MrBS:Directional Movement Index [Trend Friend]I started this project with the goal of making a DMI/ADX that was easy to read at a glance. Its since become a little more then just colouring the slopes. The majority of the time, the best returns come from trending markets (THE TREND IS YOUR FRIEND... until the end) and I hope this helps people become good friends with the trends.
----- Features
- A function to change the values used for calculation from real OHLC and Heikin Ashi. This allows us to look at different chart types but see the specific ADX we choose. Originally HA values were used for calculation since it is easier to see trend on HA charts. However when testing it was not as effective as the ADX calculated from the real values on normal charts. So the default function was flipped and real OHLC values are used as default.
- Two ADX plots so we can see two different smoothness's. With a smoothing of 2, a slight slow down in PA can cause a negative slope but the smoother ADX will stay trending unless its a major change. 2nd ADX is slightly transparent.
- There is an EMA of the main ADX that can be used as a exit signal filter. If the ADX starts going down but has not crossed the EMA we would stay in a trade.
- Plots (excluding EMA) are coloured based on positive or negative slopes.
- Fibonacci numbers have been used to create different trend levels, instead of the standard 25, 50, 100.
- Alerts for every useful situation to help save time and not have to manually enter levels or crosses each time.
- In the code there are 8 EMAs and 3 ADXs but it was too much so they have been slashed out, but are fully functional if you choose to activate and use them. To reactivate the 3rd ADX delete slashes on lines 50, 65, 78, 92-95, 165. The slashed out EMAs are much more obvious and easy to reactivate.
ADX going up = Green
ADX going down = Red
DMI+ going up = Bright Aqua
DMI+ going down = Turquoise / Dark Aqua
DMI- going up = Bright Purple
DMI- going down = Dark Purple
EMA = White (50% transparent)
If there is anything that would be useful, let me know and I will add it in. I've already got some improvements/changes planned and some of my notes can be found in the code.
There is also a strategy to go with this indicator that will be uploaded very soon.
Linear Regression ChannelHello Traders,
There are several nice Linear Regression Channel scripts in the Public Library. and I tried to make one with some extra features too. This one can check if the Price breaks the channel and it shows where is was broken. Also it checks the momentum of the channel and shows it's increasing/decreasing/equal in a label, shape of the label also changes. The line colors change according to direction.
using the options, you can;
- Set the Source (Close, HL2 etc)
- Set the Channel length
- Set Deviation
- Change Up/Down Line colors
- Show/hide broken channels
- Change line width
meaning of arrows:
⇑ : Uptrend and moment incresing
⇗ : Uptrend and moment decreasing
⇓ : Downtrend and moment incresing
⇘ : Downtrend and moment decreasing
⇒ : No trend
An example for how color of lines, arrow direction and shape of label change.
RSI Multi Time FrameHello Traders,
Recently we got new features in Pine such Arrays of Lines, Labels and Strings. Thanks to the Pine Team! ( here )
So I decided to make new style of Multi Time Frame indicator and I used Array of Lines in this script. here it is, RSI Multi Time Frame script. it shows RSI for current time frame as it is and also it gets RSI for the Higher Time Frame and converts it and shows it as in time frame. as you can see, RSI for HTF moves to the right on each candle until higher time frame was completed.
You have color and line width options for both RSI, also if you want you can limit the number of bars to show higher time frame RSI by the option " Number of Bars for RSI HTF ", following example show RSI HTF for 100 bars.
Most of you know that old style Multi Time Frames indicators was like:
Hope you like this new Multi time frame style ;)
Moving Averages as Support Resistance MTFHello Traders!
As most of you know that Moving Averages with the lengths 50, 100, 150 and 200 are very important. We should use these this moving averages to figure out S/R levels, the possible reversals points, trend direction etc. we should check these moving averages on Higher Time Frames as well. for example if you look at the chart with 5mins time frame, you should also check it in 1hour and 4hour time frames to see to big picture and main trend. this is important as trend is your friend and you should not take positions against the trend.
I developed this script to show them clearly and make the chart understandable. 1 resistance line above the price and 1 support line below the price, it shows the moving average type, length, time frame and S/R level.
You have option to show SMA or EMA and to include/exclude current time frame, because you may want to see only MAs from higher time frames. you should set higher time frames accordingly.
if you add all moving averages for current and higher time frame the chart looks very crowded as following example:
The script makes it clear to understand the chart better, here an example:
It can show when S/R was broken and you get alert. here an example:
You have coloring and style options, you can change line style and colors as you wish:
Step RiderRelease Note:
Idea of this script is to ride on the trend. Multiple dynamic support and resistance are identified and those levels are used
Step Lines:
There are 3 different periods by default are used to define 3 different step lines. On any trend, either of these 3 steps shall play major role
Color Strength:
Change in Red & Green color and its thickness changed based on how strong the up or down trend is.
