adx: Configurable ADX (library) Library "adx"
Calculate ADX (and its constituent parts +DI, -DI, ATR),
using different moving averages and periods.
adx(atrMA, diMA, adxMA, atrLen, diLen, adxLen, h, l, c)
atrMA : Moving Average used for calculating the Average True Range.
Traditionally RMA, but using SMA here and in adxMA gives good results too.
diMA : Moving Average used for calculating the Directional Index.
Traditionally, RMA.
adxMA : Moving Average used for calculating the Average Directional
Index. Traditionally RMA, but using SMA here and in atrMA gives good results
atrLen : Length of the Average True Range.
diLen : Length of the Directional Index.
adxLen : Length (smoothing) of the Average Directional Index.
h : Candle's high.
l : Candle's low.
c : Candle's close.
eHarmonicpatternsExtendedLibrary "eHarmonicpatternsExtended"
Library provides an alternative method to scan harmonic patterns. This is helpful in reducing iterations. Republishing as new library instead of existing eHarmonicpatterns because I need that copy for existing scripts.
scan_xab(bcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if bcd ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
bcdRatio : AB/XA ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
scan_abc_axc(abcRatio, axcRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if abc or axc ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
abcRatio : BC/AB ratio
axcRatio : XC/AX ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
scan_bcd(bcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if bcd ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
bcdRatio : CD/BC ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
scan_xad_xcd(xadRatio, xcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if xad or xcd ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
xadRatio : AD/XA ratio
xcdRatio : CD/XC ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
isHarmonicPattern(x, a, b, c, d, flags, errorPercent) Checks for harmonic patterns
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
d : D coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names
isHarmonicProjection(x, a, b, c, flags, errorPercent) Checks for harmonic pattern projection
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names.
get_prz_range(x, a, b, c, patternArray, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj) Provides PRZ range based on BCD and XAD ranges
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
patternArray : Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated
errorPercent : Error threshold
start_adj : - Adjustments for entry levels
end_adj : - Adjustments for stop levels
Returns: Start and end of consolidated PRZ range
get_prz_range_xad(x, a, b, c, patternArray, errorPercent, start_adj, end_adj) Provides PRZ range based on XAD range only
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
b : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
patternArray : Pattern flags for which PRZ range needs to be calculated
errorPercent : Error threshold
start_adj : - Adjustments for entry levels
end_adj : - Adjustments for stop levels
Returns: Start and end of consolidated PRZ range
Adaptive_LengthLibrary "Adaptive_Length"
This library contains functions to calculate Adaptive dynamic length which can be used in Moving Averages and other indicators.
Two Exponential Moving Averages (EMA) are plotted. Coloring in plot is derived from Chikou filter and Dynamic length of MA1 is adapted using Signal output from Chikou library.
dynamic(para, adapt_Pct, minLength, maxLength) Adaptive dynamic length based on boolean parameter
para : Boolean parameter; if true then length would decrease and would increase if its false
adapt_Pct : Percentage adaption based on parameter
minLength : Minimum allowable length
maxLength : Maximum allowable length
Returns: Adaptive Dynamic Length based on Boolean Parameter
auto_alpha(src, a) Adaptive length based on automatic alpha calculations from source input
src : Price source for alpha calculations
a : Input Alpha value
Returns: Adaptive Length calculated from input price Source and Alpha
HA_CandlesLibrary "HA_Candles"
Heikin Ashi Candles
HA_Close() Heikin Ashi Modified Close
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified Close
HA_Open() Heikin Ashi Modified Open
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified Open
HA_High() Heikin Ashi Modified High
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified High
HA_Low() Heikin Ashi Modified Low
Returns: Heikin Ashi Modified Low
HA_Delta(Heikin) Heikin Ashi Delta
Heikin : Ashi Close, Heikin Ashi Open
Returns: Heikin Ashi Delta
RVSILibrary "RVSI"
This Library contains functions that calculate all types of " Relative Volume Strength Index (MZ RVSI ) " depending upon unique volume oscillator. Achieved RVSI value can be used for divergence detection in volume or to adapt dynamic length in Moving Averages or other functions.
