the levels corresponding to the high,
mid, and low prices. Users can also change transparency settings on historical lines to view them. Default setting for historical lines
is for them to be hidden.
4. Updating Lines and Labels: For each subsequent 4-hour period, the script checks whether the close price of the period has gone
beyond a certain threshold (set by user input) above the previous high or below the previous low. If it has, the script deletes the
previous lines and labels, draws new lines at the new high, mid, and low levels, and creates new labels (if the user has opted to
show labels).
5. Displaying Values in the Data Window: In addition to the visual representation on the chart, the script also plots the high, mid, and
low prices. These plotted values appear in the Data Window of TradingView, allowing users to see the exact price levels even when
they're not directly labeled on the chart.
6. Updating Lines and Labels Position: At the end of each period, the script moves the lines and labels (if they're shown) to the right,
keeping them aligned with the current period.
Please note: This script operates based on a 4-hour timeframe, regardless of the timeframe selected on the chart. If a shorter timeframe is selected on the chart, the lines and labels will appear to extend across multiple bars because they represent 4-hour price levels. If a longer timeframe is selected, the lines and labels may not accurately represent high, mid, and low levels within that longer timeframe.
Rainbow IndicatorName of the indicator: Rainbow indicator
A brief description of the indicator:
Using this indicator, you can see the "margin of safety" for opening a position in shares of fundamentally strong companies with an acceptable P/E level, as well as the price range for closing a position.
The background to the creation of the indicator:
I got the idea to create this indicator thanks to the concept of the "margin of safety", which was invented by the father of value investing - Benjamin Graham. According to his idea, it is reasonable to buy shares of a company only when the price offered by the market is lower than the "intrinsic value" calculated on the basis of financial statements. The value of this difference is the "margin of safety”. At the same time, the indicator does not copy Graham's idea but develops it relying on my own methodology.
So, according to Graham, the "margin of safety" is a good discount to the intrinsic value of the company. That is, if a company's stock is trading at prices that are well below the company's intrinsic value (on a per-share basis), it's a good opportunity to consider buying it. In this case, you will have a certain margin of safety in case the company is in financial distress and its stock price goes down. Accordingly, the greater the discount, the better.
When it comes to the intrinsic value of a company, there are many approaches to determining it - from calculating the Price-to-book value financial ratio to the discounted cash flow method. As for my approach, I am not trying to find the cherished intrinsic value, but I am trying to understand how fundamentally strong the company is in front of me, and in how many years the investment in it will pay off. To determine fundamental strength, I use the appropriate Fundamental Strength Indicator . To estimate the payback period, I use the P/E ratio (*). If I am satisfied with both of these indicators, I move on to the Rainbow Indicator.
(*) If you want to learn more about the P/E ratio, I suggest reading my two articles on TradingView:
Price / Earnings: Interpretation #1
Price/Earnings: amazing interpretation #2
Indicator calculation methodology:
The Rainbow indicator starts with a simple moving average of one year (this is the thick red line in the center). Hereinafter a year will mean the last 252 trading days.
Applying a moving average of this length - is a good way to smooth out sharp price fluctuations which can happen during a year as much as possible, keeping the trend direction as much as possible. Thus, the moving average becomes for me the center of fluctuations of the imaginary pendulum of the market price.
Then the deviations are calculated from the center of fluctuations. To do this, a certain amount of earnings per share is subtracted from and added to the moving average. This is the diluted EPS of the last year.
Deviations with a "-" sign form the Lower Rainbow of four colors:
- The blue spectrum of the lower rainbow begins with a deflection of -4 EPS and ends with a deflection of -8 EPS.
- Green spectrum of the lower rainbow begins with a deflection of -8 EPS and ends with a deflection of -16 EPS.
- The orange spectrum of the lower rainbow begins with a deflection of -16 EPS and ends with a deflection of -32 EPS.
- Red spectrum of the lower rainbow begins with a deflection of -32 EPS and goes to infinity.
The Lower Rainbow is used to determine the price ranges that can be considered for buying stocks. It is in the spectra of the Lower Rainbow that the very "margin of safety" according to my methodology is located. The Lower Rainbow has the boundaries between the spectra as a solid line . And only the red spectrum of the Lower Rainbow has only one boundary.
