Anchored Monte Carlo Shuffled Projection [LuxAlgo]The Anchored Monte Carlo Shuffled Projection tool randomly simulates future price points based on historical bar movements made before a user-anchored point in time.
By anchoring our data and projections to a single point in time, users can better understand and reflect on how the price played out while taking into consideration our random simulations.
After selecting the indicator to apply to the chart, you will be prompted to "Set the Anchor Point". Do so by clicking on the desired location on your chart, only time is used as the anchor point.
Note: To select a new anchor point when applied to the chart, click on the 'More' dropdown next to the indicator status bar (○○○), then select "Reset points...".
Alternate Method: You are also able to click and drag the vertical line that displays on the anchor point bar when the indicator is highlighted.
By randomly simulating bar movements, a range is developed of potential price action which could be utilized to locate future price development as well as potential support/resistance levels.
Performing numerous simulations and taking the average at each step will converge toward the result highlighted by the "Average Line", and can point out where the price might develop, assuming the trend and amount of volatility persist.
Current closing price + Sum of changes in the calculation window
This constraint will cause the simulations always to display an endpoint consistent with the current lookback's slope.
While this may be helpful to some traders, this indicator includes an option to produce a less biased range, as seen below:
The Anchored Monte Carlo Shuffled Projection tool creates simulations based on prices within a user-set lookback window originating at the specified anchor point. Simulations are done as follows:
Collect each bar's price changes in the user-set window.
Randomize the order of each change in the window.
Project the cumulative sum of the shuffled changes from the current closing price.
Collect data on each point along the way.
This is the process for the Default calculation; for the 'Randomize Direction' calculation, when added onto the front for every other change, the value is inverted, creating the randomized endpoints for each simulation.
The script contains each simulation's data for that bar, with a maximum of 1000 simulations.
To get a glimpse behind the scenes, each simulation (up to 99) can be viewed using the 'Visualize Simulations' Options, as seen below.
Because the script holds the full simulation data, the script can also calculate this data, such as standard deviations.
In this script the Standard deviation lines are the average of all standard deviations across the vertical data groups, this provides a singular value that can be displayed a distance away from the simulation center line.
Lookback: Sets the number of Bars to include in calculations.
Simulation Count: Sets the number of randomized simulations to calculate. (Max 1000)
Randomize Direction: See Details Above. Creates a more 'Normalized' Distribution
Visualize Simulations: See Details Above. Turns on Visualizations, and colors are randomly generated. Visualized max does not cap the calculated max. If 1000 simulations are used, the data will be from 1000 simulations, however, only the last 99 simulations will be visualized.
🔹 Standard Deviations
Standard Deviation Multiplier: Sets the multiplier to use for the Standard Deviation distance away from the center line.
🔹 Style
Extend Lines: Extends the Simulated Value Lines into the future for further reference and analysis.
Velocity And Acceleration with Strategy: Traders Magazine◙ OVERVIEW
Hi, Ivestors and Traders... This Indicator, the focus is Scott Cong's article in the Stocks & Commodities September issue, “VAcc: A Momentum Indicator Based On Velocity And Acceleration”. I have also added a trading strategy for you to benefit from this indicator. First of all, let's look at what the indicator offers us and what its logic is. First, let's focus on the logic of the strategy.
Here is a new indicator based on some simple physics concepts that is easy to use, responsive and precise. Learn how to calculate and use it.
The field of physics gives us some important principles that are highly applicable to analyzing the markets. In this indicator, I will present a momentum indicator. Scott Cong developed based on the concepts of velocity and acceleration this indicator. Of the many characteristics of price that traders and analysts often study, rate and rate of change are useful ones. In other words, it’s helpful to know: How fast is price moving, and is it speeding up or slowing down? How is price changing from one period to the next? The indicator I’m introducing here is calculated using the current bar (C) and every bar of a lookback period from the current bar. He named the indicator the VAcc since it’s based on the average of velocity line (av) and acceleration line (Acc) over the lookback period. For longer periods, the VAcc behaves the same way as the MACD, only it’s simpler, more responsive, and more precise. Interestingly, for shorter periods, VAcc exhibits characteristics of an oscillator, such as the stochastics oscillator.
The calculation of VAcc involves the following steps:
1. Relatively weighted average where the nearer price has the largest influence.
weighted_avg (float src, int length) =>
float sum = 0.0
for _i = 1 to length
float diff = (src - src ) / _i
sum += diff
sum /= length
2. The Velocity Average is smoothed with an exponential moving average. Now it get:
VAcc (float src, int period, int smoothing) =>
float vel = ta.ema(weighted_avg(src, period), smoothing)
float acc = weighted_avg(vel, period)
3. Similarly, accelerations for each bar within the lookback period and scale factor are calculated as:
= VAcc(src, length1, length2)
av /= (length1 * scale_factor)
In fact, Scott probably preferred to use it in periods 9 and 26 because it was similar to Macd and used the ratio of 0.5. However, I preferred to use the 8 and 21 periods to provide signals closer to the stochastic oscillator in the short term and used the 0.382 ratio. The logic of the strategy is this
Long Strategy → acc(Acceleration Line) > 0.1 and av(Velocity Average Line) > 0.1(Long Factor)
Short strategy → acc(Acceleration Line) < -0.1 and av(Velocity Average Line) < -0.1(Long Factor)
Here, you can change the Short Factor and Long Factor as you wish and produce more meaningful results that are closer to your own strategy.
I hope you benefits...
Merhaba Yatırımcılar ve Yatırımcılar... Bu Gösterge, Scott Cong'un Stocks & Emtia Eylül sayısındaki “VAcc: Hız ve İvmeye Dayalı Bir Momentum Göstergesi” başlıklı makalesine odaklanmaktadır. Bu göstergeden faydalanabilmeniz için bir ticaret stratejisi de ekledim. Öncelikle göstergenin bize neler sunduğuna ve mantığının ne olduğuna bakalım. Öncelikle stratejinin mantığına odaklanalım.
İşte kullanımı kolay, duyarlı ve kesin bazı basit fizik kavramlarına dayanan yeni bir gösterge. Nasıl hesaplanacağını ve kullanılacağını öğrenin.