rvsi_tfs(vol_src, vol_Len, rvsiLen, _open, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on TFS Volume Oscillator
vol_src : Volume Source
vol_Len : Volume Legth for TFS Volume Oscillato
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_open : Ticker Open Value
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on TFS Volume Oscillator
rvsi_obv(vol_src, rvsiLen, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on On Balance Volume
vol_src : Volume Source to Calculate On Balance Volume
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on On Balance Volume
rvsi_kvo(vol_src, FastX, SlowX, rvsiLen, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Klinger Volume Oscillator
vol_src : Volume Source
FastX : Volume Fast Length
SlowX : Volume Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Klinger Volume Oscillator
rvsi_vzo(vol_src, zLen, rvsiLen, _close) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Volume Zone Oscillator
vol_src : Volume Source
zLen : Volume Legth for Volume Zone Oscillator
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_close : Ticker Close Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Volume Zone Oscillator
rvsi_cvo_obv(vol_src, ema1len, ema2len, rvsiLen) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with On Balance Volume as Calculations Source
vol_src : Volume Source
ema1len : EMA Fast Length
ema2len : EMA Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with On Balance Volume as Calculations Source
rvsi_cvo_pvt(vol_src, FastX, SlowX, rvsiLen) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Price Volume Trend as Calculations Source
vol_src : Volume Source
FastX : EMA Fast Length
SlowX : EMA Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Price Volume Trend as Calculations Source
rvsi_cvo_cvd(vol_src, FastX, SlowX, rvsiLen, _open, _close, _high, _low) Relative Volume Strength Index based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Cumulative Volume Delta as Calculations Source
vol_src : Volume Source
FastX : EMA Fast Length
SlowX : EMA Slow Length
rvsiLen : Period of Relative Volume Strength Index
_open : Ticker Open Value
_close : Ticker Close Value
_high : Ticker High Value
_low : Ticker Low Value
Returns: Relative Volume Strength Index value based on Cumulative Volume Oscillator with Cumulative Volume Delta as Calculations Source
eHarmonicpatternsLibrary "eHarmonicpatterns"
Library provides an alternative method to scan harmonic patterns. This is helpful in reducing iterations
scan_xab(bcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if bcd ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
bcdRatio : AB/XA ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
scan_abc_axc(abcRatio, axcRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if abc or axc ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
abcRatio : BC/AB ratio
axcRatio : XC/AX ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
scan_bcd(bcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if bcd ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
bcdRatio : CD/BC ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
scan_xad_xcd(xadRatio, xcdRatio, err_min, err_max, patternArray) Checks if xad or xcd ratio is in range of any harmonic pattern
xadRatio : AD/XA ratio
xcdRatio : CD/XC ratio
err_min : minimum error threshold
err_max : maximum error threshold
patternArray : Array containing pattern check flags. Checks are made only if flags are true. Upon check flgs are overwritten.
isHarmonicPattern(x, a, c, c, d, flags, errorPercent) Checks for harmonic patterns
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
c : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
d : D coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names
isHarmonicProjection(x, a, c, c, flags, errorPercent) Checks for harmonic pattern projection
x : X coordinate value
a : A coordinate value
c : B coordinate value
c : C coordinate value
flags : flags to check patterns. Send empty array to enable all
errorPercent : Error threshold
Returns: Array of boolean values which says whether valid pattern exist and array of corresponding pattern names
JohnEhlersFourierTransformLibrary "JohnEhlersFourierTransform"
Fourier Transform for Traders By John Ehlers, slightly modified to allow to inspect other than the 8-50 frequency spectrum.
high_pass_filter(source) Detrended version of the data by High Pass Filtering with a 40 Period cutoff
source : float, data source.
Returns: float.
transformed_dft(source, start_frequency, end_frequency) DFT by John Elhers.
source : float, data source.
start_frequency : int, lower bound of the frequency window, must be a positive number >= 0, window must be less than or 30.
end_frequency : int, upper bound of the frequency window, must be a positive number >= 0, window must be less than or 30.
Returns: tuple with float, float array.
db_to_rgb(db, transparency) converts the frequency decibels to rgb.
db : float, decibels value.
transparency : float, transparency value.
Returns: color.
windowing_taAll Signals Are the Sum of Sines. When looking at real-world signals, you usually view them as a price changing over time. This is referred to as the time domain. Fourier’s theorem states that any waveform in the time domain can be represented by the weighted sum of sines and cosines. For example, take two sine waves, where one is three times as fast as the other–or the frequency is 1/3 the first signal. When you add them, you can see you get a different signal.
Although performing an FFT on a signal can provide great insight, it is important to know the limitations of the FFT and how to improve the signal clarity using windowing. When you use the FFT to measure the frequency component of a signal, you are basing the analysis on a finite set of data. The actual FFT transform assumes that it is a finite data set, a continuous spectrum that is one period of a periodic signal. For the FFT, both the time domain and the frequency domain are circular topologies, so the two endpoints of the time waveform are interpreted as though they were connected together. When the measured signal is periodic and an integer number of periods fill the acquisition time interval, the FFT turns out fine as it matches this assumption. However, many times, the measured signal isn’t an integer number of periods. Therefore, the finiteness of the measured signal may result in a truncated waveform with different characteristics from the original continuous-time signal, and the finiteness can introduce sharp transition changes into the measured signal. The sharp transitions are discontinuities.
