Auto Fib Channels by DGTThe Fibonacci Channel is a technical analysis tool that is used to estimate support and resistance levels based on the Fibonacci numbers. It is a variation of the Fibonacci retracement tool, except with the channel the lines run diagonally rather than horizontally.
This study will automatically place the channels where the levels indicate future areas of support and resistance
For further details please refer to education post
Nobody appears to know whether Fibonacci tools work because markets exhibit some form of natural pattern or because many investors use Fibonacci ratios to predict price movements, making them a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Auto Fibonacci Channels , the main aim of the study
- Pivot threshold can be adjusted via “Deviation” and “Depth” input options
- Historical Channels / Retracements option will allow plotting of Channels on previous pivot high/lows
- Ability to set ALERTs for the Channel Levels
- Channel Labels displays the price of the line at the last bar, the price value will be updated in each new bar
Auto Fib Retracement – This is the build-in study of TradingView, customized to be in-line with Fibonacci Channels
- Pivot threshold can be adjusted via “Deviation” and “Depth” input options
- Historical Channels / Retracements option will allow plotting of Retracements on previous pivot high/lows
- Ability to set ALERTs for the Retracement Levels
Zig Zag – Derived from build-in Auto Fib Retracement with some customization options.
Disclaimer :
Trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the indicators should fit within your trading strategy, and not to be traded upon solely
The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitute professional and/or financial advice. You alone have the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Chỉ báo sóng Zig zag
Auto Fib Speed Resistance Fans by DGTFibonacci Speed and Resistance Fan is an analytical drawing tool used to indicate the support and resistance levels of an existing trend and the price level at which possible changes in the trend may occur.
A Fibonacci Speed Resistance Fan consists of a trend line drawn between two extreme points - a trough and opposing peak or a peak and opposing trough - on which a set of sequential speed resistance lines are drawn above (which represents time) and below (which represents price). These lines are drawn based on time/price percentages of the distance between the beginning and the end of the trend line.
Speed resistance lines not only help to measure trend corrections but also measure the speed of a trend (the rate at which a trendline ascends or descends)
Traders can use the lines of the Fibonacci Speed and Resistance Fan to predict key points of resistance or support, at which they might expect price trends to reverse. Once a trader identifies patterns within a chart, they can use those patterns to predict future price movements and future levels of support and resistance. Traders use the predictions to time their trades. Key support and resistance levels tend to occur frequently at the 61.8-percent level on both uptrends and downtrends.
Please check for further details in the education post that I will share shortly after this publication :
Nobody appears to know whether Fibonacci tools work because markets exhibit some form of natural pattern or because many investors use Fibonacci ratios to predict price movements, making them a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Auto Fibonacci Speed and Resistance Fan , the main aim of the study
- Pivot threshold can be adjusted via “Deviation” and “Depth” input options
- Historical Fans option will allow plotting of Speed and Resistance Fans on previous pivot high/lows
- Ability to set ALERTs for the Speed and Resistance Levels
- Price Grid Lines if extended it will result with Fib Retracement levels
- All lines, line levels are customizable, default values are set exactly to the same with the available Fib Speed and Resistance Fan drawing tool
Zig Zag – Derived from build-in Auto Fib Retracement with some customization options.
Example Usages :
Disclaimer :
Trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the indicators should fit within your trading strategy, and not to be traded upon solely
The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitute professional and/or financial advice. You alone have the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Auto Pitchfork, Fib Retracement and Zig Zag by DGTPitchfork is a technical indicator for a quick and easy way for traders to identify possible levels of support and resistance of an asset's price. It is presents and based on the idea that the market is geometric and cyclical in nature
Developed by Alan Andrews, so sometimes called Andrews’ Pitchfork
It is created by placing three points at the end of previous trends
Schiff and Modified Pitchfork is a technical analysis tool derived from Andrews' Pitchfork
In general, traders will purchase the asset when the price falls near the support of either the center trendline or the lowest trendline. Conversely, they'll sell the asset when it approaches the resistance of either the center line or the highest trendline.
