RSI Objective LinesThe RSI is a contrarian indicator bounded between 0 and 100 where values close to the area of 30 represent an oversold condition and values close to the area of 70 represent an overbought condition.
Generally, we use the area of 70/75 and the area of 30/25 as extremes that signal a market reversal or a correction. But what if we calculate a simple way to make these levels more dynamic?
The main idea from these objective support and resistance levels is that market regime and dynamics move and as such fixed levels are unlikely to always provide value which means that we can try creating variable levels. The objective support and resistance levels are created following these steps:
* Calculate a 14-period RSI on the close price, let's call this RSI_Close.
* Calculate a 14-period RSI on the high price, let's call this RSI_High.
* Calculate a 14-period RSI on the low price, let's call this RSI_Low.
* Calculate the maximum range which is the highest value of RSI_High in the last 200 periods minus the lowest value of RSI_Low in the last 200 periods. Let's call this Max_Range
* Define the range width. By default, it is set to 5%. Let's call this Threshold.
* The objective support is calculated as the sum of the RSI_Low + (Max_Range * Threshold).
* The objective resistance is calculated as the sum of the RSI_High - (Max_Range * Threshold).
The levels are used in the same way as the oversold and overbought levels. They are more dynamic as they take into account the fluctuations of the RSI so you might see at some point in time a support at 20 and at another at 35.
PatronsitoPIndicator for the "Patrón Poderoso" strategy.
This strategy is based on Bollinger Bands and RSI and try to determine overbought or oversold zones where you can trade. Both indicators are combined to provide a stronger signal.
By default, it is considered an overbought zone when price is over BB upper and RSI above 80. That would be a short signal. Price below BB lower and RSI below 20 means an oversold zone and therefore a long signal.
EMA 13 (by default) is included as a guide for exiting the operation.
Alarms for signals in any direction can be used.
RSI Integral by Hawkeye Charting**** German Description below ****
This is the RSI Integral indicator.
Basically, it's a normal RSI but improves the visualization of the strength in the market.
The upper shown RSI display the integral of the RSI (f(x)) and the neutral RSI level (50) (g(x)).
The blue background coloring visualizes the area as the integration of both the mentioned functions --> H(x) = F(x) - G(x) and indicates, how strong and directed the market currently is.
Markets regulate and bring them back to the mean by themselve; by that fact, the consideration is that remaining a longer time in e.g. the upper zone requires to "unleash" the collected energy from the upper levels to the downside and vice versa.
So the major advantage of this indicator is to monitor and compare the given areas above and below the neutral level and making imbalances visible.
Furthermore, the lower shown RSI shows the complete displaying of the indicators functions, as it displays possible long and short entry and exit areas.
Read the chart to understand the system. Please note that the program waits on interval after the actual cross event before it changes the background color. This is to avoid false signals that last only 1 candle.
The last components are the overbought and oversold zones. They are equal to the standard RSI overbought and oversold levels.
You have the following setting options:
--> Timeframe selection
--> Generally Displaying the RSI yes/ no
--> Changing source, length and color of the RSI itself
--> turning on/ off the neutral RSI level (50), changing the neutral level value and changing the background color. (Note: Undisplaying the neutral level will remove the background coloring as well).
--> turning on/ off the upper RSI zone, changing the zone-border-values and -colors and changing the background color. (Note: same as neutral RSI level)
--> turning on/ off the lower RSI zone, changing the zone-border-values and -colors and changing the background color. (Note: same as neutral RSI level)
--> turning on/ off the RSI average, changing the Moving Average type, length and color.
--> turning on/ off the Moving Average Long/ Short Background and changing the colors for long and short direction.
--> smoothing of the rsi itself. Note: it will affect the alert events as well, if the rsi smoothing function is selected.
Last but not least, you can set alerts:
--> Alert for overbought/ oversold area (cross in/ cross out, message: Check for divergences)
--> Alerts for open and close long
--> Alerts for open and close short
A complete "Alert-Set" requires 6 Alerts.
I'd like to know what you think! Please leave a comment, I will answer ASAP .
Please leave a like and a follow if you like this work and don't forget to check out my major work, the Market Maker Volatility Diameter, see the link below.