When the number of periods in the acquisition is not an integer, the endpoints are discontinuous. These artificial discontinuities show up in the FFT as high-frequency components not present in the original signal. These frequencies can be much higher than the Nyquist frequency and are aliased between 0 and half of your sampling rate. The spectrum you get by using a FFT, therefore, is not the actual spectrum of the original signal, but a smeared version. It appears as if energy at one frequency leaks into other frequencies. This phenomenon is known as spectral leakage, which causes the fine spectral lines to spread into wider signals.
You can minimize the effects of performing an FFT over a noninteger number of cycles by using a technique called windowing. Windowing reduces the amplitude of the discontinuities at the boundaries of each finite sequence acquired by the digitizer. Windowing consists of multiplying the time record by a finite-length window with an amplitude that varies smoothly and gradually toward zero at the edges. This makes the endpoints of the waveform meet and, therefore, results in a continuous waveform without sharp transitions. This technique is also referred to as applying a window.
Here is a windowing_ta library with J.F Ehlers Windowing functions proposed on Sep, 2021.
Library "windowing_ta"
TAExtLibrary "TAExt"
Indicator functions can be used in other indicators and strategies. This will be extended by time with indicators I use in my strategies and studies.
atrwo(length, stdev_length, stdev_mult) ATR without outliers
length : The length of the ATR
stdev_length : The length of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
stdev_mult : The multiplier of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
Returns: The ATR value
atrwma(src, period, type, atr_length, stdev_length, stdev_mult) ATR without outlier weighted moving average
src : The source of the moving average
period : The period of the moving average
type : The type of the moving average, possible values: SMA, EMA, RMA
atr_length : The length of the ATR
stdev_length : The length of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
stdev_mult : The multiplier of the standard deviation, used for detecting outliers
Returns: The moving average value
jma(src, period, phase, power) Jurik Moving Average
src : The source of the moving average
period : The period of the moving average calculation
phase : The phase of jurik MA calculation (-100..100)
power : The power of jurik MA calculation
Returns: The Jurik MA series
anyma(src, period, type, offset, sigma, phase, power) Moving Average by type
src : The source of the moving average
period : The period of the moving average calculation
type : The type of the moving average
offset : Used only by ALMA, it is the ALMA offset
sigma : Used only by ALMA, it is the ALMA sigma
phase : The phase of jurik MA calculation (-100..100)
power : The power of jurik MA calculation
Returns: The moving average series
wae(macd_src, macd_fast_length, macd_slow_length, macd_sensitivity, bb_base_src, bb_upper_src, bb_lower_src, bb_length, bb_mult, dead_zone_length, dead_zone_mult) Waddah Attar Explosion (WAE)
macd_src : The source series used by MACD
macd_fast_length : The fast MA length of the MACD
macd_slow_length : The slow MA length of the MACD
macd_sensitivity : The MACD diff multiplier
bb_base_src : The source used by stdev
bb_upper_src : The source used by the upper Bollinger Band
bb_lower_src : The source used by the lower Bollinger Band
bb_length : The lenth for Bollinger Bands
bb_mult : The multiplier for Bollinger Bands
dead_zone_length : The ATR length for dead zone calculation
dead_zone_mult : The ATR multiplier for dead zone
ssl(length, high_src, low_src) Semaphore Signal Level channel (SSL)
length : The length of the moving average
high_src : Source of the high moving average
low_src : Source of the low moving average
adx(atr_length, di_length, adx_length, high_src, low_src, atr_ma_type, di_ma_type, adx_ma_type) Average Directional Index + Direction Movement Index (ADX + DMI)
atr_length : The length of ATR
di_length : DI plus and minus smoothing length
adx_length : ADX smoothing length
high_src : Source of the high moving average
low_src : Source of the low moving average
atr_ma_type : MA type of the ATR calculation
di_ma_type : MA type of the DI calculation
adx_ma_type : MA type of the ADX calculation
historicalrangeLibrary "historicalrange"
Library provices a method to calculate historical percentile range of series.
hpercentrank(source) calculates historical percentrank of the source
source : Source for which historical percentrank needs to be calculated. Source should be ranging between 0-100. If using a source which can beyond 0-100, use short term percentrank to baseline them.