Auto Pitchfork , the main aim of the study
Pivots threshold can be customized by “Deviation” and “Depth” input options
Pitchfork Type selection, available options Andrews' Pitchfork (Original), Schiff and Modified Pitchfork
Ability to set ALERTs for the Pitchfork Levels
Ability to add customized levels (all level lines customizable)
Auto Fib Retracement – This is the build-in study of TradingView, slight changes applied to fit with Auto Pitchfork
Zig Zag – Derived from build-in Auto Fib Retracement with some customization options.
█ Usage Tips :
Andrews' Pitchfork (Original) best fit in a Strong Trending Market
Schiff and Modified Pitchfork better with Correcting or Sideways Market. Modified Pitchfork is almost identical to a Parallel Chanel
Disclaimer :
Trading success is all about following your trading strategy and the indicators should fit within your trading strategy, and not to be traded upon solely
The script is for informational and educational purposes only. Use of the script does not constitute professional and/or financial advice. You alone have the sole responsibility of evaluating the script output and risks associated with the use of the script. In exchange for using the script, you agree not to hold dgtrd TradingView user liable for any possible claim for damages arising from any decision you make based on use of the script
Donchian Zig-Zag [LuxAlgo]The following indicator returns a line bouncing of the extremities of a Donchian channel, with the aim of replicating a "zig-zag" indicator. The indicator can both be lagging or lagging depending on the settings user uses.
Various extended lines are displayed in order to see if the peaks and troughs made by the Donchian zig-zag can act as potential support/resistance lines.
User Settings
Length : Period of the Donchian channel indicator, higher values will return fewer changes of directions from the zig-zag line
Bounce Speed : Determine the speed of bounces made by the zig-zag line, with higher values making the zig-zag line converge faster toward the extremities of the Donchian channel.
Gradient : Determine whether to use a gradient to color the area between each Donchian channel extremities, "On" by default.
Transparency : Transparency of the area between each Donchian channel extremities.
It is clear that this is not a very common indicator to see, as such usages can be limited and very hypothetical. Nonetheless, when a bounce speed value of 1 is used, the zig-zag line will have the tendency to lag behind the price, and as such can provides crosses with the prices which can provide potential entries.
The advantage of this approach against most indicators relying on crosses with the price is that the linear nature of the indicator allows avoiding retracements, thus potentially holding a position for the entirety of the trend.
Altho this indicator would not necessarily be the most adapted to this kind of usage.
When using a bounce speed superior to 1, we can see the predictive aspects of the indicator:
We can link the peaks/troughs made by the zig-zag with the precedent ones made to get potential support and resistance lines, while such a method is not necessarily accurate it still allows for an additional to interpret the indicator.
We presented an indicator aiming to replicate the behaviour of a zig-zag indicator. While somehow experimental, it has the benefits of being innovative and might inspire users in one way or another.
SemaforHello Traders!
I have been away for a while but am recovering back gradually! Here is a gift to all of you.
It is based on the much loved ZigZag++ Script
The Semafor is used to spot future multi-level Supports and Resistance zones.
It is also useful to spot HL or LL or HH or LH zones at different Depth settings.
The red zones are the extreme places where the market has a higher chance of reversing while the green zones have the lowest setting with lower chances of the market reversal
To ease understanding of the code, I used the function `zigzag()` to show the simplicity in calculation
More will be coming this Year!
Tweezers and Kangaroo TailHello Traders,
Here Tweezers and Kangaroo Tail script is in your service. The script searches for Tweezer / Kangaroo Tail candlestick patterns and shows them as T (Tweezer) and K (Kangaroo Tail). Thanks to RorschachT who game me the idea and some details while working on this script.
What are these candlestick patterns?
Tweezers :
- A tweezers pattern occurs when the highs/Lows of two candlesticks occur at almost exactly the same level
- Both candles must have wicks
- Bigger Wick / Smaller Wick rate should not be greater than 150% ( 150% by default and you have option to change it)
- First Candle must be highest/lowest for last 5 candles (5 by default and you have option to change it)
- The level of High for Top, Low for Bottom must be almost lower than 20% of the bigger wick of tweezer candles (20% by default and you have option to change it)
- The Candles can be right next to each other or apart but not more than 12 candles apart (12 by default and you have option to change it)
- You will see that Tweezers pattern occurs frequently
Kangaroo Tail:
- Looks almost like a Hammer or Inverted Hammer candle
- They have both its open and close in the top or bottom third of the candle
- There must be some space/room on the left of the kangaroo tail
- The open and close of the Kangaroo Tail candle must be inside the range of the previous candlestick
- The next candle should create a new high or new low
- You have several options to set details about the "Room" that should be on the left and also options for Wick/Body rates
- You can see example below
You have option to enable/disable any of these patterns.