Deviations with a "+" sign form the Upper Rainbow of four similar colors:
- The red spectrum of the upper rainbow begins with a deflection of 0 EPS and ends with a deflection of +4 EPS.
- The orange spectrum of the upper rainbow begins with a deflection of +4 EPS and ends with a deflection of +8 EPS.
- Green spectrum top rainbow begins with a deflection of +8 EPS and ends with a deflection of +16 EPS.
- The blue spectrum of the upper rainbow begins with a deflection of +16 EPS and goes to infinity.
The Upper Rainbow is used to determine the price ranges that can be considered for selling stocks already purchased. The top rainbow has boundaries between the spectra in the form of crosses . And only the blue spectrum of the upper rainbow has only one boundary.
The presence of the Empty Area (the size of 4 EPS) above the Lower Rainbow creates some asymmetry between the two rainbows - the Lower Rainbow looks wider than the Upper Rainbow. This asymmetry is deliberate because the market tends to fall much faster and deeper than it grows . Therefore, a wider Lower Rainbow is conducive to buying stocks at a good discount during a period of massive "sell-offs.
The situation, when the Lower Rainbow is below the center of fluctuations (the thick red line) and the Upper Rainbow, is above the center of fluctuations is called an Obverse . It is only possible to buy a stock in an Obverse situation .
The situation when the Lower Rainbow is above the center of fluctuations and the Upper Rainbow is below the center of fluctuations is called Reverse . In this situation, the stock cannot be considered for purchase , according to my approach.
Selling a previously purchased stock is possible in both situations: Reverse and Obverse. After loading the indicator, you can see a hint next to the closing price - Reverse or Obverse now.
Due to the fact that the size of the deviation from the center of fluctuation depends on the size of the diluted EPS, several important conclusions can be made:
- The Obverse situation is characteristic of companies that show a profit over the last year.
- The Reverse situation is typical for companies that show a loss over the last year.
- An increase in the width of both rainbows in the Obverse situation tells us about an increase in profits for the company.
- A decrease in the width of both rainbows in the Obverse situation tells us about a decrease in the company's profits.
- An increase in the width of both rainbows in the Reverse situation tells us about an increase in the company's losses.
- A decrease in the width of both rainbows in the Reverse situation tells us about a decrease in the company's losses.
- The higher the profit level of the company, the greater your "margin of safety" should be. This will provide the necessary margin of safety in case you go into a cycle of declining financial results. The appropriate width of the Lower Rainbow will just create this "margin".
- Increased profits in the company (after buying its stock) will allow you to stay in position longer by widening the Upper Rainbow.
- A decrease in profits in the company (after buying its stock) will allow you to close your position more quickly by narrowing the Upper Rainbow.
Conditions for opening and closing positions:
So, the Lower Rainbow has four differently colored spectra: blue, green, orange, and red. Each one highlights the desired range of prices acceptable for buying in an Obverse situation. The blue spectrum is upper with respect to the green spectrum, and the green spectrum is lower with respect to the blue spectrum, etc.
- If the current price is in the Blue Spectrum of the Lower Rainbow, that is a reason to consider that company for buying the first portion (*) of the stock.
- If the current price has fallen below (into the Green Spectrum of the Lower Rainbow), that is a reason to consider this company to buy a second portion of the stock.
- If the current price has fallen below (into the Orange Spectrum of the Lower Rainbow), it is a reason to consider this company to buy a third portion of the stock.
- If the current price has fallen below (into the Red Spectrum of the Lower Rainbow), that is a reason to consider that company to buy a fourth portion of the stock.
(*) The logic of the Rainbow Indicator implies that no more than 4 portions of one company's stock can be purchased. One portion refers to the number of shares you can consider buying at the current price (depending on your account size and personal diversification ratio - see information below).
The Upper Rainbow also has four differently colored spectra: blue, green, orange, and red. Each of them highlights the appropriate range of prices acceptable for closing an open position.
- If the current price is in the red spectrum of the Upper Rainbow, I close one portion of an open position bought in the red spectrum of the Lower Rainbow.