Enjoy and always happy trades.
Markus aka Hawkeye Waver from Hawkeye Charting
**** Deutsche Beschreibung ****
Das ist der RSI Integral Indikator.
Im Grunde handelt es sich hierbei um einen normalen RSI , allerdings verbessert er die Visualisierung der Stärke im Markt.
Der obere RSI im Beispielbild zeigt das Integral des RSI , bezogen auf den RSI f(x) selber sowie seines neutralen Levels beim Wert 50 = g(x).
Der blaue Hintergrund visualisiert die Flächenfunktion des Integrals der beiden genannten Funktionen --> H(x) = F(x) - G(x) und indiziert, wie stark und nach wohin der Markt gerade gerichtet ist.
Märkte regulieren sich selber und bringen sich auch immer wieder selber zum Durchschnitt und zur Balance zurück. Dieser Fakt führt zu der Überlegung, dass ein langes Aufhalten in z.B. der oberen Zone unweigerlich eine "Freisetzung" der gesammelten Energie der oberen Levels nach unten nach sich ziehen wird und umgekehrt.
Die Hauptvorteil dieses Indikators ist also, dass die entstandenen Flächen über und unter dem Neutralen RSI Level einfach beobachtet und verglichen werden können, um so Ungleichgewichte im Chart zu erkennen.
Desweiteren zeigt der unten im Chart abgebildete RSI die vollständige Anzeige der Indikatorfunktionen. Es ist nämlich auch möglich, Long und Short Signale für Einstieg und Ausstieg anzuzeigen.
Bitte lest den Chart, um das System zu verstehen. Beachtet: das Programm wartet 1 Intervall zur Bestätigung, bevor es einen Traderichtungswechsel auch anzeigt. Diese Maßnahme wurde getroffen, um falsche Signale zu reduzieren.
Die letzten Komponenten sind die Überkauft- und Überverkauftzonen. Sie sind gleich wie die Standard RSI überkauft und überverkauft Levels zu interpretieren.
Der Indikator bietet die folgenden Einstellmöglichkeiten:
--> Timeframe Auswahl
--> RSI generell anzeigen ja/ nein
--> Quelle, Länge und Farbe des RSI selber verändern
--> Neutrales RSI Level an- und ausschalten, Level-Wert verändern und die Hintergrund-Farbe ändern. (Anmerkung: Das Abschalten des Neutralen RSI Levels wird auch die Hintergrundfärbung abschalten.)
--> An- und Ausschalten der oberen RSI Zone, Zonengrenzwerte und -farben verändern und Hintergrundfarbe verändern. (Anmerkung: s. Neutrales RSI Level)
--> An- und Ausschalten der unteren RSI Zone, Zonengrenzwerte und -farben verändern und Hintergrundfarbe verändern. (Anmerkung: s. Neutrales RSI Level)
--> An- und Ausschalten des RSI Durchschnitts, verändern des Durchschnitt-Typs, der Länge und der Farbe
--> An- und Ausschalten der Durchschnitt Long und Short Hintergrundfärbung sowie Änderung der Hintergrund Farben für Long und Short Richtung
--> Glättung des RSI. Anmerkung: Die Alarme werden sich auf den geglätteten RSI und nicht auf den RSI selber beziehen, wenn die Funktion selektiert ist.
Zu guter Letzt, der Indikator bietet die Funktion, Alarme einzustellen:
--> Alarm für Überkauft/ Überverkauft Zonen (Einkreuzen/ Auskreuzen, Nachricht: Auf Divergenzen prüfen)
--> Alarme für Long Öffnen & Schließen
--> Alarme für Short Öffnen & Schließen
Ein vollständiges "Alarm-Set" benötigt 6 Alarme.
Ich möchte gerne wissen, was ihr über den Indikator denkt! Bitte hinterlasst eure Kommentare, ich werde asap antworten.
Bitte hinterlasst ein Like und ein Follow wenn euch diese Arbeit gefällt und vergesst nicht, meine Hauptarbeit, den Market Maker Volatility Diameter auszuchecken, s. Link unten.
