Depositary shares of Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc., each representing a 1/40th Interest in a share of its 6.75% Fixed-RateDepositary shares of Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc., each representing a 1/40th Interest in a share of its 6.75% Fixed-RateDepositary shares of Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc., each representing a 1/40th Interest in a share of its 6.75% Fixed-Rate

Depositary shares of Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc., each representing a 1/40th Interest in a share of its 6.75% Fixed-Rate

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PNFPP nguyên tắc cơ bản

Báo cáo tài chính Depositary shares of Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc., each representing a 1/40th Interest in a share of its 6.75% Fixed-Rate, bao gồm doanh thu, chi phí, lãi và lỗ

Tổng doanh thu của PNFPP trong quý trước là744.59 M USD, và cao hơn 5.56% so với quý trước. Thu nhập ròng của Q1 24 là 123.94 M USD.

Q3 '22
Q4 '22
Q1 '23
Q2 '23
Q3 '23
Q4 '23
Q1 '24