- If the current price is in the orange spectrum of the Upper Rainbow, I close one portion of an open position bought in the orange spectrum of the Lower Rainbow.
- If the current price is in the green spectrum of the Upper Rainbow, I close one portion of an open position bought in the green spectrum of the Lower Rainbow.
- If the current price is in the blue spectrum of the Upper Rainbow, I close one portion of an open position bought in the blue spectrum of the Lower Rainbow.
This position-closing logic applies to both the Obverse and Reverse situations. In both cases, the position is closed in portions in four steps. However, there are 3 exceptions to this rule when it is possible to close an entire position in whole rather than in parts:
- If there is a Reverse situation and the current price is above the thick red line.
- If I decide to invest in another company and I do not have enough available cash to purchase the necessary number of portions.
- If I find out about events that pose a real threat to the further existence of the company (for example, a bankruptcy filing), I can close the position earlier, without waiting for the price to hit the corresponding Upper Rainbow spectrum.
So, the basic scenario of opening and closing a position assumes the gradual purchase of shares in 4 stages and their gradual sale in 4 stages. However, there is a situation where one of the stages is skipped in the case of buying shares and in the case of selling them. For example, because the Fundamental Strength Indicator and the P/E ratio became acceptable for me only at a certain stage (spectrum) or the moment was missed for a transaction due to technical reasons. In such cases, I buy or sell more than one portion of a stock in the spectrum I am in. The number of additional portions will depend on the number of missed spectra. For example, if I have no position in the stock of the company in question, all conditions for buying the stock have been met, and the current price is in the orange spectrum of the Lower Rainbow, I can buy three portions of the stock at once (for the blue, green, and orange spectrum). I will sell these three portions in the corresponding Upper Rainbow spectra (orange, green, and blue). However, if for some reason the orange spectrum of the Upper Rainbow was missed, and the current price is in the green spectrum - I will sell two portions of the three (in the green spectrum). I will sell the last, third portion only when the price reaches the blue spectrum of the Upper Rainbow.
The Rainbow Indicator also helps calculate the number of shares that can be considered for purchase at the current price position in the Lower Rainbow spectra. To do this, you need to go to the indicator settings.
+ Cash in - Cash out +/- Closed profit/loss + Dividends - Fees - Taxes
Here I indicate the amount of funds deposited to my account, withdrawn from it, profit/loss on closed positions, dividends credited to the account, and taxes deducted from the account.
Diversification coefficient
The diversification coefficient determines how diversified I want my portfolio to be. For example, a diversification coefficient of 20 means that I plan to buy 20 share portions of different companies, but no more than 4 portions per company (based on the number of Lower Rainbow spectra).
The cost of purchased shares of this company (fees excluded)
Here I specify the amount of already purchased shares of the company in question in the currency of my portfolio. For example, if at this point in time, I have purchased 1000 shares at $300 per share, and my portfolio is expressed in $, I enter - $300,000.
The cost of all purchased shares in the portfolio (fees excluded)
Here I enter the amount of all purchased shares for all companies in the currency of my portfolio (without commissions spent on the purchase). This is necessary to determine the amount of available funds available to purchase shares.
After entering all the necessary data, I go to the checkbox, by checking it I confirm that the company in question has been studied with the Fundamental Strength Indicator and the P/E ratio, and their values are satisfactory to me. No calculation is performed without the checkbox checked. This is done intentionally because the application of the Rainbow Indicator for stock acquisition purposes is possible only after studying the Fundamental Strength of the company and an acceptable P/E value.
Next, I click "Ok" and get the calculation in the form of a table on the left.
Free cash in the portfolio
This is the amount of free cash available to purchase stocks. Please note that the price of the stock and the funds in your portfolio must be denominated in the same currency. On TradingView, you can choose which currency to display the stock price in.
Cash amount for one portion
The amount of cash needed to buy one portion of a stock. Depends on the diversification ratio entered.
Potential portions amount
Number of portions, available for purchase at the current price. Can be a fractional number.
Cash amount to buy
The amount of cash needed to buy portions available for purchase at the current price.
Shares amount to buy
Number of shares in portions available for purchase at the current price.