Viel Spaß mit dem Indikator und allzeit gute Trades
Markus aka Hawkeye Waver von Hawkeye Charting
RSI ProfileThis indicator shows the RSI profile from historical RSI Value and High / Low RSI Pivots.
It is inspired by the Volume Profile which is a common charting study that indicates activity at specified levels. It plots a histogram on the chart meant to identify dominant/significant levels.
This script is profiling RSI levels into a histogram, which can identify the crucial RSI values in the chart. Along with the pivot options that can help identify the dominant pivot points where RSI values had been rebounding historically.
How to use:
There are three profile types available in the settings. When selecting RSI Values, the indicator will count RSI values from history, and plot the count in a histogram at the end of the chart. If you select RSI Pivots High or RSI Pivots Low, the indicator will count only the RSI Pivot Highs and Lows and plot the count in a histogram. Users can select the Pivot Left/Right length from the settings.
Users can extend the POC line to the left, to study how the values had been reacting to POC
Please note: Since the RSi values range from 0 to 100, the indicator is rounding off the values to absolute numbers. This can cause a situation where multiple POC are identified, to find the unique POC, you can increase the width of the histogram.
The Max/Min RSI settings are for visual purposes only, it can help users shrink down the histogram's top and bottom visibility
RSI Trend Veracity (RSI TV)The RSI only plots itself between a high and a low value. It does not show its bullish/bearish sentiment.
The RSI TV shows the sentiment and helps anticipate the RSI trend but not the price trend.
When the Trend Veracity Line is in green, there is bullish sentiment. When it is in red, there is bearish sentiment.
The closer the lines get to their extremities, the more the current trend of the RSI is exhausted.
It works quite well even in choppy markets. See notes in the picture for more details.
TIGER ALERT RSI DIVThats our first RSI DIV indicator for free use.
What is an RSI divergence?
What Is the Relative Strength Index (RSI)?
The relative strength index (RSI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis.
RSI measures the speed and magnitude of a security's recent price changes to evaluate overvalued or undervalued conditions in the price of that security.
The RSI can do more than point to overbought and oversold securities. It can also indicate securities that may be primed for a trend reversal or corrective pullback in price. It can signal when to buy and sell. T
raditionally, an RSI reading of 70 or above indicates an overbought situation. A reading of 30 or below indicates an oversold condition.
Quick and Simple - WPR+RSI+CCITake a look.
Couple of confluencial reversal signals from popular indicators (W%R, RSI & CCI). I can only say this shows how random the "stanard tools" are and how the market makers "play" these kind of tools to their advantage.
That said. It's better tha average, but not top-class, so expect to have to take signals with other confluence. DON'T take the plots or signals as buy / sell signals, they are just confluencial movements from these indicators based on how they should be "traditionally" used. Instead, use it as a guide as to what other traders may be thinking, or as a pull-back identifier.
Included 100 period ema as basic trend filter.
Not my normal type of script + been away for some time so be kind, lol :)
You might find it useful however so sharing.
More stuff to follow :)
Relative Strength Index with fast and slow MAsThis is the typical Relative Strength Index indicator with two moving averages, one slow (length 50 by default) and one fast (length 20 by default). Additionally, there are four lines, which mark the oversold/overbought signals at different levels, there are two inner bands with values at the levels 40, and 60, and two outer bands at the levels 20, and 80. The presence of the fast and slow moving averages and their crossover/crossunder with the oversold/overbought levels or the RSI can provide more insightful and faster signals. The indicator has a slightly different colouring mechanism.
The views of the RSI indicator on the above the price chart in both dark and light modes:
SUPER RSI [Gabbo]this indicator serves to differentiate the classic source of RSI
with these inputs you can modify the inputs of the different Bar's, you can choose between:
Candles = classic Candles
Heikin Hashi
Line break
Selecting the input: "Use Different Source ???" you can use a source with multiple elements of your choice
2 = (Source 1 + Source 2) / 2
3 = (Source 1 + Source 2 + Source 3) / 3
4 = (Source 1 + Source 2 + Source 3 + Source 4) / 4
5 = (Source 1 + Source 2 + Source 3 + Source 4 + Source 5) / 5
RSI+ by Wilson (alt)Extension of the excellent RSI+ script by Wilsonlibero. I tweaked the parameters to better fit crypto markets, and I added a few more visuals, such as midline, overbought/oversold threshold lines and areas, background coloration depending on RSI trend above or below midline, and a few other tweaks especially colors (fixed the transp parameter deprecation for example). The color theme is by default more optimized for dark mode charts, but all colors can be configured, and all drawings can be enabled/disabled/tweaked in the parameters.