Returns: pArray - percentrank array which contains how many instances of source occurred at different levels.
upperPercentile - percentile based on higher value
lowerPercentile - percentile based on lower value
median - median value of the source
max - max value of the source
distancefromath(source) returns stats on historical distance from ath in terms of percentage
source : for which stats are calculated
Returns: percentile and related historical stats regarding distance from ath
distancefromma(maType, length, source) returns stats on historical distance from moving average in terms of percentage
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
source : for which stats are calculated
Returns: percentile and related historical stats regarding distance from ath
bpercentb(source, maType, length, multiplier, sticky) returns percentrank and stats on historical bpercentb levels
source : Moving Average Source
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
multiplier : Standard Deviation multiplier
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: percentile and related historical stats regarding Bollinger Percent B
kpercentk(source, maType, length, multiplier, useTrueRange, sticky) returns percentrank and stats on historical kpercentk levels
source : Moving Average Source
maType : Moving Average Type : Can be sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
length : Moving Average Length
multiplier : Standard Deviation multiplier
useTrueRange : - if set to false, uses high-low.
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: percentile and related historical stats regarding Keltener Percent K
dpercentd(useAlternateSource, alternateSource, length, sticky) returns percentrank and stats on historical dpercentd levels
useAlternateSource : - Custom source is used only if useAlternateSource is set to true
alternateSource : - Custom source
length : - donchian channel length
sticky : - sticky boundaries which will only change when value is outside boundary.
Returns: percentile and related historical stats regarding Donchian Percent D
oscillator(type, length, shortLength, longLength, source, highSource, lowSource, method, highlowLength, sticky) oscillator - returns Choice of oscillator with custom overbought/oversold range
type : - oscillator type. Valid values : cci, cmo, cog, mfi, roc, rsi, stoch, tsi, wpr
length : - Oscillator length - not used for TSI
shortLength : - shortLength only used for TSI
longLength : - longLength only used for TSI
source : - custom source if required
highSource : - custom high source for stochastic oscillator
lowSource : - custom low source for stochastic oscillator
method : - Valid values for method are : sma, ema, hma, rma, wma, vwma, swma, highlow, linreg, median
highlowLength : - length on which highlow of the oscillator is calculated
sticky : - overbought, oversold levels won't change unless crossed
Returns: percentile and related historical stats regarding oscillator
ZxLibraryLibrary "ZxLibrary"
ZxLibrary is an easy with more than 130 Indicators and more than 60 Candlestick Patterns.
dc_taAdaptive technical indicators are importants in a non stationary market, the ability to adapt to a situation can boost the efficiency of your strategy. A lot of methods have been proposed to make technical indicators "smarters", the dominant cycle tuned indicators are one of them which are based on J.F.Ehlers theory. Here is a collections of algorithms to calculate dominant cycles. ENJOY!
Library "dc_ta"
interval_taA pine V5 library with several functions to handle time and sessions in trading.
Library "interval_ta"
noldo_taI'm a follower of Noldo, and I've learned almost all of his published scripts. I like some of the basic functions he wrote so much that I decided to collect them as a noldo_ta library file to share. Most of these functions are the same as Noldo's version, and there are some interesting algorithmic processing, which I also encapsulated into functions. Enjoy.
COURTESY OF NOLDO for these intersting functions!
Library "noldo_ta"
BjCandlePatternsLibrary "BjCandlePatterns"
Patterns is a Japanese candlestick pattern recognition Library for developers. Functions here within detect viable setups in a variety of popular patterns. Please note some patterns are without filters such as comparisons to average candle sizing, or trend detection to allow the author more freedom.
doji(dojiSize, dojiWickSize) Detects "Doji" candle patterns
dojiSize : (float) The relationship of body to candle size (ie. body is 5% of total candle size). Default is 5.0 (5%)
dojiWickSize : (float) Maximum wick size comparative to the opposite wick. (eg. 2 = bottom wick must be less than or equal to 2x the top wick). Default is 2
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
dLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Doji" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bullEngulf(maxRejectWick, mustEngulfWick) Detects "Bullish Engulfing" candle patterns
maxRejectWick : (float) Maximum rejection wick size.
The maximum wick size as a percentge of body size allowable for a top wick on the resolution candle of the pattern. 0.0 disables the filter.
eg. 50 allows a top wick half the size of the body. Default is 0% (Disables wick detection).
mustEngulfWick : (bool) input to only detect setups that close above the high prior effectively engulfing the candle in its entirety. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
bewLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Engulfing" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bearEngulf(maxRejectWick, mustEngulfWick) Detects "Bearish Engulfing" candle patterns
maxRejectWick : (float) Maximum rejection wick size.