The table also contains additional information in the form of the current value of the company's market capitalization and P/E ratio.
Mandatory requirements for using the indicator:
- works only on a daily timeframe;
- the indicator is only applicable to shares of public companies;
- quarterly income statements for the last year are required;
- an acceptable for you P/E ratio is required to consider the company's stock for purchase;
- the Rainbow Indicator only applies in tandem with the Fundamental Strength Indicator. To consider a company's stock for purchase, you need confirmation that the company is fundamentally strong.
What is the value of the Rainbow Indicator?
- clearly demonstrates a company's profit and loss dynamics;
- shows the price ranges that can be used to open and close a position;
- takes into account the principle of gradual increase and decrease of a position;
- allows calculating the number of shares to be purchased;
- shows the current value of the P/E ratio;
- shows the current capitalization of the company.
As an example, consider the situation with NVIDIA Corporation stock (ticker - NVDA).
September 02, 2022:
Fundamental Strength Indicator - 11.46 (fundamentally strong company).
P/E - 39.58 (acceptable to me).
Current Price - $136.47 (is in the Orange Spectrum of the Lower Rainbow).
Situation - Obverse.
The basic conditions for buying this company's stock are met. The Rainbow Indicator settings are filled out as follows:
The table to the left of the Rainbow Indicator shows how many shares are possible to buy in the Orange Spectrum of Lower Rainbow at the current price = 10 shares. This corresponds to 2.73 portions.
To give you an example, I buy 10 shares of NVDA at $136.47 per share.
October 14, 2022:
NVDA's stock price has moved into the red spectrum of the Lower Rainbow.
The Fundamental Strength Indicator is 10.81 (fundamentally strong company).
P/E is 35.80 (an acceptable level for me).
Current Price - $112.27 (is in the Red Spectrum of the Lower Rainbow).
Situation - Obverse.
The basic conditions for buying this company's stock are still met. The Rainbow Indicator settings are populated as follows:
The table to the left of the Rainbow Indicator shows how many shares are possible to buy in the Lower Rainbow Red Spectrum at the current price (5 shares). This corresponds to 1.12 portions.
To give you an example, I buy 5 shares of NVDA at $112.27 per share. A total of 3.85 portions were purchased, which is the maximum possible number of portions at the current price level. The remainder in the form of 0.15 portions can be purchased only at a price level below $75 per share.
January 23, 2023:
The price of NVDA stock passes through the red spectrum of the Upper Rainbow and stops in the orange spectrum. As an example, I sell 5 shares bought in the red spectrum of the Lower Rainbow, for example at $180 per share (+60%). And also a third of the shares bought in the orange spectrum, 3 shares out of 10, for example at $190 a share (+39%). That leaves me with 7 shares.
January 27, 2023:
NVDA's stock price has continued to rise and has moved into the green spectrum of the Upper Rainbow. This is a reason to close some of the remaining 7 shares. I divide the 7 shares by 2 and round up to a whole number - that's 4 shares. For my example, I sell 4 shares at $199 a share (+46%). Now I am left with 3 shares of stock.
February 02, 2023:
The price of NVDA stock moves into the blue spectrum of the Upper Rainbow, and I close the remaining 3 shares, for example, at $216 per share (+58%). The entire position in NVDA stock is closed.
As you can see, the Fundamental Strength Indicator and the P/E ratio were not used in the process of closing the position. Decisions were made only on the basis of the Rainbow Indicator.
As another example, let's look at the situation with the shares of Papa Johns International, Inc. (ticker PZZA).
November 01, 2017:
Fundamental Strength Indicator - 13.22 points (fundamentally strong company).
P/E - 21.64 (acceptable to me).
Current Price - $62.26 (is in the blue spectrum of the Lower Rainbow).
Situation - Obverse.
The basic conditions for buying shares of this company are met. The settings of the Rainbow Indicator are filled as follows:
The table to the left of the Rainbow Indicator shows how many shares are possible to buy in the Lower Rainbow Blue Spectrum at the current price - 8 shares. This corresponds to 1 portion.
To give you an example, I buy 8 shares of PZZA at a price of $62.26.