//Disclaimer: Idea of publishing this script is to identify the strength of the instrument using multiple confirmation.
//Disclaimer: Using this indicator, changing inputs, and trading decisions are up to the users/traders.
//Courtesy: Thanks to Richard Donchian, Alan Hull as this indicator/script inspired by Donchian Channels, Hull Moving Average
RSI Tops and BottomsHello Traders
This script finds Tops when RSI is in overbought area or Bottoms when RSI is in oversold area and checks the divergence between them. it checks divergence at tops/bottoms after RSI exited from OB/OS areas.
You can change overbought / oversold levels.
You can limit the time that RSI is in OB/OS area with the option "Max Number of Bars in OB/OS"
you can set the minimum/maximum distances between Tops/Bottoms with the options "Min Number of Bars between Tops/Bottoms" and "Max Number of Bars between Topss/Bottoms"
and you can set the color and line widths as you wish.
These tops or bottom must be sequential, means there mustn't be another top while checking tops or bottom while checking bottoms between them.
in next example you can see valid and invalid bottoms:
After you got signal then you better use Stop Order, a few pips higher than the high of colored candle for long positions, ( vise versa in short positions ). so you may escape from traps. ("Stop order" is filled when the price reached a pre-specified price. for example the price is now 10.0 and you set Buy Stop Order at 11.0 then if price reaches 11.0 then your buy order get filled. you can put stoploss a few pips lower than the low of colored candle or you can use ATR to decice stoploss level. how you wish)
For example in following screenshot you can see that buy stop order was not filled and you didn't take long position.
Trend-Range IdentifierTrend trading algorithms fail in ranging market and Swing trading algorithm fail in trending market. Purpose of this indicator is to identify if the instrument is trending or ranging so that you can apply appropriate trading algorithm for the market.
ATR is calculated based on the input parameter atrLength
Range/Channel containing upLine and downLine is calculated by adding/subtracting atrMultiplier * atr to close price.
This range/channel will remain same until the price breaks either upLine or downLine.
Once price crosses one among upLine and downLine, then new upLine/downLine is calculated based on latest close price.
If price breaks upLine, the trend is considered to be up until the next line break or no lines are broken for rangeLength bars. During this state, candles are colored in lime and upLine/downLine are colored in green.
If price breaks downLine, the trend is considered to be down until the next line break or no lines are broken for rangeLength bars. During this state, candles are colored in orange and upLine/downLine are colored in red.
If close price does not break either upLine or downLine for rangeLength bars, then the instrument is considered to be in range. During this state, candles are colored in silver and upLine/downLine are colored in purple.
In ranging duration, we display one among Keltner Channel, Bollinger Band or Donchian Band as per input parameter : rangeChannel . Other parameters used for calculation are rangeLength and stdDev
I have not fully optimized parameters. Suggestions and feedback welcome.
Market ProfileHello All,
This is Market Profile script. "Market Profile is an intra-day charting technique (price vertical, time/activity horizontal) devised by J. Peter Steidlmayer. Steidlmayer was seeking a way to determine and to evaluate market value as it developed in the day time frame. The concept was to display price on a vertical axis against time on the horizontal, and the ensuing graphic generally is a bell shape--fatter at the middle prices, with activity trailing off and volume diminished at the extreme higher and lower prices." You better search it on the net for more information, you can find a lot of articles and books about the Market Profile.
You have option to see Value Area, All Channels or only POC line, you can set the colors as you wish.
Also you can choose the Higher Time Frame from the list or the script can choose the HTF for you automatically.
Multi Time Frame CandlesHello Traders,
This script can show (upto) 3 candles of another time frames without changing chart time frame realtime . You can choose the time frame and number of candles in the options. You have option to change body and wick colors as well.
in this example number of candles is 2:
You can set body and wick colors:
In this example, weekly candles are shown on 1h chart:
Support Resistance - Aging [Example]Hello All,
First all of Thanks to Pine Team for adding Arrays to Pine!
In this script I tried to make example for
1. Finding S/R lines using highest/lowest function
2. Using 1D array as 2D (we keep S/R levels and age)
3. "Age" usage for S/R levels, getting older on each candle and changing colors by their age (maximum age is 127 then it disappears)
You can use "Close"/Open " or " High/Low " as source.