Fizik alanı bize piyasaları analiz etmede son derece uygulanabilir bazı önemli ilkeler verir. Bu göstergede bir momentum göstergesi sunacağım. Scott Cong bu göstergeyi hız ve ivme kavramlarına dayanarak geliştirdi. Yatırımcıların ve analistlerin sıklıkla incelediği fiyatın pek çok özelliği arasında değişim oranı ve oranı yararlı olanlardır. Başka bir deyişle şunu bilmek faydalı olacaktır: Fiyat ne kadar hızlı hareket ediyor ve hızlanıyor mu, yavaşlıyor mu? Fiyatlar bir dönemden diğerine nasıl değişiyor? Burada tanıtacağım gösterge, mevcut çubuk (C) ve mevcut çubuktan bir yeniden inceleme döneminin her çubuğu kullanılarak hesaplanır. Göstergeye, yeniden inceleme dönemi boyunca hız çizgisinin (av) ve ivme çizgisinin (Acc) ortalamasına dayandığı için VAcc adını verdi. Daha uzun süreler boyunca VACc, MACD ile aynı şekilde davranır, yalnızca daha basit, daha duyarlı ve daha hassastır. İlginç bir şekilde, daha kısa süreler için VAcc, stokastik osilatör gibi bir osilatörün özelliklerini sergiliyor.
VAcc'nin hesaplanması aşağıdaki adımları içerir:
1. Yakın zamandaki fiyatın en büyük etkiye sahip olduğu göreceli ağırlıklı ortalamayı hesaplatıyoruz.
weighted_avg (float src, int length) =>
float sum = 0.0
for _i = 1 to length
float diff = (src - src ) / _i
sum += diff
sum /= length
2. Hız Ortalamasına üstel hareketli ortalamayla düzleştirme uygulanır. Şimdi bu şekilde aşağıdaki kod ile bunu şöyle elde ediyoruz:
VAcc (float src, int period, int smoothing) =>
float vel = ta.ema(weighted_avg(src, period), smoothing)
float acc = weighted_avg(vel, period)
3. Benzer şekilde, yeniden inceleme süresi ve ölçek faktörü içindeki her bir çubuk için fiyattaki ivmelenler yada momentum şu şekilde hesaplanır:
= VAcc(src, length1, length2)
av /= (length1 * scale_factor)
Aslında Scott muhtemelen Macd'e benzediği ve 0,5 oranını kullandığı için 9. ve 26. periyotlarda kullanmayı tercih etmişti. Ancak kısa vadede stokastik osilatöre daha yakın sinyaller sağlamak için 8 ve 21 periyotlarını kullanmayı tercih ettim ve 0,382 oranını kullandım. Stratejinin mantığı şu
Uzun Strateji → acc(İvme Çizgisi) > 0,1 ve av(Hız Ortalama Çizgisi) > 0,1(Uzun Faktör)
Kısa strateji → acc(İvme Çizgisi) < -0,1 ve av(Hız Ortalama Çizgisi) < -0,1(Uzun Faktör)
Burada Kısa Faktör ve Uzun Faktör' ü dilediğiniz gibi değiştirip, kendi stratejinize daha yakın, daha anlamlı sonuçlar üretebilirsiniz.
umarım faydasını görürsün...
Leading MACDThe Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator is one of the most popular and versatile tools used by traders to identify potential buy and sell signals. It helps traders determine the strength and direction of a trend by comparing different moving averages of a security's price. The traditional MACD uses two exponential moving averages (EMAs), a fast EMA (typically 12 periods) and a slow EMA (typically 26 periods), along with a signal line (typically a 9-period EMA of the MACD line) to generate trading signals.
Our "Custom MACD with Leading Length" script for TradingView enhances the traditional MACD by introducing an additional smoothing factor called the "leading length." This customization aims to reduce noise and provide a potentially earlier indication of trend changes, making it a valuable tool for traders seeking to optimize their trading strategies.
- **Purpose:** This additional smoothing factor is designed to reduce noise and provide a potentially leading signal, enhancing the accuracy of trend identification.
## How It Works
1. **Calculate the MACD Line:**
The MACD line is calculated by subtracting the slow EMA from the fast EMA. This difference represents the convergence or divergence between the two EMAs.
2. **Calculate the Signal Line:**
The signal line is an EMA of the MACD line. This additional smoothing helps to generate clearer buy and sell signals based on crossovers with the MACD line.
3. **Calculate the Histogram:**
The histogram represents the difference between the MACD line and the signal line. It visually indicates the strength and direction of the trend. A positive histogram suggests a bullish trend, while a negative histogram indicates a bearish trend.
4. **Apply Leading Length Smoothing:**
To incorporate the leading length, the script applies a simple moving average (SMA) to both the MACD and signal lines using the leading length parameter. This additional smoothing helps to further reduce noise and potentially provides earlier signals of trend changes.
## Benefits of the Leading MACD
### Reduced Noise
The leading length parameter adds an extra layer of smoothing to the MACD and signal lines, helping to filter out market noise. This can be particularly beneficial in volatile markets, where frequent price fluctuations can generate false signals.
### Potential Early Signals
By smoothing the MACD and signal lines, the leading length can help to provide earlier indications of trend changes. This can give traders a potential edge in entering or exiting trades before the broader market reacts.
### Enhanced Trend Identification
The combination of the traditional MACD with the leading length smoothing can enhance the accuracy of trend identification. Traders can use this tool to confirm the strength and direction of trends, making it easier to make informed trading decisions.
### Versatility
The Custom MACD with Leading Length can be applied to various timeframes and asset classes, including stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Its adaptability makes it a valuable tool for traders with different strategies and preferences.
## Practical Applications
### Buy Signal
A typical buy signal occurs when the MACD line crosses above the signal line. With the additional smoothing provided by the leading length, traders might receive this signal slightly earlier, allowing them to enter a long position sooner. This can be particularly advantageous in capturing the beginning of a bullish trend.
### Sell Signal
Conversely, a sell signal is generated when the MACD line crosses below the signal line. The leading length smoothing can help to provide this signal earlier, enabling traders to exit a long position or enter a short position before the trend reversal is fully recognized by the market.
### Divergence Analysis
Traders can also use the Custom MACD with Leading Length for divergence analysis. Bullish divergence occurs when the price makes a new low, but the MACD line forms a higher low. This suggests that the downward momentum is weakening, potentially leading to a bullish reversal. Bearish divergence is the opposite, where the price makes a new high, but the MACD line forms a lower high, indicating a potential bearish reversal.