August 8, 2018:
PZZA's share price has moved into the green spectrum of the Lower Rainbow.
The Fundamental Strength Indicator is a 9.83 (fundamentally strong company).
P/E is 16.07 (an acceptable level for me).
Current Price - $38.94 (is in the green spectrum of the Lower Rainbow).
Situation - Obverse.
The basic conditions for buying shares of this company are still met. The Rainbow Indicator settings are populated as follows:
The table to the left of the Rainbow Indicator shows how many shares are possible to buy in the Lower Rainbow Green Spectrum at the current price - 12 shares. This corresponds to 0.93 portions.
To give you an example, I buy 12 shares of PZZA at a price of $38.94. A total of 1.93 portions were purchased.
October 31, 2018:
PZZA's stock price moves into the Upper Rainbow red spectrum and is $54.54 per share. Since I did not have any portions purchased in the Lower Rainbow red spectrum, there is no closing part of the position.
February 01, 2019:
After a significant decline, PZZA's stock price moves into the orange spectrum of the Lower Rainbow at $38.51 per share. However, I am not taking any action because the company's Fundamental Strength on this day is 5.02 (a fundamentally mediocre company).
March 27, 2019:
PZZA's stock price passes the green and blue spectrum of the Upper Rainbow. This allowed to close the previously purchased 12 shares, for example, at $50 a share (+28%) and 8 shares at $50.38 a share (-19%).
Closing the entire position at once was facilitated by a significant narrowing in both rainbows. As we now know, this indicates a decline in earnings at the company.
Risk disclaimer:
When working with the Rainbow Indicator, keep in mind that the release of the Income statement (from which diluted EPS is derived) occurs some time after the end of the fiscal quarter. This means that the new relevant data for the calculation will only appear after the publication of the new statement. In this regard, there may be a significant change in the Rainbow Indicator after the publication of the new statement. The magnitude of this change will depend on both the content of the new statement and the number of days between the end of the financial quarter and the publication date of the statement. Prior to the publication date of the new statement, the latest actual data will be used for the calculations. Also, once again, please note that the Rainbow Indicator can only be used in tandem with the Fundamental Strength Indicator and the P/E ratio. Without these additional filters, the Rainbow Indicator loses its intended meaning.
The Rainbow Indicator allows you to determine the price ranges for opening and closing a position gradually, based on available data and the methodology I created. You can also use it to calculate the number of shares you can consider buying taking into account the position you already have. However, this Indicator and/or its description and examples cannot be used as the sole reason for buying or selling stocks or for any other action or inaction related to stocks.
Financial Radar Chart by zdmreRadar chart is often used when you want to display data across several unique dimensions. Although there are exceptions, these dimensions are usually quantitative, and typically range from zero to a maximum value. Each dimension’s range is normalized to one another, so that when we draw our spider chart, the length of a line from zero to a dimension’s maximum value will be the similar for every dimension.
This Charts are useful for seeing which variables are scoring high or low within a dataset, making them ideal for displaying performance.
How is the score formed?
Debt Paying Ability
if Debt_to_Equity < %10 : 100
elif < 20% : 90
elif < 30% : 80
elif < 40% : 70
elif < 50% : 60
elif < 60% : 50
elif < 70% : 40
elif < 80% : 30
elif < 90% : 20
elif < 100% : 10
else: 0
if Return_on_Invested_Capital > %50 : 100
elif > 40% : 90
elif > 30% : 80
elif > 20% : 70
elif > 10% : 50
elif > 5% : 20
else: 0
if Return_on_Equity > %50 : 100
elif > 40% : 90
elif > 30% : 80
elif > 20% : 70
elif > 10% : 50
elif > 5% : 20
else: 0
Operating Ability
if Operating_Margin > %50 : 100
elif > 30% : 90
elif > 20% : 80
elif > 15% : 60
elif > 10% : 40
elif > 0 : 20
else: 0
if Enterprise_Value_to_EBITDA < 3 : 100
elif < 5 : 80
elif < 7 : 70
elif < 8 : 60
elif < 10 : 40
elif < 12 : 20
else: 0
if Price_to_Free_Cash_Flow < 5 : 100
elif < 7 : 90
elif < 10 : 80
elif < 16 : 60
elif < 18 : 50
elif < 20 : 40
elif < 22 : 30
elif < 30 : 20
elif < 40 : 15
elif < 50 : 10
elif < 60 : 5
else: 0
GROWTH Ability
if Revenue_One_Year_Growth > %20 : 100
elif > 16% : 90
elif > 14% : 80
elif > 12% : 70
elif > 10% : 50
elif > 7% : 40
elif > 4% : 30
elif > 2% : 20
elif > 0 : 10
else: 0
[TTI] Minervini STEM Model📜 ––––HISTORY & CREDITS 🏦
Introducing the Minervini STEM Model, an innovative indicator developed by Mark Minervini, an experienced trader and author renowned for his expertise in gauging the quality of breakouts. The Stock Tactical Environment Model (STEM) is designed to assess the trading environment based on the performance and setup of stocks, helping traders navigate various market conditions with ease.