There is an option for the background color, by default it's Black, do not forget to set it accordingly :)
Ehlers 2 Pole Super Smoother Filter V2 [CC]The 2 Pole Super Smoother Filter was created by John Ehlers (Cycle Analytics For Traders pg 32) and this follows the price very closely and very useful because it is consistent with uptrends and falls sharply during a sudden downtrend so it should be able to help you stay more profitable. Buy when the indicator line turns green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are other indicators you would like to see me publish or if you want something custom done!
Cumulative Delta VolumeHello Traders,
This is Cumulative Delta Volume script. Delta refers to the difference between buying and selling volume at each price level. Cumulative Delta builds upon this concept by recording a cumulative tally of these differences in buying vs selling volume. The Cumulative Delta indicator plots as candlesticks or line. One of the main uses of Cumulative Delta is to confirm or deny market trends. you may need to search it for yourself ;)
You have option to see it as Candles or a Line. also there are options to show 2 SMAs and 2 EMAs with different Lengths, you can set the lengths as you wish.
By default it shows CDV as Heikin Ashi Candles, it can also show it as normal candles:
It can show CDV as a line:
Also you may need to check divergence:
Support Resistance - Dynamic v2Hello Traders!
After the addition of "Arrays" to the Pine, I developed new and improved version of Support Resistance - Dynamic script as version 2. In this script Arrays were used. This can be used as Support Resistance tool, also it will be an example for the people who want to learn Array usage in Pine. Many thanks to Pine Team for adding Arrays!
The script finds the Pivot Points and check them in channels if there can be S/R or not, and draws mid line of the channel as S/R line. you can set number of PPs and channel width in the options. Each channel width is optimized dynamically according to Pivot Points. Also you can choose " High/Low " or " Close/Open " as source for Pivot Points.
There is an option for maximum number of S/R levels. S/R levels are found and sorted dynamically and number of S/R lines with enough strength changes dynamically.
Some other options for coloring and line width. (Solid, Dashed or Dotted)
S/R levels are shown in the Labels and Label colors are changed automatically, if S/R line is below the closing price then it's color is Green (as Support), otherwise its color is Red (as Resistance).
Smoothed CandlesHello Traders,
This is " Smoothed Candles " script to get rid of noises and to get a smoothed chart to figure out breakouts and price movements easily.
There are three scaling methods: User Defined, Dynamic (ATR) and Percentage
Optionally you can add 2 Simple Moving Averages and 2 Exponential Moving Averages
Optionally you can hide the Wicks, example:
You can add moving averages:
Easily find breakouts:
Higher Timeframe Trend Indicator V3.0What is it?
An indicator that depicts the trend of up to 5 higher timeframes on the same chart without needing to context-switch between charts.
- Supports up to 5 timeframes
- Trends indicated by 5 colored buttons: one for each timeframe
- Varying shades of green: uptrend
- Varying shades of red: downtrend
- White/silver: sideways/neutral
- Configurable length (time period) for each timeframe
- Increase length to capture long term trends; decrease it to capture only short term ones
- Configurable sensitivity for each timeframe
- Sensitivity determines what angle is considered trending and what is not
- Increase sensitivity to capture weak trends
- Decrease sensitivity to filter out weak trends and capture only strong/steep ones
- Sensitivity ranges from 1 (least sensitive) to 3 (most sensitive)
- Move the labels around vertically for better visibility by changing the "Location" and "Offset" parameters
How should one use it?
Use it to quickly browse through charts to understand the context across timeframes, and zero in on only those that have trends aligning on the higher and lower timeframes as per your strategy. For e.g., a chart that is trending up strongly on the 15min and 60min (indicated by dark green colored buttons), and trending down on the 1 and/or 5 min (indicated by red-colored buttons), can be shortlisted for a potential pullback trade. Use your favorite pullback strategy (Supply/Demand, Support/Resistance, Moving Averages, etc.) to hop in on the trend.
How are trends determined?
The indicator uses normalized %change in price of the linear regression line segment of the chosen price sources (close, high, low, MA, etc.) over a specified length to determine trend direction and intensity
Known Issues
Will indicate the trend correctly only for timeframes *higher* than the current (visible) resolution/timeframe of the chart. Might not indicate it correctly for lower timeframes ( i.e., lower than the current (visible) resolution/timeframe of the chart). For this reason, all timeframes lower than the current resolution will be hidden in the present release.
Future releases
- I am still experimenting with various sensitivity levels and the corresponding trend shades to make the tool as accurate and intuitive as possible. These modifications might come in
- Sensitivity levels might be increased.