### Confirmation Tool
The Custom MACD with Leading Length can be used in conjunction with other technical indicators to confirm trading signals. For example, traders might use it alongside support and resistance levels, trendlines, or other momentum indicators to validate their trade entries and exits.
## Conclusion
The Custom MACD with Leading Length is a powerful enhancement of the traditional MACD indicator. By introducing an additional smoothing factor, it aims to reduce noise and provide earlier signals of trend changes. This makes it a valuable tool for traders seeking to improve their market analysis and trading strategies.
Whether you are a day trader, swing trader, or long-term investor, the Custom MACD with Leading Length can help you make more informed decisions by offering clearer insights into market trends. Its adaptability to different timeframes and asset classes further enhances its utility, making it a versatile addition to any trader's toolkit.
Experiment with the parameters to find the optimal settings that suit your trading style and preferences. Use the Custom MACD with Leading Length to gain a deeper understanding of market dynamics and enhance your trading performance.
VolCorrBeta [NariCapitalTrading]Indicator Overview: VolCorrBeta
The VolCorrBeta indicator is designed to analyze and interpret intermarket relationships. This indicator combines volatility, correlation, and beta calculations to provide a comprehensive view of how certain assets (BTC, DXY, CL) influence the ES futures contract (I tailored this indicator to the ES contract, but it will work for any symbol).
Input Symbols
BTCUSD : Bitcoin to USD
DXY : US Dollar Index
CL1! : Crude Oil Futures
ES1! : S&P 500 Futures
These symbols can be customized according to user preferences. The main focus of the indicator is to analyze how the price movements of these assets correlate with and lead the price movements of the ES futures contract.
Parameters for Calculation
Correlation Length : Number of periods for calculating the correlation.
Standard Deviation Length : Number of periods for calculating the standard deviation.
Lookback Period for Beta : Number of periods for calculating beta.
Volatility Filter Length : Length of the volatility filter.
Volatility Threshold : Threshold for adjusting the lookback period based on volatility.
Key Calculations
Returns Calculation : Computes the daily returns for each input symbol.
Correlation Calculation : Computes the correlation between each input symbol's returns and the ES futures contract returns over the specified correlation length.
Standard Deviation Calculation : Computes the standard deviation for each input symbol's returns and the ES futures contract returns.
Beta Calculation : Computes the beta for each input symbol relative to the ES futures contract.
Weighted Returns Calculation : Computes the weighted returns based on the calculated betas.
Lead-Lag Indicator : Calculates a lead-lag indicator by averaging the weighted returns.
Volatility Filter : Smooths the lead-lag indicator using a simple moving average.
Price Target Estimation : Estimates the ES price target based on the lead-lag indicator (the yellow line on the chart).
Dynamic Stop Loss (SL) and Take Profit (TP) Levels : Calculates dynamic SL and TP levels using volatility bands.
Signal Generation
The indicator generates buy and sell signals based on the filtered lead-lag indicator and confirms them using higher timeframe analysis. Signals are debounced to reduce frequency, ensuring that only significant signals are considered.
Background Coloring : The background color changes based on the buy and sell signals for easy visualization (user can toggle this on/off).
Signal Labels : Labels with arrows are plotted on the chart, showing the signal type (buy/sell), the entry price, TP, and SL levels.
Estimated ES Price Target : The estimated price target for ES futures is plotted on the chart.
Correlation and Beta Dashboard : A table displayed in the top right corner shows the current correlation and beta values for relative to the ES futures contract.
Traders can customize the following parameters to tailor the indicator to their specific needs:
Input Symbols : Change the symbols for BTC, DXY, CL, and ES.
Correlation Length : Adjust the number of periods used for calculating correlation.
Standard Deviation Length : Adjust the number of periods used for calculating standard deviation.
Lookback Period for Beta : Change the lookback period for calculating beta.
Volatility Filter Length : Modify the length of the volatility filter.
Volatility Threshold : Set a threshold for adjusting the lookback period based on volatility.
Plotting Options : Customize the colors and line widths of the plotted elements.
Funding Rate [CryptoSea]The Funding Rate Indicator by is a comprehensive tool designed to analyze funding rates across multiple cryptocurrency exchanges. This indicator is essential for traders who want to monitor funding rates and their impact on market trends.
Key Features
Exchange Coverage: Includes data from major exchanges such as Binance, Bitmex, Bybit, HTX, Kraken, OKX, Bitstamp, and Coinbase.
Perpetual Futures and Spot Markets: Fetches and analyzes pricing data from both perpetual futures and spot markets to provide a holistic view.
Smoothing and Customization: Allows users to smooth funding rates using a moving average, with customizable MA lengths for tailored analysis.
Dynamic Candle Coloring: Option to color candles based on trading conditions, enhancing visual analysis.
In the example below, the indicator shows how the funding rate shifts with market conditions, providing clear visual cues for bullish and bearish trends.
How it Works
Data Integration: Uses a secure security fetching function to retrieve pricing data while preventing look-ahead bias, ensuring accurate and reliable information.
TWAP Calculation: Computes Time-Weighted Average Prices (TWAP) for both perpetual futures and spot prices, forming the basis for funding rate calculations.
Funding Rate Calculation: Determines the raw funding rate by comparing TWAPs of perpetual futures and spot prices, then applies smoothing to highlight significant trends.
Color Coding: Highlights the funding rate with distinct colors (bullish and bearish), making it easier to interpret market conditions at a glance.
In the example below, the indicator effectively differentiates between bullish and bearish funding rates, aiding traders in making informed decisions based on current market dynamics.
Market Analysis: Enables traders to analyze the impact of funding rates on market trends, facilitating more strategic decision-making.
Trend Identification: Assists in identifying potential market reversals by monitoring shifts in funding rates.
Customizable Settings: Provides extensive input settings for exchange selection, MA length, and candle coloring, allowing for personalized analysis.
The Funding Rate Indicator by is a powerful addition to any trader's toolkit, offering detailed insights into funding rates across multiple exchanges to navigate the cryptocurrency market effectively.
Total Cross CalculatorThe Indicator calculates the total number of the death and golden crosses in the total chart which can help the moving average user to compare the number of signals generated by the moving average pair in the given timeframe.
If Indicator is not plotting anything then right click on the indicator's scale and click on "Auto(data fits the screen)" option.