I'm just giving back to the community since I could modify this script only because it was open-source. If you like this script, please don't give me any credit, but please show some love to the original author Wilsonlibero:
Weather Vane
Why is the indicator called 'wind Vane'? Because in this indicator, the trade is entered according to which side the price cuts the EMA that you will determine.
For example, if we have chosen EMA_X as 13, if the price cuts ema13 up within the tolerance you specify, it enters the LONG transaction, if it cuts down, it enters the SHORT transaction and closes the opposite direction while entering a transaction. In other words, the 'wind rose' as the price moves towards that direction (it is blown according to the wind) :)
Explanation on "Açık Pozisyonun Çıkış Koşullarını Seçin": If "Tersi Kesişimde" option is selected, the closing of the open trade is only possible when the price cuts the EMA_X+-tolerance value in the opposite direction. For example, if the price has cut the EMA_X+tolerance up and LONG has been entered in the transaction, this LONG transaction will be closed only by cutting the EMA_X-tolerance back down and entering the SHORT transaction.
If the "BB Sınırında" option is selected, the closing of the open trade is when the price reaches the Bollinger Band limit. For example, if the last price cut the EMA_X+tolerance up and a LONG trade was opened, this trade will be closed if the price comes from below and reaches the upper limit of the Bollinger Band. SHORT The transaction is closed when the price comes from above and reaches the lower limit of the Bollinger Band (black diamond appears as a figure).
If the "OB ve OS'larda" option is selected, the condition of reaching the above Bollinger Band limit for trades to be closed, plus the fact that the RSI exceeds the OverSold (base limit) and OverBought (ceiling limit) values specified in the settings tab of the indicator. (Visible as a navy blue diamond shape)
EMA, Bollinger Band and RSI values in the conditions of entering a LONG or SHORT trade or closing the trade, whatever it is, are calculated according to the candle duration to be selected from here, independently of the candle duration selected on the chart, and printed on the chart, and the trades are realized at the values of this selected candle period.
The default state is based on 720-minute, 12h (12-hour) candles. In this default state, even if you select the candle duration of 1 hour from the chart, whether the trading conditions are met or not is checked according to the RSI EMA_X and BBand values in 720 minutes.
When "any alert condition" is selected while setting an alarm, a single alarm will be set on all alarm conditions and it will notify (by specifying which condition) which alarm condition is met. However, when setting the alarm, it reports once in each candle according to the candle duration selected on the chart. For example, let's say that we have chosen the candle duration of 5 minutes on the chart, and we have chosen the TFM as 720 minutes, that is, 12h. In this case, even if any condition is met multiple times within 5 minutes, it only tells us the first one. If the condition is still met at the opening of the new candle, it will report once in the new candle, and now, even if the condition is met again a hundred times in the last candle, it will only report the first one. If the opposite condition is met within 5 minutes and the last trade entered by moving long steps, the price will be closed and the entry to the opposite direction may be delayed, you can select the candle duration of 1 minute from the chart.
In the meantime, it can give LONG notifications over and over while already in LONG position, but since the balance is fully processed in the first, subsequent LONG notifications do not matter. Likewise SHORT and pose exit notifications.
Yasir Hameed Advance RSI IndicatorRELATIVE STRENGTH INDEX ( RSI )
This is a tool that is widely used
Especially for Overbought and Oversold systems, but I have made some changes in this indicator,
How to use it...!