🎯 ––––WHAT IT DOES 💡
The Minervini STEM Model measures the quality of breakouts in the stock market and provides valuable insights into the trading environment. The model is subjective based on the performance of the Mark Minervini Focus List on a 5 day rolling basis.
• What is the Mark Minervini Focus List?
- This is a private weekly watchlist of all the best setups provided by Mark Minervini in his Private Access Group
• How is the quality of breakouts measured?
- This is the subjective part of the indicator. A good breakout is one that has definite clear of a pivot, with a good close and strong volume. From then on there are strong follow through buys (consecutive up days with new highs) again with good (above average) volume signatures. When stocks start moving in earnest and together and breakouts happen with quality technical characteristics and keep on holding the new highs, then we have a good quality breakouts, otherwise if there are 'pop and drops' (breakout met with subsequent selling on the next days) - we have a bad quality breakouts.
• What is the 5 day rolling basis?
- As part of the methodology, I have included, how are the watchlist (Focus List) is performing on subsequent on the next 5 days. This means if we have 10 stocks on Friday, how many did close up in the following 5 days, do we have improvement compared to the previous week and the week before that, is there an overall trend of stocks gaining value or not. This also measures the quality of the bearjouts
🚨IMPORTANT! The model is largely subjective based on the various factors. Largely, I look at Mark Minervini's focus list and determine how it is performing on a 5 day rolling basis. Depending on how many of the Focus List stocks are closing down for the 5 day period (e.g. less than 60%) and how are all cumulatively performing, I adjust the model. It generates three distinct color-coded signals to indicate the effectiveness of breakouts and the overall market condition:
Color meanings
🟩Green: Breakouts are working well, indicating an easy dollar environment.
🟨Orange: The market is selective or highly rotational, signalling a need for caution.
🟥Red: Breakouts are not working well, suggesting a hard penny environment and high risk.
This color-coded system allows traders to quickly assess the market's health and adjust their trading strategies accordingly.
🛠️ ––––HOW TO USE IT 🔧
To effectively use the Minervini STEM Model, follow these steps:
1.Load the Minervini STEM Model script into your preferred charting platform.
2.Observe the color-coded signals displayed on your chart.
Interpret the signals as follows:
🟩Green: Breakouts are working well. Consider aggressive trading and increasing exposure.
🟨Orange: The market is selective or highly rotational. Exercise caution when trading and be selective with your stock setups.
🟥Red: Breakouts are not working well, and risk is high. Adopt maximum caution and consider reducing exposure or staying small until you gain traction.
By incorporating the Minervini STEM Model into your trading strategy, you can better gauge the quality of breakouts and the overall market condition, enabling you to make informed decisions on your trades. Remember to use this tool in conjunction with other technical indicators and risk management practices to optimize your success.
[MiV] MA Screener v1.0In my trading I stick to the following strategy: I buy an asset above the 100/200 moving average and then sell it.
The most problematic thing in all this is to look for assets that are above the 100 or 200 moving average, and to assess how "far" the price is from that moving average.
In fact, to solve this problem I created this indicator.
It works with 30 different assets and displays the state of its two moving averages, whether the price is higher or not, and how much higher the price is from that level.