The maximum wick size as a percentge of body size allowable for a bottom wick on the resolution candle of the pattern. 0.0 disables the filter.
eg. 50 allows a botom wick half the size of the body. Default is 0% (Disables wick detection).
mustEngulfWick : (bool) Input to only detect setups that close below the low prior effectively engulfing the candle in its entirety. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
bebLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Engulfing" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
hammer(ratio, shadowPercent) Detects "Hammer" candle patterns
ratio : (float) The relationship of body to candle size (ie. body is 33% of total candle size). Default is 33%.
shadowPercent : (float) The maximum allowable top wick size as a percentage of body size. Default is 5%.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Hammer" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
star(ratio, shadowPercent) Detects "Star" candle patterns
ratio : (float) The relationship of body to candle size (ie. body is 33% of total candle size). Default is 33%.
shadowPercent : (float) The maximum allowable bottom wick size as a percentage of body size. Default is 5%.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ssLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
dragonflyDoji() Detects "Dragonfly Doji" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ddLab(showLabel, labelColor) Produces "Dragonfly Doji" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
gravestoneDoji() Detects "Gravestone Doji" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
gdLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Gravestone Doji" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tweezerBottom(closeUpperHalf) Detects "Tweezer Bottom" candle patterns
closeUpperHalf : (bool) input to only detect setups that close above the mid-point of the candle prior increasing its bullish tendancy. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
tbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Tweezer Bottom" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tweezerTop(closeLowerHalf) Detects "TweezerTop" candle patterns
closeLowerHalf : (bool) input to only detect setups that close below the mid-point of the candle prior increasing its bearish tendancy. Default is false
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ttLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "TweezerTop" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
spinningTopBull(wickSize) Detects "Bullish Spinning Top" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) input to adjust detection of the size of the top wick/ bottom wick as a percent of total candle size. Default is 34%, which ensures the wicks are both larger than the body.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
stwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Spinning Top" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
spinningTopBear(wickSize) Detects "Bearish Spinning Top" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) input to adjust detection of the size of the top wick/ bottom wick as a percent of total candle size. Default is 34%, which ensures the wicks are both larger than the body.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
stbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Spinning Top" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
spinningTop(wickSize) Detects "Spinning Top" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) input to adjust detection of the size of the top wick/ bottom wick as a percent of total candle size. Default is 34%, which ensures the wicks are both larger than the body.
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
stLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Spinning Top" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
morningStar() Detects "Bullish Morning Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
msLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Morning Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
eveningStar() Detects "Bearish Evening Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
esLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Evening Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBull() Detects "Bullish Harami" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Harami" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBear() Detects "Bearish Harami" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Harami" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBullCross() Detects "Bullish Harami Cross" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hcwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Harami Cross" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
haramiBearCross() Detects "Bearish Harami Cross" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
hcbLab(showLabel, labelColor) Produces "Bearish Harami Cross" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
marubullzu() Detects "Bullish Marubozu" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
mwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Marubozu" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
marubearzu() Detects "Bearish Marubozu" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
mbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Marubozu" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
abandonedBull() Detects "Bullish Abandoned Baby" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
abwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Abandoned Baby" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
abandonedBear() Detects "Bearish Abandoned Baby" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
abbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Abandoned Baby" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
piercing() Detects "Piercing" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
pLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Piercing" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
darkCloudCover() Detects "Dark Cloud Cover" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
dccLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Dark Cloud Cover" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tasukiBull() Detects "Upside Tasuki Gap" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
utgLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Upside Tasuki Gap" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
tasukiBear() Detects "Downside Tasuki Gap" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
dtgLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Downside Tasuki Gap" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
risingThree() Detects "Rising Three Methods" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
rtmLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Rising Three Methods" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
fallingThree() Detects "Falling Three Methods" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
ftmLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Falling Three Methods" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
risingWindow() Detects "Rising Window" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
rwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Rising Window" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
fallingWindow() Detects "Falling Window" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
fwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Falling Window" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
kickingBull() Detects "Bullish Kicking" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
kwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Kicking" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
kickingBear() Detects "Bearish Kicking" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
kbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Kicking" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
lls(ratio) Detects "Long Lower Shadow" candle patterns
ratio : (float) A relationship of the lower wick to the overall candle size expressed as a percent. Default is 75%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
llsLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Long Lower Shadow" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
lus(ratio) Detects "Long Upper Shadow" candle patterns
ratio : (float) A relationship of the upper wick to the overall candle size expressed as a percent. Default is 75%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
lusLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Long Upper Shadow" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bullNeck() Detects "Bullish On Neck" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
nwLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish On Neck" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
bearNeck() Detects "Bearish On Neck" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
nbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish On Neck" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
soldiers(wickSize) Detects "Three White Soldiers" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) Maximum allowable top wick size throughout pattern expressed as a percent of total candle height. Default is 5%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
wsLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Three White Soldiers" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
crows(wickSize) Detects "Three Black Crows" candle patterns
wickSize : (float) Maximum allowable bottom wick size throughout pattern expressed as a percent of total candle height. Default is 5%
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
bcLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Three Black Crows" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
triStarBull() Detects "Bullish Tri-Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
tswLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bullish Tri-Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
triStarBear() Detects "Bearish Tri-Star" candle patterns
Returns: (series bool) True when pattern detected
tsbLab(showLabel, labelColor, textColor) Produces "Bearish Tri-Star" identifier label
showLabel : (bool) Shows label when input is true. Default is false
labelColor : (series color) Color of the label border and arrow
textColor : (series color) Text color
Returns: (series label) A label visible at the chart level intended for the title pattern
wrap(cond, barsBack, borderColor, bgcolor) Produces a box wrapping the highs and lows over the look back.