I have set it as the default setting
- RSI Length: 7
- Overbought: 70
- Oversold: 30
What is unique about this tool?
we can see 3 conditions:
1) RSI Overbought / Oversold with Bullish Engulfing / Bearish Engulfing
2) RSI Overbought / Oversold with Hammer and Shooting Star
3) RSI Overbought / Oversold with 2 Bullish Bars / 2 Bearish Bars
4) RSI Overbought / Oversold with All Patterns at the same time
When the RSI reaches its Oversold line, the code will wait for Bullish Engulfing pattren, when oversold and Bullish engulfing matched, This indicator will generate a buy signal when the condition is met,
and same as for Bear market, When the RSI reaches its Overbought line, the code will wait for Bearish Engulfing pattren, This indicator will generate a sell/exit signal when the condition is met,
2nd condition is that a Hammer candle will be waited for when RSI touches the Overbought line, for Bullish Move
and Shooting Star candle will be waited for when RSI touches the Overbought line, for Bullish Move, for Bearish Move
3rd Condition is also the same as Condition 1 and Condition 2,
When the RSI reaches its Oversold line, the code will wait for 2 Bullish Bars, when oversold and 2 Bullish Bars matched then this indicator will generate a buy signal, and same as for Bear market,
When the RSI reaches its Overbought line, the code will wait for 2 Bearish Bars, when overbought and 2 Bearish Bars matched then this indicator will generate a Sell signal,
4th Condition is that we can use All Conditions at the same time,
- Bullish Engulfing / Bearish Engulfing
- Hammer and Shooting Star
- 2 Bullish Bars / 2 Bearish Bars
RSI + GDAX EMA ConfluencerHighly customizable RSI + GDAX EMA tool to help you quickly spot levels of confluence
- Displays current RSI levels as a plot
- Displays current 12 + 26 EMA as a plot
- 7 customizable time frames
- Each time frame marks RSI oversold, RSI overbought, 12 EMA, and 26 EMA as a line with label
- Each time frame RSI and EMA have options to toggle visibility and oversold/overbought only so you can choose exactly what you want to see
Planned for future release:
- Further customization for lines (color, size, direction, etc)
- Further customization for labels (location, offset, color, size, etc)
- Highlighting areas of confluence (if 2-3+ lines are within a certain % of each other)
RSI based support resistance levelsThis indicator draws support line and resistance lines in the price chart.
How ?
For drawing the support/resistance line we need to first determine the demand and supply.
We are using too-familiar indicator RSI to determine when the script is oversold and overbought.
Now oversold (in RSI) is not a point, it’s a zone. The RSI indicator comes below 30, stays there and goes up above 30. Similarly for overbought.
Now if you carefully look at the oversold region – the lowest point of the oversold region is the place where the demand came (for surety) and push the indicator (and price) up.
Similarly: the highest point of overbought is the place where (for surety) the supply came and push the indicator (and price) down.
So that’ the supply / demand line (for surety).
In this indicator, based on the RSI we are just drawing support and resistance lines in the chat. That’s all.
What is unique ?
Trendline concept is not new. RSI is not new. RSI overbought/oversold is not new.
There are indicators exist to draw trendlines. Some of them works beautifully.
However, none of these, we are aware of, uses RSI to determine it. And, we believe, the most logical way to determine support/resistance is RSI.
Note: We are not responsible for any trading/investment decision you are taking out of the outcome of this indicator.
Pranoyama MA/RSI toolEng: The indicator highlights the overbought and oversold RSI levels on the bars. Also draws two moving averages: sma or ema. The RSI levels, the type of moving averages and their period are set by the user.
Rus: Индикатор подсвечивает на барах уровни перекупленности и перепроданности по RSI, а так же рисует две скользящие средние на выбор: sma или ema. Уровни RSI, тип скользящих средних и их период устанавливаются пользователем.
p.s. Это адаптация ранее опубликованного мной индикатора
Revolver Oscillator Strategy 1.2 (RSI+UO+MFI)ROS (Revolver Oscillator Strategy)
Version 1.2
This script combines three popular oscillators (RSI, Ultimate Oscillator and MFI) to accurately determine the price momentum of an asset.
- RSI (Relative Strength Index) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements over a period of time (14).
- Ultimate Oscillator uses three different periods (7, 14, and 28) to represent short, medium, and long-term market trends.
- Money Flow Index (MFI) is a momentum indicator that measures the flow of money into and out over a period of time. It is related to the Relative Strength Index (RSI) but incorporates volume, whereas the RSI only considers price
How does it work?