as far as I have tested they are strong reversal patterns but none of the indicators or patterns may not be enough alone. so you should confirm the signals using other indicators or tools
If you need more information you can find a lot of info on the net ;)
Example: Tweezers - Aparted
Example: Kangaroo Tail - Bullish
Divergence for Many Indicators v4Hello Traders,
Here is my new year gift for the community, Digergence for Many Indicators v4 . I tried to make it modular and readable as much as I can. Thanks to Pine Team for improving Pine Platform all the time!
How it works?
- On each candle it checks divergences between current and any of last 16 Pivot Points for the indicators.
- it search divergence on choisen indicators => RSI , MACD , MACD Histogram, Stochastic , CCI , Momentum, OBV, VWMACD, CMF and any External Indicator !
- it checks following divergences for 16 pivot points that is in last 100 bars for each Indicator.
--> Regular Positive Digergences
--> Regular Negative Digergences
--> Hidden Positive Digergences
--> Hidden Negative Digergences
- for positive divergences first it checks if closing price is higher than last closing price and indicator value is higher than perious value, then start searching divergence
- for negative divergences first it checks if closing price is lower than last closing price and indicator value is lower than perious value, then start searching divergence
Some Options:
Pivot Period: you set Pivot Period as you wish. you can see Pivot Points using "Show Pivot Points" option
Source for Pivot Points: you can use Close or High/Low as source
Divergence Type: you can choose Divergence type to be shown => "Regular", "Hidden", "Regular/Hidden"
Show Indicator Names: you have different options to show indicator names => "Full", "First Letter", "Don't Show"
Show Divergence Number: option to see number of indicators which has Divergence
Show Only Last Divergence : if you enable this option then it shows only last Positive and Negative Divergences
you can include any External Indicator to see if there is divergence
- enable "Check External Indicator"
- and then choose External indicator name in the list, "External Indicator"
- External indicator name is shown as Extrn
- related external indicator must be added before enabling this option
Coloring, line width and line style options for different type of divergences.
Following Alerts added:
- Positive Regular Divergence Detected
- Negative Regular Divergence Detected
- Positive Hidden Divergence Detected
- Negative Hidden Divergence Detected
Now lets see some examples:
Hidden Divergences:
Regular and Hidden Divergences together:
Showing first letters of indicators:
You can see only the number of indicators which has divergence:
You can see only divergence lines without indicators names and numbers:
option to used different label/line/text colors:
You have option to see only last divergences:
You can change Pivot Period, in following example Pivot Period = 15:
You can use Close or High/Low as Source for Divergence
You can include external indicators and get divergences on it:
Wish you all a happy new year!
Double Zig Zag with HHLLHello Traders,
Here Double Zig Zag with HHLL script is with you. it calculates 2 Zig Zag simultaneously and draws them, and also it calculates and puts Higher High, Lower Low, Higher Low, Lower High labels. All these are done dynamically, it means last HH/HL/LL/LH can change. if price continues to go up then HL can turn to LL or if price continues to go down then LH can turn to HH. This script can be used for different purposes such trend analysis, support/resistance levels, breakouts etc.
I tried to make many things optional:
You can set Periods for Zig Zags as you wish
You can set different colors for both Zig Zag Up/Down lines
You have option to show both Zig Zag, one of them or none them
You have option to show both HHLL, one of them or none them
You can set Zig Zag 1 line style as Dashed or Dotted
You can set Line Widths for Zig Zags
Some examples:
TRY Me - Turkish Lira Quote Currency DivergencesThis is a conceptual indicator that converts the main chart series' quote currency from U.S. dollar to Turkish Lira. Should only be used with USD pairs unless you change the 'Pair' input.