cond : (series bool) Condition under which to draw the box.
barsBack : (series int) the number of bars back to begin drawing the box.
borderColor : (series color) Color of the four borders. Optional. The default is color.gray.
bgcolor : (series color) Background color of the box. Optional. The default is color.gray.
Returns: (series box) A box who's top and bottom are above and below the highest and lowest points over the lookback
topWick() returns the top wick size of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance from the top of the candle body to its high
bottomWick() returns the bottom wick size of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance from the bottom of the candle body to its low
body() returns the body size of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance between the top and the bottom of the candle body
highestBody() returns the highest body of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the highest body, whether it is the open or the close
lowestBody() returns the lowest body of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the highest body, whether it is the open or the close
barRange() returns the height of the current candle
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the distance between the high and the low of the candle
bodyPct() returns the body size as a percent
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the percentage of body size to the overall candle size
midBody() returns the price of the mid-point of the candle body
Returns: (series float) A value equivelent to the center point of the distance bewteen the body low and the body high
bodyupGap() returns true if there is a gap up between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap up and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
bodydwnGap() returns true if there is a gap down between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap down and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
gapUp() returns true if there is a gap down between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap down and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
gapDwn() returns true if there is a gap down between the real body of the current candle in relation to the candle prior
Returns: (series bool) true if there is a gap down and no overlap in the real bodies of the current candle and the preceding candle
dojiBody() returns true if the candle body is a doji
Returns: (series bool) true if the candle body is a doji. Defined by a body that is 5% of total candle size
sar_taLevel: 3
The Parabolic SAR is a technical indicator developed by J. Welles Wilder to determine the direction that an asset is moving. The indicator is also referred to as a stop and reverse system, which is abbreviated as SAR. It aims to identify potential reversals in the price movement of traded assets.
PINE v5 Version of SAR Library, which includes latest the Supertrend, Parabolic SAR, Gann Hilo activator, Chex indicators etc.
This lib provides functions similar to SAR which can serve as a similar element for composite strategy. Parameters need to be tuned for the best performance and I will further inrish this collections.
If you can propose me a novel SAR source link, I would like to grant you one L4/L5 indicator with 2-month subscription for free.
Library "sar_ta"
Pivots libraryLibrary "Pivots"
TODO: add library description here
pivots(_type, _open, _high, _low, _clsoe) Calculates the pivot point and returns its value.
_type : Specifies the type of pivot point.
_open : The open price
_high : The high price
_low : The low price
_clsoe : The close price
Returns: Returns the value of the calculated pivot point as a tuple.
cpr(_high, _low, _clsoe) Calculate the Central Pivot Range
_high : The high price
_low : The low price
_clsoe : The close price
Returns: Returns the values as a tuple.
htf_ohlc(_htf) Calculate the HTF values
_htf : Resolution
Returns: Returns the values as a tuple.
TitinhoIndicatorsLibraryOn this Library you cand find a shortcut for some indicators and just import them into your source.
Each indicator has its own input and output parameters and they are prety much self explanatory. :D
This is the list of the present indicators you can use with this library:
Have fun!!!
Ehlers_Super_SmootherThe 2 Pole and 3 Pole Super Smoother Filters were developed by John Ehlers and described in "Chapter 13: Super Smother" of his book Cybernetic Analysis for Stocks and Futures .
The 2 Pole Smoother is described as being a better approximation of price, whereas the 3 Pole Smoother has superior smoothing.
Library "Ehlers_Super_Smoother"
Provides the functions to calculate Double and Triple Exponentional Moving Averages (DEMA & TEMA)
twoPole(_source, _length) Calculates 2 Pole Ehlers Super Smoother Filter
_source : -> Open, Close, High, Low, etc ('close' is used if no argument is supplied)
_length : -> Ehlers Super Smoother length
Returns: 2 Pole Ehlers Super Smoothing to an input source at the specified input length
threePole(_source, _length) Calculates 3 Pole Ehlers Super Smoother Filter
_source : -> Open, Close, High, Low, etc ('close' is used if no argument is supplied)
_length : -> Ehlers Super Smoother length
Returns: 3 Pole Ehlers Super Smoothing to an input source at the specified input length
pandas_taLibrary "pandas_ta"
Level: 3
Today is the first day of 2022 and happy new year every tradingviewers! May health and wealth go along with you all the time. I use this chance to publish my 1st PINE v5 lib : pandas_ta
This is not a piece of cake like thing, which cost me a lot of time and efforts to build this lib. Beyond 300 versions of this script was iterated in draft.