When a RED bar appears, it means that the three oscillators have exceeded the set thresholds, and it is a SELL signal.
When a GREEN bar appears, it means that the three oscillators are below the set thresholds, and it is a BUY signal.
I recommend leaving the default settings.
Multi Type RSI [Misu]█ This Indicator is based on RSI ( Relative Strength Index ) & multiple type of MA (Moving Average) to show different variations of RSI.
The relative strength index (RSI) is a momentum indicator used in technical analysis to evaluate overvalued or undervalued conditions in the price of that security.
█ Usages:
The purpose of this indicator is to obtain the RSI calculated with different MAs modes instead of the classic RMA.
The red and green zones indicate the oversold and overbought zones.
Buy or sell signals are marked by the green and red circles
We have 2 different signal modes : when the different size RSIs cross and when the fast RSI crosses the extreme bands.
Alerts are setup.
█ Parameters:
Lenght RSI: The lenght of the RSI. (14 by default)
RSI MA Type: The type of MA with which the rsi will be calculated. ("SMA", "EMA", "SMMA (RMA)", "WMA", "VWMA")
Fast Lenght MA: The fast lenght smoothing MA.
Slow Lenght MA: The Slow lenght smoothing MA.
Lower Band: The lenght of the lower band. (25 by default)
Upper Band: The lenght of the upper band. (75 by default)
Signal Type: The mode with which buy and sell signals are triggered. ("Cross 2 Mas", "Cross Ma/Bands")
RSI + rCalcThis is a modification of the TradingView RSI.
I have added HMA and ALMA options to the MA settings and also the option for a colour change on RSI cross.
A reverse calc has also been added. This will display the MA cross/Overbought/Oversold price predictions. There is also the option to display an entered RSI or Price for a prediction display.
All colours and modifications can be turned on/off.
Enjoy! :)
Dragon Double RSI Overbought-Oversold With LabelThis indicator consist of tow RSI length that user can customize it. like length, overbought, oversold. like length, overbought, oversold. also it has one moving average where the user can select from different types of moving averages, price sources, lookback periods and resolutions
ARKA-RSI CrossThis indicator draws two RSI with different parameters and displays the crosses with the following conditions as colored arrows. This composite RSI can be adjusted in two ways. for example:
1. Cross parameters 5 and 14 above or below 50 which is indicated by light-colored arrows in the chart.
2. Cross parameters 5 and 14 of level 50, which are indicated by darker arrows.
RSI - S&P Sector ETFsThe script displays RSI of each S&P SPDR Sector ETF
XLB - Materials
XLC - Communications
XLE - Energy
XLF - Financials
XLI - Industrials
XLK - Technology
XLP - Consumer Staples
XLRE - Real Estate
XLU - Utilities
XLV - Healthcare
XLY - Consumer Discretionary
It is meant to identify changes in sector rotation, compare oversold/overbought signals of each sector, and/or any price momentum trading strategy applicable to a trader.
Dragon Double RSIMost important thing is feeling inspired and relaxed. Forcing your way into anything under stress and pressure will only end up in disaster
This indicator consists of three RSIs.
RSI: RSI is common and its length is 14.
RSI 1: The slowest RSI. The length is 100.
RSI 2: Faster than RSI 1. The length is 50.
Bonds RSIA visually appealing RSI indicator with "at a glance" visual cues to quickly and easily identify who is in control of the chart.
This indicator provides clear "Bull" and "Bear" control zones, as well as a built-in EMA that is color changing based on the trend direction.
All functions, specific data points and color themes are 100% customizable to allow the user the ability to tweak all aspects of this tool to their own liking.
As time allows I will be adding additional features & functions.
Please like & share this indicator if you find it useful.
RSITrendStrategyI don't know if there is any strategy based on RSI cross over. The strategy is designed based on RSI crossover, considering RSI(5) and RSI(11), with RSI(6) to identify highs & lows.
I used this strategy to trade in Nifty 50 & Nifty bank indices. Whenever there is long mentioned on chart, I go for buying call option with premium near to 300, and placing stoploss of 50 on candle closing basis, vice versa.
Target is open until short is mentioned on the chart. Sometimes, i used standard pivot points as well to mark my targets and also to trail my trades.