COT Report Crypto

Cập nhật

Showing the Commitments of Traders (COT) report(*) for Crypto contract Open Interest and Traders - CHICAGO MERCANTILE EXCHANGE (futures only) with COT charts on TradingView data.
* COT reports are released each Friday (except for U.S. holidays) by the CFTC.
* Each COT report release includes data from the previous Tuesday.
* Original data is

Data currently displayed are through April 12, 2022


You can switch the display for each of the following CFTC Ticker:

*MICRO ETHER is currently not supported by TradingView at April 2022

You can switch the display for each of the following Positions:
  • Long
  • Short
  • Net

*Net Position limits the Chart Format that can be displayed

You can switch the display for each of the following Target:
  • Open Interest
  • Traders

You can switch the display for each of the following Categories:
  • Dealer
  • Asset manager
  • Leverage funds
  • Other reportable
  • Non reportable

*Non reportable has no Traders data

You can switch the display for each of the following Chart Format:
  • Normal Line
  • Stacked Column
  • Indexed Column
  • Difference StepLine

*Net Position can be displayed only for Normal Line

And, convert contract unit to coin unit is available.

Then, percent by ALL data is available.
This Option use Open Interest(ALL) or Traders Total(ALL) by Target.

Info Display shows coin unit converts info and reason that cannot display a chart.
Of course, this display position and size are changeable.


This indicator allows you to see changes in each category within TradingView without having to refer directly to each report.
In addition, it provides a detailed means of analysis by offering Traders as well as Open Interest and a variety of visualization methods.
Phát hành các Ghi chú
Script without changes
BTCCMECommitment of Traders (COT)ETH

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LN: ⚡
BTC: bc1q5tehakh42uypsgx7e0jvdvq32qj6tqrcqpqmq3
ETH: 0x2d503ab2bb69cf5d49dcdf926f8f4fb9bf25952e

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