Please visit it's previous version if you want to use the indicator on the moving averages created by yourself. Link is here
CPR by MTThe CPR indicator, or Central Pivot Range indicator, is a technical analysis tool used in trading to identify potential support and resistance levels based on the price action of a security. Developed by pivot point theory, it is particularly popular among day traders and swing traders. The CPR indicator consists of three lines:
1. **Pivot Point (PP):** This is the central line and is calculated as the average of the high, low, and closing prices from the previous trading period.
2. **Top Central Pivot (TC):** This is calculated by subtracting the low from the PP and then adding the result to the PP.
3. **Bottom Central Pivot (BC):** This is calculated by subtracting the high from the PP and then adding the result to the PP.
### How to Use the CPR Indicator
- **Trend Identification:** A wide CPR range indicates low volatility and a potential sideways or consolidation phase. A narrow CPR range indicates high volatility and a potential strong trending move.
- **Support and Resistance:** The top and bottom central pivots act as immediate resistance and support levels. If the price is above the TC, it indicates a bullish sentiment, while if it is below the BC, it indicates a bearish sentiment.
- **Entry and Exit Points:** Traders use the CPR lines to determine optimal entry and exit points. For example, if the price breaks above the TC and sustains, it may signal a buy opportunity, whereas a drop below the BC may signal a sell opportunity.
### Practical Example
Suppose a stock had a high of $105, a low of $95, and a closing price of $100 on the previous day. The CPR levels for the next day would be calculated as follows:
1. **Pivot Point (PP):**
2. **Top Central Pivot (TC):**
3. **Bottom Central Pivot (BC):**
The levels for the next day would be PP = $100, TC = $110, and BC = $90. Traders would then use these levels to assess potential trading strategies based on where the price moves relative to these levels.
### Conclusion
The CPR indicator is a useful tool for traders looking to understand market conditions and make informed decisions about entry and exit points. Its effectiveness comes from its ability to highlight key price levels derived from historical price data, helping traders predict potential market movements.
Johnny's Trend Lines, Supports and ResistancesInspired and based on ismailcarlik's Trend Lines, Supports and Resistances.
Additions include an overall upgrade to Pinescript v5, changes in the way resistance and support levels are calculated, improved visual queues, and additional customization options.
This indicator is meticulously crafted to provide traders with visual tools for identifying trend lines, support, and resistance levels, enhancing the decision-making process in trading activities.
Features and Functionality
Trend Lines: The indicator allows users to enable or disable trend lines, adjust the number of points to check for establishing a trend, and set parameters for trend validation, including the maximum violation and exceptions for the last bars.
Support and Resistance: It offers tools to identify and visualize key support and resistance levels based on recent pivot points. This includes adjustable parameters for the maximum violations allowed and the exclusion of recent bars from the analysis.
Pivot Points: Users can define the pivot length for calculating highs and lows, which helps in marking significant pivot points that are instrumental in trend analysis.
Alerts and Notifications: The indicator is equipped with customizable alerts for trend line breaches and pivot point formations, which can be set to trigger at different frequencies based on user preference.
How It Works
Input Flexibility: Users can adjust various settings like the length of trend lines and pivot points, enabling or disabling specific features like marking pivots, and managing alert settings directly from the indicator’s input panel.
Dynamic Analysis: By analyzing the price action relative to the calculated trend lines and pivot points, the indicator dynamically identifies potential trend reversals, continuations, and significant price levels.
Visualization: It plots trend lines and marks support and resistance levels directly on the chart, with options to extend these lines and add labels for better clarity. Violated trend lines can be visually differentiated by changing their style and width.
Practical Application
Trend Line Strategy: Traders can use the trend lines to determine the strength of the current market trend and to spot potential reversal points.
Support and Resistance Strategy: By marking where the price has historically faced resistance or found support, traders can plan entry and exit points, set stop-loss orders, or identify breakout opportunities.
Pivot Points Strategy: Pivot points serve as vital indicators for intraday trading or long-term trend analysis, providing insights into potential support and resistance levels.
Customization and Alerts
Custom Alerts: Traders can set alerts for when the price crosses trend lines or when new support or resistance levels are formed, helping them stay informed of critical market movements without having to continuously monitor the charts.
Visual Customization: Users can personalize the appearance of trend lines and labels, choosing from a variety of colors and styles to match their chart setup or preferences.
"Johnny's Trend Lines, Supports and Resistances" is an essential tool for traders who rely on technical analysis, offering detailed insights and real-time updates on market conditions, trend strength, and potential price barriers.
Profitability Power RatioProfitability Power Ratio
The Profitability Power Ratio is a financial metric designed to assess the efficiency of a company's operations by evaluating the relationship between its Enterprise Value (EV) and Return on Equity (ROE). This ratio provides insights into how effectively a company generates profits relative to its equity and overall valuation.
Qualities and Interpretations:
1. Efficiency Benchmark: The Profitability Power Ratio serves as a benchmark for evaluating how efficiently a company utilizes its equity capital to generate profits. A higher ratio indicates that the company is generating significant profits relative to its valuation, reflecting efficient use of invested capital.
2. Financial Health Indicator: This ratio can be used as an indicator of financial health. A consistently high or improving ratio over time suggests strong operational efficiency and sustainable profitability.
3. Investment Considerations: Investors can use this ratio to assess the attractiveness of an investment opportunity. A high ratio may signal potential for good returns, but it's important to consider the underlying reasons for the ratio's level to avoid misinterpretation.
4. Risk Evaluation: An excessively high Profitability Power Ratio could also signal elevated risk. It may indicate aggressive financial leveraging or unsustainable growth expectations, which could pose risks during economic downturns or market fluctuations.
Interpreting the Ratio:
1. Higher Ratio: A higher Profitability Power Ratio typically signifies efficient capital utilization and strong profitability relative to the company's valuation.
2. Lower Ratio: A lower ratio may suggest inefficiencies in capital allocation or lower profitability relative to enterprise value.
3. Benchmarking: Compare the company's ratio with industry peers and historical performance to gain deeper insights into its financial standing and operational efficiency.
Using the Indicator:
The Profitability Power Ratio is plotted on a chart to visualize trends and fluctuations over time. Users can customize the color of the plot to emphasize this metric and integrate it into their financial analysis toolkit for comprehensive decision-making.
Disclaimer: The Profitability Power Ratio is a financial metric designed for informational purposes only and should not be considered as financial or investment advice. Users should conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions based on this indicator. Past performance is not indicative of future results. All investments involve risks, and users are encouraged to consult with a qualified financial advisor or professional before making investment decisions.
Dividend-to-ROE RatioDividend-to-ROE Ratio Indicator
The Dividend-to-ROE Ratio indicator offers valuable insights into a company's dividend distribution relative to its profitability, specifically comparing the Dividend Payout Ratio (proportion of earnings as dividends) to the Return on Equity (ROE), a measure of profitability from shareholder equity.
1. Higher Ratio: A higher Dividend-to-ROE Ratio suggests a stable dividend policy, where a significant portion of earnings is returned to shareholders. This can indicate consistent dividend payments, often appealing to income-seeking investors.
2. Lower Ratio: Conversely, a lower ratio implies that the company retains more earnings for growth, potentially signaling a focus on reinvestment for future expansion rather than immediate dividend payouts.
3. Excessively High Ratio: An exceptionally high ratio may raise concerns. While it could reflect a generous dividend policy, excessively high ratios might indicate that a company is distributing more earnings than it can sustainably afford. This could potentially hinder the company's ability to reinvest in its operations, research, or navigate economic downturns effectively.
Utility and Applications:
The Dividend-to-ROE Ratio can be particularly useful in the following scenarios:
1. Income-Oriented Investors: For investors seeking consistent dividend income, a higher ratio signifies a company's commitment to distributing profits to shareholders, potentially aligning with income-oriented investment strategies.
2. Financial Health Assessment: Analysts and stakeholders can use this ratio to gauge a company's financial health and dividend sustainability. It provides insights into management's capital allocation decisions and strategic focus.
3. Comparative Analysis: When comparing companies within the same industry, this ratio helps in benchmarking dividend policies and identifying outliers with unusually high or low ratios.
1. Contextual Analysis: Interpretation should be contextualized within industry standards and the company's financial history. Comparing the ratio with peers in the same sector can provide meaningful insights.
2. Financial Health: It's crucial to evaluate this indicator alongside other financial metrics (like cash flow, debt levels, and profit margins) to grasp the company's overall financial health and sustainability of its dividend policy.
Disclaimer: This indicator is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Investors should conduct thorough research and consult with financial professionals before making investment decisions based on this ratio.
CAPEX RatioUnderstanding the CAPEX Ratio: An Essential Financial Metric
In the world of finance, understanding how companies allocate their resources and reinvest their earnings is crucial for investors and analysts. One fundamental metric used to assess a company's investment behavior is the CAPEX Ratio. This article delves into what the CAPEX Ratio signifies, its advantages, and how to interpret its implications.
What is the CAPEX Ratio?
The CAPEX Ratio, short for Capital Expenditure Ratio, is a financial indicator that measures the proportion of a company's capital expenditures (CAPEX) relative to various financial metrics such as revenue, free cash flow, net income, or total assets. CAPEX represents investments made by a company to acquire or maintain its physical assets.
Interpreting the Results
Each variant of the CAPEX Ratio provides unique insights into a company's financial strategy:
• CAPEX to Revenue Ratio: This ratio shows what portion of a company's revenue is being reinvested into capital investments. A higher ratio might indicate aggressive expansion plans or a need for infrastructure upgrades.
• CAPEX to Free Cash Flow Ratio: By comparing CAPEX with free cash flow, this ratio reveals how much of a company's available cash is dedicated to capital investments. It helps assess financial health and sustainability.
• CAPEX to Net Income Ratio: This ratio measures how much of a company's net income is being channeled back into capital expenditures. A high ratio relative to net income could signal a company's commitment to growth and development.
• CAPEX to Total Assets Ratio: This metric assesses the proportion of total assets being allocated towards capital expenditures. It provides a perspective on the company's investment intensity relative to its overall asset base.
Advantages of Using CAPEX Ratios
• Insight into Investment Strategy: Helps investors understand where a company is directing its resources.
• Evaluation of Financial Health: Indicates how efficiently a company is reinvesting profits or available cash.
• Comparative Analysis: Enables comparisons across companies or industries to gauge investment priorities.
How to Use the CAPEX Ratio
• Comparative Analysis: Compare the CAPEX Ratios over time or against industry peers to spot trends or outliers.
• Investment Decision-Making: Consider CAPEX Ratios alongside other financial metrics when making investment decisions.
In conclusion, the CAPEX Ratio is a valuable financial metric that offers deep insights into a company's investment behavior and financial health. By analyzing different variants of this ratio, investors and analysts can make informed decisions about a company's growth prospects and financial stability.
Correlated Movement Indicator V2Hello!
This script was briefly known as as Bing Chilling. I converted this to Pine Script V5 to ensure compliance with publishing requirements.
This script tracks RSI and inserts an indicator when correlated movement is detected. Proximity of current tick to indicator origin tick determines freshness of the indicator.
DO NOT sit on the indicator for a long time. This is not a magic solution. It is very accurate but, not always precise. Ensure that you use other factors to determine the relevance of the indicator on current tick. This script can technically be used on any security/commodity/currency. Your Mileage May Vary! Proceed with caution as always.
General Workflow:
Look at proximity to where the flag is placed, general volatility, and other indicators and you can potentially determine the direction/strength. Not always the duration. The indicator could be for 30s, 1hr, 1 day, or whatever the market feels like. It depends on precision/quantity of pricing data. ex. 30min tick rate pricing vs. 1 day tick rate pricing will change the scope.
So if the time scope shows all sell from 1 week -> 3 months except for a couple recent buy indicators on the day, then it may be a bad call long term but, might be good for a short term play. Very volatile. Careful.
If it was all green with long term indicators such as 1 month -> 1 year, then it looks more like a buy and forget type strategy.
If it's all green with a recent red then you can try and figure out what the relative the bottom is so you can buy for long term at a slightly more favorable price.
Flip all that for shorting. I highly recommend AGAINST shorting since the stakes are very different and usually involves taking out what is essentially a loan to bet against the market.
This script pairs nicely with the top pick indicator when you search "Heiken Ashi". I use that to determine peaks and pits to better guess a good time to open a position.
This should be used alongside other indicators. Good for short term day trading and long term hold and forget. (Don't actually forget. Set some alerts periodically.)
Please use caution. Please do not take what I've said here as fact and diamond pepe hands bet all on green to the moon. This, like all the other strategies and indicators on this site, are used as tools to inform you about potential and to categorize/depict data in a more human recognizable way. If you have access to a paper account try there first.
Happy trading!
- Zetsu
Engulfing CandlesThis script serves as the "Engulfing Candles" indicator in TradingView. Here's what it does:
- It identifies bullish candlestick patterns where the current candle's high is lower than the previous candle's high, the current candle's low is higher than the previous candle's low, the current candle's close is higher than the previous candle's close, and the current candle's open is higher than the previous candle's open. It also identifies bearish candlestick patterns where the conditions are reversed.
- The indicator colors bullish candles in a specific color (Yellow Green) to visually highlight the bullish pattern, and colors bearish candles in another color (Purple pink) to visually highlight the bearish pattern.
- Additionally, it triggers an alert when either the bullish or bearish triangle shape appears, notifying traders with the message "A Southern Star Shadows pattern has appeared!"
Support and Resistance Polynomial Regressions | Flux ChartsOverview
This script is a dynamic form of support and resistance. Support and resistance plots areas where price commonly reverses its direction or “pivots”. A resistance line for instance is typically found by locating a price point where multiple high pivots occur. A high pivot is where a price increases for a number of bars then decreases for a number of bars creating a local maximum. This script takes the high pivots points but rather than using a horizontal line a polynomial regressed line is used.
It is common to see consecutive higher highs or lower lows or a mixed pattern of both so a classical support or resistance line can be insufficient. This script lets users find a polynomial of best fit for high pivots and low pivots creating a resistance and support line respectively.
Here are the same two sets of high and low pivots the first using linear regressed support and resistance lines the second using quadratic.
Here are the predicted results:
The Quadratic regression gives a much more accurate prediction of future pivot areas and the increase in variance of the data.
Quick Start
Add the script to the chart. Then select a left point and right point on the chart. This will be the data the script uses to calculate a best fit resistance line. Then select another left and right point that will be for the support line.
Now you can confirm your basic settings like the type of regression: Linear Regression, Quadratic Regression, Cubic Regression or Custom Regression.
After confirming the lines will be plotted on the graph.
Custom Polynomial Regression Setting
Polynomials follow the form:
The degree of a polynomial is the highest exponent in the equation. For example the polynomial ax^2 + bx + c has a degree of 2.
Here are the default polynomial options and their equivalent custom polynomial entry:
This allows us to create regressions with a custom number of inflection points. An inflection point is a point where the graph changes from concave up to concave down or vice versa. The maximum number of inflection points a polynomial can have is the degree - 2. Having multiple inflection points in our regression allows for having a closer fit minimizing error.
It should be noted that having a closer fit is not inherently better; this can cause overfitting. Overfitting is when a model is too closely fit to the training data and not generalizable to the population data.
Support Resistance & Ema
The "Support Resistance & Ema" indicator combines various strategies to assist traders in identifying significant support and resistance levels on the chart and in following trends through exponential moving averages (EMA). This script is designed to be versatile and useful in different trading strategies.
Key Features:
Support and Resistance: It utilizes pivot highs and lows to pinpoint support and resistance levels. These levels are plotted on the chart with lines that change color based on trend reversals.
Trend Identification: The indicator follows trends using four conditions:
_hh: Higher highs and higher lows, indicating an uptrend.
_ll: Lower highs and lower lows, indicating a downtrend.
_hl: Higher highs and lower lows, indicating weakening uptrend or an impending reversal.
_lh: Lower highs and higher lows, indicating weakening downtrend or an impending reversal.
Exponential Moving Averages (EMA): It also displays various EMAs (9, 21, 50, 100, 200) on the chart to provide further insights into the trend direction.
Support and Resistance: Support and resistance lines are automatically plotted on the chart. Trend reversals are highlighted by changing the color of the lines.
Trend Identification: The _hh, _ll, _hl, _lh conditions help identify trend changes. When one of these conditions is met, it indicates a particular configuration of highs and lows that might suggest a trading opportunity.
Exponential Moving Averages (EMA): The EMAs are plotted on the chart and can be used to confirm trends identified by the main indicator.
To use this script, you need to add it as an indicator to your trading chart. Once applied, the support, resistance lines, and EMAs will be visible on the chart, providing traders with valuable information to make informed trading decisions.
In summary, this script offers a comprehensive way to identify significant support and resistance levels, spot market trends, and confirm those trends through the use of exponential moving averages.
CME Gap Detector [CryptoSea]The CME Gap Indicator , is a tool designed to identify and visualize potential price gaps in the cryptocurrency market, particularly focusing on gaps that occur during the weekend trading sessions. By highlighting these gaps, traders can gain insights into potential market movements and anticipate price behavior.
Key Features
Gap Identification: The indicator identifies gaps in price between the Friday close and the subsequent opening price on Monday. It plots these gaps on the chart, allowing traders to easily visualize and analyze their significance.
Weekend Price Comparison: It compares the closing price on Friday with the opening price on Monday to determine whether a gap exists and its magnitude.
Customizable Visualization: Traders have the option to customize the visualization of the gaps, including the color scheme for better clarity and visibility on the chart.
Neutral Candle Color Option: Users can choose to display neutral candle colors, enhancing the readability of the chart and reducing visual clutter.
How it Works
Data Fetching and Calculation: The indicator fetches the daily close price and calculates whether a gap exists between the Friday close and the subsequent Monday opening price.
Plotting: It plots the current price and the previous Friday's close on the chart, making it easy for traders to compare and analyze.
Gradient Fill: The indicator incorporates a gradient fill feature to visually represent the magnitude of the gap, providing additional insights into market sentiment.
Weekend Line Logic: It includes logic to identify Sunday bars and mark them on the chart, aiding traders in distinguishing weekend trading sessions.
Gap Trading Strategy: Traders can use the identified gaps as potential entry or exit points in their trading strategies, considering the tendency of price to fill gaps over time.
Market Sentiment Analysis: Analyzing the presence and size of weekend gaps can provide valuable insights into market sentiment and participant behavior.
Risk Management: Understanding the existence and significance of gaps can help traders manage their risk exposure and make informed decisions.
The CME Gap indicator offers traders a valuable tool for analyzing weekend price gaps in the cryptocurrency market, empowering them to make informed trading decisions and capitalize on market opportunities.
US Net LiquidityAnalysis of US Net Liquidity: A Comprehensive Overview
The "US Net Liquidity" indicator offers a detailed analysis of liquidity conditions within the United States, drawing insights from critical financial metrics related to the Federal Reserve (FED) and other government accounts. This tool enables economists to assess liquidity dynamics, identify trends, and inform economic decision-making.
Key Metrics and Interpretation:
1. Smoothing Period: This parameter adjusts the level of detail in the analysis by applying a moving average to the liquidity data. A longer smoothing period results in a smoother trend line, useful for identifying broader liquidity patterns over time.
2. Data Source (Timeframe): Specifies the timeframe of the data used for analysis, typically daily (D). Different timeframes can provide varying perspectives on liquidity trends.
3. Data Categories:
- FED Balance Sheet: Represents the assets and liabilities of the Federal Reserve, offering insights into monetary policy and market interventions.
- US Treasury General Account (TGA): Tracks the balance of the US Treasury's general account, reflecting government cash management and financial stability.
- Overnight Reverse Repurchase Agreements (RRP): Highlights short-term borrowing and lending operations between financial institutions and the Federal Reserve, influencing liquidity conditions.
- Earnings Remittances to the Treasury: Indicates revenues transferred to the US Treasury from various sources, impacting government cash flow and liquidity.
4. Moving Average Length: Determines the duration of the moving average applied to the data. A longer moving average length smoothens out short-term fluctuations, emphasizing longer-term liquidity trends.
Variation Lookback Length: Specifies the historical period used to assess changes and variations in liquidity. A longer lookback length captures more extended trends and fluctuations.
1. Data Retrieval: Real-time data from specified financial instruments (assets) is retrieved to calculate balances for each category (FED, TGA, RRP, Earnings Remittances).
2. Global Balance Calculation: The global liquidity balance is computed by aggregating the balances of individual categories (FED Balance - TGA Balance - RRP Balance - Earnings Remittances Balance). This metric provides a comprehensive view of net liquidity.
3. Smoothed Global Balance (SMA): The Simple Moving Average (SMA) is applied to the global liquidity balance to enhance clarity and identify underlying trends. A rising SMA suggests improving liquidity conditions, while a declining SMA may indicate tightening liquidity.
Insight Generation and Decision-Making:
1. Trend Analysis: By analyzing smoothed liquidity trends over time, economists can identify periods of liquidity surplus or deficit, which can inform monetary policy decisions and market interventions.
2. Forecasting: Understanding liquidity dynamics aids in economic forecasting, particularly in predicting market liquidity, interest rate movements, and financial stability.
3. Policy Implications: Insights derived from this analysis tool can guide policymakers in formulating effective monetary policies, managing government cash flow, and ensuring financial stability.
The "US Net Liquidity" analysis tool serves as a valuable resource for economists, offering a data-driven approach to understanding liquidity dynamics within the US economy. By interpreting key metrics and trends, economists can make informed decisions and contribute to macroeconomic stability and growth.
Disclaimer: This analysis is based on real-time financial data and should be used for informational purposes only. It is not intended as financial advice or a substitute for professional expertise.
Kaspa Power LawSimple Power Law Indicator for Kaspa with addition of adjustable bands above and below the Power Law Price. Best used on Logarithmic view on Daily Time Frame.
Futures Auto Levels [NariCapitalTrading]Futures Auto Levels Indicator
The "Futures Auto Levels" (FAL) indicator shows the previous day's levels, weekly open, high, low, and the Initial Balance Range (IBR).
Indicator Components
The FAL indicator comprises the following components:
Previous Day's Levels: These include the open, high, low, and close of the previous trading day. They are represented on the chart by lines and labels, helping to identify significant price levels from the prior session.
Weekly Open, High, Low: These levels represent the open, high, and low prices of the current trading week.
Initial Balance Range (IBR): The IBR is calculated based on the price range during the first 60 minutes of the trading day. It helps identify initial trading range and potential breakout levels.
How to Use the Indicator
1. Previous Day's Levels:
Monitor the previous day's open, high, low, and close to identify key support and resistance levels.
Use these levels to gauge market sentiment and potential price reversals.
2. Weekly Open, High, Low:
Pay attention to the weekly open, high, and low to understand the market's behavior within the weekly timeframe.
These levels can act as reference points for setting profit targets and stop-loss orders.
3. Initial Balance Range (IBR):
Watch for price movements within the IBR to identify potential trading opportunities.
Breakouts above or below the IBR may signal the beginning of a new trend or continuation of the current trend.
Suggested/Potential Strategies
Reversal Trading: Look for price reversals around previous day's levels, especially when they coincide with other technical indicators or significant support/resistance zones.
Trend Following: Follow the trend by trading breakouts above/below the IBR or weekly high/low levels. Use trailing stops to capture profits while the trend remains intact.
Range Trading: Trade within the IBR when the market is consolidating. Buy near the IBR low and sell near the IBR high, with tight stop-loss orders to manage risk.
The Futures Auto Levels indicator is designed to help incorporate levels into trading analysis and trading strategies to improve profitability and consistency.
The Next Pivot (With History) [Mxwll]Introducing "The Next Pivot (With History)"!
With permission from the author @KioseffTrading
The script "The Next Pivot" has been restructured to show historical projections!
Find the most similar price sequence per time frame change.
Forecast almost any public indicator! Not just price!
Forecast any session i.e. 4Hr, 1Hr, 15m, 1D, 1W
Forecast ZigZag for any session
Absolute Difference
Cosine Similarity
Mean Squared Error
Forecasted linear regression channel
The image above shows/explains some of the indicator's capabilities!
Additionally, you can project almost any indicator!
Should load times permit it, the script can search all bar history for a correlating sequence. This won't always be possible, contingent on the forecast length, correlation length, and the number of bars on the chart.
If a load time error occurs, simple reduce the "Bars Back To Search" parameter!
The script can only draw 500 bars into the future. For whatever time frame you are on and the session you wish to project, ensure it will not exceeded a 500-bar forecast!
Reasonable Assessment
The script uses various similarity measures to find the "most similar" price sequence to what's currently happening. Once found, the subsequent price move (to the most similar sequence) is recorded and projected forward.
1: Script finds most similar price sequence
2: Script takes what happened after and projects forward
While this may be useful, the projection is simply the reaction to a possible one-off "similarity" to what's currently happening. Random fluctuations are likely and, if occurring, similarities between the current price sequence and the "most similar" sequence are plausibly coincidental.