Divergences are created by the difference in price due to the incredible changes in TRY value. The candle colors turn to grey when the forex exchange is closed; this is done to show you that the quote currency value won't change.
Support and resistance levels are also possible to be drawn.
Options to configure are changing the quote pair, colors, and turning the divergences on or off.
RSI Tops and BottomsHello Traders
This script finds Tops when RSI is in overbought area or Bottoms when RSI is in oversold area and checks the divergence between them. it checks divergence at tops/bottoms after RSI exited from OB/OS areas.
You can change overbought / oversold levels.
You can limit the time that RSI is in OB/OS area with the option "Max Number of Bars in OB/OS"
you can set the minimum/maximum distances between Tops/Bottoms with the options "Min Number of Bars between Tops/Bottoms" and "Max Number of Bars between Topss/Bottoms"
and you can set the color and line widths as you wish.
These tops or bottom must be sequential, means there mustn't be another top while checking tops or bottom while checking bottoms between them.
in next example you can see valid and invalid bottoms:
After you got signal then you better use Stop Order, a few pips higher than the high of colored candle for long positions, ( vise versa in short positions ). so you may escape from traps. ("Stop order" is filled when the price reached a pre-specified price. for example the price is now 10.0 and you set Buy Stop Order at 11.0 then if price reaches 11.0 then your buy order get filled. you can put stoploss a few pips lower than the low of colored candle or you can use ATR to decice stoploss level. how you wish)
For example in following screenshot you can see that buy stop order was not filled and you didn't take long position.
Zig Zag High-Low + RSIThis indicator adds to the functionality of Tr0sT's Zig Zag High Low Indicator by adding the RSI value above the higher-high to eyeball whether the current trend (signified by consecutive higher-highs and higher lows or consecutive lower highs and lower lows) is strengthening or weakening.
If the uptrend is strong, the later pivot high will have a greater RSI number than the previous pivot high indicating an opportunity to go long. In a downtrend the lower high should have a lower RSI than the previous lower high indicating an opportunity to go short. If it does not, it is an indication that the trend is weakening.
If the ZigZag has higher highs and Higher lows and a strengthening RSI, look for Long opportunities on the lower time frame. If the ZigZag has lower highs and lower lows and a weakening RSI, look for Short opportunities on the lower time frame.
This methodology works best and produces the most opportunities when the markets are active, i.e. between 6AM-11AM EST
Thanks to Tr0sT for the original ZigZag High-Low indicator.
Zig Zag High Low Indicator:
ABCD Harmonic PatternsShows Bullish and Bearish AB=CD Harmonic Patterns with Pivot High, Pivot Low and Pivot Line
Angle & Price FlowThis is a simple end of the day indicator based on open and close values.
Identifying narrow angles helps to find breakouts
Maximum angle = High chance of reversal
Minimum angle = Chance of breakouts on the next day or upcoming days.
Price Flow:
I personally use price flow to simplify the flow of candlestick chart and to identify breakouts using rounding bottoms and rounding top patterns, sharp corners for reversals.
Multi time frame
Hide previous period
Combine it with other indicators for better result.
Angle & Price FlowThis is a simple end of the day indicator based on open and close values.
Identifying narrow angles helps to find breakouts
Maximum angle = High chance of reversal
Minimum angle = Chance of breakouts on the next day or upcoming days.
Price Flow:
I personally use price flow to simplify the flow of candlestick chart and to identify breakouts using rounding bottoms and rounding top patterns, sharp corners for reversals.
Multi time frame
Hide previous period
Combine it with other indicators for better result.
Consolidation Zones - LiveHello Traders!
This is the script that finds Consolidation Zones in Realtime.
How it works?
- The script finds highest/lowest bars by using "Loopback Period"
- Then it calculates direction
- By using the direction and highest/lowest bar info it calculates consolidation zones in realtime
- If the length of consolidation area is equal/greater than user-defined min length then this area is shown as consolidation zone
- Then Consolidation Zone extends automatically if there is no breakout
if you increase the Loopback Length then you get bigger consolidation zones:
You have option to "Paint Consolidation Area" or not:
Key price levelsFunction: labelling recent highs and lows automatically. Easy and clean.
In this example, we can see the previous low of the ticker is around 105.5, the previous high is around 120.