- Bug fixes, if any
Trend Following with Moving AveragesHello Traders,
With the info "Trend is Your Friend ", you should not take position against the trend. This script checks multipte moving averages if they are above/below the closing price and try to find trend. The moving averages with the length 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377 used. these are fibonacci numbers, but optionally you can change the lengths of each moving averages. while it's green you better take long positions, while it's red you better take short positions according to other indcators or tools.
Optionally you have "smoothing" option to get rid of whipsaws. it's enabled by default.
You have option to use following moving average types: EMA, SMA, RMA, WMA, VWMA. by default it's EMA
Also the script has "Resolution" option. with this option you can get the trend for other time frames, in following example 1h was set as for higher time frame on 15m chart:
This should not be used as buy/sell signal indicators as it's tries to find trend but not entry points, you should use other indicators (such RSI, Momentum) or other tools to find buy/sell signals.
Ehlers Hurst Coefficient [CC]The Hurst Coefficient was created by John Ehlers (Cycle Analytics For Traders pgs 67-68) and this is a very useful indicator to tell you if the stock is in a uptrend or downtrend. Feel free to change the length to experiment and to adjust to your needs. Buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it is red.
Let me know if there are other indicators you would like to see me publish or if you want something custom done!
Ehlers 2 Pole Butterworth Filter V1 [CC]The 2 Pole Butterworth Filter was created by John Ehlers (Cybernetic Analysis For Stocks And Futures pg 192) and this is one of his many filters that cuts out the noise and follows the price very closely. I recommend combining a 2 pole and 3 pole system of the same type of filter. Buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it is red.
Let me know if there are other indicators you would like to see or if you want something custom done!
Inverse Fisher Transform of SMI and sto. RSI, MTF confirmedThe system uses 1 hour and 15 min timeframe data. Signals coming from 15 min Inverse Fisher Transform of SMI and stochastic RSI are confirmed by 1 hour Inverse Fisher Transform SMI, according to the following rules:
long cond.: 15 min IFTSMI crosses ABOVE -0.5 or SRSI k-line crosses ABOVE 50 while 1-hour IFTSMI is already ABOVE -0.5
short cond.:15 min IFTSMI crosses BELOW 0.5 or SRSI k-line crosses BELOW 50 while 1-hour IFTSMI is already BELOW 0.5
SMI and Inverse Fisher Transform of SMI codes belong to @kivancozbilgic.
MACD_trendtrader v2 (picte)This is an upgraded version of my MACD_trendtrader indicator.
- Histogram slope changes colors according to the direction of the slope.
- Panel that displays volatility of the asset. The volatility is measured from 0 to 100. Zero being the lowest and 100 the highest volatility. I also included different text colors for a certain volatility value (white= very low volatility, blue = low volatility, purple= high volatility, green= very high volatility)
It works well on all time-frames but i found it particularly useful on the lower time-frames for identifying pullbacks in a trending market.
It has been tested in the Forex and Traditional market.
Ehlers Laguerre Filter [CC]The Laguerre Filter was created by John Ehlers (Cybernetic Analysis For Stocks And Futures pg 216) and this indicator works well with letting you know both the short and long term trend as well as a pretty good moving average. If the indicator line is above the black line then it is a long term uptrend and below the black line is a long term downtrend. Buy when the indicator line is green and sell when it turns red.
Let me know if there are other scripts you would like to see me publish or if you want something custom done!
Sto RSI and kijun-sen line to determine and follow the trend This script uses 25-75 treshold of stochastic RSI with the help of kijun-sen as confirmation, to find entry points to any trend either newly developed or an established one. I just realized it on the 1 hour SPX chart. Sure it can be used on other symbols. Crossing above/below 25/75 line of sto RSI is considered as buy/sell signal. Signals are evaluated whether price be above/below kijun-sen line. If a sell signal below kijun-sen is generated it is a continuation signal for downtrend, otherwise it is a countertrend signal (maybe a signal for a new downtrend). A countertrend signal must be evaluated carefully and only accepted in the right side of kijun-sen. e.g entering a sell signal generated above kijun-sen should be accepted only below the kijun-sen, vice-versa.
Consolidation Zones - LiveHello Traders!
This is the script that finds Consolidation Zones in Realtime.
How it works?
- The script finds highest/lowest bars by using "Loopback Period"
- Then it calculates direction
- By using the direction and highest/lowest bar info it calculates consolidation zones in realtime
- If the length of consolidation area is equal/greater than user-defined min length then this area is shown as consolidation zone
- Then Consolidation Zone extends automatically if there is no breakout
if you increase the Loopback Length then you get bigger consolidation zones:
You have option to "Paint Consolidation Area" or not: