Average Range Levels [Pro+]Description:
The Average Range Levels builds on the concepts of ADR projections showcased in its lite version.
Average Daily Range (ADR) is a common metric used to measure volatility in an asset. It calculates the average difference between the highest and lowest price over a time interval – normally five days.
The Inner Circle Trader teaches the importance of this metric from an algorithmic point of view; in particular the 1/3ADR price level is deemed to be a threshold used to determine the area at which a Judas Swing – false move to trick market participants, protraction, manipulation – might exhaust.
Another key difference in the ICT-use of this metric compared to the classic approach is that the average range is calculated from New York midnight Time, rather than the daily candle's open.
This exact concept was upscaled to higher Timeframe fractals obtaining the Average Weekly Range (AWR) and the Average Monthly Range (AMR). The latter two metrics are anchored at the first Monday’s midnight (New York Time) of the respective interval – however they also have the option to be anchored at the True Week Open (Tuesday’s Daily Open) and True Month Open (Second Week Open).
It is crucial to remember that the elements of Time are key when it comes to interpreting how price action will, or won't, react to these levels: what Time of the day is it? what day of the week? what week of the month?
If one thinks about the Power of Three of a candle (Accumulation, Manipulation Distribution), it is highly unlikely that a Manipulation event will happen later in the candle’s development – seeing the 1/3ADR hold in London session or New York open, seeing the 1/3AWR hold on Tuesday or Wednesday, or seeing price race to the 1/3AMR early on in the month gives undeniable edge to an Analyst.
Apart from the 1/3 level seen from a Judas perspective, the opposing 1/3 level, and the full AR projections, are excellent algorithmic levels at which we will see orderflow or reactions worth studying. These can be take profit targets, reversal opportunities, pyramid entries, …
Last but not least, the tool is equipped with a Data Table. You have a clear narrative but you are unsure of when price will expand? Track the previous 5 ARs and the current Range for Daily, Weekly, and Monthly – the smaller the AR the higher the chance for an expansion, the larger the AR the higher the chance for a consolidation.
Tool Features:
Auto Color the drawings based on your chart’s background or choose your own
Decide whether to consider daily candles, or New York (00:00 to 00:00 NY Time) for the basis of the calculation
Show the last 10 Historical Levels
– See the AR Range, the AR price levels and 1/3AR price levels by hovering over the text labels
Plot the AR levels from their Time Anchor, or as offset markers on the side for a cleaner look
Show/Hide all elements individually
In the Idea below, you can see how INDEX:BTCUSD hit the 1/3AMR level at the end of the second week of the month. The subsequent rejection from this level suggests we might have witnessed a Judas Swing, hence we flip to bullish bias.
In the more recent AWR levels, we can see how price did not touch any level until friday – this is a consolidation week with low probability setups. This was expected, if one looks at the precious two week's ranges and respective average ranges in the Data Table: both breached the AR value, due to to the great expansion higher.
Lastly for the ADR levels we can see how the Judas higher got beautifully stopped at the 1/3 level, and the full ADR level on the opposite side catches price while it falls.
To Get Access, and Level Up see the Author's Instructions below!
This indicator is available only on the TradingView platform.
⚠️ Intellectual Property Rights ⚠️
While this tool's base concepts are public, its interpretation, code, and presentation are protected intellectual property. Unauthorized copying or distribution is prohibited.
⚠️ Terms and Conditions ⚠️
This financial tool is for educational purposes only and not financial advice. Users assume responsibility for decisions made based on the tool's information. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. By using this tool, users agree to these terms.
MTF Smart Money ConceptsOverview
This indicator displays major elements of Smart Money Concepts and price action trading with multi-timeframes(MTF) and layered market structures with color visualization.
What is Smart Money Concepts?
Smart Money Concepts(SMC) is one of the methodologies to interpret how financial market moves and to analyze it and execute trades, focusing on liquidity and order flow of financial institutions.
Smart money means the funds invested by large financial institutions such as banks, institutional traders/investors, market makers, hedge funds etc. contrary to retail traders/investors' money.
It is important to note that there is no proof or evidence that those institutions move the market as described in Smart Money Concepts.
Personally speaking, it is one of the interpretation of the market and another angle to view the market just like other technical analysis methodologies such as Elliott Wave Principle, Gann Theory, Wyckoff Method and even traditional price action trading.
Importance of MTF Analysis
MTF analysis(a.k.a Topdown analysis) is the foundation to technically analyze charts and the most fundamental skill in trading because lower timeframes are always influenced by upper timeframes where large financial institutions operate.
How to use
This indicator is designed to help traders analyze how the market moves in terms of SMC and price action with multi-timeframes and color visualization of the market structures, which makes this indicator unique and different from other indicators.
There is two key settings that you can use based on your trading style.
1.Upper timeframe selection
You have two options to determine upper timeframe; Auto mode and Manual mode.
When Auto mode selected, upper timeframe will be determined based on chart timeframe as follows.
Chart timeframe => Upper timeframe
If you select Manual mode, you can fix an upper timeframe.
2.High/low settings
This affects all other settings of the indicator and most importantly designs the market structure.
This is the key setting to determine how you view the market as price action trading is all about highs and lows and story of how highs and lows have been created with the market structure.
You can specify left bars and right bars to identify swing highs/lows and these highs/lows become the basis to design the market structure and determine how SMC elements are displayed.
Left bar&right bar: 10
You can see bigger wave(magenta line) in the market structure(stepped line).
(Magenta line is a drawn object by manual)
Left bar&right bar: 4
With this setting, you can see smaller wave in the market structure.
Since market moves like wave as there is a lot of wave theories in financial investment/trading industry such as Elliott wave, Wolf wave etc., users can define market structure with this setting depending on what degree of wave they aim to trade.
MTF Order Block
Order block is a block of orders where buying orders and selling orders are accumulated. Order blocks are created when the institutions move the market up and down, temporality placing orders in an opposite direction to the way they want to move, in order to match their own orders with counter-orders.
Visualization by the indicator
The indicator displays both chart timeframe's order blocks and upper timeframe's order blocks(MTF).
You can also select from two options how to display order blocks;
1. Show all order blocks
2. Show strong order blocks only
Note: Strong order blocks mean order blocks created at strong highs/lows. See also strong high/low below.
Alerts can be set when prices reach strong order blocks.
MTF Fair Value Gap(FVG)/Imbalance
Fair Value Gap(FVG)(Imbalance) is a void generated among three consecutive candlesticks.
FVG(s) is created when the market moves so rapidly generating buy side or sell side order imbalances.
FVG(s) is characterized by price action that prices tend to come back to the area where FVG(s) exists, filling in the space among the candlesticks.
Visualization by the indicator
The indicator displays both chart timeframe's FVG and upper timeframe's FVG.
MTF Liquidity Grab
Liquidity grab is price action to sweep liquidity for the institutions to move the market.
This price action often happens because the size of their orders is so huge and they need a bunch of counter-orders to match their orders. This is why prices sometimes come to areas where liquidity rest and swipe them before the market goes up/down.
Liquidity visualization
Where does liquidity rest?
The answer is above highs(buy side liquidity) and below lows(sell side liquidity).
Among all highs and lows, swing highs and lows are where liquidity is accumulated the most because swing highs and lows can be created only by the institutions, therefore massive liquidity is indicated.
Visualization by the indicator
The indicator displays liquidity dots so that users can easily identify where liquidity rests and liquidity grab of both a chart timeframe and an upper timeframe.
Alerts can be set when liquidity grab happens.
MTF Strong High/Low
Strong high/low literally means strong highs and lows among all highs and lows including swing highs and lows.
There is a few different definitions of strong high/low in price action trading and the definition in this indicator is as follows.
Strong high
A high that that breaks higher low or lower low
Strong low
A low that breaks lower high or higher high
Visualization by the indicator
The indicator displays strong highs and lows of both a chart timeframe and an upper timeframe.
MTF Market Structure Visualization
Market structure is a series of price movement with highs and lows which outlines the way the market directs. It is a basis to see trend occurrence, trend reversal and sideways and analyzing the market structures in multi-timeframes is the most fundamental technical skill in trading/investment.
Visualization by the indicator
The indicator displays market structures of both a chart timeframe and an upper timeframe and provide color visualization depending on bullish and bearish market structures.
The definition of bullish and bearish market structure is as follows.
Bullish market structure
When a price breaks a Lower High or Higher High
Bearish market structure
When a price breaks a Higher Low or Lower Low
All the functions above, colors and line settings are parameterized and can be turned on/off depending on users’ needs.
Smart Money Concepts(SMC)およびプライスアクショントレードにおける重要な要素をマルチタイムフレームで表示することのできるインジケーターです。
相場構造(Market structure)をマルチタイムフレームで表示し、相場構造の強弱を色で可視化することができます。
Smart Money Concepts(スマートマネーコンセプト)とは?
Smart Money Concepts(以下SMC) は金融市場がどのように動くかを解釈し、分析し、取引を執行するための相場理論の一つであり、Liquidity(リクイディティ)および機関投資家のオーダーフロー(注文の流れ)に焦点を置いていることが特徴です。
Smart Money(スマートマネー)とは、銀行や機関投資家、マーケットメーカー、ヘッジファンドといった金融機関が動かす資金を意味し、個人投資家の資金と対をなす概念です。
重要な点は、実際に上記の金融機関がSmart Money Conceptsで語られているような相場の動かし方をしているかどうかを証明する明確なエビデンスはないということです。
相場構造(Market structure/マーケットストラクチャー)を方向性に応じて色で可視化することができるため、視覚的に相場の構造を判断できることがこのインジケータのユニークな点であり、他のインジケーターと異なる点です。
チャートタイムフレーム => 上位足タイムフレーム
2.High/low(高値/安値) 設定
Left bar&right bar(左右のバーの数): 10
Left bar&right bar: 4
注: StrongオーダーブロックはStrong High/Lowで形成されるオーダーブロックを指します。(下記参照)
MTF Liquidity Grab(リクイディティ·グラブ)
Liquidity Grab(リクイディティ·グラブ)とは、機関投資家がマーケットを動かす際にLiquidityを取得するプライスアクションのことを指します。
一般的にLiquidityは高値の上(buy side liquidity)、安値の下(sell side liquidity)に存在します。
ユーザーがLiquidityポイントを簡単に識別できるようにLiquidityをドット表示することが可能です。またチャートタイムフレームと上位足の両方のLiquidity Grabを表示することができます。
Liquidity Grab発生時にアラートも設定可能です。
MTF Strong High/Low(ストロングハイ·ロー)
Strong high/lowは文字通り、強い高値·安値のことを指します。
Strong high
Higher low(ハイアーロー) または Lower low(ロワーロー)をブレイクした高値
Strong low
Lower higher (ロワーハイ) または Higher High(ハイアーハイ)をブレイクした安値
チャートタイムフレーム、上位足のStrong High/Lowを表示することが可能です。
相場構造(Market structure/マーケットストラクチャー)とは、相場の流れを成り立たせる高値と安値を元にした一連の値動きです。建物における骨組みに該当します。
強気の相場構造(Bullish market structure)
価格がLower HighまたはHigher Highをブレイクしたとき
弱気の相場構造(Bearish market structure)
価格がHigher LowまたはLower Lowをブレイクしたとき
FX4Model° [fx4_living x toodegrees]Introducing the FX4 Model, an advanced automated trading framework designed to optimize your trading positions made by the trader fx4_living. This model integrates the previous day's high and low, and half of that range, to identify premium and discount zones.
The FX4 Model incorporates the ICT Asian range, spanning from 20:00 (New York time) to the midnight open. This period constitutes part of the day's accumulation range, during which a large volume of orders is processed. This implies that the high and low of this range are perceived as crucial liquidity pool zones.
The FX4 Model features a time-based dashboard. This dashboard presents key information such as the close of the previous candle. It also indicates the remaining time before certain significant candle closes (price and time).
With this tool, you gain a robust trading framework that empowers you to capitalize on profitable trading opportunities.
The FX4 accumulation range spans from the previous day's close to 2 AM New York local time. This range is part of the day's accumulation period, during which a lot of orders are triggered. Therefore, the high and the low of this range are seen as vital liquidity pool zones.
The ICT midnight open is marked with a vertical line at 00:00. This refers to the opening price of a financial instrument at midnight New York time. This opening price is significant as it serves as a reference point for trading strategies.
Time-To-Close Dashboard
This outstanding Dashboard displays the Time Frame and its "Time-To-Close".
It shows the Previous Candle Close (Bullish or Bearish).
The Time will appear in Red when there's 5 minutes left before the candle closes.
Previous Day Range (High-Low + 50%)
The previous day's high and low (PD) ranges can be leveraged in your trading strategy for the current day, using them as reference points for potential trading opportunities. The 50% division creates premium and discount zones within the previous day's range. If the price is in the discount zone, you should look for a buy opportunity, whereas if the price is in the premium zone, a sell opportunity should be considered.
FX4 Accumulation Range (High-Low + 50%)
The accumulation range's high and low points provide the most recent liquidity zone for the current day. These points can be used as reference points for potential trading opportunities. The 50% division here also creates premium and discount zones within the accumulation range. If the price is in the discount zone, a buy opportunity should be considered, and if the price is in the premium zone, a sell opportunity should be considered.
Other features:
Automatic Time Zone: As the title suggests, the automatic time zone feature means that you'll never need to adjust any GMT or hour settings. Everything updates automatically, even if you don't live on the East Coast of the United States.
Automatic Dark/Light Mode All graphics will automatically adapt their color based on your background. There's no need to tweak any settings; they're designed to provide consistent visuals.
ICT Silver Bullet [LuxAlgo]The ICT Silver Bullet indicator is inspired from the lectures of "The Inner Circle Trader" (ICT) and highlights the Silver Bullet (SB) window which is a specific 1-hour interval where a Fair Value Gap (FVG) pattern can be formed.
When a FVG is formed during the Silver Bullet window, Support & Resistance lines will be drawn at the end of the SB session.
There are 3 different Silver Bullet windows (New York local time):
The London Open Silver Bullet (3 AM — 4 AM ~ 03:00 — 04:00)
The AM Session Silver Bullet (10 AM — 11 AM ~ 10:00 — 11:00)
The PM Session Silver Bullet (2 PM — 3 PM ~ 14:00 — 15:00)
The ICT Silver Bullet indicator aims to provide users a comprehensive display as similar as possible to how anyone would manually draw the concept on their charts.
It's important to use anything below the 15-minute timeframe to ensure proper setups can display. In this section, we are purely using the 3-minute timeframe.
In the image below, we can see a bullish setup whereas a FVG was successfully retested during the Silver Bullet session. This was then followed by a move upwards to liquidity as our target.
Alternatively, you can also see below a bearish setup utilizing the ICT Silver Bullet indicator outlined.
At this moment, the indicator has removed all other FVGs within the Silver Bullet session & has confirmed this FVG as the retested one.
There is also a support level marked below to be used as a liquidity target as per the ICT Silver Bullet concept suggests.
In the below chart we can see 4 separate consecutive examples of bullish & bearish setups on the 3-minute chart.
This technique can visualize potential support/resistance lines, which can be used as targets.
The script contains 2 main components:
• forming of a Fair Value Gap (FVG)
• drawing support/resistance (S/R) lines
🔹 Forming of FVG
1 basic principle: when a FVG at the end of the SB session is not retraced, it will be made invisible.
Dependable on the settings, different FVG's will be shown.
• 'All FVG': all FVG's are shown, regardless the trend
• 'Only FVG's in the same direction of trend': Only FVG's are shown that are similar to the trend at that moment (trend can be visualized by enabling ' Show ' -> ' Trend ')
-> only bearish FVG when the trend is bearish vs. bullish FVG when trend is bullish
• 'strict': Besides being similar to the trend, only FVG's are shown when the closing price at the end of the SB session is:
– below the top of the FVG box (bearish FVG)
– above bottom of the FVG box (bullish FVG)
• 'super-strict': Besides being similar to the trend, only FVG's are shown when the FVG box is NOT broken
in the opposite direction AND the closing price at the end of the SB session is:
– below bottom of the FVG box (bearish FVG)
– above the top of the FVG box (bullish FVG)
' Super-Strict ' mode resembles ICT lectures the most.
🔹 Drawing support/resistance lines
When the SB session has ended, the script draws potential support/resistance lines, again, dependable on the settings.
• Previous session (any): S/R lines are fetched between current and previous session.
For example, when current session is ' AM SB Session (10 AM — 11 AM) ', then previous session is
' London Open SB (3 AM — 4 AM) ', S/R lines between these 2 sessions alone will be included.
• Previous session (similar): S/R lines are fetched between current and previous - similar - session.
For example, when current session is ' London Open SB (3 AM — 4 AM)' , only S/R lines between
current session and previous ' London Open SB (3 AM — 4 AM) ' session are included.
When a new session starts, S/R lines will be removed, except when enabling ' Keep lines (only in strict mode) '
This is not possible in ' All FVG ' or ' Only FVG's in the same direction of trend ' mode, since the chart would be cluttered.
Note that in ' All FVG ' or ' Only FVG's in the same direction of trend ' mode, both, Support/Resistance lines will be shown,
while in Strict/Super-Strict mode:
• only Support lines will be shown if a bearish FVG appears
• only Resistance lines if a bullish FVG is shown
The lines will still be drawn the the end of the SB session, when a valid FVG appears,
but the S/R lines will remain visible and keep being updated until price reaches that line.
This publication contains a "Minimum Trade Framework (mTFW)", which represents the best-case expected price delivery, this is not your actual trade entry - exit range.
• 40 ticks for index futures or indices
• 15 pips for Forex pairs.
When on ' Strict/Super-Strict ' mode, only S/R lines will be shown which are:
• higher than the lowest FVG bottom + mTFW, in a bullish scenario
• lower than the highest FVG bottom - mTFW, in a bearish scenario
When on ' All FVG/Only FVG's in the same direction of trend ' mode, or on non-Forex/Futures/Indices symbols, S/R needs to be higher/lower than SB session high/low.
(Check CONCEPTS for deeper insights and explanation)
🔹 Swing settings (left): Sets the length, which will set the lookback period/sensitivity of the Zigzag patterns (which directs the trend)
🔹 Silver Bullet Session; Show SB session: show lines and labels of SB session
Labels can be disabled separately in the ' Style ' section, color is set at the ' Inputs ' section.
– Mode
• All FVG
• Only FVG's in the same direction of trend
• Strict
• Super-Strict
– Colors
– Extend: extend till last bar of SB session
🔹 Targets – support/resistance lines
– Previous session (any): S/R lines fetched between current and previous SB session
– Previous session (similar): S/R lines fetched between current and previous similar SB session
– Colors
– Keep lines (only in strict mode)
🔹 Show
– MSS ~ Session: Show Market Structure Shift , only when this happens during a SB session
– Trend: Show trend (Zigzag, colored ~ trend)
Liquidity Sweeps and RaidsThis basic script calculates and plots runs on liquidity levels through Raids and Sweeps. When the price violates the 3 fractal level, a raid or sweep occurs. You can use it to automate markup, understand liquidity levels, and reduce human error in your analysis. Additionally, you can set up an alarm to notify you when new sweeps or raids occur. Combine it with your current strategy or try any price action theory you prefer. Essentially, the price always seeks liquidity, so when some of it is taken, it makes sense to look for a reaction and potential reversal. Stay ahead by capitalizing on liquidity insights for potential reversals. Cheers, Cancamurria.
ICT Sessions_One Setup for Life [MK]The script plots the High/Low of the following trading sessions:
London - 02:00-05:00
NY AM - 09:30-12:00
New York Lunch - 12:00-13:30
New York PM - 13:30-16:00
Due to the high level of liquidity (resting orders), highs and lows of these sessions may be used as buy/sell areas and also as profit target areas. Typically, buy orders would be initiated below a session low and sell orders would be initiated above a
session high.
The script also plots 'RTH (Regular Trading Hours) Opening Gaps'. The RTH gaps are drawn from the closing price of regular trading at 16:15 (EST) to the open price of regular trading at 09:30 (EST). Gaps can be areas that traders might anticipate to be filled at some time in the future. A gap 'midline' is available if needed and yesterday RTH close line can be shown and extended to the current bar.
This script is simply a means to draw boxes around certain areas/periods on the charts. It is in no way a trading strategy and users should spend much time to study the concept and should also perform extensive back-testing before taking any trades.
By setting the lookback value to a much higher value then the default of 6, users can utilise the script to perform their own backtesting studies.
The above chart shows the default setup of the indicator. Note that the user has to choose how far (in days) to lookback and draw the sessions/gaps.
It is also possible to show the session high//low lines and extend them to the current bar time. If this is used it is advised to keep the lookback period as low as possible to ensure charts stay clean/uncluttered.
All boxes/lines styles/colors are fully customisable.
ICT Killzones + Pivots [TFO]Designed with the help of TTrades and with inspiration from the ICT Everything indicator by coldbrewrosh, the purpose of this script is to identify ICT Killzones while also storing their highs and lows for future reference, until traded through.
There are 5 Killzones / sessions whose times and labels can all be changed to one's liking. Some prefer slight alterations to traditional ICT Killzones, or use different time windows altogether. Either way, the sessions are fully customizable. The sessions will auto fit to keep track of the highs and lows made during their respective times, and these pivots will be extended until they are invalidated.
There are also 4 optional Open Price lines and 4 vertical Timestamps, where the user can change the time and style of each one as well.
To help maintain a clean chart, we can implement a Cutoff Time where all drawings will stop extending past a certain point. The indicator will apply this logic by default, as it can get messy with multiple drawings starting and stopping throughout the day at different times.
Given the amount of interest I've received about this indicator, I intend to leave it open to suggestions for further improvements. Let me know what you think & what you want to see added!
h/l raid @joshuuuThis indicator shows, when important liquidity pools have been taken out.
Which liquidity pools are important and how should I use them?
The day can be divided into different session. asia, london and new york session, those sessions can be narrowed down even further into killzones, taught by ict.
The times for those killzones are:
Asia - 2000-0000 ny time
London - 0200-0500 ny time
ny am - 0830-1100 ny time
nypm - 13.30-1600 ny time
Highs/Lows that have been created within those killzones (sessions with highest volume) should hold some liquidity.
That's why this indicator displays arrows with different colors to highlight once those highs/lows get taken out.
Additionally, the indicator also shows raids (liquidity grabs) of the previous daily, previous weekly and previous monthly high/low.
All colors are adaptable.
How do I use that indicator for my trading.
Once those important liquidity pools are taken out, we often see a reversal in the marketplace. One can wait for a raid and then watch for a potential market structure shift into the opposite direction to anticipate a reversal.
It is possible to create alerts for those kind of raids.
Price takes out Asia High (red triangle) and London High (blue triangle). Price then forms a market structure shift (lower low after a series of higher lows) and creates a fair value gap while doing so.
That would be a valid setup. Again, all these are concepts by TheInnerCircleTrader.
On this EurUsd Chart, we can see, how the triangles (liquidity grabs) can be an early indication for potential reversals.
Asia high and london high has been taken out. market structure shift (light bulb) and then a fairvalue gap.
ICT ADR Levels - Judas x Daily Range Meter°The Average Daily Range (ADR) is a common metric used to measure volatility in an asset. It calculates the average difference between the highest and lowest price over a time interval – normally five days.
The Inner Circle Trader teaches the importance of this metric from an algorithmic point of view; in particular the 1/3ADR price level is deemed to be a threshold used to determine the area at which a Judas Swing – false move to trick market participants, protraction, manipulation – might exhaust. Another key difference in the ICT-use of this metric compared to the classic approach is that the average range is calculated from New York midnight Time, rather than the daily candle's open .
It is crucial to remember that the elements of Time are key when it comes to interpreting how price action will, or won't, react to this level: what Time of the day is it? what day of the week? what week of the month?
Let's consider the Time of the day. If one thinks about the Power of Three of the daily candle (Accumulation, Manipulation Distribution), it is highly unlikely that a Manipulation event will happen later in the day – whereas seeing the 1/3ADR hold in London session or New York open gives undeniable edge to an Analyst.
Apart from the 1/3ADR level seen from a Judas perspective, the opposing 1/3 level, and the full ADR projections, are excellent algorithmic levels at which we will see orderflow or reactions worth studying. These can be take profit targets, reversal opportunities, pyramid entries, ... Study them, and find what works for you!
Display a table with the previous N days' ranges and the current ADR value
Decide whether to consider daily candles, or New York (00:00 to 00:00 NY Time) for the basis of the calculation
See the ADR Range, the ADR price levels and 1/3ADR price levels by hovering over the text labels
Plot the ADR levels from the Midnight Anchor, or as offset markers on the side for a cleaner look
Show/Hide all elements individually
– CBOT_MINI:YM1! at Equity Open
– INDEX:BTCUSD Perfect Buy Day Signature
– FX:EURUSD Clean Break = No Judas
– TSX:GC Repeated Attempts = Liquidity Engineering
ICT TGIF_V2 [MK]The ICT T.G.I.F (Thank God Its Friday) works on the following strategy:
1. Friday makes the High/Low of the Week.
2. The Weekly High/Low range is used to calculate 20-30% levels. (see chart above)
3. Trades are taken in the Friday PM session (NY EST) with the idea that price may retrace to the 20-30% level.
The indicator plots the following levels:
1. Week High
2. Week Low
3. Week Open
3. 20-30% level in upper part of weekly range (only shows if Friday has made the high of the week)
4. 20-30% level in lower part of weekly range (only shows if Friday has made the low of the week)
It is possible to show all historical levels listed above for the purpose of back-testing the TGIF strategy.
Also it is possible to disable all the historical and current levels, in which case only the 20-30% levels will show when Friday has made the Week High/Low (the 20-30% level only shows from 1200-1600 on Friday to keep charts as clean as possible.
Users of this script, and any script for that matter, should always do proper back-testing before taking any trades.
Many thanks should be given to ICT (The Inner Circle Trader) for bringing this strategy to the trading community.
Below shows indicator with all levels turned ON
Below shows indicator with all levels turned OFF (this allows for cleaner charts)
Range H/L Buy and Sell SignalThe "Range H/L Buy and Sell Signal" indicator is designed to identify potential buy and sell signals based on a specified price range and market volatility. This indicator can be used in the TradingView platform to assist traders in making informed decisions.
The indicator allows customization of several parameters to adapt to different trading strategies. These parameters include the start and end times for the price range, the volatility threshold, and the desired breakout conditions.
To begin, the indicator calculates the range start and end timestamps based on the provided hours and minutes. This defines the time period within which the indicator will analyze price movements.
Next, the indicator determines the highest high (High) and lowest low (Low) within the specified price range. These levels represent the upper and lower boundaries of the range and act as potential breakout points.
Volatility is also taken into account to filter out false signals. The indicator calculates the true range and the average true range over a period of 14 bars. The true range measures the price range from the current high to low, while the average true range provides an indication of market volatility.
Based on the breakout conditions and the volatility threshold, buy and sell signals are generated. A buy signal occurs when the closing price crosses above the High and the true range is greater than the volatility threshold multiplied by the average true range. Conversely, a sell signal is triggered when the closing price crosses below the Low and the true range exceeds the volatility threshold multiplied by the average true range.
The indicator visually displays the High and Low levels as plotted lines on the chart. Additionally, it marks the buy signals with green labels labeled "BUY" below the corresponding bars and the sell signals with red labels labeled "SELL" above the bars.
It is important to note that this indicator should be used in conjunction with other technical analysis tools and indicators for comprehensive market analysis. Trading always carries risks, and it is crucial to exercise caution and conduct thorough analysis before making any trading decisions.
Divergent Trades LLC:
Disclaimer: The information provided by the Divergent Trades LLC indicator is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered financial advice or a recommendation to buy, sell, or trade any financial instrument. Divergent Trades LLC is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of using this indicator. Trading in the financial markets carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Before making any investment decisions, please consult with a financial advisor and do your own due diligence. Past performance is not indicative of future results. By using the Divergent Trades LLC indicator, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this disclaimer and agree to its terms and conditions.
itradesize /\ Overnight Session & Silver BulletOvernight Session & Silver Bullet indicator
The indicator can be divided into two separate stuff:
ONS ( Overnight Session ) based on TCM’s ( TheCurrencyMerchant ) theory and Silver Bullet based on what ICT ( InnerCircleTrader ) is teaching to us.
Overnight Session
• ONS will be always based on Chicago 4am to 8am time according to TCM’s CME teaching.
The indicator has the option to show TSO ( Today’s session only ) which is good to have the chart not messed up by it. At this time when it comes to backtesting just turn this off to have the past ONS and SB ranges showed up on your chart.
• Mid line at the ONS range is useful to have as you are able to decide wether price is in a premium or a discount under the ONS.
If Im a buyer target is above the range, if Im a seller target is below the range.
• You are also able to have SD ( Standard Deviation ) lines for price projections. In the variety of TCM’s videos you are able to have a deeper knowledge.
• You can also extend Today’s ONS lines to the very end of the chart which could make an easier looking on the levels you eyeing with.
Silver Bullet
It’s based on New York time as ICT ( Inner Circle Trader ) is always teaching to us that we should use New York time, every time when it comes to his concepts.
Silver Bullets are always be there aiming of an opposing liquidity pool. They are working even on choppy days.
Silver Bullet hours:
• 03:00 - 04:00am NY Time
• 10:00 - 11:00am NY Time
• 02:00 - 03:00pm NY Time
SB highlighted areas could be shown as a box or a range according to your taste, with or without Start/End lines.
Both of them ca be used to form trades.
You should dig yourself into Silver Bullet ( InnerCircleTrader ) and Overnight Session ( TheCurrencyMerchant ) teachings before the use of the indicator.
Simple setups
• Silver Bullet
Look 20-30 minutes before any SB where the Buy or Sell program has started.
Where the first 1m FVG ( Fair Value Gap ) appears under the range, enter the trade.
Expect only a 5 handle move as a beginner.
1m chart is a must for these kind of FVG entries. ( 30s , 15s can also be used )
Price is trading aggressively out of the range to take liquidity.
Once price grabbed liquidity that candle on the 3-5m could considered as on order block for the further movement.
If you are trading in the range, then the opposite side can be the target, if its out of the range and trading one sided, then use standard deviations as 0.5 is a minimum target.
Displacement (Two FVGs)A simple indicator that attempts to identify displacement in price by alerting you when two simultaneous Fair Value Gaps (FVGs) occur.
When two fair value gaps occur, the indicator will print a green bar (if bullish) or a red bar (if bearish). If you right click on the indicator you can turn on alerts that will pop up every time a dual FVG occurs.
Fair Value Gaps are most commonly used amongst price action traders and are defined as instances in which there are inefficiencies, or imbalances, in the market.
The concept for this indicator is very simple. Apply it to your chart and enable alerts on the instruments and timeframe you trade. When you get an alert, it could indicate larger players getting involved.
This is NOT a trading strategy. Its intention is to save time by alerting you to large imbalances in price on the instruments you trade.
Range Deviations @joshuuuThis indicator is able to show ranges, the equlibrium (50%) and range deviations.
It has four pre-defined options and one custom version.
Asia (2000-0000) ny time
CBDR(1400-2000) ny time
Flout(1400-0000) ny time
ONS (OverNightSession)(0400-0800) chicago time
Custom (you can choose the times)
ICT (Inner Circle Traders) teaches, that those range deviations of asia,cbdr,flout can be used to find the daily high/low.
TCM (The Currency Merchant) teaches, that a move out of the range often is a false move to trap traders into the wrong direction.
Market Structure & Price Action Toolkit (Expo)█ Overview
This comprehensive Market Structure and Price Action toolkit integrates pioneering price action concepts, including fractal-based market structure, grid-price action system, retail and institutional levels/zones, liquidity concepts, and a plethora of advanced customization options to give you a trading advantage via price action automatically. Different from traditional technical indicators, which can be lagging, complex, and cluttered, this indicator focuses solely on raw price data to deliver accurate and real-time insights. All the features in this script originate exclusively from price action, concentrating on fractals-based swing highs, swing lows, and market structure. This enables users to automate their price action analysis across any market or timeframe.
The toolkit focuses on the real-time application of price data rather than historical data to ensure its usefulness for price action and smart money (ICT) traders. With this indicator, users can automate their price action analysis across various markets and timeframes, gaining a significant edge in their trading strategies.
█ Features and How They Work
█ Trading Systems
Market Structure:
Market Structure deals with the interpretation of price action that forms the market structure, focusing on understanding key shifts and changes in the market that may indicate where 'smart money' (large institutional investors and professional traders) might be moving in the market. This feature is based on real-time fractals instead of static pivot points. Fractals are based on the idea that markets are patterned, and those patterns repeat themselves on all scales – hence, the term "fractal", which means "fraction of the whole". The function uses fractal zones that refer to areas where the price is likely to experience a change in direction. These zones are identified by observing a series of fractal points.
The grid system works similarly to the market structure but displays the data as a grid of support and resistance zones. This is a new and unique approach to understanding market structure. It might be a more convenient way for traders to understand how to act.
█ Retail Zones
Support and Resistance zone are often seen and displayed with a delay. This feature is 100% real-time and displays SR levels as the price reacts and forms new highs and lows.
Confirmed Support/Resistance:
As the name suggests, the confirmed zone is first displayed on the chart when the price has reacted to a high/low formation over x period of time. This feature is handy to trade retest after breakouts of the zone.
We wanted to keep the retail zones simple regarding how they work and function to help all kinds of traders understand how to use them.
█ Institutional Zones
Calculating supply and demand in its raw form is challenging due to the complexity and dynamism of financial markets. However, the function uses several concepts to gauge supply and demand levels.
Buying and Selling pressure: The buying pressure represents the highest price point (over x period and volume), while the selling pressure price represents the lowest price point (over x period and volume). The gap between the two is known as the buying/selling pressure spread. A narrow spread often signifies high liquidity and balanced supply and demand, while a wider spread might indicate imbalances.
Price Trends: Upward price movements indicate higher demand, while downward trends may suggest increased supply.
Order blocks:
Order blocks are similar to supply/demand, and the main difference is that an order block is created at specific price action and market structure patterns.
█ How to use the Market Structure Toolkit
Market Structure
Market Structure + Confirmed S/R
Grid System
Demand Zone
Supply Zone
Order Block
Support/Resistance Zones
Confirmed Support/Resistance Zone
Retest of SR Levels
█ Why Use Price Action and Market Structure
A comprehensive trading strategy often involves using both price action and market structure. Traders can use price action to understand the immediate behavior of the price and market structure to understand the broader context within which the price is moving.
Market Structure combined with Price Action refers to the observable pattern of price movement. Traders use this structure to identify trend direction (up, down, or sideways), market phase (trend or range), and key price levels (like support and resistance).
Here are some core concepts within price action trading:
Trend Identification: This is a fundamental aspect of price action trading. By simply looking at the raw price data on a chart, traders can identify whether the instrument is in an uptrend (making higher highs and higher lows), a downtrend (making lower highs and lower lows), or ranging sideways.
Support and Resistance Levels: These are horizontal lines drawn on a chart where the price has historically had difficulty moving beyond. Support is a price level where buying pressure is strong enough to prevent the price from falling further, while resistance is a level where selling pressure is strong enough to prevent further price increases.
Candlestick Patterns: Price action traders rely heavily on candlestick patterns, which can provide a lot of information about market sentiment.
Chart Patterns: In addition to individual candlestick patterns, price action traders often look for larger chart patterns like double tops/bottoms, triangles, wedges, head and shoulders patterns, and more. These patterns can take longer to form but can also provide insight into potential price movement.
Price Zones: Rather than exact price levels, many price action traders consider zones of support and resistance, understanding that market behavior isn't always perfectly precise. A zone might cover a small range of prices at which the market has repeatedly reversed in the past.
The idea behind price action trading is that the price itself can provide clues to what the market might do next. Traders who follow this approach believe that price is the final determinant of value and contains all the information needed.
█ Any Alert Function Call
This function allows traders to combine any feature and create customized alerts. These alerts can be set for various conditions and customized according to the trader's strategy or preferences.
█ In conclusion, This toolkit is particularly useful for price action and smart money traders, as it prioritizes real-time application of price data, which in turn allows a more responsive and informed decision-making process in trading.
The information contained in my Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems does not constitute financial advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities of any type. I will not accept liability for any loss or damage, including without limitation any loss of profit, which may arise directly or indirectly from the use of or reliance on such information.
All investments involve risk, and the past performance of a security, industry, sector, market, financial product, trading strategy, backtest, or individual's trading does not guarantee future results or returns. Investors are fully responsible for any investment decisions they make. Such decisions should be based solely on an evaluation of their financial circumstances, investment objectives, risk tolerance, and liquidity needs.
My Scripts/Indicators/Ideas/Algos/Systems are only for educational purposes!
Range Projections [TFO]The purpose of this indicator is to see how often price reached certain standard deviations from a selected time range. The inspiration for this was to study ICT (Inner Circle Trader) concepts regarding the Central Bank Dealer’s Range (CBDR), which is 2:00 pm - 8:00 pm New York local time according to ICT Core Content. However, the idea and data collection could certainly be applied to any range of time.
The main settings of this indicator are session time, range type, and the standard deviation filter. The session time is the window of price that will be utilized for range projections. The range type can be either body or wick (on the current timeframe). The standard deviation filter is used to eliminate sessions whose ranges (from high to low) are greater than the desired/input number of standard deviations from all available session ranges.
In this example, the time range is set to 16:00 - 20:00, or the time between the New York session close and the Asia session open. Our standard deviations are set to 1, 2, 2.5, and 4. Now, by taking this session’s price range and extrapolating these extensions from the initial range, we can use these levels to see if and how price interacts with them before the next 16:00 - 20:00 session.
Furthermore, we can enable the Data Table to analyze how often price trades to these levels for the sessions that are deemed valid (determined by the standard deviation filter). This time our standard deviations are set to 1, 2, 3, and 4.
This concept can theoretically be applied to any window of time. ICT has mentioned that, in instances where the CBDR is too large, the Asia range may be used instead. We can observe that the indicator behaves the same way when we change the session to the Asia range, 20:00 - 00:00.
Liquidity Engulfing & Displacement [MsF]Japanese below / 日本語説明は英文の後にあります。
*This indicator is based on upslidedown's "Liquidity Engulfing Candles ". It's a very cool indicator. thank you.
It has 2 functions: show the Liquidity Engulfing on HTF and candle color change when displacement occurs.
=== Function description ===
1. Liquidity Engulfing on HTF
This indicator gives Liquidity Engulfing signals not only for the current candle, but also for H4 and H1 on HTF.
You can use that a bullish engulfing on H1 is a BOS on m5 and on H4 is a BOS on m15. It uses the theory of stop hunt from ICT.
Also, It's possible to fire alert.
2. Displacement
Change the color display of the candlesticks when a bullish candleStick or bearish candleStick is attached. Furthermore, by enabling the "Require FVG" option, you can easily discover the FVG (Fair Value Gap). It is a very useful function for ICT trading.
When H1 candle takes liquidity from one side and moves with an explosive move to the other side of the previous candle (displacement), it creates break of market structure on M5. Entry on discount FVG or OTE with stop loss at or below the stop hunt wick.
=== Parameter description ===
- Liquidity engulfing candles(LEC) SETTING
- Show H1 LEC … Whether to show LEC for H1
- Show H4 LEC … Whether to show LEC for H4
- Show Current LEC … Whether to show LEC for current timeframe
- Apply Stop Hunt Wick Filter … Require candle wick into prior candle retracement zone
- Apply Close Filter … Require LL/HH on candle in order to print a valid engulfing signal
- Require FVG … Draw only when FVG occurs
- Displacement Type … Displacement from open to close? or from high to low?
- Displacement Length … Period over which to calculate the standard deviation
- Displacement Strength … The larger the number, the stronger the displacement detected
2つの機能があります: 上位足のLiquidity engulfing(流動性獲得)を表示することと、大きな変位が発生したときにローソク足の色を変更することです。
=== 機能説明 ===
1. 上位足のLiquidity engulfing
このインジケーターは、現在のローソク足だけでなく、上位足の H4 および H1 に対してもLiquidity engulfingシグナルを提供します。
さらに"Require FVG"オプションを有効にすることで、FVG(Fair Value Gap)を容易に発見することができます。ICTトレードにを行うにあたり大変有用な機能となっています。
=== パラメータの説明 ===
- Liquidity engulfing candles(LEC) SETTING
- Show H1 LEC … H1のLECを表示するかどうか
- Show H4 LEC … H4のLECを表示するかどうか
- Show Current LEC … 現在の期間の LEC を表示するかどうか
- Apply Stop Hunt Wick Filter … ハラミ足、もしくは包み足になっている場合のみに検知させる
- Apply Close Filter … 1つ前のローソクよりも終値で超えていた場合のみに検知させる
- Require FVG … FVG発生時のみ描画する
- Displacement Type … openからcloseまでの変位か?highからlowまでの変位か?
- Displacement Length … 標準偏差を計算する期間
- Displacement Strength … 変位の強さ(数字が大きいほど強い変位を検出)
Correlation index and liquidityAn indicator with which you can easily compare any ticker with the ones offered.
You can choose any of the tags that are offered in the options
You can also create your own ticker if you select the Custom in Mode option.
If the comparison mode is enabled, the current ticker you are viewing is divided by the ticker selected in the indicator.
For example, if you have the EURUSD ticker open. And the EURUSD indicator is selected in the option in the indicator. Then you will get the EURUSD correlation index with other currency pairs that are correlated, for example GBPUSD+NZDUSD+AUDUSD. This means that you can now see the common index of those three pairs in relation to the EURUSD.
Custom index for major currency, example GBP have index of GBPUSD+GBPAUD+GBPJPY+GBPNZD+GBPCHF. This means that you can now see the common index of those pairs in relation to the GBP.
This script is unique because it requires the optimal combination of pairs needed for each pair specifically, which I came to during many years of studying the forex market so the source code of the script have to remain hidden.
If you are a beginerr, you can just apply simple trend-breakout strategy after you spot the divergence.
For advanced traders, you can use this together with ICT's and SMC concepts as a confirmation upon your entry.
Please comment if you like it!
CRYPTO DIVERGENCE FINDERThis indicator allows you to easily compare any ticker you're looking at with the ones I've found to work best over many years of studying the crypto market. For these reasons, the code of the script is hidden because that is exactly what makes it unique.
You can choose any cryptocurrency, but I recommend using only perpetuals on 'BINANCE' exchange.
If the comparison mode is enabled, the current ticker you are viewing is divided by the ticker selected in the indicator.
For example, if you are watching "SOLUSDT.P" you should open the settings of the indicator and write "SOLUSDT.P" in the ticker field. Then you will get the SOLUSDT.P correlation index with other crypto and currency pairs that are correlated (like I already said this is something that is product of many years of studying this market and this is exactly what is unique about the code so the source of the script have to stay protected).
If you are a beginer, you can just apply simple trend-breakout strategy after you spot the divergence.
For advanced traders, you can use this together with ICT's and SMC concepts as a confirmation upon your entry.
90 Minute Cycles + MTFCredit goes to LuxAlgo for the inspiration from 'Sessions' which allowed users to analyse specific price movements within a user defined period with tools such as trendline, mean and vwap.
Enable Session: Allows to enable or disable all associated elements with a specific user set session.
Session Time: Opening and closing times of the user set session in the hh:mm format.
Range: Highlights the associated session range on the chart.
Ranges Settings
Range Area colour: Set each range to a specific colour.
Range Label: Shows the session label at the mid-point of the session interval.
By breaking 24hrs in quarters, starting with an Asian range of 18:00 NY time you can visualise the principles of Accumulation, Manipulation, Distribution and Rebalance. Know as AMD or PO3 (Power of Three), the principle is that the Manipulation phase will break above or below the Accumulation, before moving in an apposing direction and then rebalancing. This only works when there is a higher timeframe PD array or liquidity to support an apposing move.
Further to the daily quarters, each one can then be broken down again into 90min cycles. Again, each represents AMD, allowing the user an opportunity to watch for reversals during the 90min manipulation phase.
Note: Ensure the Asian Cycle always begins at 18:00 NY time.
The example shows that the 90min cycle occurs, followed by an apposing move away in price action
Here is the Daily cycle, highlighting the Manipulation phase.
ICT Seek & Destroy Profile [TFO]The goal of this indicator is to anticipate potentially "choppy" New York trading sessions, based on what price does during the Asia and London trading sessions. Based on some user-defined success criteria, we can also track how successful these warnings are.
Many Inner Circle Trader (ICT) students have noted that choppy New York sessions are often preceded by erratic London sessions which take both the high and low of the Asian range.
When this criteria is true and warnings are enabled, a table will automatically populate with a custom warning message for the duration of the NY session, indicating to the user that it could be a choppy trading day.
We can measure and track the success rate of these warnings via the following success criteria:
- NY stays within London range
- NY exceeds London high and low
- NY closes within London range
- NY range is too small
The first three criteria should be self explanatory - the NY range either stays within the London high & low, exceeds them both, or closes within them.
The last criteria is a measure of the New York range compared to a user defined standard deviation of all historical ranges (for the number of sessions that the current chart can load). The default value of 1.5 would imply that a "successful" S&D day could be if the NY range (from high to low) was less than or equal to 1.5 standard deviations of all past ranges.
All these options can be toggled on/off as well, for those that only want to consider certain success criteria and not others. When any of the selected success criteria are true, that essentially indicates that the current session's warning was successful.
Liquidity Grab ReversalIndicator looks for liquidity grab & reversal trades on any timeframe. These types of trades reveal how the big institutions, banks and hedge funds trade with big money. If they want their very big positions to be filled they need to find areas in chart where the majority of the money is sitting. Where is it? Where is the majority of orders placed? Right below supports or right above resistances, these orders are stoplosses or stop orders. So they need to push the price to these areas, take all the available stoplosses and trigger all the available stop orders in order to fill their positions and then push the price to the opposite side to make profit (and retail to lose).
Indicator looks for support or resistance (S/R) areas which are represented by dotted lines. This S/R areas are created by minimum of 2 pivot high/low (H/L). Every pivot H/L that creates the S/R area is marked with diamond label. This S/R area is called liquidity. After liquidity is created, indicator looks for liquidity grab (mostly represented by fast spike to this area) and then price should go fast to the opposite side. This behaviour can be called reversal after liquidity grab. If we want to participate in the reversal we can put stop order at high of the candle that grabbed the support/liquidity if it is long liquidity grab or at low of the candle that grabbed the resistance/liquidity if it is short liquidity grab. These entry points are represented by solid lines. Stoplosses can be placed to the local maximum/minimum created after liquidity grab - so if entry is at high of the liquidity grab candle then stoploss can be put at low of the structure created after liquidity grab.
In settings of the indicator you can set whether only long or only short liquidity grabs are shown. Long liquidity grabs are green and short ones are red.
You can adjust core settings of the indicator:
Liquidity H/Ls Look Back/Forward Period: For PIVOT HIGH there has to be X (by default 1) candle/s lower to the left and X (by default 1) candle/s lower to the right and vice versa for PIVOT LOW,
Liquidity Grab by Close or High/Low.
TGIF StatsTGIF - "Thank God it's Friday"
After a heavily bearish week (tuesday, wednesday and thursday) price sometimes looks for some retracement on fridays. Vice versa for bullish weeks.
This script shows how often that specific scenario happens and displays that data in a table.
The user has the option to input a starting year for the statistic and is able to filter between bearish or bullish weeks.
*disclaimer : if paired with a higher timeframe pd array taught by ICT the stats should be better, that's not included in the code though*
⚠️ Open Source ⚠️
Coders and TV users are authorized to copy this code base, but a paid distribution is prohibited. A mention to the original author is expected, and appreciated.
⚠️ Terms and Conditions ⚠️
This financial tool is for educational purposes only and not financial advice. Users assume responsibility for decisions made based on the tool's information. Past performance doesn't guarantee future results. By using this tool, users agree to these terms.