Monte Carlo Shuffled Projection [LuxAlgo]The Monte Carlo Shuffled Projection tool randomly simulates future price points based on historical bar movements made within a user-selected window.
The tool shows potential paths price might take in the future, as well as highlighting potential support/resistance levels.
Note that simulations and their resulting elements are subject to slight changes over time.
By randomly simulating bar movements, a range is developed of potential price action which could be utilized to locate future price development as well as potential support/resistance levels.
Performing a large number of simulations and taking the average at each step will converge toward the result highlighted by the "Average Line", and can point out where the price might develop assuming the trend and amount of volatility persist.
Current closing price + Sum of changes in the calculation window)
This constraint will cause the simulations to always display an endpoint consistent with the current lookback's slope.
While this may be helpful to some traders, this indicator includes an option to produce a less biased range as seen below:
The Monte Carlo Shuffled Projection tool creates simulations based on the most recent prices within a user-set window. Simulations are done as follows:
Collect each bar's price changes in the user-set window.
Randomize the order of each change in the window.
Project the cumulative sum of the shuffled changes from the current closing price.
Collect data on each point along the way.
This is the process for the Default calculation, for the 'Randomize Direction' calculation, when added onto the front for every other change, the value is inverted, creating the randomized endpoints for each simulation.
The script contains each simulation's data for that bar with a maximum of 1000 simulations.
To get a glimpse behind the scenes each simulation (up to 99) can be viewed using the 'Visualize Simulations' Options as seen below.
Because the script holds the full simulation data, the script can also do calculations on this data, such as calculating standard deviations.
In this script the Standard deviation lines are the average of all standard deviations across the vertical data groups, this provides a singular value that can be displayed a distance away from the simulation center line.
Color and Toggle Options are Provided throughout.
Lookback: Sets the number of Bars to include in calculations.
Simulation Count: Sets the number of randomized simulations to calculate. (Max 1000)
Randomize Direction: See Details Above. Creates a more 'Normalized' Distribution
Visualize Simulations: See Details Above. Turns on Visualizations, and colors are randomly generated. Visualized max does not cap the calculated max. If 1000 simulations are used, the data will be from 1000 simulations, however only the last 99 simulations will be visualized.
Standard Deviation Multiplier: Sets the multiplier to use for the Standard Deviation distance away from the center line.
BTC Backwardation SearcherThis Pine Script code is a custom indicator named "BTC Backwardation Searcher" designed for the TradingView platform. The indicator aims to identify and visualize the price difference between two Bitcoin futures contracts: CME:BTC1! and CME:BTC2!.
Here's a breakdown of the code:
1. The script fetches the daily close prices of CME:BTC1! and CME:BTC2! using the security() function.
2. It calculates the percentage price difference between the two contracts using the formula: (btc1Price - btc2Price) / btc2Price * 100.
3. The script also calculates the price difference for the previous two days (2 days ago and 3 days ago) using the same formula.
4. Two conditions are defined:
(1) dailyGreenCondition: If the price difference is greater than or equal to 0.3% for three
consecutive days, including the current day and the previous two days.
(2) dailyRedCondition(commented): If the price difference is less than or equal to -1% for three consecutive days, including the current day and the previous two days.
(I commented it out because I don't think it's useful.)
5. The plotshape() function is used to display green triangles on the chart when the dailyGreenCondition is met, and red triangles when the dailyRedCondition is met. These triangles are displayed on the daily, weekly, and monthly timeframes.
The purpose of this indicator is to help traders identify potential trading opportunities based on the price difference between the two Bitcoin futures contracts. The green triangles suggest a bullish scenario where CME:BTC1! is significantly higher than CME:BTC2!, while the red triangles indicate a bearish scenario where CME:BTC2! is significantly lower than CME:BTC1!.
However, it's important to note that this indicator should be used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and fundamental analysis. Traders should also consider their risk tolerance, investment goals, and market conditions before making any trading decisions based on this indicator.
FVG Breakaway/3rd Candle (Arjo) [MK]Simple script to identify FVGs (Fair Value Gaps) on the current chart timeframe. The script differs from other FVG indicators on the Tradingview platform by using Arjos 3rd candle rule to identify which gaps are 'Breakway Gaps' and which Gaps are likely to be returned to.
NOTE: As with all 'trading rules' this theory is not 100% accurate.
default settings:
Breakaway Gaps = YELLOW
Gaps that price may return to = GREEN
Mitigated Gaps = 100% TRANSPARENT
What is a FVG:
A FVG is a price area defined by a 3 candle pattern. For a bullish FVG, the low of the 3rd candle must be higher than the high of the 1st candle. This then leaves an area that is drawn as in the example below:
A bearish FVG is defined by the high of the 3rd candle being lower than the low of the 1st candle, as shown in the example below:
FVGs can act like magnets where price will either retrace to or reach for, therefore they can be used as entry points and also for take profit target levels.
If for example, a trader would like to use an FVG for an entry, it would be useful to know which FVGs are more likely for price to re-enter and which FVG will be left un-touched. FVGs that are likely to be left un-touched by price are called 'Breakaway Gaps'.
How do we define a 'Breakaway Gap':
First we identify FVGs using the rules stated above, then we look to see where the 3rd candle closed in relation to the 2nd candle. For a bullish 'Breakaway Gap' we want to see the 3rd candle close above the high of the 2nd candle. An example of a bullish Breakaway Gap is shown in the example below:
A bearish 'Breakaway Gap' is defined by the close of the 3rd candle being lower than the low of the 2nd candle. An example is shown below:
How do we define an FVG that price may return to:
Any gap that does not meet the above rules for a 'Breakway Gap' is therefore considered an FVG that price may return to. So for a bullish FVG that price may return to we would look to see if the close of the 3rd candle is above the high of the 2nd candle. If it is not above the high of the 2nd candle then it more likely that price will retrace into the FVG before continuing higher. An example is shown below:
A bearish gap that price may return to is defined by the close of the 3rd candle not being lower than the low of the 2nd candle. An example is shown below:
The indicator is based on the teachings of 'Arjo'. Note: breakaway gaps will only remain 'breakaway' until a liquidity level is reached. Breakaways therefore do not remain 'breakaway' forever. Users of the indicators must fully comprehend this theory before using the indicator with live markets.
Users of the script should be fully aware of this concept and also have conducted thorough backtesting using a large data set before using this indicator with live accounts.