We can set up our entries and exits by referring to the last lows and highs.
Users can adjust the searching bar range by themselves.
RSI Swing Indicator v2The 2nd version of this indicator came quick :)
As the previous one, it draws swings on the candlesticks, based on price action and RSI.
Also in the labels you can see if the current swing is higher or lower to the previous one.
HH stands for Higher High
LL stands for Lower Low
LH means Lower High
HL means Higher low
THIS IS NOT A STRATEGY, this is for TREND analysis.
Please stop asking if it "redraws", because it doesn't matter.
The labels are not SELL or BUY signals
RSI Market StructureThis indicator draws swings on the chart based on the RSI configured within.
The swings are drawn from Overbought to Oversold or vice-versa.
From Overbought to Oversold, a line is drawn from the highest price before oversold to the lowest price of the oversold.
The labels can be deactivated from the style menu, it was easier for me to implement this way (It's my first indicator)
Zig Zag High LowZig Zag script that uses local minimums and maximums as pivot points. It can be used as a source for pattern recognition.
Smart Indicator 28 - Swing Pivots (Higher Highs and Lower Lows)A simple way to find Higher Highs and Lower Lows (HH and LL) whit automatic Fibonacci Lines in the most common levels.
In this indicator the Higher Highs only happens when a high value are rising from each other in the last "Length of Real Pivots" highs and the next same number of highs are falling in every single bar.
The Lower Lows are inverted, LL only appears if a low is falling in every single bar in the last number of length and the lows price of the "n" bars next are rising.
You can use this Indicator in any kind of market.
Trend LinesHello Everyone! This is my new trend lines script (after beta version that was published almost one year ago)
The idea is to find Pivot Highs (PH) and Pivot Lows(PL) first.
Then, If current PH is smaller then previous PH (means no new higher high and possible downtrend) then draw trend line using them. and also it checks previous trend line (if exits) and if current angle is smaller then don't extend previous one.
Same idea when using Pivot Lows, If current PL is higher then previous PL (means no new lower low and possible uptrend) then draw trend line using them. and also it checks previous trend line (if exits) and if current angle is smaller then don't extend previous one.
Optionally style of old trend lines drawn as dashed.
Hope you enjoy it!
[fikira] Harmonic Patterns 2This is "Harmonic Patterns", part 2 Open Source
(in 2 parts, otherwise many lines are gone because the script is too large):
- Crab
- Bat (+ Alt)
- Butterfly
- Shark
A "Pattern" is created by checking 5 consecutive ( pivot ) points, starting with X, A, B, C, and ending with point D.
At point D all 5 points are compared, calculated and verified.
When confirmed, a "Label" will be plotted at point D, together with the "Entry", "Take Profit" and "Stop Loss" price.
The "Entry", "Take Profit" and "Stop Loss" lines will be plotted as well at point D.
Lastly, a "Drawing" automatically will be displayed which makes the "Pattern" visible.
Please do mind, the "Drawing" is calculated differently, the "Drawing" sometimes can be displayed incorrectly
when prices are too close to each other (for example low Satoshi price changes).
- 1 "TP point" can be changed ("TP Level 0.618")
- "Labels", "Lines", "Drawings" can be disabled/enabled
- "Labels" can be made smaller or bigger ("Size Label")
- "Labels" can be placed further or closer to the bar ("Distance TP Label" > higher = closer, lower = further)
- "Lines" can be made thicker or thinner ("TP Linewidth")
- "Drawings" can be made thicker or thinner ("Drawings Linewidth")
- "Drawings" are created by comparing with 100 bars back in history (default), should it be (very rarely) a triangle is displayed flat on the left side,
possibly the first point(s) is/are further than 100 bars ago, in this case increase "Period Drawings" above 100.
- Animal symbols can be enabled/disabled
- When several "Patterns" appear on the chart, the oldest ones won't be displayed anymore, first the "Drawings", then the "Lines"
The last (present) ones will always be displayed in total without a problem!
- If you want to see "Patterns" with less correct measurement, change "Error Marge" 0.9 - 1" and "Error Marge" 1 - 1.1"), this gives max. about 10% extra margin
- Added more settings regarding "Drawing Lines"
Thank you very much!