Oil ETF VolumeDirexxion Daily has both 'bear' and 'bull' oil ETFs. This tracks the volume in both combined. It also tracks them individually: the bear ETF is the red line, and bull the green.
NOTE: the color of the volume bars is determined by whatever ticker you're currently looking at, and whether current close is gt/lt previous close. It is intended to be used while looking at the USOIL chart. The colors will be inverted if you're looking at the 'bear' ETF! as the higher closes will actually mean price is going down :D
Hàng hoá
Gap finder (gold minds)This tool highlights where gaps happens and outlines in the chart where the gap zones are. If there is a gap up there is a green line, a gap down it is red. The gap zone is highlighted in blue. You can choose the size of your gap with the input menu to the desired size. Feel free to ask comment below. Made for the Gold Minds group
Dhananjay Volatility stop strategy v1.0
Sharing one more strategy after getting good feedback on my earlier published strategy.
This is simple volatility stop strategy where in we are using VStop as entry and exit point.
Again smart traders can add MA to decide the trend and can avoid trading in opposite direction of trend which will help them to minimize loss making trades.
There are more than 1 parameters which traders can use/change to make this strategy compatible to their instrument.
To understand what is VStop use google.com :-)
Looking forward to receiving feedback from all of you.
Ichimoku Cloud strategy for gold marketThis strategy is based on main ichimoku features (Leading span , conversion line and base line) compared to cloud conditions.
I indicated all possibilities in this indicator and strategy decision is based on crossing factors of each main line through two other line confirmations.
Tick Tick BoomThis is THE tick tick boom method from the GOLD MINDS group!
When we enter a trade the line changes color.
If your charts are not in UTC time then you can adjust the UTC offset time. If your charts are in UTC-9 then set this to 9, if you are in UTC+1 set this to -1, if your charts are un UTC then set this to 0.
I noticed daily pivots, support, and resistance levels are pretty useful targets here. Uncheck the box if you would like to see the levels.
Many thanks to Dimitri Wallace!
HL MovingAvg2Line Cross Dhananjay
Sharing the simple trend following trading strategy, traders can add their own rules in this, to minimise the losses and maximise the profits. Like below.
1. Go long only if price is above 189 days EMA/SAM
2. Exit position when high or low of previous candle is breached in the opposite direction of the trend.
3. Go long only if price is in up trend on higher time frame charts and go short when price is down trend of higher time frame charts.
Stop loss, target and other things can also be decided by the trader.
Idea is to capture the short term trend to trade in FnO or 2/3 days position in underlying instrument.
Traders can optimise the length of the Moving average so that your traded is set for maximum profit giving settings for this strategy. Different instruments responds to different moving averages because of different volatility.
Idea is to go long when price closes above 9 days EMA of Highs and exit and go short whenever price closes below 9 days EMA of lows, exit short when first condition meets after short trade.
I ma not that good with scripts, have many such ideas, interested script writers can get in touch with me so that we can create trading systems which have grater success rate .
15 Minute Gold Trend-Following StrategyThis is the main strategy that I will be forward testing on demo for a month or two, then making it an EA in MetaTrader4
You can see the code for yourself this time, all the strategy is, is a crossover of various moving averages.
Commission included, $10,000 account.
Results over the past 3 months, beginning in January 2017.
Gold/Silver 30m Only Strategy Buy/Sell SignalsIn my free time I felt like coding this strategy, and after backtesting it, it appears that the 30m time frame is the most profitable.
I only have been working on it for gold, but it should work similarly for silver as well.
This includes no pyramiding, and with pyramiding orders of 5, this strategy is upwards of 100% profitable.
Buy order - when price is above the 162 day EMA and RSI is less than 35
Sell order - when price is below the 162 day EMA and RSI is greater than 65
I will probably be adjusting it to increase the profitability and %success rate.
Tarzan's spread ratio indicator - DeLuxeThis indicator plots any two securities as a spread ratio using either +,-,/, or *.
It also allows you to use a simple moving average of length 1 to n for your spread ratio.
If you know what you want to do but don't know how to code it, we can work it out, you can float me some cheese on paypal and I'll do a nice job. This indicator is yours for free.
Tarzan = noprism@hushmail.com
USO - Adam Smith - Moving Average Cross StrategySimple Moving Average strategy for USO - United States Oil Fund . This strategy can be used on stocks and currencies but will need to tweak frequency on chart and backtest Max Draw Down to Net Profit ratios for maximum dollar gains.
ENGULFING CANDLESTICK STRATEGY(i) Arrow represent trade setup
(ii) Circle represent triggering of the trade
1. Where to place stop loss?
2. Where to exit the trade?
3. How to protect gains in your trade?
4. How to apply money management rule?
5. How to trade gap opening?
Circle represent triggering of the trade
1. Where to place stop loss?
2. Where to exit the trade?
3. How to protect gains in your trade?
4. How to apply money management rule?
5. How to trade gap opening?
Buy or sell on extreme of strength into the overbought or the oversell.
Correlation of chart symbol to different Index-ETF-currencyScript plots correlation of chart symbol to a variety of indexes, symbols, equities. ** Original idea was to find Bitcoin correlation, which I did not. Built in correlations are: Nikie, DAX, SPY, AAPL, US Dollar, Gold, EURUSD, USDCNY, EEM, QQQ, XLK, XLF, USDJPY, EURGBP
GoldFinger .007Goldfinger.
He's the man, the man with the midas touch.
A spider's touch.
Such a cold finger.
Beckons you to enter his web of sin
But don't go in.
[RS]Gold to Custom Currency V0Request for: sankar2389
Gold conversion from dollar to INR and to grams.
[RS]Khizon (DWTI) Strategy V0Request for Khizon01:
corrected a issue with the default stoch rsi settings (14 smoothing when it should be 3), can always change back since the 14 settings were better performing at the current chart.
added option to just open buy trades or sell trades separately and close were previously swing trade occur.
added plot titles.
4H CCI Strategy 1.3Still working on fixing the code 100%.
Will update with a new version soon.
This one's fine tuned for gold (tp and sl size, and contract size for a 100k account)
Ivan Labrie
Time at Mode FX