Library "pandas_ta"
PINE v5 Counterpart of Pandas TA - A Technical Analysis Library in Python 3 at
The Original Pandas Technical Analysis (Pandas TA) is an easy to use library that leverages the Pandas package with more than 130 Indicators and Utility functions and more than 60 TA Lib Candlestick Patterns.
I realized most of indicators except Candlestick Patterns because tradingview built-in Candlestick Patterns are even more powerful!
I use this to verify pandas_ta python version indicators for myself, but I realize that maybe many may need similar lib for pine v5 as well.
Function Brief Descriptions (Pls find details in script comments)
bton --> Binary to number
wcp --> Weighted Closing Price (WCP)
counter --> Condition counter
xbt --> Between
ebsw --> Even Better SineWave (EBSW)
ao --> Awesome Oscillator (AO)
apo --> Absolute Price Oscillator (APO)
xrf --> Dynamic shifted values
bias --> Bias (BIAS)
bop --> Balance of Power (BOP)
brar --> BRAR (BRAR)
cci --> Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
cfo --> Chande Forcast Oscillator (CFO)
cg --> Center of Gravity (CG)
cmo --> Chande Momentum Oscillator (CMO)
coppock --> Coppock Curve (COPC)
cti --> Correlation Trend Indicator (CTI)
dmi --> Directional Movement Index(DMI)
er --> Efficiency Ratio (ER)
eri --> Elder Ray Index (ERI)
fisher --> Fisher Transform (FISHT)
inertia --> Inertia (INERTIA)
kdj --> KDJ (KDJ)
kst --> 'Know Sure Thing' (KST)
macd --> Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)
mom --> Momentum (MOM)
pgo --> Pretty Good Oscillator (PGO)
ppo --> Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO)
psl --> Psychological Line (PSL)
pvo --> Percentage Volume Oscillator (PVO)
qqe --> Quantitative Qualitative Estimation (QQE)
roc --> Rate of Change (ROC)
rsi --> Relative Strength Index (RSI)
rsx --> Relative Strength Xtra (rsx)
rvgi --> Relative Vigor Index (RVGI)
slope --> Slope
smi --> SMI Ergodic Indicator (SMI)
sqz* --> Squeeze (SQZ) * NOTE: code sufferred from very strange error, code was commented.
sqz_pro --> Squeeze PRO(SQZPRO)
xfl --> Condition filter
stc --> Schaff Trend Cycle (STC)
stoch --> Stochastic (STOCH)
stochrsi --> Stochastic RSI (STOCH RSI)
trix --> Trix (TRIX)
tsi --> True Strength Index (TSI)
uo --> Ultimate Oscillator (UO)
willr --> William's Percent R (WILLR)
alma --> Arnaud Legoux Moving Average (ALMA)
xll --> Dynamic rolling lowest values
dema --> Double Exponential Moving Average (DEMA)
ema --> Exponential Moving Average (EMA)
fwma --> Fibonacci's Weighted Moving Average (FWMA)
hilo --> Gann HiLo Activator(HiLo)
hma --> Hull Moving Average (HMA)
hwma --> HWMA (Holt-Winter Moving Average)
ichimoku --> Ichimoku Kinkō Hyō (ichimoku)
jma --> Jurik Moving Average Average (JMA)
kama --> Kaufman's Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA)
linreg --> Linear Regression Moving Average (linreg)
mgcd --> McGinley Dynamic Indicator
rma --> wildeR's Moving Average (RMA)
sinwma --> Sine Weighted Moving Average (SWMA)
ssf --> Ehler's Super Smoother Filter (SSF) © 2013
supertrend --> Supertrend (supertrend)
xsa --> X simple moving average
swma --> Symmetric Weighted Moving Average (SWMA)
t3 --> Tim Tillson's T3 Moving Average (T3)
tema --> Triple Exponential Moving Average (TEMA)
trima --> Triangular Moving Average (TRIMA)
vidya --> Variable Index Dynamic Average (VIDYA)
vwap --> Volume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)
vwma --> Volume Weighted Moving Average (VWMA)
wma --> Weighted Moving Average (WMA)
zlma --> Zero Lag Moving Average (ZLMA)
entropy --> Entropy (ENTP)
kurtosis --> Rolling Kurtosis
skew --> Rolling Skew
xev --> Condition all
zscore --> Rolling Z Score
adx --> Average Directional Movement (ADX)
aroon --> Aroon & Aroon Oscillator (AROON)
chop --> Choppiness Index (CHOP)
xex --> Condition any
cksp --> Chande Kroll Stop (CKSP)
dpo --> Detrend Price Oscillator (DPO)
long_run --> Long Run
psar --> Parabolic Stop and Reverse (psar)
short_run --> Short Run
vhf --> Vertical Horizontal Filter (VHF)
vortex --> Vortex
accbands --> Acceleration Bands (ACCBANDS)
atr --> Average True Range (ATR)
bbands --> Bollinger Bands (BBANDS)
donchian --> Donchian Channels (DC)
kc --> Keltner Channels (KC)
massi --> Mass Index (MASSI)
natr --> Normalized Average True Range (NATR)
pdist --> Price Distance (PDIST)
rvi --> Relative Volatility Index (RVI)
thermo --> Elders Thermometer (THERMO)
ui --> Ulcer Index (UI)
ad --> Accumulation/Distribution (AD)
cmf --> Chaikin Money Flow (CMF)
efi --> Elder's Force Index (EFI)
ecm --> Ease of Movement (EOM)
kvo --> Klinger Volume Oscillator (KVO)
mfi --> Money Flow Index (MFI)
nvi --> Negative Volume Index (NVI)
obv --> On Balance Volume (OBV)
pvi --> Positive Volume Index (PVI)
dvdi --> Dual Volume Divergence Index (DVDI)
xhh --> Dynamic rolling highest values
pvt --> Price-Volume Trend (PVT)
I also incorporated func descriptions and func test script in commented mode, you can test the functino with the embedded test script and modify them as you wish.
This is a Level 3 free and open source indicator library.
Feedbacks are appreciated.
This is not the end of pandas_ta lib publication, but it is start point with pine v5 lib function and I will add more and more funcs into this lib for my own indicators.
Function Name List:
TimeLockedMALibrary "TimeLockedMA"
Library & function(s) which generates a moving average that stays locked to users desired time preference.
TODO - Add functionality for more moving average types. IE: smooth, weighted etc...
time_locked_ma(close, length=1, timeframe='days', type='ema')
Will generate a 1 day exponential moving average that will stay consistent across all chart intervals.
Error Handling
On small time frames with large moving averages (IE: 1min chart with a 50 week moving average), you'll get a study error that says "(function "sma") references too many candles in history" .
To fix this, make sure you have timeframe="" as an indicator() header. Next, in the indicator settings, increase the timeframe from to a higher interval until the error goes away.
By default, it's set to "Chart". Bringing the interval up to 1hr will usually solve the issue.
Furthermore, adding timeframe_gaps=false to your indicator() header will give you an approximation of real-time values.
Misc Info
For time_lock_ma() setting type='na' will return the relative length value that adjusts dynamically to user's chart time interval.
This is good for plugging into other functions where a lookback or length is required. (IE: Bollinger Bands)
time_locked_ma(source, length, timeframe, type) Creates a moving average that is locked to a desired timeframe
source : float, Moving average source
length : int, Moving average length
timeframe : string, Desired timeframe. Use: "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "chart"
type : string, string Moving average type. Use "SMA" (default) or "EMA". Value of "NA" will return relative lookback length.
Returns: moving average that is locked to desired timeframe.
timeframe_convert(t, a, b) Converts timeframe to desired timeframe. From a --> b
t : int, Time interval
a : string, Time period
b : string, Time period to convert to
Returns: Converted timeframe value
chart_time(timeframe_period, timeframe_multiplier) Separates timeframe.period function and returns chart interval and period
timeframe_period : string, timeframe.period
timeframe_multiplier : int, timeframe.multiplier
Enjoy :)
VolatilityCheckerLibrary "VolatilityChecker"
Volatility is judged to be high when the range of one period is greater than the ATR of another period.
is_high(_periods, _smooth, _atr_periods, _atr_times) Return true if the volatility is high.
_periods : Range Period
_smooth : Smoothes the range width.
_atr_periods : ATR Period
_atr_times : Amplify the calculated ATR.
Returns: {Boolean}
Ichimoku LibraryLibrary "Ichimoku"
Ichimoku Kinko Hyo library
calc(conversion, base, lead, displacement1, displacement2) : Calculate the Ichimoku Kinko Hyo values
conversion : Conversion line' periods
base : Base line's periods
lead : 2nd Leading line's periods
displacement1 : Leading line's offset
displacement2 : Lagging line's offset
Punchline_LibLibrary "Punchline_Lib"
roundSmart(float) Truncates decimal points of a float value based on the amount of digits before the decimal point
float : _value any number
Returns: float
tostring_smart(float) converts a float to a string, intelligently cutting off decimal points
float : _value any number
Returns: string